Hey guys it's me pinkittwice54, it's my first story, hope you enjoy, it's been in my head for a while. Plus i'm restarting this story because it was going to be reported. For those people out there Brittany is just a name i needed nothing more. I'm so sad, it almost had 100 reviews, all well. I changed this story to fit the rules of fanfiction. Enjoy and lets see if we can get up to that many reviews again, Please?!


(Brittany's pov)

100 years after Jack was reborn

"G'night everybody" I said even though it's just me, my mom, and my brother, Benjamin.

My name is Brittany, i live in Colorado and i am 13 years old. I only have my mom and Benjamin because my dad left us. I"m still happy all the way because i have everything i need.

I go to my room and shut the door after I change into my pajamas. I look outside my window to see the moon. It was a full moon so I can bask in all its glory. I was half expecting for the moon to tell me something , because I've been obsessing over the new movie Rise Of The Guardians. But that didn't happen, so I went under the covers of my bed and fell asleep.

I wake up to the sound of a very annoying owl. The sound was ringing in my ears. 'Ouch, ok that hurt'. I reach behind my back to take out what just poked me. Only to find that it was a pine needle. I take a good look around me and realize, ' I'm in a tree'.Due to the sudden realization, I started to fall backwards, luckily the snow broke my fall and right in front of me, was the most beautiful lake I ever saw.

I stood up much to my dismay, but I had to know where I am first. As I'm standing I feel something move by my leg. I look down 'OH MY GOD, I have different clothes, WHO DRESSED ME? WHERE THE HECK AM I?'. I am wearing a skirt that reached up to my knees, some knee high tan boots , a blouse and a vest, plus surprisingly I'm not cold. I take one step and something moves against my leg again but this time it's in my boot. So being me and curiosity getting the better than me, I reached into my boot and pulled out a pink wand.

"Awesome" I yell, when it shoot out a laser that did something that I wasn't able to see. Because all of a sudden I got yanked into the air to find that I'm flying. Then I got scared. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I started to free fall. A few seconds before I hit the ground I started thinking 'I WAS FLYING! THAT'S SO COOL!. After that thought,I waited for the face plant of a life time so I closed my eyes. 'Awesome, just awesome, what I would give to do it again'

Surprisingly the face plant and the pain never came. I open my eyes to find that I'm hovering inches above the ground 'that was close'. "Awesome" I controlled that way I was positioned so that I was set gently on the ground on my feet. Then it clicks 'When I think happy thoughts I can fly. JUST LIKE PETER PAN" . With careful concentration, and my wand in hand, I had myself flying way up high.

At that height I was able to see a town in the distance. So, I was flying to the town( which took a while, maybe an hour) 'wait till they see this' .I landed with so much grace (note the sarcasm) I took a tumble and landed on my face. "Well that's going to take a while to get used to" I said while wiping some snow off of me. 'Look's like the 1800's I must be dreaming'.

As I look around again, I notice that no one seems to notice me. Which I was perfectly fine with I don't like to be the center of attention. But I needed to know where I was. I ran up to a person, but slipped on some fresh ice. I cursed "DARN IT JACK THIS NO TIME FOR PRANKS!" still no body heard me. As I get up the wind blows my brown hair in my face and I couldn't see the person walking right to me. Right as I got my hair out my face the person walks right though me.' Poor Jack, so that's what it feel like. He had to deal with this for 300 years. Wait, if these are the 1800's then Jack was only here for 100 years'. I was brought back to the world at hand when another person walked though me. I turn around and looked at my refection in the window. I'm older, if i had to guess I would be 18 now.

I picked myself with the thought of being there for Jack. I started to fall again as I lost the thought by just thinking 'I wonder how lonely jack is'. Luckily the snow broke my fall again. 'Thanks Jack. You keep saving my life. I.O.U'. Now I'm back the lake and it took all of my will power to keep my inner fan girl in check. I literally had to pinch my self to see if i was dreaming. It hurt, but it could still be a dream.

Because in the middle of the lake was none other than a white haired, blue eyed, brown cloaked boy also known as the fun loving, awesome , cute (wait, what I didn't say that, you never read it) JACK FROST. If I'm like him (that no one can see us) then he has to see me' While I was thinking this I was forming a snow ball with my hands.

"Hey!" I yelled hoping he would hear me. Jack stood up real fast and stared at me for like two second then turned around. "Hey, you" I said once more. He turned to face me again and I took my moment to strike.


Back from a fun day of making mischief, I ask the wind to take me home since I was in Russia. The wind gently put me in the center of the lake. I sit down and look at the moon it was full. "Why won't anyone see me? Can you please tell me? I'm lost." But as usual Man In Moon didn't say anything, just at me in silence.


But I continued to sit because I need to think things out. After like a hour of me thinking 'new record,' I heard my name out of the blue. That's weird but whatever it's happened before and it could have a mom calling for a trickster named Jack Boss (ya right).

"Why bother nobody cares for me." I let out a very long and heavy sigh.

Then I heard a little Plunk kind of noise. But I shrugged it off 'probably some snow fell off a branch again'. So, I just sat there unfazed. But out nowhere a "Hey!" came out. I stood up it would be easier when I looked around. 'Nobody's here at this time, how could it be?' right then and there spotted a girl around 18 or so staring at me with her hand behind her back.

"HEY, you!" I turn around to look behind me if anyone was there, I didn't want to be too hopeful. When I saw that no one was there, I turned around to face her again. Two words : BIG MISTAKE .


I got hit in the face with a snowball. "YES, BULLSEYE" she cheered and jumped up like I've seen kids do when they get what they want for Christmas. "Wait, you can see me?" I asked dumbfounded.

"Duh, when it hit you why did I say bulls eye"

"Oh right, sorry, I didn't catch your name"

"You didn't catch my snowball either. Name's Brittany"

"Nice name, Brittany"


"By the way my names Jack. JACK FROST"

"Very fitting "

"You're going to pay for that snowball"

"Bring it on Frosty"

(Brittany's pov)

I had just challenged the famous winter spirit to a snowball fight. Was I going to lose, most likely, but not without a fight. It was the battle of the century, literally. I already knew how to use my wand much to my surprise. But if I was dreaming I don't want to wake up right know. I also figured that since it was a dream, it would only be natural to know how to use my pink wand. I've also noticed that the wand is more of a conductor than my power source.

I was also able to change my clothing. I'm now bare foot, in shorts, and a T-shirt that was slightly torn on the edges of the sleeves.

Although I really wanted to wear jeans, a T and my red hoodie with a zipper. But it was the 1800's so I had to stick with the fashion.

With Jack being my new friend. How knows what will happen? Well I sorta do, since this is obviously before the movie, but until then I'm going to comfort Jack till he feels better. Since he would be really lonely for the next few hundred years, I just hope I'm there.

I hoped you enjoyed it, I'll try to update as soon as I can. I'll have some shots between the next 200 year gap between this and the movie. Please bare with me thanks.