Hi there readers! Before I start the story I would like to say my thanks to my friend from school in helping me with various ideas for this story and a very big thank you to Lilithyin27 who inspired me to write this story about Aichi and once again I would like to thank the readers!:) Now let the story begin!(By the way this scene is after episode 50 after Kai snapped Aichi out of Psyqualia's power)

This all took place after Kai snapped Aichi back into his senses and his depression caused him to be upset.

Aichi 's POV

After Kai helped snapped me back to my senses from Psyqualia's power, I never went to Card Capital after that not after how I treated my teammates. I treated them like trash and I broke their heart because of my attitude towards them in the Regionals. I couldn't bring to forgive myself not after how I treated them. I had been like this for a few days until I found my way to AKB0048.

So how was it? It is very short because it is only the prologue but I will explain more about Aichi's Adventure between his world and another world. Look forward to chapter 1! And don't forget to review! Thanks for reading!