While working on Light My Heart this idea popped into my brain. I might continue and if I do it will likely be short.

Ichigo was walking home from work wondering when, exactly, her life would get wierd. Because she'd gone a whole week without aliens attacking, needing to transform, turning into a cat, or Ryou abducting pay for stupid reasons, life just felt... boring. And to make it worse not only had the whole week been utterly normal, Ichigo had been so paranoid about the paranormal aspects of her life she hadn't spent any time with her boyfriend.

Ichigo shook her head to clear it. If she kept thinking about wierd stuff then wierd stuff was going to happen to her. She should be thankful for what little period of normalcy she got. Maybe she'd make plans with Aoyama for tomorrow. She was off from work and there was no school. Or maybe she'd go to the mall with Moe and Miwa. Ichigo wondered what her mom would make for dinner. Hopefully, fish. She walked home dreaming of all the possible types of food that could be made with fish.

She walked up to her front door and saw a note in her mother's neat scrawl. It informed Ichigo that her mother needed more tomato sauce and had run to the store. She would be back any minute. Since her dad was working Ichigo would be home alone for a little while. She shrugged and walked inside. There was a box of pasta and a pot water on the stove waiting to be boiled. Ichigo tried not to be disappointed that they would be having pasta as compared to what she was craving. She sighed and walked up to her room.

"Hi Koneko-chan!" Kish exclaimed. He was sitting on her bed waiting for her. Ichigo shut the door, rubbed her eyes, then slapped herself in the face for good measure. She opened the door again. He was still on there, a sly grin adorning his face.

"What are you doing in my room!?" Ichigo demanded to know. She had a hand on her pendant incase he tried anything. If he just wanted to play Ichigo was sure she could handle him as somewhat normal.

"I came to get you," Kish replied calmly.

"How many times do I have to tell you I don't want to go anywhere with you?" Ichigo asked a little aggressively. To her surprise, he just laughed.

"Oh, Koneko-chan, you don't have a choice in the matter" and with that he sprang at Ichigo.

"Mew Mew Str-" Kish knocked the pendant from her hand and took her by the wrists.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want it to come to this but you've left me - ah, us - with no choice" Kish apologized. He did actually look sorry, but Ichigo had to escape.

Plan, plan, I need a brilliant plan, Ichigo thought frantically. Unfortunately for her, one never came. Kisshu teleported before she even realized what he was doing. Suddenly, she couldn't see anything. Her vision had gone black and she wondered briefly if he had blinded her. There was one hole in her theory and that was that Kisshu was clearly visible to her. Her stomach did a short gymnastics routine inside her body. When her vision cleared, Kish was still there and he had invited all the stars in the milky way galaxy to join them.

Ichigo then proceeded to realize that she was only still standing because of Kisshu. Her legs felt like limp spaghetti and she was certain that if he let go she would fall on the ground. One of his arms was wrapped around her waist. He wasn't hurting her but his grip was like a vise. His other hand had its fingers laced through hers as compared to gripping her wrist like earlier. When that happened? The two of them looked as though they might have been dancing.

"Are you okay, Ichigo? Are you dizzy? You look dizzy" Kish's amber eyes were soft and tinged with worry.

"Fine" Ichigo responded. It wasn't a complete lie. She would be fine in a minute. Two. When the world decided it was done spinning?

Kish laughed and Ichigo took in her surroundings. There were in a dimly lit room that looked like an old-fashioned prison cell. Light filtered in from a source hidden from Ichigo's line of sight. There was a set of iron bars cutting the room in half. On the side they were in now there was hay on the ground and a door that led out of the room. On the bars there was a cell door with a small circular object on it that had to be the lock. Inside the cell she could see a bed with a thin mattress with a bland gray comforter and door that must have led into a smaller compartment which Ichigo guessed was a bathroom. The air was thick and warm and the place smelled of hay. Ichigo's eyes were drifting closed from just standing in there. "Like it Koneko-chan? Hope so, because this will be your home for a little while."

She turned her attention back to him. Then she lightly pushed him away once she realized that he had still been holding her close. "What?"

"Don't you get it, kitten? You've just been kidnapped" Kish said. For some strange reason he looked like he had just told her great news.

"And what about my family? The other mews? Remember them? Good, because they'll be rescuing me once they realize I'm gone." Ichigo retorted. She started scanning the room for possible escape routes. Kish laughed again.

"Oh, don't worry about them. It was easy enough to place a fake memory inside all of their thoughts so they all think that you were leaving for a camp after school. They'll think you were supposed to be gone anyway." Kish reasoned. Ichigo puffed out her cheeks. If he was telling the truth going back would cause more problems. Ichigo didn't want to stay with her enemy though. She'd have been fighting but if he was beat up he couldn't teleport her back; which was likely her only option of escape.

"Okay, so let's say that I do stay here" Kish's face brightened. "What am I going to wear? You certainly don't expect me to wear only my school uniform, right?"

He looked thoughtful for a minute. "I could go get your clothes."

"NO!" Ichigo screeched. She could already feel her face heating. There wasn't a chance in hell that she was going to let someone - an alien trying to kill her no less - go through her clothes drawer. "I can live with this."

Kish shrugged, walked over to the cell and pushed the door open. "Just a thought. If you wanted to capture me how come you didn't just teleport me inside the cell?" Ichigo asked.

"Well, I wouldn't be able to get out if I did that" he blushed "also, I can't teleport in there. Pai made sure of that when he made the lock, for whatever reason."

Ichigo silently sent a thanks to Pai. He might have saved whatever was left of her innocence (Kisshu's fault) when he did that. Kish gestured for her to get inside.

"What a gentleman you are" Ichigo spat walking past him.

Kish raised his eyebrows. "Why, thank you" he bowed awkwardly, as if she'd just invited him to dance. He leaned again the door frame. "But hey, there is something good about being a, um, guest here."

"Let me guess, you're the warden?" Ichigo asked.

Kish threw his head back an laughed. "No. Pai wouldn't let me be the warden" Kish responded with mock disappointment. "Wanna take another guess or do you want me to show you?"

Ichigo gave it a little thought. "Just show me. I don't really feel in the mood for a game of 20 Questions."

"You asked for it, Kitty" Kish said. He walked over to her and kissed her on the lips. It shocked Ichigo even if she should have expected something like that. Before she could do something intelligent about it, like slap him upside the head, Kish broke it off smiling.

"So the good thing is putting up with your idea of flirting with me?" Ichigo said, still in plenty enough shock to just sit there pressing her lips with her fingers. Kish laughed again.

"No. The good thing is you can't become a cat here. Normal cat, not Mew Ichigo the savior of Tokyo. Although, you can't do that either." Ichigo's jaw hit the floor. She noticed that Kisshu was also walking as opposed to floating. Not really a big difference but...

"Number one, how did you know that I just turn into a cat when kissed? And number two, does that mean you can't use your powers here either?" Ichigo asked.

"Well to answer the first question; we know a lot about you mew mew's. I know a lot about you especially. And to answer the second, no I can't use any of my powers here either. It's to keep you from transforming and, as I mentioned earlier, keeping me from teleporting in and out of here. I guess Pai thinks I'll let you go if you beg me enough since I'm sweet on you" was Kish's answer.

"Uh-huh" Ichigo wondered briefly what the cyniclon definition of 'sweet-on-you' meant.

"Well. I suppose I'll leave you to your own devices. Get acquainted and all of that. I'm gonna go make a delivery to Pai" he produced Ichigo's pendant from his pocket. "I guess I'll see you at dinner. Bye, Koneko-chan!" He walked out of the cell looking at Ichigo longingly, locked it, and teleported from the room.

Ichigo reclined on the mattress which was surprisingly soft. She still had her fingers pressed to her lips. There was no denying that Ichigo loved Aoyama. But she also wasn't denying that Kisshu's touch and that kiss had left her heart fluttering. If she really loved Aoyama would she be feeling like this? Should she be? It was confusing and making her head hurt. She pulled the pillow over her head an crawled under the blanket, again surprised by its warmth, and tried to drown out the sound of Kisshu's laughter from her mind.

Okay, so it's short but something. Please don't kill me if Kisshu and Ichigo are kind of out of character because I am becoming very aware that it is very hard for me to stay in character when said character is not mine. The kishigo is eventual. Be patient Kisshu fangirls!