One of a Kind. . .By: Holly Foret
Chapter One
As Alice slowly disappeared before his very eyes, Tarrant could only stare ahead as the reality began to hit him that she was indeed gone, and was most likely. . .never coming back. He could feel his heart aching to the point where it was starting to overwhelm him. So much so, that his shoulders slowly drooped, and his head began to lower. This was something that. . .during this jubilant time of victory, Queen Marina hated to see. And apparently, she wasn't the only one. For a deep sigh escaped the Cheshire Cat.
"Oh, my. It seems that our Hatter has become rather morose. Don't you think?"
"Why wouldn't he? At the time of our great gain. . .he just lost his best friend." Mirana replied, as Ches sadly nodded.
Overhearing the whispers, it was as though Tarrant began to sense their concern and could feel their eyes on him. This caused him to come to his senses a bit, knowing that he couldn't let his downtrodden behavior get the best of him. After all. . .he was the Hatter! A happy, mad lunatic. . .who just won a major battle with the queen! Who was he to spoil it? By then Queen Mirana had began to walk up to him. But before she could get any closer, he immediately fixed a grin on his face. "Well. . .that's that!" he chipperly replied, slapping his hands together. "Time to do some celebrating, aye?"
By the way the Tweedle brothers, and Cheshire grinned, he knew he'd fooled them. But Mirana was a little harder to convince. Studying him rather thoroughly, she asked,
"Are you alright, Tarrant?" Letting out a weak snicker, he replied,
"Of course. . .of course I'm fine! Just sending Alice off is all. May she find everything she's looking for. . ." he loudly boasted from her, to the others.
"Here. . .here!" the Tweedle brothers cheerfully agreed.
As they all smiled at him, Tarrant lowered his head then sadly muttered through his teeth. "Because she'll never find it here. . ." As he slowly walked away, he never noticed the look of concern on Mirana's face.
Later the following evening. . .
The happy group traveled to Mormareal for a night of frolicking, and festivities. In the main chamber of the castle, the Queen arranged a huge banquet to which everyone in Underland was invited. Many of them congratulated Mirana's rise to queen, who from her thrown observed the festivities and spoke to the guests. But through it all, she noticed one thing. Tarrant who should've been a part of the center of attention, was nowhere to be found. This had Mirana looking over at Cheshire, who was perched on the arm of her thrown chair. "Is it just me. . .or are there certain people missing from this special occasion?"
"True." he replied, now floating in the front of her. "But I'm sure they didn't drift too far ."
Sighing heavily, Tarrant found himself purposely dodging the cheerful crowd, until he had made his way toward the main balcony. With his teacup in hand, he wandered to the furthest corner until the light from the main chamber had faded completely. Now he began to focus on the courtyard, budding trees, and waterfalls that stood out from the light of the moon. It was such a beautiful, tranquil sight that was meant to sooth. But in this case, it only made him feel worse.
"Beautiful night, isn't it?" Cheshire's voice rudely interrupted, breaking his depressing chain of thought. Immediately putting up a front, Tarrant cleared his throat. "Indeed it is. Which is why I thought I'd bring my tea out on the balcony." he replied, spitefully taking a huge swig from his cup. Eyes widening, Tarrant cringed from the bitterness, realizing he didn't add any sugar! "Oooh-hoo. . ." he shuttered, watching as Cheshire materialized a sugar bowl and spoon out of thin air, and slid it toward him. "Thank you. . ." he muttered, beginning to scoop in the sugar in heaps. While pouring himself a cup, Cheshire replied, "Hmmm. . .With all the people inside, I think it's rather odd to find you here. . ."
"And why is that?" Tarrant asked, shooting him an annoyed glance.
"Because the Tarrant Hightopp I know always has his tea among company."
"Oh really? And what prey tell are you supposed to be?" he inquired in a tone that was sharp enough for Cheshire to know not to push him any further. "Point received. . ." he purred, as Tarrant loudly clanged his spoon on the edge of his cup. Then gradually he sighed, looking at Ches out the corner of his eye.
"Still. . .Since you're here. . .I-I never got the chance to thank you. You know. . .for borrowing my hat." He muttered in a low voice. "Had you not insisted. . .I wouldn't have a head to put it on." (Tarrant was referring back when the Red Queen was to have him beheaded. Cheshire, with the use of his hat, transformed into Tarrant long enough to take his place at the chopping block, allowing him, Mally, and Belle and her pups to escape.) Very surprised over the gratitude, a broad smirk crept over his furry face.
"There's no need for that. . ." Chess cooed. "But I'd consider it even now. Particularly, if you'd quit insulting me." This unexpected retort had Tarrant snickering under his breath. Grinning at him, he quickly raised his teacup. "It's a deal." He replied to Cheshire, who more than willingly toasted him with a loud clink. That's when Tarrant noticed the way his turquoise eyes widened with surprise. "It seems you have company of the royal kind. . ." he hinted as Tarrant looked over his shoulder and saw the Queen approaching them. "I'll bid you farewell. . ."
As he drifted away, Tarrant turned and faced Mirana who approached him with a smile. "Good evening, Hatta. . ."
"Good evening, my Queen." he replied, taking a bow. "I must say that seeing that crown upon your lovely head is a sight for sore eyes."
"Rather than on my sister, hmm?" Eyes narrowing, Tarrant hissed,
"I wouldn't know. Her bloody head was so podgy, it swallowed it right up!"
"Oh, my. . ." Mirana chuckled, rather taken aback over his loud outburst. Rather embarrassed, a hand went up, covering over the bottom of his face.
"Oh, forgive me. I know she's your blood. . .b-but I still despise her." he once again hissed with a clip of anger in his voice.
"You, and the rest of the kingdom." Mirana replied with sympathy. "But she's been taken care of, and will never bother anyone again." Letting out a sigh of relief, he nodded with satisfaction.
"And I can't tell you how thrilled that makes me." Now Tarrant noticed the way her gaze turned very stoic. "Then why are you so sad?" Thrown off guard by her question, Tarrant looked away rather awkwardly. "Sad? What gives you that impression?"
"Because your smile tells one tale. . .but the darkness of your eyes say another." She artfully inclined. Put on the spot, Tarrant quickly replied,
"That's because my tea has been keeping me up nights." he lied. "Sleep should take care of that. But for now, this is a time of merriment. Is it not?"
By the way her gaze slowly narrowed, Tarrant could feel himself growing very uncomfortable. For she knew him all too well. "True. . ." she gently replied, "It's just a pity Alice isn't here to share it with us. " Confronted head on with the truth, Tarrant could feel his disposition crumble to pieces, causing him to look away from her.
"Yes, I know. I guess she didn't think it was important enough to stay." He inclined, voice now dripping with frustration. "But then again, why should this be any different." Now greatly concerned, Mirana found herself getting right on the side of him.
"Tarrant, please don't be upset with Alice. You can't expect her to remain in this world, and abandon her own."
"I know. " He muttered, sadly looking away from her. "But. . .Everything happened so fast. And now she's gone. . .gone. . .gone, yet again! And I-I just miss her, that's all."
"Well. . .I'm sure she misses you." Letting out a weak chuckle, Tarrant slowly shook his head. "I doubt it." Knowing he was growing more disheartened by the minute, Mirana decided it was time to change the subject. Turning away from him she replied.
"Would you mind following me please?" She asked, ignoring Tarrant's surprised gaze.
Sneaking passed the guests, the two of them walked down the long ivory hall until they arrived in front of a huge pair of white double doors. Pausing, Mirana now turned to the very befuddled look on Tarrant's face. "Am I in trouble?" He nervously chuckled.
"No. . .But I'm sure you're curious as to what's going on?"
"Well yes, that did cross my mind. . ."
"Well, I have something I want to show you. . ." Mirana replied, now swinging the doors open until a narrow staircase was revealed. "This takes you straight up to the great attic of the castle."
In a matter of minutes the two made their way to the top steps, until they were gazing into a huge black void. Through the darkness Tarrant watched as a silhouette of her hand reached out, rotating a lever. In an instant all the lanterns simultaneously lit up, revealing a whole other part of the castle that was full of dusty mirrors, covered statues, and antiques of every type. On each side of this massive attic were shiny glass bay windows, allowing the glow from the lanterns to radiate throughout the entire space.
"Oh, my word. . ." Tarrant whispered under his breath. "This is incredible. . ."
"Isn't it?" Mirana inclined, now stepping out in the front of him.
"Indeed. There's so much space. . ." he chuckled. "I'd probably get lost in a minute."
"Oh, I don't think so. In fact. I can picture racks of your tailor-made suits on one side. And shelves of your fine hats on the other." she replied, as his eyes slowly widened with realization. "You could deal with the people in the front, while your sewing table and bed would be in the back corner. Completely unseen." She pointed out.
"What a minute. . .wait a minute. . ." he playfully babbled. "Are you suggesting that. . .I live here in the attic?" Giving him a playful shrug, she replied.
"Well. . .It was a thought." This caused Tarrant's smile to slowly vanish, turning more into a staggered expression. Then gradually. . .he turned away from her. Alarmed by his unexpected reaction, she quickly approached him. "Please. .By no means think that you're beneath having a stateroom in the castle. I just thought that instead of all this space going to waste, you could put it to good use by making this into a shop and home of your very own." As his head slowly lowered, Mirana could feel her heart aching. "I hope you're not offended. . ."
"Oh. . .no, no. Overwhelmed, is more like it. . ." Tarrant muttered, voice beginning to tremble. It was only when he turned back around, did Mirana seen the tears gleaming in his eyes. Coming from someone who was normally hyper, upbeat, and very impish, this was indeed a very rare and touching site. Slowly shaking his head, Tarrant choked out. "Why? Why are you doing this for me?"
Deeply overwhelmed by his poignant reaction, Mirana found herself getting just as upset as he was. "I've been wanting to repay you for saving my life. But you wouldn't let me. Remember?" she deliberately stressed. Knowing she meant when the Jabberwocky attacked and destroyed his village, Tarrant found it hard to look her in the face. But Mirana held firm. "And yet. . .in spite of how much you've lost. . .you've never given up." she replied, as he timidly dabbed a tear from his cheek. "You've been so loyal, Tarrant. Not only to me and my kingdom . .but to Alice as well." she stressed, as he looked at her out the corner of his eye. "So why shouldn't you be rewarded?" As he thought about it, Mirana reached out gripping him by the shoulder. "Listen to me. Alice had to return to her world, in order to get her life together. Now it's time for you to do the same. You have nothing holding you back anymore. Nothing." This caused him to slowly glance up at her, as though realizing what she meant.
"It's truly over. . .Isn't it?" he asked, a clip of optimism now evident in his voice.
"Yes. . ." Mirana replied, causing him to smile once again. "And now you have a chance to start over, too. So, why not here at Mormareal. . .where you belong. Besides. . .it would be nice to see "Tarrant Hightopp," employed in my court again."
Letting out a chuckle, Tarrant admitted. "Yes. . .That it would be. But. . . what about Mally and the Thackery? I couldn't just leave them."
"No, of course not. They're part of your clan, and belong here as well." Again taken aback by her generosity, Tarrant could only gaze upon her with sheer gratitude. "Mirana. . ." he formally replied, "You've always been such a dear friend to me. Thank you. . ." he whispered, emotion welling up once again. "I'd be honored to stay. . ."
Smiling through the tears, she sighed with relief. "Good. Then smile. . ." she playfully mimed, as he began to giggle. "Because you have alot to be happy about."
"Yes. That I do. . ." he replied, as she now slid her arm through his. "I can't wait to tell them. Especially Mally. She'll be thrilled. . ." As the two of them made their way down the staircase, Mirana replied, "And best part about it is, you'll never be alone again. . ."
Although he loved the thought of that, Tarrant knew that a part of him still would be. For when Alice left, she took a piece of his heart with her.
Two years later. . . .
"Alice?! Alice where are you?!" Helen Kingsley urgently called out.
Ignoring her mother, Alice quietly ran through the courtyard, until she approached the horse stables. As she neared one of the stallions, it softly whinnied as though acknowledging her presence. Stroking the back of it's massive neck, she whispered, "Quiet, Max."
Untying the rope from the stable poll, she quietly climbed on him and softly replied.
"It'll be alright." Grabbing the reins, she slowly walked him out while taking one last look at her estate. Feeling the emotion well up inside her, she hurtfully replied, "I'll make sure of that. . ." Giving him a firm kick in the backside, Alice took off into a gallop. Speeding down the darkening road. Her one and final destination. . . being Ascott Manor.
By this time Helen watched as two of the groundskeepers approached with lanterns in their hands. "Pardon me, Ms. But one of the horses is missing. . ."
"What?" she asked, as though not believing her own ears.
"Yes, ma'am. She must've taken one of the stallions. But don't worry. She can't be far. We'll find her. . ."
As they took off, she then turned to her eldest daughter Margaret, and glared at her with utter contempt. "I hope you're satisfied! " At a loss of words all Margaret could do was turn and glare at her husband Lovell, who stiffly fidgeted in the doorway. Thereafter she silently walked passed him, and back inside.