Chapter Fifteen

He didn't look any different if course, pale skin, long dark hair and blood ridden eyes. Edward quickly wiped away his tears biting it bottom lip-what did this jerk want this time? He didn't have the time , and he didn't have the strength to deal with the Volturi leader.

"Dear Edward whatever is the matter?" the leader cocked his head as if he was honestly concerned.

"Why do you care?" he whispered, he backed up slightly. He didn't know why Aro was here but he wanted him gone. Even though he was mad with his family he wishes they where here, he wished he hadn't left Jacob.

Are open his mouth to comment when a large growl admitted from behind Edward, he turned quickly gasping and backing away.

A wolf.

Large and midnight black, teeth barred pearly white and sharp.

He didn't want to die.

He was only fifteen!

The wood eyes looked passed him thought, straight to Aro, as if he was the enemy and he knew what he was.

Edward shook, backing up against a tree.

"LAMB!" Jacob stumbles into the clearing spotting what is going on. Without caring he runs quickly to Edward.

" Lamb let's go" Edward glares at him anything his hand away.


The wolf growls again and Edward jumps smashing himself closer to Jacob.

"Please Lamb, please come I didn't mean to hurt you. I'd never want to loose you." His brown drilled into Edwards green ones.

He loved Edward.

He'd never purposely want to hurt him, and the fact that he forgot him, made no sense. Gripping Edwards arm again he pulled him through the forest quickly as he could.

Simone was going to give them answers.

[Cullen Manor]

Edward curled up on the couch.

This was to much, what fifteen year old had to go through all this! Vampires trying to kidnap you, your wizard boyfriend breaking up with you and your best friend forgetting and abandoning you for a stupid girl!

He couldn't take this, he didn't want this! Breathing deeply he watched Jacob pace in front of him.

"We have to call your parents" Edward nodded, looking down at his hands.

His parents.

Who lied to him.

They never lied to him.

Reaching into his back pocket he grabbed his phone to call them when his family burst into the house.

"BAMBI!" His mother quickly hugged him, looking him over and kissing his face. Edward sat still as his family fret over him.

"I'm fine" he mumbled detaching himself from them, he crossed the room standing upfront of the first place.

"What happened?" His grandfather asked. Edward rubbed his face, his pimples itched, his heart hurt and his eyes burned. He felt like he had been through war.

"Teddy" Jasper whispered, he knelt next to him taking him in his arms.

"What the matter?" He moved Edward arms from his face "Talk to me, we are here for you."

Edward blew up at that comment.

"LIERS!" He snatched himself from Jasper comfort, tears quickly running down his red face as he looked at his perfect family.

"YOU LIED TO ME, YOU TOOK ME AWAY FROM HERE. FROM JACOB AND NEVER TOLD ME-WHY?" His cheeks puffed out as his skinny frame shook

His mother slowly approached him and he backed up again.

"Edward" she paused "Honey, sit down we can talk."

Edward shook his head wiping his face.

"I don't want to talk you, to any of you." Running past his mother he rain upstairs to be alone.

It was all to much.

Slamming his door ,Edward fell on his floor sobbing. He didn't understand what was happening everything was perfect a few days ago and now it was the complete opposite. Everything was messed up.

Biting his lip he kept the sobs in, spying his body in the mirror he quickly stripped off his clothes till he got to his boxers he starred at his body.



Red pimples ran across his chest, and arms.

He had no definition, no muscle.

His head was to big, hair to wild- he understand why Harry didn't want him.

He wouldn't want him either.

Pushing the mirror down he curled up in to cry himself to sleep.

[Few hours later]

As much as he didn't want to admit it, he loved his family's comfort. His grandparents each sat on the side of him running their fingers through his hair not saying anything, his parents took Jacob home and his aunt and uncle's went hunting.

"I'm sorry" he whispered, his eyes stung from all the crying and throat itched from the yelling.

Sitting up he took the cup from his grandmother sipping the tea quickly.

"Everything is going to be okay honey." Carlisle whispered "We are here and will answer any question you have. Please don't shut us out, we love you."

Edward bit his lip setting down the cup.

"After a bath please?"

The elder vampires nodded and left him to his lonesome.

Sliding out of bed Edward didn't dare look in the mirror at himself as he stripped and stepped into the shower.