Here we are with a generous sized epilodge for you guys! Enjoy, and read previous chapters for the Disclaimer!

Enjoy or go to Hades!


Percy's point of view:

"Remind me to never travel like that again..." I grumbled as I face planted on the Olympian's throne room floor.

Zoe just gave a gentle laugh as she landed on top of me, Thalia and Nico following the second Zoe got off. I grunted in pain as I could've sword that a couple of verterbres in my spine popped out of place.

Each of the Olympians that thought in the battle inbetween the dimensions flashed in - including Hades - and the others flashed in a few minutes later. I rose to my feet and all four of us stood in the middle of the throne room, awaiting what the gods of Olympus had to say to us.

"Olympians! Demigods!" Zeus thundered, raising and slamming his Master Bolt into the ground. "We have witnessed the behaviour and heroism of each and every one of these four heroes; would anyone deny the gifts we give them?" Zeus questioned the council, his pin stripe suit creased from all of the demons that attacked him, Poseidon and Hades in the battle above the the Vortex.

"Nico di Angelo, my son, step forward!" Hades announced, and said person walked over to his father and bowed, and then over to Zeus and bowed again.

"Nico di Angelo, would you accept the greatest gift of all: God hood?" Zeus offered, everyone taken back by his genetosity.

"I'm sorry Lord Zeus, but I would like to put that offer on hold for now as I would like to see what my other friends had to offer." Nico said carefully, not wanting to anger the God of Thunder any more.

Zeus just begrudgingly nodded his head. "Thalia Grace, daughter of ever so great me!" Zeus called, and my other best friend walked in front of her father's throne and bowed.

"Thalia, my daughter, for showing your courage, I would like to offer you the same as Nico di Angelo - god hood. A Major god to be exact. Choose carefully my daughter." Zeus offered, a glint in his eyes revealing that he was hoping that Thalia would accept.

"I'm sorry father, but I must decline this offer." She said, a slight crack in her voice. I guess that she and Sonic never said goodbye then.

"In fact father, could I offer my half sister something?" Artemis piped up, and all eyes turned to her. Zeus nodded in approval.

"Thalia Grace, Daughter of Zeus, I wish to offer you a place among my hunters to help heal your broken heart. All men are the same... Except Perseus over there." Artemis offered, gesturing over to me.

I blushed slightly at the comment, and Zoe slapped my upside the head, leaving me to curse about 'abusive girlfriends' under my breath - AND, get another slap round the face.

"Thank you Lady Artemis, I accept." Thalia smiled widely, beaming at the thought of getting away from her heart break.

"Then repeat after me: I pledge myself to the goddess Artemis. I turn my back on the company of men, accept eternal maidenhood and join the hunt." Artemis said, and Thalia repeated the Moon Goddess word for word, and a silver glow surrounded Thalia.

"Zoe Nightshade, Demi-titan daughter of Pleione and Atlas, step forward!" Zeus announced, and all attention turned to Zeus.

"Even though you are the spawn of a Titan, I will not destroy you, as you are friends with the Hero of Olympus. I offer you immortallity, serve as Artemis' immortal leitenant for all enternity. Well, if this is alright with Artemis herself, I presume?" Zeus offered, leaving an awestruck council to gape at the King of the Gods' level of generosity; one thing that he was never known for.

"I decline the offer, but will put my offer on hold until Percy decides his wish." Zoe managed out, still suprised by the God of Thunder's words.

Artemis nodded at Zoe, a small smile on her face.

"Perseus Jackson, Son of Poseidon!" Zeus thundered, and everything went silent except for the crackle of fire from the Hearth.

I bowed down before my father, and then Zeus; awaiting for what their obvious offer was going to be.

"Before you offer me godhood, Zeus, I must decline. But, I still want something from you, so each and everyone of you swear on the Styx." I said, holding back a snicker at Zeus' look of building rage.

"We, the Olympian council, swear on the river Styx to agree to your wishes as long as it is wothin our power."

"Good. My wish is for my partron, Hestia, and Hades to have back their thrones on Olympus, as they deserve them." I said, and a eight year old goddess ran from the hearth and leapt on me, pulling me into a tight hug and gave me a childish peck on the cheek.

I chuckled at the Goddess' childish antics. She repeatedly thanked me non-stop, causing me to laugh even harder.

"My patron deserves her throne back on Olympus, so I gave it back to her. Same with Uncle Hades." I recieved a nod of appreciation from the God of the Dead.

"But you still deserve something - you are the three time saviour of the world." Hestia smiled at me.

"I must agree with our sister, Zeus, as he has only ever given his gift to someone else. At least we give him partical immortality - the same Artemis gives her huntresses." My father suggested to his younger brother.

"Very well. Do you accept our gift Perseus?" Zeus asked, hoping for me to say no.

"I accept the gift, as long as Zoe and Nico get immortallity along with me." I demanded, and Zeus offered them both, which they accepted.

"Zoe, do you wish to come back into the hunt as well?" Artemis asked once we were all immortal.

Zoe looked like she was in a mental war with herself, and she then gave her answer: "I'm sorry, Lady Artemis, but I must decline. Percy is a great friend, and I don't wish to turn my back on my new lover." Zoe said with a small smile, looking at me the whole time.

She then swung her arms around my neck and gave me a deep, passionate kiss on the lips, which I happily obliged to and wrapped my arms around her waist...

(A/N: I'm gonna skip the next scene as I don't want to throw up doing romance scenes.)

"And as the gifts have been given, meeting adjourned!" Zeus thundered, and Nico, Thalia, Zoe and I were flashed back to Camp Half-Blood.

Jason, Leo, Piper, the Stolls, Katie Gardener (the Stoll Beater), Clarrise la Rue and Chris Rodriguez stood at the camp border as if awaiting something, the rest of the camp and Chiron behind them.

Artemis, Hestia, Hades and my father then flashed in behind up, and my father announced: "Camp Half-Blood, Greeks and Romans, may I present to you the four of the many saviours of this dimension!"

The camp erupted in cheers, and Jason, Leo, Piper and the Stolls (Katie too so she can beat up the Stolls if they get out of line) came running down Half-Blood hill and crushed us all onto hugs (not the gods).

Everyone was silenced when Leo asked Thalia a question that would make him loose something very close to him.

"You single now Thals?" Leo asked, and got slugged in the jaw in reply.

All of the campers burst out laughing, and Jason pulled Thalia into a tight hug.

"Gonna enjoy the hunters while Sonic's back in his own world, Pinecone Face?" I asked, a smirk plastered on my face.

Thalia's electric blue eyes sparkled dangerously, warning me that she was about to electrcute me.

"I still love him... I just... Need some time to get over him." Thalia answered, a small tear trickling down her cheek.

"He probably feels the same way you do now... Hopefully." I gave her a small smile and she pulled my into a tight hug.

Too bad our celebration was cut off by an Iris Message apppearing in the clearing, revealing a very scared Tails...


No point of view:

Tails, Knuckles, Shadow and Silver all reappeared on a grassy plain in the middle of Green Hill Zone, each one of them searching for Sonic.

"CHAOS! GET HERE NOW!" Shadow roared up to the sky, and the Creator of all appeared in front of us in his normal black cloak, and his black hair slicked back.

"Why did you call?" He asked us all.

"Has Sonic gone back to Earth or something?" Tails asked out of curiosity.

Chaos closed his eyes and a navy blue aura surrounded him. After a few minutes, Chaos' eyes snapped wide open, his eyes were bright purple though.

"What's wrong?" Silver asked, eager for Chaos' answer. But it was never going to be a good answer, was it?

"... I can't scense Sonic within both Earth and Mobius... I think that the curse inflicted upon him and Perseus Jackson is starting to become reality already..." Chaos muttered lowly, fear dripping from each word that left his lips.

"Then where is he?" Knuckles asked, wanting to know where one of his closest friends are.

"One of the very world I can never enter: the Dark Realm. It is one of the only the only world I could never enter other than two other worlds as they wasn't created by me. Instead, it was created by my twin brother, Order. Order, though, at the minute, is trapped in an enternal prison: The Void. The only way to get in there is by the Dark Realm, the Realm of Nightmares and the Demon Kingdom." Chaos explained, begining to shake in fright.

"Can't we access there then?" Shadow asked, confused.

"No, no one without pure Darkness within their hearts cannot enter the realm. Even if you entered there, you would turn twisted and evil. In other words, you will be driven to insanity." Chaos explained, and everyone was struck with fear.

"Percy has darkness in his heart. He has a Demon form, does he not?" Silver suggested out of the blue.

"Of course! I have ten drachmas to contact them with!" Tails explained, and pulled out one of the golden coins.

He noticed the morning dew begining to settle in, and threw the coin into the mist and did the chant, and Percy appeared celebrating.

"Tails, what's wrong?" Percy asked, confused to their feared faces.

"It's Sonic - he isn't here. He is being held prisoner in a world known as the Dark Realm." Tails muttered, and murmers erupted throughout Camp Half-Blood.

"When did this happen?" Thalia asked, appearing next to Percy.

"It happened when the curse was placed on Percy and Sonic. Sonic was sent to the Dark Realm, thanks to the blood of a demon running through his veins." Chaos explained, backing me up.

Percy, Thalia and Zoe rapidly paled until they were white as ghosts.

"Can we get him back?" Thalia asked, and all of the Mobians and Chaos shook their heads to say no.

"The only way to get there is for Order to take us there, but even that is impossible." Chaos reasoned.

"We will fight on and save Sonic then! Bring Order to us, and we will get him to take us to Sonic's prison!" Percy uncapped Riptide and raised it high into the air, and cheers erupted from all around Camp Half-Blood.

"I await you, Perseus Jackson..." An ice cold voice echoed throughout Percy's mind. "Allow me to rain death upon you, and ALL of your loved ones! Even Zoe!"

Then bring it, whoever you are, as I will send you right to the gates of Tartarus! Percy challenged back mentally, and the voice was pushed from his head.

"See ya soon Percy." Tails said, and prepared to swipe through the message.

"See you, Tails." Percy nodded, and the Iris Message faded, leaving Camp Half-Blood and the Mobians to plan a way to keep in contact and cross dimensions without another catastrophy...

THE END . . . ?


And this story is COMPLETED! And I'm 14 now, so WOOHOO!

The rewrite will take a while as I'm gonna plan it... Probably... And I need to finish another three stories before I do anything. I then need to finish off the Sonic Origins saga, which is another three stories, so don't expect a rewrite till about December or January time.

Other than that, hope you enjoyed reading and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! Lol

Anyway, see ya later!

~The Prince of Souls (Soul Rebirth)