Let it burn chapter 6 seeds of destruction
AN: huge thank you to my reviewers in general I try to pm you all and say thank you as much as I can but I want to say a particular thank you to EvilGeniusFan your review was very sweet and kicked my ass straight onto writing the next chapter so thank you as always
Anyway on with the story
Chapter 6: Seeds of destruction
Sergeant Marik stood in front of his elite unit and began to address them
"gentleman as you all know we are currently undertaking one of the most important and historic missions the fire nation has ever conducted, the capture of the avatar, however our leader princess Azula has faltered in her cause" the sergeant paused for a couple of seconds as the men looked hesitant
"She has allowed herself to become intimate with a peasant fire nation worker who also knows the avatar" Marik began to pace in front of his unit
"But sergeant could it be a ruse? I mean if he knows the avatar?" a corporal spoke up from the unit
"From what I saw today I'm afraid it is not and I will not allow a hormonal teenage girl to ruin this mission for the fire nation" sergeant Marik yelled the last part for emphasis
"Furthermore I will be sending a message to fire lord Ozai later this day to inform him, I am sure he will want this peasant's head so he is to be captured on sight" sergeant Marik's commanding voice washed over the unit
Once again the corporal spoke up "Azula will not be happy about this"
"there is nothing the princess can do, I am sure to get a promotion from this as well as praise from the fire lord I highly doubt she would disobey her farther and kill one of his loyal servants, at least if she doesn't want to end up like her traitor brother" Marik seemed very confident which reassured his men.
"Gentlemen dismissed" Marik yelled
-Tu Song Market (same time)—
Azula held Sokka tight in her arms and nuzzled into his neck like she was trying to get even closer to him. She couldn't stop crying for the first time she felt bad, she hurt someone she cared about for what at this moment felt like no reason.
"I'm sorry" Azula whispered into Sokka's ear her hot breath made Sokka shiver a little
"Azula this is not the first time you have beat the living day lights out of me" Sokka playfully joked
Azula raised her head and looked into Sokka's deep blue eyes
"well all the other times you deserved it" Azula smiled a little but it soon faded
Sokka chuckled. He then placed his hand under Azula's chin and brought her mouth up to his, Azula's lips were as delicate as ever and the two enjoyed the passion of the moment.
Azula broke the kiss before gently touching one of Sokka's wounds "we should get you sorted out"
Azula slowly stood up she felt exhausted both physically and mentally but that wouldn't stop her. She helped Sokka limp to his feet and slowly walked to a couple of stalls.
She bought salt, thread and a small needle as well as some water she had caused Sokka's injury's so she would patch them up.
Azula held Sokka's hand as they walked down a back alley before she told him to sit down. Sokka did as he was told
"This is going to hurt… probably less then actually receiving the wound but still" Azula said in a very monotone voice
Sokka just nodded
Azula mixed the salt and the water and began cleaning the two gashes on Sokka's head she then set about sewing them up. She was incredibly delicate in fact Sokka could barely feel her fingers touching around the wound.
"You know I wouldn't even let my sister sew me up let as known princess Azula of the fire nation" Sokka laughed
Azula let out a small smile "yeah well I was tempted just to cauterise the wound but I decided against it at the last second"
Sokka went wide eyed
"You are joking right?" Sokka said
Azula just stared at Sokka "yeah… course"
"Oh gods you were actually thinking of cauterising my face" Sokka couldn't believe it
"Zuko pulls the look off" Azula grinned
Sokka laughed
Azula then placed her hand over her left eye and in her best Zuko impression said "I must find the avatar to restore my honour"
Sokka rolled his eyes in a playful manner
"Nailed it" Sokka said while smiling at Azula
Azula then stood up and pulled Sokka up
"Where are we going Azula?" Sokka asked
"Back to the base, I just want to cuddle and go to bed" Azula stated
"But it's like noon?" Sokka stared blankly
"So?" Azula went to start walking but Sokka took her hand
"Azula I need to go back to my friends" Sokka went to kiss Azula but she turned away
"Oh come on don't be mad" Sokka pleaded
"I have to go Azula" Sokka gave her a look that said it all
"Fine" Azula looked away like a scolded child who wasn't getting their own way
"Don't go to bed angry at me" Sokka gave his best puppy dog eyes to Azula
"I don't go to bed angry peasant" Azula stated while examining her perfect nails
Sokka looked surprised "that's good" Sokka looked happily to Azula
"I stay awake and plot my revenge" Azula looked up from her nails with a sinister grin on her face
Sokka just face palmed
"Anyway peasant I suppose I will take my leave" Azula tried to retake the initiative from Sokka but once again was stopped
"Before you go off in a mood can I ask you something Azula?" Sokka asked
Azula nodded
"Are we boyfriend and girlfriend now?" Sokka looked awkward saying it which was a first for Sokka
Azula paused for a second before speaking
"I would say yes if I knew your head wouldn't explode with your ego" Azula's lips curled into a smile as she winked at Sokka, which Sokka found absolutely terrifying and slightly kinky…
Sokka looked like a man who had just been told he was dating a rich beautiful princess…
"I'll be taking that as a yes" Sokka grinned ear to ear
Azula rolled her eyes "take it however you want"
"Bye snookums" Sokka scrunched his face up and blew a kiss
"Call me that again peasant and I'll put your nose threw the back of your head!" Azula growled before marching off
Sokka laughed as he limped away
-Tu Song Military Base (same time)—
"Have the letter sent by carrier hawk" sergeant Marik said as he handed the letter to the corporal
"Yes sergeant, but are you sure about this?" the corporal looked to his leader for guidance
"Of course the mission takes priority ove…" the sergeant was cut off
"No I mean that Azula won't torch you for going behind her back like this" the corporal said
The sergeant stared straight threw the corporal before replying "send the message" Marik then turned around and walked away
-Tu Song Stables (15 minutes later) –
"Aang it's been a whole day we should talk to the city guard" katara said concern in her voice
"Come on then katara, we'll leave Appa here and go out looking for him" Aang replied
It was at that moment Sokka limped in
"Hey guys" Sokka yelled
Katara glared at her brother ready to let lose a hail of insults at him but immediately noticed his injury's and stopped
"Sokka what happened to you?" katara yelled as she ran over with Aang in hot pursuit
"It's a long story" Sokka rubbed his neck
"Well Aang said you were pulled away by some nobleman? Katara asked before pausing
"Wait I recognise that smell?" katara sniffed her brother
"You got beat up by that gang of girls again?" katara looked quizzically at her brother
"uhh actually it was just the one girl…." Sokka said looking rather embarrassed
"We should go to the guard!" Aang chirped up
"Well it was kind of my fault…." Sokka looked uneasy
Katara just stared at Sokka waiting for him to explain
"Well I met a girl at the ball and uhh decided to go back with her to her place…. But she turned out to be one of the girls that beat me up so yeah here I am…." Sokka could have slapped himself
"Really" he thought to himself
"urm that doesn't explain a lot Sokka…" Aang said before being cut off
"AND HERE I AM" Sokka yelled flailing his arms for emphasis
Suddenly Appa stood up
"Aww did you miss me buddy?" Sokka said to Appa
But rather than lick Sokka like usual Appa just stood there sniffing
Sokka immediately noticed Appa could smell Azula's scent on him
"SO" Sokka tried to change the conversation away from Appa
"That's odd" katara said
"He is probably sulking" Sokka said looking left and right for some means of escape
"That's not like Appa" Aang stroked the sky bison
Suddenly Appa growled at Sokka startling the whole group
"What's wrong buddy" Aang said trying to calm the bison down
"I need a bath!" Sokka yelled grabbing the attention back to himself
Suddenly katara grabbed Sokka
"Okay first of what is going on Sokka" katara yelled
Sokka wanted to die
"You're crazy… your all crazy" Sokka yelled
Katara and Aang exchanged looks
"First off being beaten up by girls, secondly Appa growling at you, and then asking for a bath Oh and the erratic behaviour but mainly ASKING FOR A BATH!" katara yelled the last bit showing her shock
Sokka took a deep breath
"If I tell you guys something you promise not to be mad?" Sokka looked about one foot tall at this moment
Aang nodded but katara just sort of shrugged
"Well I'm…. Its urm" Sokka didn't know how to put this
"I am having an affair with Azula!" Sokka blurted out
Katara looked at Aang and then Aang looked at katara
Before they both burst out laughing
"Hey why are you laughing?" Sokka glared at katara and Aang
"That's brilliant Sokka!" katara howled
Aang couldn't breathe through his laughter
"Why is that funny?" Sokka was now really annoyed
"As if you would have a chance with Azula" Aang chirped up while wiping the tears from his eyes
Katara now turned to Aang
"What's that meant to mean?" katara asked
"Well I mean come on…." Aang looked nervous
Katara raised an eye brow
"Well Azula is urm not exactly bad looking…." Aang instantly regretted saying that
"What's that supposed to mean!" Sokka yelled before being pushed away by katara
"Oh so you have a crush on the enemy now?" Katara stared daggers at Aang
"No of course not and obviously she is not anywhere near as good looking as you katara!" Aang tried to salvage his relationship
Katara just stormed off
"Katara wait!" Aang face palmed
Sokka crossed his arms
"Smooth Aang" Sokka winked
Aang ran after katara
As soon as katara and Aang were out of ear shot Sokka let out a deep breath
"I don't think that could have gone better" Sokka looked smug
Suddenly Appa roared and swung around, his tail knocking Sokka seven feet into the air.
Sokka landed with a thud in a pile of dung outside the stable
"Dam it gods why me!" Sokka yelled to the skies
AN: firstly so no one gets confused of course the gang does not believe Sokka. Thanks for all the great support guys with reviews and PM's etc without them this story would not be getting done so give yourselves a virtual cookie from me however I am sorry about the wait real life and work can be a bitch but expect the next chapter asap