Excitement built up in Club Fun. Many two-dimensional beings lined up for the concert of the century. At least, that was what the posters said. People and animals and other beings were in a rush to see their beloved rapper that the town named it after.

The spotlights turned on. The show was about to commence. The audience was chanting his name. They couldn't wait for the concert's beginning. Backstage, there was a white dog in a blue shirt and a large orange beanie conversing with a chubby bear wearing shades.

"Are you ready, PJ?"

The bear looked at him, smiled, and said, "I 'believe' that I am. Let's give them a show."

They walked out to the stage of Club Fun, greeted by a barrage of applause from the audience. PJ walked to his turntables and put his headphones on.

"All right, y'all! Let's light this party up!" Parappa said. This only caused more excitement in the crowd. One thing that Parappa liked to do is bring out the element of surprise.

"But, I'm not here to take the glory all for myself. We also got your favorite rock band, give it up for the girls in Milkcan!"

Milkcan walked out on stage to perform in this concert as well. Katy, Ma-San and Lammy waved their hands in front of the audience. They all got their instruments and got ready for the performance.

PJ scratched the turntables to begin the beat. Milkcan also played their instruments for this collaborative concert. Parappa then began rapping:

This song goes out to all of our fans

With PJ on the tables and the girls from Milkcan,

It's a fact, that Katy Kat, said no cutting corners,

We're reaching for the top, forgetting about the borders,

We know how this game goes, unlike Joe Chin,

All the haters prepare for a strike, just like bowling,

And all the doubters never believed, don't care what you say,

Let's all pause for a minute, get ready for a verse by 2-K!

The beat went from a primarily rap-based tone to a rock-based tone. Katy sang her verse after Parappa's. When they finished the song, the audience cheered and wanted an encore.

"Thank you, ladies and gentlemen! Don't forget, you gotta believe!" Parappa shouted in his triumph. Him, PJ and Milkcan walked off the stage on cloud nine. This was living the good life. Performing in concerts for people in their town. Making albums for money. It seemed easy being famous. However, some things had evil lurking around the corner.

In the middle of the night, Parappa Town was calm, serene. Nobody thought that anybody would be conspiring to wipe out any celebrities tonight, or any night. Suddenly, a purple rabbit scurried across the streets of town. The rabbit breathed hard as he ran full speed to Joe Chin's house. Now, I know what you are thinking. Why would anyone want to run to Joe Chin's house in the middle of the night? Well, read on.

The rabbit paused and caught his breath when he reached Chin's door. He knocked on the door, only to find himself confronted by a big man armed with a billy club.

"The master of mandibles," the guard said.

"The charlatan of chins," the rabbit said between breaths.

The guard let the rabbit get inside of Joe Chin's mansion. He went upstairs to find a chair facing opposite of him.

"So, what did you find?"

The rabbit, nervous, said, "Parappa challenged your authority of this town."

The chair turned and Joe showed himself to his informant. He was a muscular dog with an enlarged chin, as his name suggested, with blonde hair on his head. Chin was a mob boss that hailed from Parappa Town, which he was trying to get it named after him.

Enraged, he said, "What did the little punk say about me, Gaster?"

Gaster smirked and said, "Oh, he said something along the lines of you being a puffed up mama's boy, that you never worked hard in your life, and that you were a tryhard. Need I say more?" Joe became furious. All of his work making a name for himself in the criminal world was in jeopardy because of one dog who wasn't even a third of his size.

"If that brat thinks he can say what he wants to say in a concert, he's got another thing coming! Hollow Bone, Chief Leaf!" he exclaimed. Two of Chin's most trusted bodyguards immediately stepped into the room. One was a live skeleton, the other was a plant-like figure with a leaf on his head.

"I got another guy that I want to make...disappear. Parappa, a rapping guy that's got the nerve to talk about me in a bad way. Learn the name. Learn the face. Do what you need to do in order to get rid of him. I want to know where he lives, I want to know where he sleeps-"

"Pause," Chief Leaf said.

"Shut up, you! You know the drill! By the end of tomorrow, you make sure he's deep-sixed, or else."

"Or else, what?" Hollow Bone inquired.

"It doesn't matter! You're the one getting paid to stalk, not paid to talk!"

"Pause again," Chief Leaf said, laughing this time.

Joe pulled out his double-barreled shotgun from under his desk out of rage and shot the ceiling. This startled the three other people in the room, causing all of them to scurry out of the room. Hollow Bone had a burning question to ask his boss, even though he was in rage mode.

"Uh, sir, would you like us to capture Sun-"

BLAM! The shot hit the wall close to the door, nearly damaging Bone, who was running away for real this time.

Meanwhile, Parappa and company were walking out of Club Fun and into Milkcan's van. Or, at least trying to. People in the concert were crowding around the entrance, asking for autographs from their favorite stars.

"Parappa, sign my shirt!"

"PJ, will you marry me?"

"I want to have your babies, Katy!"

Of course, they didn't have the time to sign shirts or plan marriages or pregnancies. It was late at night, and they wanted to get home as soon as possible. You never know if a skeleton or a leaf might be stalking you for money.

"It must be the bear who is Parappa!" Bone said.

"Are you serious? Gaster said it was a rapper. It must be the dog wearing an enlarged beanie!"

"Well, I am willing to bet money that the bear is the guy the boss wants us to kill!"

Leaf wasn't really that much of a gambler, but he was street smart, knowing what many rappers wear nowadays.

"All right," he said, "twenty-five dollars."

"It's a deal!" Bone said, feeling like he earned an easy $25. He then suggested getting the autographs of all the celebrities there. But, they weren't signing anything tonight, so that would be a waste of time. In fact, they didn't think they could do anything until they saw the gang get into a van with the word Milkcan on it. Suddenly, Leaf got an idea.

"I know of a good way to get rid of Parappa! It has something to do with cars. Bone, follow that car once it starts moving."

Bone asked, "Okay, but why should I?"

"Don't question me, you bonehead!" Bone slumped at this comment and watched as the Milkvan backed out of its parking space and drove uptown. Bone then started his car and followed suit.

In the Milkvan, Parappa and company were talking about their latest concert.

"That was an amazing performance...by me!" Ma-San boasted.

"Hey, Lammy was good, too!" Katy said.

"But Parappa should receive some credit. Who else could have thought to combine the band and the rap duo?" Lammy said.

"But we should all thank PJ for booking us all at the club. Without him, this wouldn't have been possible!" Parappa said while behind the wheel.

"Yeah, that's true," everyone else verbally agreed.

"Right, PJ?" Parappa said. But, in the passenger seat, PJ was, you guessed it, asleep.

"I swear, his sleeping is heavier than he is!" Ma-San said, chuckling.

"Ma-San!" Katy snapped, glaring.

"What? It's not like he's hearing any of this while unconscious. What difference would it make?" Ma-San said. Katy just rolled her eyes in response. He was driving perfectly. His pursuers, however...

"Turn to the left, you idiot!" Leaf yelled, as the gangsters' car swerved in all directions. Bone forgot which was was left and kept going straight.

"You fool! Never am I going to let you drive again! Okay, turn left at the next intersection!"

"Uh, which way is left again?" Bone said.

Leaf face-palmed, wondering why he had to work with this dunderhead.

Meanwhile, Parappa was driving home, now close to Milkcan's homes. It seemed like a regular driving session until...

"Parappa, look to the left!" Katy yelled. As soon as she said that, a speeding vehicle crashed into the side of the van. The van was in midair, doing a 360 degree horizontal spin.

"Do a barrel roll!" Parappa heard from the radio while in flight. The van collapsed on its side, exhibiting dents all over it. Parappa was badly hurt from the accident, as everyone else in the van was. The last thing that he heard before being knocked unconscious was, "Where the heck did you learn to drive!?"