*cries* It's over.

another thanks to everyone who has supported this fic.

sorry for grammar and spelling mistakes, this fic is unbeta'd and I suffer from dyslexia and there's only so much spell check is willing to help with.

hope you enjoy how i ended things.

if you liked this fic please feel free to check out my other two puckurt fics, 'heal me' and 'luna's stars'


It had been almost three years since William McKinley High School's resident heartbreaker fell in love, and in that time -like all things related to the school- there had been its fair share of drama.

The school system didn't die, it never could. It was a life force of its own. But with Dave and Quinn as top dogs, Kurt and the gang had a relatively easy ride when it came to the system.

HBX2 never deserted Kurt after the Christmas holidays and in fact, the Unholy Trinity joined Glee club and help them get all the way to Regionals during sophomore year. Lauren refused to join however, deciding her hatred for show choir was a lot stronger than her love for Kurt.

In the last three years, Santana and Brittany had been rock solid. In fact, the only drama they seemed to have was that Brittany didn't graduate that summer. Santana offered to stay behind and wait for her, but Brittany demanded that her girlfriend go to New York.

Finn and Rachel had a very rocky three years, but everyone put that down to 'overloaded dramatic passion'. they first split not long after they returned from Christmas break, due to Finn's refusal to join New Directions. It was shocking for everyone around them, but before anyone had the time to get their head around it, they had made up. This happened 11 more times throughout junior and senior year and after the second time, no-one really cared. Finn decided to stay in Lima to study and Rachel choose New York, in hoped that if it was meant to be, they would reunite was Finn's studying ended.

Mercedes and Jake were pretty strong until the beginning of Mercedes senior year, after that, Ryder Lynn, Jake's ex boyfriend, reappeared and put an obvious strain on their relationship. After countless arguments, Mercedes and Jake decided to end their relationship in hopes to salvage their friendship. Which worked. Jake and Ryder reunited and Mercedes was offer a underground record contract in L.A.

Dave Karofsky could happily say that by the time Valentines day came around in sophomore year, he was in love with Blaine Anderson. Thankfully for Dave, Blaine was able to reciprocate these feelings. After learning that Dave had become the new King of McKinley after Puck dethroned himself, Blaine felt it safe enough to transfer in Junior year. Blaine became fast friends with Rachel and Kurt and had decided to join New Directions and helping them go to Nationals. After graduating, both Dave and Blaine had saved enough money to move to London, England for a couple of years because Dave had been scouted by a British sportsman with an offer to play rugby there and after extensive researching, Blaine discovered that London's Westend was the perfect place to let his passion for musical theatre thrive.

Tina and Mike Chang's relationship ended during the summer of sophomore and Junior year and Tina discovered that Lauren Zizes had been right the whole time, Artie Abrams did indeed want her. Giving it a go, they lasted roughly 45 minutes before Artie choose Call Of Duty over spending time with her.

Lauren and Matt broke off, yet no-one really knew when or how. Quinn ended up meeting a boy from a rival show choir, Jesse St. James and they began dating shortly after, 2 years later, they could proudly say that they were happily in love and Jesse even planned to follow Quinn to Yale. Turns out, being a straight A student and being head cheerleader whilst keeping reign of a crazy school really appealed to the school boards.

Kurt and Puck's relationship went through the most drama, by far. Although Burt was happy that his son was in love, it took almost 10 months for Burt to see Puck as his boyfriend and not as the womanizing bully he once was. Puck's mother didn't accept it at all and she ended up kicking him out. Puck lived at Finn's for a couple of months until Burt and Carole met, fell in love, got married and moved in together by the time Senior year came around. So while Kurt was super busy with his N.Y.A.D.A application and Puck looking for apartments and work, they became increasingly more stressed and took it out on each other.

Near the middle of their last year at McKinley, Kurt and Puck had a blazing argument that turned physical, right in the middle of the cafeteria and Puck ended the relationship right there. While Kurt had been busy crying and mourning the loss of his relationship, Puck was busy seducing Kitty Wilde. Once Santana saw Kitty climb into Pucks car and saw the man himself chilling in the back seat with a defeated look on his face, Santana came to the rescue. After successful beating the crap out of both Kitty and Puck, she demanded answers.

Puck then went to have a massive breakdown about graduating soon and being left behind and being a Lima Loser and had tried to get back onto the social system as a rockstar while he could. Luckily Santana convinced him that he was a douche and he should go back to Kurt. But Kurt didn't forgive Puck, not for a long time.

It took 2 months for Kurt to finally forgive Puck and take him back and help find him a job at Sheets N Things. When Kurt didn't get into N.Y.A.D.A, it was Puck who stayed by his side all night as he cried himself to sleep. Over the summer after Senior year, Puck got accepted into Lima University with Finn and Kurt decided he would stay in Lima for a year or two and take over his Dads tire shop and once Puck completed his degree in law (Kurt soon found out that Puck was actually really intelligent and just played dumb) they would both go to New York together.

So now was the first day of a new year at McKinley and Finn, Puck, Dave, Tina, Mercedes, Lauren, Rachel, Quinn, Blaine, Santana and Kurt were all standing outside in the parking lot.

"I can't believe this is the last time we are all going to be here together" Quinn declared solemnly as they stared up at their old school.

"Oh Please, we all have family here, we'll all be back for Thanksgiving" Santana shrugged as she linked her arm in Blaine's.

"How do you think the school will cope with Brittany and Jake as their top dogs?" Blaine asked inquisitively.

Everyone simply slowly looked at each other and burst out laughing. It was no secret that Brittany wanted her reign to include Unicorns and Cotton Candy and to eliminate Weekends, whilst Jake still had no desire to perform to the school system and therefore accepted the King title but not the responsibilities.

"Well" Kurt said as he leaned backwards against his boyfriend as Puck snaked his arm around his front. "It's their problem now"

"You know what?" Puck declared to everyone. "For someone who was so dependant on that system for so long, I'm glad to see the back off it." then he leaned forward and placed his head in-between Kurt's shoulder blades. "The system nearly made me lose you"

"No, your idiocy and my tendency to blow up in cafeteria's nearly made us lose each other, Noah. In a way, we kind of owe the system. I mean, you wouldn't have noticed me had I not been made head cheerleader for those few months, way back when."

"Nope" Puck denied. "The social ladder may have made me wanna fuck you, but you made me fall in love with you and it's you who makes me fall in love with you everyday, over and over again"

"You are so gay" Kurt deadpanned.

"I am so gay for you right now" Noah echoed the words from years back as he took his boyfriends face in his hand and turn his head to plant a kiss on his mouth.

"Anyways, me and Miss Berry have a plane to catch, so Adios, Bitches" Santana laughed as she grabbed Rachel from Finn and started dragging her out of the car park.

"Surviving the social system of McKinley…" Rachel shouted to her friends over her shoulder.

"Completed" they roared in triumph.

5 years later

You have been formerly invited to attend the wedding of Noah Puckerman and Kurt Hummel on December 21st 2017.