A/N: Thank you to all of my lovely readers who have stuck with this story! Without you, I would have given up all hope of ever possibly finishing it!

Disclaimer: I do NOT own the Beatles, Apple or anything associated. The following is a work of pure fiction based on my own imagination.

Liverpool, 1963

It's a quiet day in Liverpool but not from where I stand. Right now, I'm at my apartment with my best friend, Leslie, as she talks my ear off. She rambles on and on about school and old friends while I unpack the rest of my suitcase. You see, I've met Leslie 9 years ago in grammar school and became best friends ever. Unfortunately, some time after we that, my dad received a job transfer to New York. I had no choice but to go with him. I promised Les that I would keep in touch with her and found myself writing letters back to her almost every week.

I quickly discovered that I loved the bright lights and fancy stores of New York but still yearned for home. Years went by; I graduated from high school and landed a job. I loved the job actually; I worked a secretary for a newly popular company. After only a few months the company became so popular that went international, and I was fortunate enough to be transferred. So here I am, back in my lovely Liverpool with my best friend, who is still filling me in on all the juicy gossip that I've missed out on.

"Oh, and have you heard of the Beatles?" Leslie questions and directs all of her attention to my answer. I feel a little ashamed to have to have zoned out on a flashback for a moment but I honestly don't know what she is talking about.

"The what? Those awful bugs? I came across them from time to time in New York, yes." I answer but still don't understand why she would ask about bugs.

Leslie suddenly bursts out in fit of giggles, her blonde ringlets bouncing from her shoulders as she laughs. She finally stops and clarifies, "I don't mean the bugs, Lily!" She stops for a moment to regain composure then continues. "I mean a local band, they call themselves The Beatles. Spelt B-E-A-T-L-E-S."

I felt my cheeks burn a bit from embarrassment, "Oh, then no. I haven't heard of the Beatles. Spelt B-E-A-T-L-E-S."

Leslie beams and jumps up from her seated position on my couch. "Then it's settled," she says, "we are going clubbing tonight!"