The inspiration for this one-shot, came to me while I was working on another one of my stories and just wouldn't go away, so I hope all of you readers like it. It's my first attempt at writing something for Alvin and the Chipmunks so please go easy on me, with that being said this story takes place following the events of, the Squeakquel.

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters or film rights to any of the Alvin and the Chipmunks franchise or the rights to Life House's song "you and me"

When the words, don't always come out right

Chapter One, Tongue Tied

For the third day on a row now, Simon, her thick black rimmed glass' wearing male chipmunk counter-part, had stood her up at there usually meeting place in the school's library. Since both of the glass' wearing chipmunks had the same open period, to finish off the academic day they would usually spend it in the library either going over the others completed homework for any mistakes, which were rare but did happen upon occasion but more frequently the two often buried there tiny black noses inside one of its countless books and would lose themselves in its contents. Now it wasn't that the purple clothed and jean jacket wearing chipette was jealous, since it was pretty oblivious that she had caught his eye from the very first chance meeting that had occurred between both the world famous Chipmunk's and there virtually unknown but equally talented all girl group, the Chipette's, but she was still curious as to exactly what he was doing that could be more important than even her, in the glass' wearing chipmunks life right now. Hoping down from the table top that she had been standing on, since the start of the period twenty minutes earlier, Jeanette, now on all fours decided that she would go looking for her charming, dreamy and equally intelligent male counter-part. Fortunately for the chipette just as she reached the heavy metal doors at the libraries' entrance, a few moments later, a fellow West Eastman student was entering allowing her to leave without having to ask the librarian seated behind the front desk for her assistance. Thanking the female student for opening the door for her, as she darted past the towering human being to mostly make her presence known since being trampled upon was a very serious danger given the vast size difference between the two young ladies; Jeanette might have been the tallest and smartest of her sisters but her lightly build chipmunk frame was still no match for the bone crushing power behind the giant human teens that filled the high school, none of the chipmunks were.

Since most of the student body of the school were attending there fifth period classes, the hallways were a breeze for the curious female chipmunk to navigate while she searched for her dark blue hoodie wearing male companion. Having spend a good part of the open period that they two of them shared in the library, Jeanette knew that he wasn't anywhere inside of there so she began at the next logical place Simon might be, the open air cafeteria, were he would often play chess against himself or her after they were finished eating lunch. Hearing music spilling out the partially open auditorium doors on her way to the cafeteria, it caught the purple clothed and jean jacket wearing chipette's attention because even though she knew it was often used as the music classroom there usually weren't any music classes scheduled during this period, so it was out of place. Quietly pushing open the door a little bit wider as she entered the large padded seat filled room, a few moments later, Jeanette, now standing on only her hind paws once more, looked around the huge room fondly remembering the crowd of students that had been drawn there by the song that she and her other two sisters, Brittany and Eleanor, were singing and the shocked expression that covered all three of the Chipmunk's faces as well. Walking in the direction of the stage since that was where the music that had caught her attention was coming from, the female chipmunk felt her bright amethyst grew huge behind the slender purple framed glass' she wore as they fell upon the dark blue clothed back of the very chipmunk that she had been looking for. For there seated atop the stool of the chipmunk sized piano was Simon pouring all of his heart and soul into the song that he was playing upon its black and white keys and singing the lyrics to.

'Cause it's you and me and all of the people with nothing to do
Nothing to lose
And it's you and me and all other people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you

One of the things that I want to say just aren't coming out right
I'm tripping on words
You've got my head spinning
I don't know where to go from here

'Cause it's you and me and all of the people with nothing to do
Nothing to prove
And it's you and me and all other people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you

There's something about you now
I can't quite figure out
Everything she does is beautiful
Everything she does is right

'Cause it's you and me and all of the people with nothing to do
Nothing to lose
And it's you and me and all other people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you
and me and all other people with nothing to do
Nothing to prove
And it's you and me and all other people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you

What day is it?
And in what month?
This clock never seemed so alive

Feeling happy tears well up in the corners of her eyes, somehow just knowing it was about her and his inability to properly voice the true depth of the feelings that he held for her, Jeanette took off her glass' with her right front paw and wiped away the tears from her eyes before replacing them atop the bridge of her nose. Jumping up on to the stage, a second or two later, the female chipmunk walked up behind the unsuspecting male seated at the piano and wrapping her arms around his chest from behind, embraced her male counter-part in a deep loving hug. Caught off guard by the feeling of a pair of slightly smaller paws wrapping themselves around him from behind suddenly, the dark blue hoodie wearing chipmunk turned his head slightly to the left and was greeted by the warm smiling face of the very chipette that he had been singing about.

"Jeanette,…how long have you been here?" Simon stammered while his cheeks flushed a light shade of pink, not used to being hugged so tightly by his female chipmunk counter-part, so that he could actual feel the warmth of her body flooding in to that of his.

"After you stood me up again at the start of our free period, I grew curious as to just what you might be up to, Si, but even I wasn't expecting something like this," Jeanette said releasing her from behind hug but not before using the intimate hold to pull the male away from the front of the piano, stool and all and walking around to stand directly in front him, tenderly slipped her both of her arms around his neck and seated herself sideways atop his lap, "I'm not very proud of it but a tiny part of me was really worried, that you might have begun to like someone else."

"Jeanette," Simon began only to be interrupted by the chipette herself whom insisted that she preferred it when he called her by its shorter abbreviation of, Jean, "Jean, I highly doubt that there is any other woman in the world whom could ever hope to replace you deep inside of my heart, its just that most of the time when I try to confess my feelings to you, I get all tongue tied and the words get all jumbled."

"You're doing a pretty good job of confessing your feelings to me, right now Si, so I don't see how you could ever got nervous over such a silly little thing," Jeanette commented, cuddling up against the chest of the chipmunk she dearly loved, "I highly doubt that you allowed, your nerves to get the better of you, while you were facing down that wedge tail eagle at the zoo when you and Al were trying to save Theo from getting eaten."

"Jean, confessing the feelings for the one you love and risking your own life to save a member of your family are two completely different situations but I do understand what you are trying to say thought," Simon said softly smiling at the chipette of his dreams, securely wrapping both of his arms around her waist, enjoying the warm feeling of her body rubbing up against his and he was pretty sure that she felt the same way about his body touching hers in such an intimate manner, "It's been a long time coming but, I love you, Jean, and you are so very dear to me, that its near impossible to find any better words to describe the happiness I feel deep within me every time you are close by."

"I feel the same way about you, Si," Jeanette said lifting her head from where it rested atop the dark blue clothed chipmunk's right shoulder, staring deep into the depths of his bright blue eyes, " After we first met, I heard your growl by the way, and let me tell you it sent chills up my back. Not that I would ever tell my sisters about that juicy little detail because it would just drive Britt crazy with jealousy, since she thinks that she is the only one of us that could ever get such a primal reaction from a guy."

"Not that I have anything against her, since she is your sister and all Jean, but Britt has got nothing on you, my sweat acorn," Simon said his lips lightly rubbing up against hers with every word that past over them.

Tilting their heads slightly in opposite directions as the two chipmunks mouths crashed together in a tender yet very heated kiss, less than a second later. Lacing the fingers of her front paws that sat over the nape of her boyfriend's neck, a few moments later, the purple clothed chipette deepened their already very deep first kiss. Softly pecking him upon the lips as they broke apart for air five minutes later, both feeling very dizzy and light headed from lack of oxygen, Jeanette rested her head back atop his right shoulder only feel him lean his head against that of hers while a happy sigh slipped form the couples mouths in unison. Slipping her hind paws beneath her as Simon stood up, after they had recovered from there over-zealous first kiss, the purple and jean jacket clothed chipette unlaced the fingers of her front paws which were still wrapped around the back of his neck. Standing off to the side and watching as her boyfriend slid the stool back underneath the piano and closed the lid over its keys, a few moment later, Jean hooked her right arm through the crock of Simon's left and sliding her paw down to met his, intertwined their fingers together. Deeply leaning in to his left side after the pair jumped down from the stage, not long after, Jeanette could have never imagined that the reason for Simon standing her up these past three days would be over something so trivial but was overjoyed that she had decided to go looking for him instead of just doing nothing.

Well there you have it, I do hope all you reader's liked it. As usual I welcome all options, so please feel free to R&R.