Cat & Mouse

The term is derived from the hunting behavior of domestic cats, which often appear to "play" with prey by releasing it after capture.

Joker's prov.

'I'm going to need a new suit', I think, as I make my out out of the museum. 'I'm covered in so much blood, there's not a splash of purple anywhere and red really isn't my color'.

Harley's waiting for me as I open the doors, propped up against a pillar outside, she manages a smile for me. The rest of my crew I left outside are also there with her.

"So Boss", one asks. "Is it over?"

I smile my biggest smile, it makes him cave a little but I'm in such a good mood I ignore it.

"Why no my good man", I pat him on the back."It hasn't even begun". With that I pick up Harley and walk to the building on the opposite side.

"Ready for some mayhem cupcake", I ask. Harley beams up at me and tightens her arms around me neck.

"Oh Mr J, you know its my favorite!"

I turn around to face the museum; Penguin's so called fortress. I think I left him alive, but I don't really care. I smile again as I take out the detonator from my breast pocket and give it to Harley. "Here you go m'dear. Think of it as an early Christmas present". She gasps and covers my face with kisses.

"Harley", I manage between the caresses. "Harley push the damn button!"

She does and the whole museum, plus Iceberg lounge, go up in flames. It's a sight to behold and will probably rattle Strange's cage, but that's just a bonus.

As we watch the fireworks together I can't help but think what would have happened if Penguin had won, what would have happened to Harley? I look down into her smiling face and the chest sensation comes back in full force. My hands curl into fists, ready to break her pretty little neck but then I catch sight of her already broken face. Thanks to Penguin. He might have gotten out before the blast, who knows. Part of me hopes he did, just so we can do this little run around again sometime, but the other part takes solace that all his guys are dead in there. Anyway, I can't bring myself to hurt her again. Jeez Louise I am getting soft in my old age. But she isn't getting off without a beating. I look at her face again. Eh, maybe tomorrow.

Im not really sure if this is as good enough ending as I wanted, but I think it works ok. If I can come up with a better idea I might change it. Thanks for reading.