I took a long time to update. I know. I'm sorry. :( Life can certainly keep one busy. Sorry if the next few chapters are choppy or anything, I had a plan for this one and the next written out when I first began writing but I have trouble decoding even my own thought process at times- Still, hope you enjoy this update- not giving this one up!


The sound of whistling carried throughout the house as Deirdre brewed and boiled a dubious mixture.

"Garlic in the pot, gotta keep it boiling hot. Get it in Fionna's shampoo so to us she'll smell bad like poo- and to the bridge" Deirdre grinned to herself as she continued on with her substandard rapping and busy stirring, while adding in the occasional handful of garlic cloves.

"Wow." Embarrassed, Deirdre looked up at the reflection of Denise in her private study's wall hung looking glass. She must have forgotten to turn the thing off. "Making some more shower stuff for Fionna? Glad I'm not over there. I don't know how you've managed direct contact with that stuff all these years." Deirdre pointed at the bandana tied to cover her mouth and nose with her rubber-gloved hands.

"Technically, it's not direct," Denise laughed at her muffled voice.

"Still." The mouse-brown haired vampire waved the matter off. Her face became serious. "Dee, it's really admirable what you've done here. I don't think I've ever said this before, but… I'm sorry for doubting you when this all began. Who knows what could've happened to Fionna by now without all your precautions- what the others might've done knowing we were withholding the fact that we had taken in a human child to raise."

Deirdre just sighed, she nodded her thanks, "I don't what I would do if another vampire found her. I had to keep it from happening. That girl's changed me…" She trailed off, "But hey! Don't jinx us! Just a few more weeks until everything will be ready!"

"Yeah, yeah."


"Glob, she smells like shiz." The Vampire King groaned from his perch. He watched as the blond marched through the woods, seemingly unarmed. He wondered at what horrible kind of humanoid she must be to reek so profusely that even from so high up he could pick up on her scent. Gripping the trunk of the tree, he scaled facing downwards, movements quick and jerky like a reptile as his nails sharpened to claws accordingly. Though knowing the act would be a sure scare factor, he kept quiet and hidden, not quite yet wanting to be found out.

Now on the bottom level of branches he observed the girl more carefully. Looking to be around his own physical age, she was muscled and tanned. Her hair was blonde and her cheeks ruddy. He was caught off guard.

"She looks so… Human…" Realizing his mistake too late he covered his mouth. Had she heard him? He had only whispered it out. He relaxed somewhat when she displayed no visible reaction as if she had caught on to anything. Getting back in his zone, he tossed his head back as he transformed into a less than pleasant to look at wolf form.

Smirking, the Vampire King drifted silently from his loft as he prepared to spook the humanoid. Just as he closed in from behind her back, his target spun, pulling a lethal roundhouse kick out of nowhere, however, it wasn't her foot's impact that left him reeling, it was the smack he received from her long braid as she pivoted. 'Garlic?! I can't believe I didn't recognize it right away!'

Not so easily being brought down Marshall used his forearms to launch into a roll to create some distance and regain some composure. However, before he could fully adjust, he was surprised to feel a most definitely silver blade pressed to his throat. 'Should've been paying more attention. Mystery girl must've rushed to anticipate me.'

"Are you the one that's been giving Wildberry's subjects so much trouble?"

"Seriously? Seriously. That's what this is about?" Lightning speed, he grabbed her arm and batted it away. Feeling humored, he floated to a leisurely position just out of her reach, closed his eyes and laughed. "Since when has it been so bad for a guy to have a little harmless fun?"

"You could've given one of them a heart attack. Berry people aren't exactly the bravest, you know."

"Oh, c'mon, lighten up." He chuckled and opened his eyes to look down, expecting her frown but was instead met with nothing. As in 'Where is she now?'

He yelped as he was jerked downwards by his foot. During the fall he was grabbed and yanked upright by his collar.

"Can you just tell me you'll stop messing with them? Then we can both be on our way?" He smirked at her schooled features.

"Well that's not going to happen, I just became invested!" A questioning look was just coming into her eyes as he morphed his face back to normal. He cackled at her shock. She gripped his collar tighter.

"What are you?"

"A humpback whale. What are you?" She groaned and shoved him away, knowing with what he was and his lack of actual threat that there was no point in trying to get the upper hand.

"I always thought meeting another vampire wouldn't be such a disappointment. You spend your time trying to scare little Berry people. That's cool I gue-"

"Wait, 'another'? What other vampires could you possibly know? And why do you smell like garlic? Where did you get that knife?"

"I'm sorry, I really don't think I have time to play twenty questions with some reject vampire. Plenty more people to help before they day's out." He groaned as he watched her retreating form. He would just track her very obvious scent after nightfall, when he would be more free to venture past the thick canopies of the forest.

Back in action. Even if it's still short. But you guys were great for not giving up on me. I got fourteen reviewers on that last chapter on its own. I may actually be in heaven. But I'm going with a 'probably not' since there's a startling lack of muffins and coffee. I'm gonna keep trying to thank you all individually!

Xodiac 451 - Hope I haven't disappointed, thanks for another review!

Guest - Orly tho? ;)

BubblyMeTiffany - Yesss, thanks! I dig the enthusiasm!

Antisociallonewolf123 - Indeed! I hope you're still with me and like the update! :)

Bethany - That means a lot! And yeah, I'm not really sure, I'm a definite daydreamer, I'm mentally embroiled in no less than a hundred fantastical plots a day, this one just got written down ;)

romanticgirly23 - Thanks! I'm glad you thought so! Hope you liked their meeting so far, and there's more to come soon :)

AlwaysAReasonToWakeUp - Lillian! I finally updated and I lubwub you so much. Like, there's a toaster right next to me and I would totally make some toast for you if you were into that sort of thing.

summerlover21 - Thanks so much! I really love hearing that! :)

Chelsie the Vampire Adventurer - Thank you! Hope you like the update!

Maguffium239 - You think so?! Algebraic! You rock!

icouldn'tthinkofanythingbetter - Thanks! Hope you're diggin' the new chapter!

PhantomPotterGirl - Awww, shanks! I'm glad you think so! Hope you're still with me! :)

Haret5 - Haha, very true, I can imagine it now- "I changed your diapers. You're really attractive now. Date me possibly?" It's even a haiku!

Emily Hart - Thanks! And I can try to wiggle that in as a cameo! :)