"No, I will never say it!" Arthur yelled in his sleep as his face grew pink.

"Never say what?" Alfred whispered with anticipation.

Arthur's face was as red as Antonio's tomatoes by now, and he seemed as though he was preventing himself from saying something secret. Something Alfred wanted to know of so badly.

"F-fine you bloody American I love you! I have loved you ever sense high school. Sure it was just a crush at first but it became far more than brotherly love. There, are you happy now?! He nearly shouted as Alfred's eyes grew wide.

A light smirk spread across Alfred's face and he drew close to Arthur once more.

"Yes, yes I am." He answered and roughly pressed his lips to the sleeping Arthur's.

Arthur could feel something against his lips. It was warm and loving, yet rough, and dare he say it, comforting. Slowly his eyes began to open, making him leave his all too familiar dream. There face to face with him was Alfred. His eyes were closed and his lips were...'Bloody hell! What is he doing?!' Arthur thought now wide awake. He wanted to shove Alfred off, but at the same time pull him close.

In a matter of seconds Arthur gave into his instincts and kissed Alfred back. Arthur could feel Alfred's smile in the kiss but couldn't help but continue, letting out all the love he felt for him.

Finally they broke free and tried to get their breath back.

Once they had caught their breath Arthur looked into Alfred's beautiful blue eyes and smiled.

"For an idiot you are pretty good at guessing what people really want." Arthur said becoming lost in those blue eyes.

Alfred chuckled, "Or maybe someone talks in their sleep, letting them know they are dreaming about them." He whispered in his ear.

Arthur's face grew red in embarrassment and he covered his face.

"Ugh I hate you so much Alfred."

"Yeah, I know. Love ya too man." Alfred replied then placed his hand on Arthur forehead.

"Hey Artie guess what?" Alfred said making Arthur remove his hands from his face.

"What is it? And don't call me that!"

Alfred made a cheesy grin and looked to Arthur.

"Your fever is gone. I must have cured it with my heroic kiss." He flaunted making Arthur throw his hand to his face.

"Why do I have to love such a git?" Arthur grumbled, only making Alfred smiled more.

-Extended ending-

(One week later)

"But Artie I want a hamburger!" Alfred whined as he lay in bed with an ice pack on his head.

"I told you a million times that you aren't getting any bloody hamburgers!" Arthur yelled as he tried to get Alfred to take some medicine.

After last week's incident Alfred ended up catching Arthur's sickness. Feeling bad for causing it Arthur decided to repay him by taking care of him, also the fact that Alfred wouldn't stop begging on the phone for him to some over.

Alfred covered his mouth and shook his head to Arthur's gesture to take the strange liquid.

'Just as stubborn as ever with this stuff.' Arthur thought.

Arthur then made a sigh. "Alright Alfred, if you take this I will buy you hamburgers."

Alfred immediately grabbed the small container with joy and chugged it down.

"ugh that's disgusting! It's worse than your cooking. Are you sure that stuff will help me?"

Arthur chuckled and made a calm smile.

"You never learn do you?" Arthur said making Alfred return the smile.

"No, but you still love me."

Arthur's smile grew soft and he gave Alfred a small kiss, tasting the medicine that lingered on his lips.

"Indeed, it seems I do."

Alfred laughed and made one of his casual goofy grins.

"That's fine because I love you too. Plus I always needed a side kick." He said before pulling Arthur in for another kiss.