The lobby filled with a giant rumbling noise, the cracking of wire, followed by a few hundred screams. The aroma of candy and sweets filled the air causing a mix of delight and panic among the other game characters.

Racers and treats alike rushed passed the demolishing doorway that once was Sugar rush's entry way, knocking each other down in a wild panic. You could make out a few heroic game characters rushing to help some of the fallen creatures, ironically the few that did help were not the heroes of their own game, but in fact the villains.

As the last little marshmallow rushed through it was obvious the entrance could hold no more and simply collapsed down as if that last character was finally enough for it. With it so did the last will of the young racers and candy creatures. A large sob filled the once quiet room and it was then that the matter of 'why' or 'how' came into play. Why the game Candy rush was now gone.

Sour bill was found and questioned first, thinking since he was one of the higher ups when it came to these matters. When he had no advice to offer the room turned into panic once more as the thought of Turbo possibly being behind it was brought up.

The entire scene erupted into a big mess of questions and arguments that all went unanswered. Eventually it seemed like it didn't matter why it had happened or how it happened. Just that it did happen and now the racers and the other residents of Sugar rush were officially homeless and worry worked into the mind of them all, seeing as now that they were officially 'game less' they would have to worry about being deleted forever.

And what could the other games do for the unlucky group from Sugar rush? Seeing as they couldn't just give them a spot in their game to take over. It seemed they all wished they had some way of getting their game back for them, which was if anything, impossible.

The characters from Sugar rush all gathered around the rubble that used to be there home. They all took the event differently. Some seemed to have comfort in each other, while some seemed to just want to be alone. Regardless of how they all were dealing with the event, it seemed they all were feeling the same inside. Hopeless.

Just when the commotion started to settle down another loud rumbling noise filled the area and caused the racers to flinch. Upon seeing where the noise came from, the group relaxed a little, but still on edge.

"Where is she?" the voice boomed and Ralph made his way through the crowd. He heard the news from Felix and Calhoun. Not wanting to believe that the, popular, game Sugar rush was actually unplugged he had raced over to find out for himself.

Ralph surveyed over the racers not spotting one that had the look of his dear old friend, Vanellope. "Where is she..please?", Ralph begged but none of the racers seemed to want to answer. Out of the corner of his eye Ralph spot Sour bill. "Vanellope was my friend, I don't care how bad it was…please tell me."

Sour bill took a slow heavy breath in and held it. It seemed like hours until he finally exhaled and said, "I couldn't tell you even if I wanted to Ralph."

Although Ralph felt he could handle the truth it still hit him harder than he ever felt he could be hit. Harder than falling off the giant building right into the mud puddle in his own game.

Sour bill continued, "I remember her telling me that morning she was going for a drive around the track for practice…" he trailed off as if trying to recollect the events. "And then she didn't come back."

An Oreo guard stepped in and added, "That's when the castle started shaking and we could see Sugar rush disappearing!" he seemed to gain confidence with Sour bill's words. The others perked up as well, all wanting to add a word in.

But before more could be said a shriek filled the room and the group's eyes landed on Candle Head. Her eyes were filled with tears and her hands were in a fist. "I…I just remembered s-something!" she stammered to get out. The group couldn't figure out if she meant something about being unplugged or about Vanellope but they all stood silently waiting for her to control her breathing.

"T-Taffyta she….she was still in the game!" Candle head managed to sputter out through tears. The racers looked around them, counting to see if all were present. Rancis, Snowana, Minty, Gloyd, everyone was accounted for except Taffyta and Vanellope.

The mood seemed to grow worse with the realization that another racer was gone from the original pack but Candle seemed to take it the worst. "I..she told me…I..Taffyta…" she cried out. Jubileena rushed to her side and held her close; whatever it was Candle was trying to get out just wasn't going to come out today.

Ralph looked at the destruction and that's when he started to really feel the tears working their way down his face. "Vanellope…."