I got the idea for this story from reading Captain America & Iron Man #633-635.

One Night In Madripoor

Chapter 1

It was supposed to be regular check-up before travelling, yet the doctor was making a suggestion that his patient was not fond of.

"Reed, for the billionth time, I am not getting vaccination shots." Tony said as he narrowed his eyes at one of his closest friends.

"Tony," Reed answered, levelling his gaze at him. "I've told you just as many times that I am not this type of doctor; you should be visiting a real doctor instead of me for these things…"

"Medical doctors are mad scientists…" Tony whined. "They're also pill-pushing vultures."

"You could have gone to Hank…" Reed suggested.

"Don't know which tables would have fire ants on 'em." Tony said.

"I meant Hank McCoy." Reed said, referring to the X-Man, and fellow Avenger, also known as Beast. Tony gave him an impish smirk, trying to cover the fact that he forgot that Beast was a geneticist and biochemist. "You're traveling overseas, Tony. You need to protect yourself from foreign illnesses."

"That's what Extremis is for, Reed." Tony replied. He rolled his eyes as Reed sighed out of mild frustration. Sometimes, for a genius, Tony could be childishly stubborn; that and sometimes a bit of a flake. "Kidding! Yeesh…Steve and I won't be in Madripoor for long anyway. Nothing could go wrong."

Reed was perplexed. "Steve's coming with you?"

"Yeah," Tony answered. "I got an invite to the Weapons Expo, and Steve has some business out there."

"At least I know there'll be one responsible adult with you…"Reed snickered.

Tony felt insulted, but hid it well. "Somebody write the date! Reed Richards —Mr. Fantastic—actually made a joke!"

Reed fought the urge to make a come-back remark — with Tony, the comments would be on-going. "Whatever, Tony." Reed turned his back to work on specs on his tablet. "Just be careful, okay? Being a former weapons manufacturer in a room filled with pseudo-intelligent warmongering terrorists who would sell their mothers to get their hands on you and your tech can be a little unsettling."

"Flatterer." Tony winked as he gathered his stuff to leave. "Thank, Reed. And I promise to be careful…at least as careful that I could possibly get without too much of an incident."

Reed sighed again as Tony left; knowing Tony and Steve, some negative event would happen during their stay in Madripoor.

Steve ran his hand through his hair, frustrated with the same argument with Sharon that they've dealt with for years; compatibility and commitment issues. This argument couldn't have come at a worse time as he was finishing packing a few things to meet Tony at the airport.

"I don't know why you're still stalling on the issue of us getting married, Steve…" Sharon said. "We're not getting any younger!"

Steve released a steady breath. "Look, Sharon; this is not a good time to talk about this. I need to meet Tony at the airport for a mission in Madripoor." Sharon narrowed her eyes at the second part of his excuse. "Don't give me that look; you knew about these plans for weeks."

"Whatever, Steve." Sharon pushed an irritated breath of her own. "It's a basic yes or no answer and don't give me a shitty response about how I caught you off-guard by proposing to you." She held a glare as she pushed on with her next question. "Do you actually see us with a future together?"

"Depends." Once he said it, Steve knew that the shit had officially hit the fan.

"Depends on what?" Sharon asked, acid in her tone as she folded her arms across her chest.

"Are kids in this future?"

"I've told you already, Steve; I don't want kids! I want to focus on my career with S.H.I.E.L.D! A life with kids will only hamper any advancement I could get."

"Fine." Steve snapped, not meaning to. "I see no problems in staying at home with kids instead."

Sharon gave him a look as if to call him crazy. "You can't do that. The world still needs Captain America and you're the only one to fulfill that role." Steve was ready to argue that point; there have been others to carry the name, most recently Bucky until he decided to fake his death so that Steve could take the title back. "Our jobs are too important for the hassle of children to complicated things."

Steve really did not like the fact that Sharon considered the concept of children as nuisances and things to be disregarded. He shouldered his bag and faced his lover. "You know what?" Steve had to get out of the apartment, before he ended up saying something that he couldn't take back. "Forget it…I'll be in Madripoor for a few days." He ended up saying. "When I come back, we're going to need to talk about this – thoroughly." He turned his back on Sharon, choosing to ignore the curses muttered under her breath and left for the airport.

Finally getting on board of the private jet, Tony caught Steve's sour mood. "Okay, I don't like that look on you." Tony sat next to Steve and nudged his shoulder. "What got you pissed off and I know it can't be me since I haven't done anything that could be considered remotely stupid or spiteful in weeks."

Steve refused to respond, choosing to ignore the billionaire. Tony simply took the seat across from Steve as the jet began to lift off and commenced poking the super-soldier's face for a reaction. The blond gave an annoyed growl. "I won't stop until you start talking. What's bugging you?"

"Nothing." Came Steve's curt response.

"That's a total lie and we both know it."

"What makes you say I'm lying?" Steve asked, quirking an eyebrow at his friend.

"The frowny face and brooding mood's a dead give-away." Tony answered. "So spill; if you don't I'll just get even more annoying and me being annoying for the entire flight to Madripoor is gonna suck for you."

"When you put it that way…" Steve sighed; he didn't want to snap at one of his closest friends just for trying to be sympathetic. Although Tony being sympathetic could go awry. "Sharon and I got into a fight…" With Tony remaining quiet, Steve took this as a means of saying continue. "Things have been going south between us for some time. We don't seem to be on the same page on our relationship."

"How south are we talkin' about?" Tony inquired.

"She wants to get married, but I'm not sure I'm ready." Steve answered. "Also, I asked the concept of having kids and she immediately shot that down."

Tony flinched at the response. "Ouch."

"Yeah." Steve continued to mope.

Not knowing what to say to help his best friend's mood, Tony tried for a diversion. "How about I make you an omelette to make you feel better?" he got up and moved towards the back of the jet with a separate entrance.

"You?! Cook?!" Steve gave an incredulous look. "Is this supposed to really make me feel better or an act of mercy to put me out of my misery?"

"That was so funny that I forgot to laugh." Tony called out; Steve supposed he was in the kitchen of the private aircraft. 'Who in their right mind would have a working kitchen on a jet?' Steve pondered, 'Then again, it's Tony…how often does he think logically?' Deciding to not think about the impending doom that would be inflicted to his stomach, Steve browsed his files for his mission. About half-an-hour later, Tony came back with two plates, steaming with asparagus, biscuits and, as promised, omelettes.

Steve was stunned as Tony handed him a plate. "You actually made this?" The food actually smelled good, so Steve took a bite; to his surprise it actually did taste good.

"Simply because Jarvis doesn't let me cook at the mansion and the tower, doesn't mean I don't know my way around a kitchen." Tony scoffed as he ate his meal. "I do fend for myself when I'm at my place in Seattle, you know."

Steve was ready to crack a joke about Tony's habit to forget to eat, but after Tony was kind enough to prepare something from scratch for him, he knew better than to insult the person who offers you hospitality; it was something he remembered learning from his mother. They continued eating in comfortable silence. Once finished and the plates were cleaned and put away, they stayed standing to stretch their legs.

"I was thinking…" Tony started, breaking the silence. "Maybe Sharon doesn't feel like she's ready for kids just yet…" Steve snorted. "No seriously, just think about it; a lot of people claim to not wanting children in the beginning, but once they actually do have that first baby, they change their minds."

"I doubt that's the case with Sharon." Steve tried not to pout, but he's pretty sure he was.

"It's just circumstances…" Tony paused, not knowing how to continue.

"What circumstances?" Steve decided to sit, not liking the start of that statement.

Tony shook his head to clear his mind. "Look; maybe Sharon has doubts about raising a child with the state of the world being as it is. Give her some time to think about it; she might come around eventually."

"What about you?" Steve asked. "Do you see yourself with a family?"

Tony snorted. "With the A-plus parenting from my dad? It's not like I had much of good example to follow." His features gradually softened. "But yeah, after all the fighting and the need to eventually retire from this line of work…I'd like to have kids someday…"

The openness of Tony's confession had an overwhelming calmness to the men. Just as Tony was about to return to his seat, the jet jerked, causing Tony to lose his balance and fall; he braced his arms up to steady himself, just to land in Steve's lap, his hands resting on broad shoulders, and Steve's arms wrapped around his waist to catch him. As awkward as the position felt, it also felt natural. Alarmed of the feelings that were surfacing, Tony scrambled away from the strong arms that were holding him to return to his seat and busied himself with his Starkpad to ignore the encounter.

Little did he know that Steve was trying to hide own blush by trying to focus on his mission specs.

The ride to the hotel had an uncomfortable silence. Both Steve and Tony tried for quick stolen glances at the other but seem to always catch each other's eye, forcing them to tear away from the sight, making this the most awkward moment of their friendship.

Once at the hotel, they both released a sigh of relief, hoping that the time spent in their rooms would help alleviated the tension. As Steve approached the check-in desk, he said to the front desk clerk: "Hi, there's a reservation for us; it should be under the name Brett Hendrick..."

The clerk started to browse the computer and smiled as he found what he was searching for. "Yes, Mr. Hendrick. Our bellhop will lead you to your room." As he handed the card to Steve, the clerk added. "By the way, you and your partner are probably the most convincing Captain America and Tony Stark impersonators I've seen in a long time!"

Just as Tony was about to make a comment, Steve steered him away and followed the bellhop. "Impersonators?" Tony quirked an eyebrow at Steve.

"Just let them think that." Steve whispered. "It'll make things go more smoothly for us if they think we're not who we're really are."

"Ok, fine..." Tony conceded to this. "But room?"

Steve only shrugged. "When I called to make the reservations , I said I needed accommodations for two people...it must be a room with two beds."

They continued to follow the bellhop to the top floor. Tony started to get suspicious since top floors usually had luxury suites; and if Steve needed to stay low-profile for his mission, then a suite wouldn't seem practical.

"There you are sirs, your suite." The bell hop opened the door for them and deposited the bags by the door. Steve gave him a tip as Tony went to check out the space. The pale expression on Tony's face had Steve worried. After rushing the bellhop out of the room, he turned his attention to Tony. "Tony, what's wrong?" He shook the genius to snap him out of whatever trance he was in; Tony pointed in one direction of the room until Steve decided to look at what was bothering Tony.

His eyes went wide, seeing the large circular bed in a corner with a mirror above it attached to the ceiling. The bed was covered with several pillows and rose petals, as well as dimly lit in comparison to the rest of the room.

"Steve," Tony croaked, almost hyperventilating. "This is a honeymoon suite..."

And I think I'll end it here for now...

For anyone who has read this series, I'm sure you thought that the title sounded like a potential honeymoon story, too. I just decided to make a yaoi twist to the story.

Reviews and constructive criticisms would be much appreciated. XOXO