Hanging By A Thread


...*Nine Months Later*...

Don't get Austin wrong, he knows how important graduation night is. Ally manages to inform him of this at least a hundred times a day.

Everyone, parents, students, and teachers alike, is completely stressed out due to tonight's upcoming events. Ally is no exception. She's practiced her speech on Austin so many times he knows it well enough to get up and give it himself.

Needless to say, kidnaping the valedictorian is the last thing anyone needs.

Kidnaping is such a strong term for this particular situation though. All that's really happening is Austin taking his girlfriend, despite her protests, far from the hustle and bustle of graduation prep for a few moments with just the two of them.

There's just something he really needs to tell her, and keeping it from her any longer is only going drive him crazy. He knows they won't get a moments peace after graduation. Their families will rush to their sides, demanding pictures and suggesting a dinner that will last all night. Once they get home, both will be tired to get any talking done.

So, as she does her best to escape his grip and return back to the school, (he finds her inevitable determination very cute, but all together useless) he drags her in the direction of the courtyard under the illumination of the full moon.

"Austin, what are you doing? Did you forget we have to be lined up and ready to graduate in fifteen minutes?" Ally inquires when he's finally let go of her. She readjusts her cap, patting hair down and then returning her attention to Austin, giving him a look that says he's got some explaining to do.

Austin knows he should be jumping to an explanation, but he can't help but look at her dressed up in her graduation get-up.

her hair is lightly curled in traditional Ally fashion with the same flairs of gold at the bottom that stand out amongst the rest of her auburn locks.

Her lashes are coated in mascara and her lips are painted bright red to match the scarlet gown she's wearing. Unlike the gray one he has on that he can't wait to get out of, she looks good in hers.

"Earth to Moon?" She waves her hand in front of his face, getting quite impatient.

He's brought back to reality and remembers the whole reason he stole her away in the first place.

"Are you sure you're okay with not going to college?" His question, one that seems to come out of nowhere, shocks Ally, as that was definitely not something she'd expected to be brought up in conversation tonight.

She thought they'd already talked about it enough, because trust her when she says this wasn't the first time they'd discussed this topic.

It came as a shock to no one that Ally was made valedictorian. They'd seen that coming a mile away. What also didn't come as a surprise was the huge stack of acceptant letters she'd received from multiple colleges. Great ones too.

The future looked bright for Ally for once in her life. She had been dreaming of the day she could escape the grip of her past for the past five years.

But, along the way priorities had changed. College became something that didn't seem as important as it once was.

That's why Ally threw away the letters. Every single one of them went in the trash and that's all that was said on the matter.

Her dad had been furious which was understandable, but when he started to blame Austin for this was when Ally stepped in to take full responsibility for her actions.

It was simple; she loved Austin and Austin loves her and she wasn't ready to up and leave him. Not when everything was going so well. They could stop being afraid all the time and take time to be normal teenagers. She could finally relax and fully enjoy something and she didn't plan on giving that up anytime soon.

To her own surprise, Austin was the one who need the most convincing. He had the idea implanted in his mind that he was holding Ally back.

She found that ridiculous, seeing as how he was the one who gave her the courage to go after her dreams.

Still, it took a lot to fully convince him she wanted to stay in Miami with him.

That's why it frustrated her so much to here him bring this up again.


"I know we've already talked about this, but I just want to make sure that this is really what you want." He takes her hands in his, squeezing both. "You have so much potential. Look at all the places that accepted you." Austin lowers both his head and his voice for the next sentence. "I just don't want to be the thing that kept you from being your best."

"If you're asking to choose between you and anything else," she slips her hand out of his and lifts his chin so he can see the truth in her eyes, "I'd choose you. Every time. I want to be with you more than anything and if that means putting off college then so be it."

"You don't have to decide, Ally I wouldn't break up with you if you wanted to go to college," Ally sighs, backing away from Austin and leaning back against the oak tree they're in front of.

"I know that," she says truthfully.

Austin crosses his arms over his chest wondering just how long they'd been standing outside. He figures when it's time someone will come and find them, so doesn't worry about it too much.

"Look, we've been dating for how long?"

Austin's eyes avert back to his girlfriend. He simply shrugs. "Like, one month shy of a whole year."

"Exactly, we've been dating for a long time, but our lives haven't exactly been easy. We haven't really gotten a lot of time to focus on our relationship. Now we have that time and I just don't think it's a good time for me to go to college."

He breathes loudly as his hands return back to his side and he joins Ally in leaning against the tree. Getting her hand and intertwining their fingers.

"So you're really okay with not going to college? At least not for now?"

She smiles up at him. "Yes, I'm really okay with it." Ally gets on her tiptoes to kiss him and he wraps his arms around her waist. Her's go to their rightful place around his neck. They break away from the kiss, but not the hug.

"Well," Austin speaks up, "it looks like you're stuck with me."

"Indeed it does."

"Guess now is as good a time as any to tell you we're going on tour and you're going with us," a smile breaks out on the blond's face at his own words.

"That's nice," Ally's so caught up in their sweet embrace she barely listens to him, but when what he said registers in her mind, she lets go and looks at him almost disbelieving.

"Wait, what?!" Is all she manages to get out.

"The band is going on tour. Jimmy decide it was about time we had one."

"And he's letting me go with you guys? Like to perform?"

Austin nods enthusiastically. "He said that he felt bad about what happened with Kira and wanted to make it up to us."

"This is incredible!" She beams and hugs him tightly once again.

"I thought you might be excited," Austin had to look down at her because even in her heels she's still shorter than him. "I wanted to make sure you really were okay with not going to college before telling you."

For once, Ally Dawson was at a lost for words, so she just snuggles deeper into the embrace.

They stay like that for what feels like for forever, but neither of them really minds. Both could stay like that for hours on end.

Their moment is interrupted when Trish yells at them from the gym entrance. "Hey, lovebirds! Quit being adorable and get your asses in here!"

They peer over to see Dez waving excitedly at them from behind the short Latina.

"Come on," Austin places his hand on the small of back, prodding her forward.

She smiles and leans into his side as they make their way back to the school.

Her future looks bright, even if she's not going to college.

...The End...


Well, guys, that is the end...

...of this story, but there will be a sequel. So, no worries. I don't know when it'll be updated. I probably will procrastinate and not start on it for a couple days. Sorry guys I'm lazy.

This was definitely my favorite chapter in the sense that I think it was the best written one I did. Just my opinion.

I'm really happy because I've never actually finished a story before so this is a first for me. Woo hoo!

So, thanks to jamesmaslow4evz, writermeAL, xX- T Luv -Xx, mono5709, Kathy0518, xxdumbbloniexx and the guest who reviewed. I love you guys! Seriously ya'll rock!

Okay, well I guess this is it. :( it's kinda sad.

This is me signing off for the last time on HBAT.

Kthanxbai! :')