Unfortunately, while I would love to continue/remake my fics, my drafts/the actual stories that I finished died when my iPod did. It died in March, & I've tried starting it back up countless times in the past 9 months (9 months, really? It's been 'that' long…T-T), but no luck. I would try to continue, but everything that I had thought up of & saved for my 4 stories (& all the other ones I was going to post on FFnet.) was on that stupid iPod. And I have that kind of memory-problem when it comes to the things I want/need to remember, but can't, & things I really don't want to, I remember instead. And with the dead iPod, I moved…again. The last place, while nice, cost too much money & gas & just uuuugghhh…So, yeah, moved last month, so I have a lot of unpacking to do. And I have plenty of time to read & favorite fics everyday, but not enough to think up a new story or remake one, type it up & then post it. In the beginning, I said I would never be that type of fanfiction writer to start a story & not post for months or a year, & what do I do? Real life sucks. I will try to post something (I'm not gonna say soon, because I probably won't be able to), but I will try. I'm sorry.
Oh, & to the reviewers
that say that I'm doing my own storyall the wrong way, or whatever, then write your own damn story.