A/N: Hello Everyone! What's up?

So the other day when I was watching Arrow, I got this idea. What would happen if Artemis showed up? Would he recruit her to the Arrow team? Would the two of them develop a father/daughter like relationship like in Young Justice? So that got me thinking, and this story is the result of my thinking.

So this is going to be pretty AU. I'm also going to try to find a way to work in the rest of Young Justice and the Justice League. We don't know yet in Arrow whether the rest of the heroes will show up, but I hope they will. Also, Roy Harper has become part of the Arrow team in my version. Again, we don't know if he becomes part of the team in the show yet or not, but I hope he does.

*Spoiler for Home Invasion* And Diggle is apart of the team again because we all know he will be rejoining the team. *End Spoiler*

Artemis is also only twelve in the start of this story; versus she is fifteen in the start of Young Justice. The first three chapters will be a prologue and then it will go from there.

I hope you guys like this! Read and Review!

Disclaimer: I do not own either Arrow or Young Justice.

The New Archer in Town

"Are you ever done training?" Felicity asks Oliver Queen as he slams Diggle onto the mat.

"Nope." Oliver replies, standing up and extending a hand to Diggle, who takes it. Oliver hoists Diggle back up onto his feet and pats him on the back.

"I was actually beginning to work up a sweat that time." Oliver says smiling at the glare Diggle gives him as he chugs down the water bottle Felicity tossed him. She tossed one to Oliver, who caught it one handed.

"So who's next?" Oliver asks, looking at his comrades. They both shy away. "Felicity?"

"Nope. I have that thing to do." Felicity tells him, moving towards the safety of her computer.

"That thing, sure." Oliver replies.

"It's a tech thing." She replies, curtly. She takes a seat at the computer and begins typing away. Oliver sighs and turns to Diggle.

"Don't look at me Oliver, I'm wiped after our last three sparring matches. Why don't you call Harper over here?" Diggle suggest.

"On a date with my sister." Oliver sighs and takes a seat on the mat. He thought about Slade, remembering all the time his friend had spent training and how he had always been trying to get Oliver to do more. Oliver smiles a sad smile, staring absentmindedly at the wall. If only the man could see him now.

"So who is on the receiving end of the Hood's wrath tonight?" Felicity asks, spinning around in her chair to face Oliver.

"William Oscar." Oliver states. Felicity spins back around and plugs his name into the computer. Oliver stands up to take a look at the computer screen.

"Looks like you're out of luck Oliver, William recently relocated to Gotham City." Felicity states.

"Maybe you could contact their own hero. I've heard reports about a masked man and boy running around solving problems in that city." Diggle says, getting up to look at the computer screen.

"No, this is my mission and my mission alone." Oliver states. "Felicity, where is the Queen private jet at the moment?"

"Oliver, Gotham City is across the country. You've also already been accused of being the vigilante, wouldn't it look suspicious if you go to Gotham on a vacation and the vigilante shows up there?" Diggle asks, being the voice of reason as usual.

"I'm thinking Diggle. Felicity, look up events going on in Gotham City in the next two days." Oliver demands.

"You could say please, even vigilantes should have manners." Felicity replies, but does as she was told. She stares at the computer screen for a few moments. "Let's see, there is a gala at Wayne Enterprises, a club opening, and a conference."

"What type of conference?" Oliver asks. Felicity types things out on her keyboard again.

"Bruce Wayne, surprise surprise, is holding a conference in Gotham to discuss technological stuff and philanthropy things for the future of the country. Sounds pretty boring, but..." Felicity scrolls over the guest list. "Your step father was invited to represent Queen Consolidated."

"I could go in his place, since he is missing and all." Oliver suggests.

"Shouldn't your mom go then?" Diggle asks.

"I'll tell her to stay here to continue to oversee the company. It's brilliant." Oliver declared.

"Um...Oliver, remember when you announced that you would have nothing to do with your family's company?" Diggle says.

"I'll just tell my mom that I want to check out the club opening to get some ideas and that while I'm there I figured I might as well go to the conference for her. I'll even take good notes at the conference." Oliver tells them. Diggle looks at Felicity, who holds up her hands.

"It's a pretty good plan." Felicity admits.

"Wouldn't it just be easier to get him when he comes back to Starling City?" Diggle asks.

"Too unpredictable. We don't know if he will ever come back. He's probably running because he knows he failed this city and I am coming for him." Oliver says, grabbing his coat from the rack.

"Where are you going?" Diggle asks.

"To pack. You two should too, since you will accompany me as my bodyguard and tech girl to be my assistant. I'm going to go make arrangements with my mom and tell Roy to hold down the city until we get back. Felicity, you're the tech girl, make sure the jet is prepped and ready to leave tonight." Oliver says and walks out of their base.

"This is going to be interesting." Felicity says, shaking her head. "And it's IT specialist, not tech girl." She turns back to her computer and Diggle chuckles as he leaves to go collect some of his things to bring.

^^^^^Line Break^^^^^^

Artemis punched the bag again and again. Out of the corner of her eyes she could see her father, circling around her like a vulture.

"Faster!" He demanded. She picked it up a notch, punching the bag faster.

"Hit the bag harder! Jade could do it ten times better." He taunts her as she throws everything she has into the punches. She punched the bag so hard that it swung back and then right into her, sending her sprawling onto the floor. She looks up to see her dad shaking his head.

"Your pathetic, not even worth my time." Her father walks away, leaving Artemis alone in the gym her father owned. Artemis could feel her eyes begin to water. She stuffed her palms up against her eyes to keep the tears from coming. He would only call her weak if he saw her like this. She could not be weak.

Artemis gingerly sat up, feeling her ribs to make sure none of them were broken. Everything was in place, which was good. She got up and walked over to her bow. She much preferred shooting to hand to hand combat, not that it really mattered in her father's eyes. She quickly notched an arrow, aiming at the target in the back of the room. She released, bulls' eye. She put back down the arrow, unwrapped her knuckles, grabbed her bag, and walked out of the gym, locking it behind her.

Life used to be bearable, until Jade left and her mom was sent to prison. Her father blames her for what happened and has been taking it out on her by making the past three years of her life miserable. She has zero friends and her life is consumed by training and her father's insults. She sighed. She could do things that most thirteen year olds wouldn't dream of being able to do and her father expects her to someday be an assassin and have to actually...kill people, living breathing people. With families. And Friends.

Artemis hadn't realized it, but she had unconsciously walked in the opposite direction of her home, which wasn't really a bad thing. Her dad was probably still pissed at her. Better to leave him alone for a while. Artemis walked past the fancy restaurants and the suit wearing men. Everyone walked briskly, compared to Artemis' leisurely stroll. They all had a place to be, whilst she did not. It was a weekend and she didn't have school or anymore training for the rest of the day.

Up the street, she spotted a small swarm of reporters outside the Wayne Tower. Curious, Artemis wormed her way through the crowd of reporters and photographers. She recognized the target of the crowd immediately; his face had only been splashed across the news for the past few months. Oliver Queen, the man who returned from the dead.

He was even taller in person and had a nice smile. He posed besides Bruce Wayne in front of the building. A banner hung over the door, welcoming people to the New Age Conference. Oliver said something to Bruce, causing both of the men to laugh. She suddenly felt like an intruder in a place where she did not belong. Artemis wormed her way back out through the reporters, getting shoved one way and another until she walked right into somebody, knocking them to the ground.

Artemis quickly spun around, realizing that she had knocked a blonde woman to the ground, sending her glasses across the sidewalk. Another man who had been standing besides her helped her up.

"I'm really sorry." Artemis said, retrieving the girls' glasses and handing them over to her. "Really, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean too."

"It's no big deal." The woman said. "I'm sure you didn't do it on purpose."

Artemis quickly shook her head. "I tripped over somebody's feet in there." She said pointing to the crowd of reporters that had diminished, following Bruce Wayne into the building.

"Felicity, Diggle, what's the hold up?" Artemis spun around and Oliver Queen was suddenly standing behind her. "Who's this?"

"This is...I actually don't know. What's your name kid?" The man, Diggle, asked.

"Artemis." She managed to stutter out. Great, just like her to run into the friends of the son of the owner of one of the most powerful companies in America. This day had gone to complete shit.

"She ran into me by accident." Felicity explained.

"I should probably go. Sorry again." Artemis said nervously, running back towards home without a second glance.

^^^^^^^Line Break^^^^^^^^^

"What a weird kid." Oliver said as he watched the young girl with long blonde hair run down the street.

"She seemed nervous, almost scared. I wonder if something is wrong?" Felicity said.

"We'll never know Felicity. Can't help everyone. Come on, let's go inside." Oliver says as the arrow gang headed into the Wayne Tower.

A/N: Review! Tell me your thoughts. Should I continue?