Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or film rights to Alvin and the Chipmunks, or the song You and Me by Lifehouse.

Chapter four,

The crowning of a King and Queen

"That was amazing, Si," Jeanette said excitedly while the room gradually began to fill with light once more and the automated seats returned to there previous upright position.

"There weren't any truer word ever spoken, my sweet acorn," Simon agreed lovingly stroking the fingers of his left front paw over her side, making the chipette giggle, "I don't think that I'll ever be able to look at the night sky, the same way ever again after seeing that."

"Yeah, I know what you mean, dear, our planet looked no larger than a bright blue marble from the far reaches of our own solar system," the jean jacket and purple clothed chipette said while tugging at her hair with her right front paw, in a vein attempt the keep it form falling in front her eyes, "It looked really pretty though, ok, that's it as soon as we get back home the first thing I am going to do is put my hair up like I usually wear it. I'm sorry Si, I know that you really like it this way but it's driving me crazy, always having to fix it."

"I understand Jean, you have to feel comfortable in your own fur but it was nice to see it this way even if it was just for a few hours," the dark blue hoodie clothed male chipmunk said a light sigh evident in his voice while he reached across with his right arm and gently raked the digits of its paws through his mates soft and silky smooth shoulder length dark brown hair, "I will miss being able to tenderly caress your heavenly locks though."

"Jeez, you're putting me in a very difficult position, darling," Jeanette commented a slight tamper coming to the female chipmunks voice as she mentally debated with herself over weather she should do what made her comfortable or what would make her mate happiest, a light sigh escaped from her mouth as she finally came up with a solution, a whole minute later, "I want to be comfortable yet make you happy at the same time, Si, so if Britt or Elle can come up with something that will keep it from getting in my face then I'll keep wearing to down from now on. How dose that sound?"

"Seems fair enough, my love," Simon commented withdrawing his right front paws from the chipette's hair and gently caressing the underside of her chin with it, "But this look really dose suit you, though."

"I don't mean to interrupt you two, Jeanette, but I happen to agree with Simon," Toby said casting his gaze over the romantically embracing couple seated on the chair next to him, "With your hair hanging down like that, it frames your face nicely."

"Why thank you, Toby, Si told me the same thing earlier this morning too," Jeanette said turning her head to look up at Toby briefly before squaring her face with that of her glass' wearing companion.

Then leaning toward one another the mated couple, lightly rubbed noses before pressing their lips together in a soft tender loving kiss, a few moments later. Briefly touching noses as they broke apart a few second later, the glass' wearing chipmunks stood up breaking there lovers embrace as they did. Scampering up Toby's right arm and standing atop his shoulder as he stood up himself and the three of them began to shuffle toward the nearby aisle, Simon wrapped an arm snuggly around his mates lower back while she leaned deep into his right flank, burying her head into the side of his neck lovingly. Climbing back down Toby's arm as they stood by the car and he held the front passenger side door open, a short time later, the college graduated softly smiled as he watched Simon pulled the lap belt over the two of them before they cuddled upon the seat; remembering that his dad had pulled him aside when he went to pick the couple up earlier that morning and had discretely asked him to keep an eye out for anything that might be considered inappropriate to do in public, since they were now dating, ever mindful that their bodily actions conveyed just what was going through their minds more clearly than words ever could. So far as Toby could tell from monitoring them during the spectacular planetarium show out of the corner of his eye, the glass' wearing couple hadn't done anything in particular that would give his father cause to worry about what was going on inside of their heads. Closing the passenger side door, walking around the car to the drivers side and climbing inside of the vehicle himself, a few moments later, Toby closed his door and after securely buckling in himself, started up the engine and putting the car in gear, reversed out of there parking spot before shifting it into drive and heading for the parking lots exit.

Walking back through the front door of the Seville household, nearly an hour later, Toby pulled two of the ticket stubs out of his pocket and crouching, handed one each to Simon and Jeanette before lightly patting each upon the head and telling them that he would be seeing the two of them in a little bit when he dropped by to pick the six of them up form the Home Coming dance later on the evening. Thanking Toby for giving them a ride to the planetarium as he pulled his hand away from the couple, a few moments later, which he shrugged off merely saying that it was what family members did for one another. Waving goodbye for now as he stood up and walked back out through the front door, less than a minute later, Simon and Jeanette waved back until the door shut behind him. Before the glass' wearing couple even had a chance to take a single step or even talk about how to spend the remaining hours until they had to get ready for the dance, they were ambushed by there siblings whom each wanted to know the very same thing; how their first date went and if any major developments had occurred. Sensing that they weren't going to left alone until they told the other two couples an answer that they would be satisfied with, given the intimacy that they had seen the two of them previously exhibit, Simon and Jeanette briefly exchanged quick glances with one another before allowing their siblings to pull them in opposite directions to discretely talk about the goings on of their first date.

"Ok, jean, spill it just what happened on your date with Si this morning?" Brittany ask looking up at her taller sister with reserved excitement filling her eyes, "Did he make his move, that he wanted the two of you to be more than just mere boyfriend and girlfriend yet?"

"I don't know what you expect to hear from me exactly, Britt, but noting really major happened on our date," Jeanette answered back as she swept the hair out of her face with her left front paw, "We cuddled more intimately than we have before during the show and kissed more softly than ever before after it was finished but apart form that nothing huge went down, not that it could have with Toby in the seat right next to ours. Overall it was fun and we enjoyed ourselves, I can't wait until we go out again."

"It certainly sounds like you two had a good time together and are happy just taking things nice and slow, sis," Eleanor said happy for the happiness that the glass' wearing pair felt just simply being around one another, "Both you and Simon are so mature and responsible, it makes me feel sort of jealous of you, Jean. Not that I'm complaining but Theo is pretty dim when it comes to even the tiniest of romantic gestures, I don't think we have even held one another's paw more than a few times and you two are always holding paws at school even when we are just hanging out around the house. I think that your hair looks nice hanging down like that by the way Jean, it's so much better than how you usually wear it. Did you wear chose to wear it down today because of your date?"

"Not really Elle, before we left for are date this morning I didn't have time to put it up in a bun but my darling said it looked really pretty like this, so I thought that I would give it a try," the jean jacket and purple clothed female chipmunk said sweeping back her hair once again because it had fallen in front of her face, "Truthfully it wasn't to bad wearing it down like this during the show because the seat was leaned back, so that you could see the amazing images that were being played across the vast ceiling but now it keeps falling in front of my face and driving me crazy, always having to sweep it out of my eyes. So I was thinking that I might just go back, to the way that I usually have it."

"But you didn't you just finish saying that Simon said that you looked really pretty with your hair down though, Jean," the pink clothed chipette said taken back that her sister would do the complete opposite of what clearly brought her chipmunk companion great joy, "Don't you want to always look your best for him, not that I'm saying that he's the type of guy who only loves you for your looks because we all know that he's not like that but I wouldn't hurt you to at least experiment with this new look, a little longer."

"Simon loves me for who I am, Britt, so I highly doubt me changing my hairstyle back to the usual bun I wear it in will change that," Jeanette commented while batting the hair out of her eyes yet again annoyed by its uncooperative behavior, "Not that I am entirely against wearing it down but its just so damn annoying always having to constantly play with it, at least when I wear it in my usual bun I know that its not going to get in my way."

"If that's all it takes for you to keep wearing it down with peace of mind, than I can easily fix that with a few of my hair pins," Brittany said softly smiling up at the tallest of her other two sisters, "I'll go and grab some right now, so that we can find a style that suits your face."

Watching as her eldest sister walked over toward the low table between the two sets of bunk beds on either side of the room and jumped onto its top, a few moments later, before leaning down over the edge and opening the single drawer that was set inside of it. Holding onto the edge of the table with her right front paw while she rummaged through its neatly organized contents with her other until she found a set of dark pink hair pins, which she rarely wore since they where a tad to dark for her even if they were her favourite color, lifted them out of the drawer as well as a tiny hand held mirror and set them down atop the table next to her before sliding the drawer closed once more. Picking up the set of the hair pins and hand held mirror, less than a second later, Brittany hopped down form the tabletop and walked back over to where her other two sisters stood near the side of Eleanor's bed. Having Jeanette sit down since it was the only way that she could work on her hair more easily, the pink clothed chipette went about styling her sisters shoulder length locks into a look that was would be easy for her to do herself every morning. Satisfied with the simple yet refined look that she had just finished giving her sibling, fifteen minutes later, Brittany showed Jeanette her new hair style with the tiny hand held mirror and watched as her sister's eyes grew wide in surprise at the face that was reflected upon the mirrors surface.

"It's prefect, Britt," Jeanette commented while turning her head from side to side, to get a feel for the new hairstyle and saw the she had kept it from constantly falling in front of her eyes with a well placed dark pink hair pins set on either side of her head just behind her ears, "And I'm sure that Simon's going to absolutely love it too, pink really isn't my colour thought but these hair pins of yours do seem to compliment the purple of my glass' nicely, may I keep them."

"Go right ahead, I don't wear that set very often anyway, they're just to dark for my fair furred complexion," the pink clothed female chipmunk stated slowly lowering the tiny hand held mirror that she grasp in her right front paw, "Well what are you still doing sitting around here for, Jean, go find Si and show him your new everyday look. I'll put the other two hair pins atop your dresser. Surely Al and Theo are done grilling him for details about your first date by now and if they aren't, than your new look is sure to leave them breathless."

"I highly doubt that would happen, those two care about each of you to much for little old me to put them in such a state," the jean jacket and purple clothed chipette said while standing up in to her hind paws, "Simon for sure but not those two, well I'm off to spend a little quality time with my beau before the dance."

"Just remember to keep your paws from drifting to low or else you two might not be able to attend tonight's dance," Brittany teased her sister while she walked out of the chipmunks shared bedroom, a few moments later.

Since she had no idea where Alvin, more than Theodore had dragged her beloved mate off to interrogate him about the details of the couples first date, Jeanette was feeling quite hungry since both she nor Simon had gotten the chance to eat any breakfast before they left for there date earlier that morning, so she headed for the kitchen to make herself some toaster waffles and maybe eat a few grapes. Not really paying much attention to what was in directly in front of her while she walked, the female chipmunk walked right into the chest of her beau as he came walking out the kitchen, more focused on cleaning the lens of his glass' which he held in his left front paw than what was directly before him. Lovingly sliding his glass that had fallen out of his paws when they bumped into one another, over the bridge of his nose as two the mates sat there upon the floor, a few moments later, Jeanette used the motion to softly kiss him upon the lips. Slipping her arms around to the nape of Simon's neck while she felt his own find there way into the open space between the jean jacket she wore and the back of her top, tenderly wrapping around the small of her back. Lustfully sliding her left front paw in a slow stroking motion down her mates dark blue hoodie clothed back as his front right slithered its way up hers, the two mates pressed their bodies as intimately close together as their clothing would allow.

Hearing the sound of someone approaching where the two of them now sat upon the floor, with Jean atop her mates lap while he lovingly caressed the side of her right hip with his left front paw while his other teasingly stroked up and down her back underneath her jean jacket as the female chipmunk kept one arm wrapped around the nape of his neck while her other playfully danced it digits over his chest, five minutes later; right on the cliff edge of it becoming more carnal driven, the two chipmunks broke apart and getting to their hind paws, straightened themselves up. Noticing that Jeanette had her hair pinned back so that it wouldn't fall in front of her face while they straightened up, Simon leaned toward his mate and quickly pecked her upon her cheek before telling her that he loved what she had done with her hair and hoped that she would keep on wearing like that from now on. Warmly smiling back at her mate in response as he pulled away just mere seconds before Dave come walking past them on his way toward the kitchen, the chipette leaned against him burying her head deep into the side of his neck lovingly. Sliding their front paws over each others and intertwining their fingers, a few moments later, the mated couple stepped inside the kitchen as well, in search of something to fill there growling stomachs. After satisfying their hungry, a short time later, Simon and Jeanette walked over in to the living room where they jumped up onto the couch and leaning against one another for support, spend the rest of the afternoon nestled right there, not fooling around or watching any television but just simply enjoy each others company.

Waking up with her head resting atop her beau's lap, Jeanette slowly pushed herself up into a seated position once more, with her right front paw while lifting her glass' with the other, rubbing its side over her eyes sleepily.

"Si, how long had I been asleep like that?" the female chipmunk asked while stifling a yawn, a second or two later.

"I'd say for the past hour or so, my love," Simon answered continuing to tenderly stroke the fingers of his left front paw over the chipette's back in up and down motions, "Dave even offered to get us a blanket, when he noticed that you had fallen sleep with your head on my lap but I told him that it wasn't necessary."

"Dave, saw the two of us like this and he didn't freak out, I wonder how come?" Jeanette pondered while briefly closing her eyes over her beloveds continued petting.

"Perhaps he thinks that we are more mature and responsible than say Al and Britt are, when it comes to the pace of our relationship, my sweet acorn," the dark blue hoodie clothed male chipmunk commented, warmly smiling at the beautiful mate now seated next to him, "If he only knew what a foxy little minx you were being this morning, than his option of our relationship would surely change."

"I wasn't the only one behaving naughtily this morning, you were just as bad as I was, darling," the jean jacket and purple clad chipette said softly just in case they weren't alone, matching his smile with one of her own, "What time is it anyway?"

"It's five o'clock, Toby should be here soon to pick us up for the Home Coming dance," Simon said ceasing petting his mate, his front left paw coming to rest in the small of her back, "I was just about to wake you too, but you woke up on your own before I even got the chance to."

"And I'm sure that you would have done a memorable job of it too, dear," the female chipmunk told her beau outstretching her right front paw and lovingly cupping his left cheek with it, "Now that I'm up, we might as well go and get ready. I haven't even decided what dress I am going to wear tonight, not that I aiming for us to be named King and Queen but it would be a nice way to finish off this Saturday full of firsts for us."

"I can't argue with you there, dear, being named Home Coming King and Queen would be an amazing way to end the wonderful day, that we have had today," the male chipmunk commented a light sigh escaping form his mouth while he reflected on the days events and all the fun that the two of them had, had, "Then what are we wasting time sitting here and talking about it for, after you my sweet acorn."

Leaning toward one another, the mated couple softly kissed, a few moments later. Rubbing noses as they broke apart before things got too heated and it became more carnal driven, a second or two later, Simon and Jeanette stood up and firmly grasping onto each others paw jumped down for where they had been sitting on the couch and walked in the direction of the two groups shared bedroom. Walking into their shared bedroom and seeing clothing thrown messily about the floor it was clear that one of her sisters, more than likely Brittany had made the mess while trying to decide what to wear that night to the dance, no doubt complaining that she had nothing to wear simultaneously.

"One of these days, I'm going to kill Britt for leaving our room in such a state," Jeanette huffed slipping her right front paw out of her beau's left one and beginning to pick up her older sisters clothing that lay scattered over the floor, neatly folding or hanging the garments on the hangers inside of Brittany's closet, "Why dose she have to be so mellow-dramatic sometimes, besides how dose she even figure out what to wear this way, its just looks like one huge mess to me."

"Oh that's real simple, Jean, I merely decide by how I am feeling or the impression that I want to make," said a voice from the door way and turning around to see who it was, the glass' wearing chipette saw both of her sisters stepping back inside of the shared bedroom wrapped in tiny towels, "Si, do you think that you could give us girls some privacy while we get changed."

"Britt, you have no right to kick my boyfriend out or do I need to remind you that all six of us share this one bedroom equally," Jeanette preached throwing down the neatly folded clothes that she was about to put back inside of the open drawers of her eldest sisters dresser, "He can come and go as he wishes besides its not as if he'll see anything, that's new to him. Now if we were humans, I would agree with you but we aren't, all of us are animals here so apart form his gender there is nothing that differentiates us three from him, so I say Si can stay."

"Jean, dose bring up a good point, Britt," Eleanor said agreeing with her middle sibling even thought she didn't quite understand what Jeanette had meant completely, "Simon is much more mature than say Alvin and even Theodore for that matter, so I am okay with him staying too."

"Ok, fine he can stay but only if he promises to turn around while we are getting changed and doesn't steal any peeks," a towel clad Brittany conceited to the wishes of her two younger sisters, whom didn't appear to find his presence inside of the same room with two of them clad in only towels as unnerving or potentially embarrassing as she did.

"Actually I think that I'll just go and wait outside in the hallway, until you three are ready," Simon said picking up on Brittany's un-comfortableness with him being inside of their shared bedroom while they, she especially, got dressed for the dance that was now less than an hour away, "It wouldn't take me that long to get ready anyway and I should probably cheek on those brothers of mine, to make sure they aren't up to anything."

"If that's really what you want to do, darling," the jean jacket and purple clothed chipette said faintly smiling over her mates gentlemanliness as she crouched picking back up the clothing that she had thrown down in anger.

With a soft smile upon his face at the subtle hint that his beloved was revealing about the progress their relationship was making boldly right in the face of her two sisters, Simon walked over toward where Jeanette knelt and kneeling beside her lightly kissed her upon the cheek before standing up once again and walking out of the bedroom. A few feet down the hallway the dark blue hoodie clad chipmunk bumped into his unmistakable older brother Alvin, who appeared to be deep in thought about something.

"Al, I wouldn't be heading toward our bedroom at just this moment, the girls are getting ready for the dance," Simon advised his eldest sibling, placing his left front paw atop of his brother's right shoulder to get his attention, "Once they are finished, than we can get ready ourselves."

"Oh, thanks bro," Alvin said turning his head in Simon direction, coming out of his thoughts at the touch of his more mature and responsible sibling even though the two brothers had been born only five minutes apart, he more often than not behaved the way an older brother should, "Seeing the depth of love that you and Jean have for one another got me thinking about our parents and try as hard as I might, I can't remember much about our father but I would like to think that he was a lot like you, Si. I mean let's face it I've always been a pawful to handle, ever since I could walk on my own four paws, but you have always been there to stop me from doing anything to dangerous or life-threatening most of the time and for that I am thankful."

"Thanks Al," the dark blue hoodie clad chipmunk answered back, caught off guard by his older brother's thoughtfulness, "But that's what family does, they look out for one another. I mean you do drive me nuts sometimes but you're my brother and I'll always care about you as such, bro, you and Theo both."

Then suddenly out of nowhere Simon wrapped his arms around Alvin in a warm brotherly hug. Feeling a third individual squirm their way in-between the two embracing siblings, a few seconds later, the two older brothers looked down and saw that Theodore had crammed his plump green hoodie clothed body between their two. Breaking there brotherly hug, a few moments later, the three brothers patiently waited in the hallway outside of their shared bedroom for their female companions to finishing getting dressed for the dance. With a soft smile gracing her lips, ten minutes later, when she briefly poked her head out of their shared bedroom and saw all three of there male counter-parts waiting for them to finish so that they could get dressed themselves, Brittany pulled her head back inside of the bedroom and motioned for her other two sisters to line up behind her before leading the way out. Simon felt his bright blue eyes grew wide in awe of the transformation that his lovely mate had undergone since he had walked out of the bedroom. Jeanette's hair was done up in light bouncy curls that framed her face beautifully and the magenta eye shadow that covered the top lids of her eyes made the natural brightness of her amethyst eyes stand out even more than usual, clothing wise the female chipmunk was clad in a dark purple violent dress with satin blue violent ribbon around its top hem and waist and completely pulled the entire look together with a touch of crimson red lipstick; Brittany and Eleanor where both done up in similar fashions in dresses of their usual colors with accenting ribbons the shade of their significant other, hair lightly curled and each wearing make-up that highlighted their individual eye color but neither of the other two sisters had the same bold impact of Jeanette with her rich red lips. Snapping the fingers of his left front paw directly in front of Simon's face, a few moments later, bringing his younger sibling out of his trance like state of awe over his girlfriends look, Alvin then slip the very same paw behind his shoulder blades and encouragingly pushed his rendered speechless brother toward the chipette.

"So, Si, how do I look?" Jeanette asked sheepishly folding both of her front paws flat against the material of the dress she wore, softly gazing at her mate over the top of her slender purple framed glass'.

"You look every bit of the heavenly angel, that I think of you as, my sweet acorn," Simon said tenderly taking hold of the chipette's clasp front paws in-between both of his as he stared lovingly into the depths of her positively glowing eyes, losing himself in there soft warm loved filled gaze before leaning toward her and adding in a low whisper just loud enough for only her to hear him said, "But you and I both know that underneath, your heavenly appearance there is a bad girl whose got only one thing on her mind."

"And I know that deep down inside of you, darling, is a bad boy whose willing to help her relief and release those desires any time she wants to come out and play," the elegantly dress female chipmunk answered back just as softly speaking directly into her dark blue hoodie wearing mates ear.

For the other four chipmunks whom stood in their respective couples, watching the intimate manner in which Simon and Jeanette were standing together clearly having one of their private moments, Alvin cleared his throat loudly just to remind the two of them that they were far form alone. Sharing a soft loving kiss, a few moments later, the glass' wearing mates caged the carnal desires that raged just below the surface of their small fur covered bodies; a continually roaring bon-fire of raw animalistic lust and passion driven by their most base of instincts. Reluctantly parting ways, a few seconds later, soft warm smiles covered both of Simon and Jeanette's face eagerly looking forward to the dance that night, more now than they every were before. Grabbing their brother gently by the crook of either arm, since his attention was once again drawn to the chipette as she walked in the opposite direction with her two sisters, Alvin and Theodore pulled an awe struck Simon toward the two groups shared bedroom. Quickly getting changed out of their hoodies and replacing them with tiny button fronted dress shirts and tailored suit jackets, the three brothers hurriedly scampered out the bedroom the join there dates.

Lovingly wrapping his arms around Jeanette from behind, five minutes later, as the boys joined the girls who had been waiting near the front door with Dave, digital camera at the ready, Simon pulled the female chipmunk against his chest deeply before lightly kissing her upon the cheek. Hearing a quick chirp followed by a spilt second of blinding bright white light as the couple held this pose, Simon broke the kiss but still holding Jeanette in their romantic embrace turned his face forward and saw Dave lowering the digital camera from in front of his.

"Now that ones getting framed and is going right up on the mantle," Dave commented double checking the image of the couple that he had just captured on the cameras back screen, "Ok, now how about a group shoot of the six of you all together, standing in your pairs just like Simon is holding Jeanette."

"You know you guys don't have to do this, if you don't really want to," Jeanette said turning her head to address her other two sisters and their respective male partners, hoping that they wouldn't want to do it.

"None sense, Jean, it look like lots fun," Brittany said grabbing Alvin by the paw and walking over the where the glass' wearing couple stood, pulling him along behind her, "Besides you and Si, look quite natural standing together like that."

"Yeah after were finished taking this one, we should get Dave to take individual pictures of all of us with our boyfriends," Eleanor suggested as she and Theodore walked over and stood to the left of Simon and Jeanette, copying the couples stance as best as the plump duo could manage, "It would be great to have a picture like that for each of us to hang in our lockers."

"Well, I have always wanted to have a picture of the two of us that I could proudly hang in my locker," Jeanette said honestly, already knowing the prefect place to hang it inside her school locker, "But that's only if you don't mind, darling?"

"It really doesn't matter to me, my sweet acorn," Simon said briefly tightening his hold upon the chipette in a from the behind hug, "Just as long I can get a copy to hang inside of my locker as well."

"I'll be sure to get enough copies so that each of you can have one to hang in you school lockers, if you'd like," Dave said while raising the camera one more time and adjusting its aperture so that the six romantically embracing chipmunks were squarely centered in the middle of the image, "Now stop talking and just hold that pose for a few more seconds, Toby should be getting here soon."

Feeling a soft and comforting warmth beginning to spread throughout his entire body as he lovingly wrapped both of his arms around Brittany's waist from behind and held her deeply against his chest, Alvin increased the romance of the position by gently resting his chin atop the chipette's right shoulder. Leaning her head to the right slightly just as Dave was about to take the picture of the entire group, the female chipmunk tenderly rested her head against that of her boyfriends sweetly. Snapping off a few more pictures of each individual couple romantically holding one another before finally turning off the digital camera, Dave and the others attention was drawn to the front door a few minutes later as it opened and in walked Toby dressed in a suit. Taking the camera that his dad handed to him and depositing it inside the right inside pocket of the suit jacket while telling Dave that he would bring them straight home after the dance was finished. Standing in the open door way as Toby walked down the front path of the Seville home with both singing trio's following behind him, a minute or two later, Dave reminded the six chipmunks to behave themselves.

Jumping out from the back seat of Toby's car in there respective pairs, half an hour later, having made it to the school, they followed him as he began to walk in the direction of the gymnasium shortly afterward. Kneeling just outside of the wide open gymnasium doors, a short time later, Toby repeated his father's words of them behaving themselves before lightly patting each upon the head while telling them to enjoy the dance. Watching as Simon took hold of Jeanette's left front paw with his right, after a few tense seconds passed before the glass' wearing couple led the way for the other two pairs to follow them inside. Once inside the six chipmunks could not believe that they were standing inside of the schools gymnasium, a place that was usually synonymies with games such as dodge ball and other various forms of physical activity had been transformed into a lively dance hall. Noticing a few tables and chairs had been set up at the far end of the room, no doubt mend to be used by people whom wanted to take a break form dancing, the three couples walked toward them, not because they needed a break since they had just gotten there and the dance had only just started but to get a better view of the room instead. Having just entered the gymnasium himself and seeing the six of them walking in the direction of the tables in the rear of the room, Toby went to find Julia since she had asked him to help her chaperon the dance with a few of the other teachers and the principal, Dr. Rubin.

Before they knew it two hours had past and everyone was having a great time when the music suddenly dropped in volume from room filling to just barely above back round level, for the glass wearing couple whom hadn't stopping dancing since shortly after they had arrived, it forced the two of them to break there high energy pace. Setting Jeanette back on her hind paws form having deeply dipped the female chipmunk to match the high intensity of the previous songs climatic end while Dr. Rubin walk up to were the DJ sat in the top left corner of the gymnasium and stood behind the extra microphone that had been set up as well.

"Good evening students, all of you look so wonderfully dressed tonight," Dr. Rubin spoke in to the microphone as she cast her eyes over the mass of teens that stood before her, "Now without further adieu, will those couples who were running for this years King and Queen, please come forth and form a line to my left."

"That's our cue, Si, Jean, ready to lose," Alvin said taking hold of Brittany's right front paw with his left and walking over toward the edge of the table top where the group stood, "King Alvin and Queen Brittany, I like the sound of that."

"We'll just see about that, Al," Simon countered as he and Jeanette walked toward the edge of the table as well, "Theo, Elle, save our spots we will be back shortly."

"Good luck, you guys," Eleanor said as she and Theo watched the other two couples jump down form the table.

Noticing an open gap that was just wide enough for the two of them to pass without having the push and squeeze there way through forest of dense teenager's legs, the route that Alvin had chosen for him and Brittany, the glass' wearing couple got down on all fours and quickly darted down the narrow gap. Resuming there previous standing position a few feet from there exit at the opposite end of the narrow gap, Simon and Jeanette checked and straightened up there clothes, waiting the look there best for the crowd before walking the rest of the way holding paws. Emerging form the crowd a few moments later, the mated pair joined Ryan and his girlfriend Becca, whom were the only couple presently standing before the crowd where Dr. Rubin had said to line up. Being joined by Alvin and Brittany, a second or two later, the three couples patiently waited for Dr. Rubin to explain how the voting was going to work. Glancing up at Ryan, it was clear just form the cocky smile that graced his face that he felt confident in his chances of winning but if Simon had learned one thing from watching countless sports related movies it was that most people prefer an underdog to a sure thing, and when compared to there competition him and Jeanette were as underdog as you could get. When it became obvious that no other couples were going to step forth and join in the fun, a few minutes later, Dr. Rubin lifted the microphone to her mouth once more and began to explain how the voting was going to work; everyone in the crowd was going to write the names of the couple that they thought deserved to win the title of Home Coming King and Queen the most on the ballot that the chaperon's were in the process of handing out and once it was complete, it was to be dropped in the ballot box form which all the ballots would counted and the winner announced a little bit later.

Half an hour later, the DJ dialed back the volume once again and Dr. Rubin called the three couples that were competing for the title of Home Coming King and Queen back to the corner where they had first lined up. Feeling Jeanette nervously shaking as they took there place standing next Ryan and Becca as the waited for the results to be read aloud, Simon gave her right front paw a gently reassuring squeeze with his left one while briefly turning his head to the left and softly smiling at the elegantly dressed female chipmunk.

"Now that all the ballots have been counted, I shall crown this years Home Coming King and Queen," Dr, Rubin said excitedly into the microphone while she tore open the plain white envelope that the final results were in, "Coming in third this year are last years winners Ryan and Becca with twenty-eight percent of the votes, in second place are Alvin and Brittany with thirty-five percent of the votes, which means that this year's Home Coming King and Queen are Simon and Jeanette with thirty-seven percent of the votes. Congratulations on winning you two."

At a loss for words, that he and Jeanette had beat out both, Alvin and Brittany as well as the previous year's winners Ryan and Becca, Simon didn't know how to process what was going on around him. Initially he thought that he was just dreaming and not actually at the dance but then the feeling of his beloved chipette pressing her lips against his in a happy joy filled kiss told him otherwise. Embracing Jeanette in both of his arms as he began to kiss her back, Simon dipped his mate slightly before setting her back on her hind paws. An audible awe swept through the amassed crowd of fellow students that stood towering high above the new chipmunk Home Coming King and Queen, as they lightly rubbed noses before standing there romantically caressing one another.

"It was a close race between all three of us, bro but wait to go, you two deserve it," Alvin said thumbing his Simon upon back, "Even if Britt and I had won, we likely would have stepped down anyway, maybe."

Simon was just about to say something back when he felt Jeanette nudge him in the side with her elbow to get his attention, and looking up saw that Dr. Rubin was crouching next to the two of this holding a small red velvet pillow with a set of tiny chipmunk sized crowns resting atop it. Sliding her paw out of her beau's Jeanette walked over toward Dr. Rubin and lightly grabbing hold of the sides of her dress curtseyed, bowing her head slightly so that Dr. Rubin could place the crown of Home Coming Queen upon her head. Warmly smiling at the elegantly dressed female chipmunk and complimenting her on how beautiful she looked, Dr. Rubin then patted the chipette on the back before motioning for Simon to step forward and receive his Home Coming King crown. Still somewhat in a state of disbelieve that he and his mate had been named Home Coming King and Queen, Simon walked toward Dr. Rubin in a daze and bowed his head so the she could place the crown of Home Coming King atop it. Glancing out of the corner of his eye at Jeanette whom stood next to him as Dr. Rubin crowned him, even he thought that the crown of Home Coming Queen enhanced his beloved's beauty to celestial heights which was really saying something because Jeanette was already the most beautiful women in the entire world in his eyes. Softly smiling at one another as the lights were turned down low and a single spotlight illuminated a large circle upon the edge of the dance floor, a short distance from where they presently stood, the glass' wearing couple walked toward the center of the spotlighted area. Tenderly wrapping his arms around Jeanette's waist while she lovingly slid her front paws around his neck, interlocking their fingers atop its nape, while they stared deep into the love filled depths of the sparkling eyes of there one and only, a few moments later, the pair began to dance to the as the opening medley of a very familiar song began to full the gymnasium.

What day is it? And in what month?
This clock never seemed so alive
I can't keep up and I can't back down
I've been losing so much time

'Cause it's you and me and all of the people with nothing to do
Nothing to lose
And it's you and me and all other people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you

One of the things that I want to say just aren't coming out right
I'm tripping on words
You've got my head spinning
I don't know where to go from here

'Cause it's you and me and all of the people with nothing to do
Nothing to prove
And it's you and me and all other people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you

There's something about you now
I can't quite figure out
Everything she does is beautiful
Everything she does is right

'Cause it's you and me and all of the people with nothing to do
Nothing to lose
And it's you and me and all other people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you
and me and all other people with nothing to do
Nothing to prove
And it's you and me and all other people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you

What day is it?
And in what month?
This clock never seemed so alive

Working his way through the crowd of students to the area where Simon and Jeanette were dancing just before the song finished, a few moments later, Toby pulled his fathers camera from the inside pocket of his suit jacket, turned the device on, and quickly focusing the lens on the dancing pair as they leaned in to a sweet tender kiss captured the moment on the memory card. Softly smiling down at the glass' wearing Home Coming King and Queen as the song ended and they broke apart while he turned off the digital camera and slid it back inside the breast pocket of his suit jacket, the alumnus told the couple that he was confident that they would be the winners after the ballots were counted before returning to his duties as a chaperon. Breaking there embrace as the DJ put on a high energy song, a few moments later, Jeanette flashed her mate a devilish little smirk before she began to bump and grind up against him as she danced along to the songs night club feel. Not immune to the vibe of the song and made ever more powerless by his mates suggestive body language, Simon was soon dancing right along with her, playing off the female chipmunks sensuous motions and reacting accordingly. Burning up the dance floor right until the very end at half past ten that night, Simon twirled a breathless Jeanette into his chest and tightly held her there as the last song of the dance finished, the female chipmunk caught up in the moment pressed her lips against those of her mates in a deep sensuous kiss.

Teasingly circling her short snout around his as the couple broke apart, a few moments later, the chipette lustfully licked the tip of her tongue over the underside of her mates chin imploring that her self-control was loosening. Fortunately for the Home Coming King and Queen, none of the others had seen this because they had went to look for Toby, so Simon lustfully licked his mate right back briefly before lifting his lips to her ear and begging the chipette to just hold on a little longer. Feeling her cheek rub over his as Jeanette acknowledged him with the nod of her head, less than a second later, he knew that the rest of his night was bound to be quite eventful since they didn't have much more than a quickie earlier that morning. Breaking apart as the sound of someone softly clearing their throat drew the couple's attention, a few moments later, Simon and Jeanette saw that Alvin, Brittany, Theodore and Eleanor had returned with Toby in tow. Warmly smiling sideways at one another as the walked toward where the rest of the group stood a short distance away, an arm resting atop the small of each others back.

Leaning over and lightly pecking Jeanette upon the cheek as Toby pulled into a vacant parking spot and put the car in park, half an hour later, Simon parted his lisp narrowly and quickly licked the tip of his tongue in a circular motion over her fur before withdrawing it back inside of his mouth. Fighting against her base desires was hard enough on it own as it was, she could have done without her mates teasing actions just then because they only further loosened an already untying knot deep inside of her but despite this side effect, the female chipmunk still had enough self control to not briefly close her eyes over his actions however the same could not be said about the soft giggle that slipped from her mouth though. Hoping down form the back seat of the car, a minute or two later, the glass' wearing couple straightened the crown that each wore atop their heads before catching up with the rest of the rest of the group. Brushing off Alvin's cheeky comment about them as they caught up with Toby and the others just outside of the front door of the Seville homestead, Simon and Jeanette just merely rolled their eyes back in response.

Greeted by the warm friendly face of Dave as they entered, the couple stood on their hind paws and watched a huge grin spread across his face as he saw the crowns of Home Coming King and Queen gracing their heads. Thanking his son for taking them to the dance while Toby handed Dave back his digital camera before showing him out. Closing and locking the door behind Toby, a few moments later, Dave was glad that he had taken in the six of them in even thought they could be a handful at times, it was the times like this when all of them where happy that made those hard times all the more bearable. Tucking each of them under the sheets of their individual beds and lightly patting each atop the head, ten minutes later, Dave bid them goodnight flicking off the light switch on his way out.

Staring across the way at Simon's bed as she waited for her sisters and his brothers to fall asleep, her gaze was met by his. Finally after ten minutes of anxious waiting, unable to resist her carnal desires any longer the female chipmunk threw back the sheets that covered her and peeling off her nightgown in one fluid motion over her head, less than half a second later, tossed it aside before stealthily make her way down the corner post of the girls stacked beds. Cautiously setting her hind paws atop the low table that separated there six bunk beds, since Jeanette had taken off her glass' when Dave had tucked them in and she was practically blind without them but the female chipmunk wasn't going to allow a little thing like that get in the way of showing her mate a goodtime. Squinting her eyes the chipette slowly but steadily crossed toward the boy's beds, where upon she shot up the corner post of their beds like a bolt of lighting. Feeling the arms of her mate gently embrace her around the waist as she stood atop his bed, a few moments later.

Sliding her arms over his bare chest and around to the nape of his neck as they leaned toward one another, Jeanette allowed Simon to push her back towards the corner post that she had just climbed off of mere seconds earlier as their lips met in a deep sensuous passionate kiss. Fueled by their base instinct, all foreplay was cast aside, and the couple got right down to it without hesitation. Sweeping back her ears and briefly closing her eyes as she felt her mate bury his fleshy shaft deep inside of her, Jeanette was all for it after all they didn't really get to spend as much time as she would have liked them to earlier that morning and she was determined that before they called it a night, both of them would be thoroughly satisfied. Deeply ranking the fingers of her left front paw over her lovers back, a moan slipping from her lips as she came ten minutes later. Lightly nuzzling her mate as she felt him extract his slick member form in-between her splayed legs, a few moments later, the female chipmunk briefly broke their lovers embrace to reposition herself before guiding his soft appendage back into her lions with her right front paw.

Tenderly embracing Jeanette by the hips with both of his front paws, Simon plunged his fleshly shaft into the chipette he loved from the depths of his heart. Over the course of the next ninety minutes various moans and groans briefly rent the air as the couple of intelligent chipmunks made love, trying out various positions along the way and learning which ones they liked the best. Both panting heavily by the time they were finished, Simon lovingly reached up his right front paw and caressed the left cheek of Jeanette whom sat straddling his waist cowgirl. Lightly rubbing her cheek over the palm of her mate's outstretched paw, the chipette softly smiled down at him before lying down atop his raising and falling chest, a few moments later. Deeply snuggling up against Simon as she felt him warp his arms around their still intimately connected bodies, Jeanette briefly licked the tip of her tongue over the side of his neck before burying her head into its damped fur happily content. Leaning his head against hers, less than a second later, Simon held his mate a little tighter against his chest as they drifted off to sleep in one another's arms not long after.

And so ends their Saturday full of first, not to shabby huh. I hope all you readers are enjoying the story so far, I am currently in the process of typing up the next one and once it's ready, I shall post it. As for the venue of the dance, I debated quite a bit about where I should set it but after coming across the movie again while channel suffering one night and seeing that it was the setting for Music Mania figured if it was large enough such an event than it was plenty big enough for the Home Coming dance. Also I know that I used the same song in this chapter as the first one but I just think the song suits the two of them perfectly. Additional I am working on the next chapters of True loves first kiss and Alpha and Omega: Return to Sawtooth, so hopefully I shall have them posted before you know it. R&R Plz.