
It had been five years since they had been home, five years since they had been married but not because they didn't want to be there but because they had to move for Jasper's job in the army. Bella had given up staying state side when ever jasper was deployed after he had been deployed to Iraq for a year.

After Jasper had finished his tour in Iraq he was sent to Germany where Bella and Charlotte joined him two months later. Germany wasn't Bella's favorite place to live but it wasn't the worse place in the world to live. After two years and six months they moved to England where Jasper worked with their army in a training program.

Bella had grown to love England and all it had to offer and was sad to leave but the training program was over and they had to come home. He was being stationed in Washington—the nation's capital not the state—Jasper hadn't told Bella why he was being stationed there and Bella assumed that he couldn't tell her why.

"Mommy I'm hungry." Charlotte said.

"We can stop for a bit when we get to PA." Jasper said.

"That sounds good." Bella said. "Besides I thought I heard your stomach rumbling about five miles back."

"It did not." Jasper said.

"Whatever you say," Bella said.

"Sure, so how is your stomach feeling?" Jasper asked.

"Fine for now," Bella said. "But who knows what will set it off. I really think this one is a boy, everything seems much harder than Charlotte was."

"I think that it helps that you didn't even know about Charlotte until you were well into you labor." Jasper said. "What do you feel like eating?"

"Go to Abby's they have a bit of everything to eat." Bella said. "Charlotte will love any of their chicken as long as it's not too spicy for her to eat."

"What about you?" Jasper asked.

"Right now I would settle for anything with mushrooms," Bella said. "I've been craving them for the past couple of weeks."

"I remember that well." Jasper said pulling up to the restaurant. "And we are here."

"I hadn't realized that we were that close."

"Time flies and I don't think that we are the only ones in our family that had the idea." Jasper said.

"What? Why are you saying that?" Bella asked.

"Your dad is sitting in a widow booth with a woman." Jasper said. "She looks familiar to me."

"That looks like Sue." Bella said climbing out of the car. "You can get out now Charlotte."

The little girl was out of her seat before Bella could even blink. Bella opened her door and helped the little girl down from the car.

"Who's that lady with Grandpa?" Charlotte asked.

"She's a family friend but she might now be grandpa's special friend." Bella said. "Like me and your daddy were before we had you."

"Can I have a special friend?"

"Not till you are older for daddy's sake." Bella said.

"She is not getting a special friend even if I'm dead and buried for eighty years." Jasper said.

"My dad said the same thing and look where we are." Bella said with a smile before she entered the restaurant.

Jasper followed her inside with Charlotte. They had barely even got into the restaurant when Charlotte ran off to greet her grandfather.

"I guess it is a good thing that your table is in that section." The hostess said. She grabbed three menus and silverware.

"They can join us at our table. There's enough room." Charlie said walking up with Charlotte in his arms. "I didn't know you guys were coming."

"We wanted it to be a surprise." Bella said settling down at the table.

She and Jasper sat at one side of the table and Charlie and Sue sat on the other side with Charlotte in between the two of them. The hostess handed the menus to the ones who had yet to order. She took their drink orders and said she be pack later to take their food orders.

"So how are things going for you two?" Charlie asked when the hostess was gone.

"Good. We moved into the new house just before we started the trip and Charlotte starts school next month." Bella said. "The school said that she might even be able to skip a grade but we are leaving that up to charlotte to decide at Christmas time."

"How?" Charlie asked.

"I get to pick if I want to go to first grade or stay in kindergarten." Charlotte said like it was obvious.

"Oh, I guess you're the family genius." Charlie said.

"I'm not a genius I was just born that way." Charlotte said.

"Charlotte being called a genius isn't a bad thing." Bella said. "It means you are smart and it's not your fault that you are a genius."

"Enough talk about school let's talk about food." Charlie said. "What do you want to eat?"

Charlotte was efficiently distracted by the thought of food. Bella turned her attention to Sue who hadn't said a thing.

"It's good to see you again." Bella told her.

"It's good to see you." Sue replied. "About your father and I—"

"Sue I've suspected for a while and as long as you don't kill him or break his heart we'll be good." Bella said. "I watch my mother hurt him and I won't watch him go through that again."

"I think Seth and Leah told him the same thing."

"Jasper could you move please I need the restroom." Bella said pushing Jasper out of the booth.

She ran to the bathroom leaving Sue, Charlie, Charlotte and Jasper all staring after her.

"Is she alright?" Sue asked after a few minutes.

"I'm as alright as a woman in my condition can be." She said.

"Wha—you are?"

"About three four months give or take a few weeks." Bella said. "I think they're a boy."