This is all covetingaremedy's fault. I was quite happy with my one-shot, but noooo you have to plant the seed in my head and I had to add this chapter! Leonard's turn to take care of Penny. Hope you enjoy, and all you men out there, pay attention! haha :P

The Flying Shoe Incident

No sooner had Penny slumped down in her sofa after a long, torturous lunch shift at The Cheesecake Factory, than she heard those three loud knocks on her door followed by the inevitable, "Penny." Penny growled and threw her head back against the sofa in frustration. The last thing she wanted right now was to talk to her crazy neighbour.

"Go away Sheldon!" She yelled through the door, although she needn't have bothered because she knew that it would make no difference, those three knocks would still come, and they did.

She growled a little louder after the second set of knocks, loud enough for him to hear, but he still knocked again.

"Oh for God's sake." She said under her breath. "What is it Sheldon?!" She yelled.

"Am I allowed to come in?" He asked through the door.

"YES!" She barked.

A few seconds later the door timidly opened and Sheldon walked in. "Leonard is out and I need to go to the comic book store." He stated.


"So…. You need to take me to the comic book store."

"No I don't."

"Yes, you do. It's an emergency," He said as he held up a comic. "I got the wrong one, I need to take it back and exchange it."

"I don't CARE Sheldon!" She said, emphasising the words with a growl that should have warned him that she wasn't in the mood for him.

"But Penny-"



"Sheldon, if you don't leave my apartment in the next ten seconds I will hurt you."

Sheldon stood silent for a few seconds before opening his mouth, "Bu-"

Penny quickly picked up her shoe that was sitting on the floor beside her and threw it at him. Luckily for Sheldon, his reactions were on point and he managed to escape the flying shoe by running out the apartment and closing the door, so that the only thing the shoe hit was the back of the door.

Penny let out a loud sigh and fell back onto the couch, resting her hand on her tender stomach, trying to soothe away the cramps that were causing her to be such a bitch.

Penny changed out of her uniform into her long pyjama bottoms and oversized grey Nebraska t-shirt. She threw her hair up into a loose bun with strands of her blonde hair falling on her face and a couple of hours later, while she was curled up on the sofa with a blanket covering her body and a hot water bottle on her stomach, there was a quiet knock on her door. She turned her attention from the television as she held her breath, waiting for another two knocks to follow and her name being called after that, but neither came and she sighed with relief.

"Come in." She said blankly, still not quite herself.

A few seconds later she saw the knob on her door slowly turn and frowned at the door as it slowly opened. The first thing she saw was a neon green light at the tip of her door and then a dark haired, bespectacled nerd popped his head through the door.

"Is it safe?" Leonard asked with complete seriousness.

Penny just glared at him as he cautiously stepped into the apartment wielding his green lightsaber. He looked around the room as if he was expecting something to jump out at him.

"What are you doing?" Penny asked.

"This is a hostile environment miss, I am just checking for any shoes that are around and may come flying at me."

Penny huffed and shook her head. "Leonard relax I won't throw anything at you."

Leonard narrowed his eyes and looked at her for a few seconds, "Are you sure?"

"Yes, you can put the lightsaber away." She grumbled before turning her attention back to the television.

"Okay," He said as he shut it down and sat it beside the door.

"What do you want Leonard?" Penny asked in frustration, not in any kind of mood to see anyone, even him.

"Well," He said as he walked out the apartment door and returned with a grocery bag in hand, ignoring her abrupt tone of voice since he knew the reason for it. "I was at the store and got a call from Sheldon who said that you threw a shoe at him." Penny opened her mouth to begin to tell him her reasons, but he held a hand up and shook his head. "You don't need to explain why, because Sheldon told me the reason for that too. You see when he returned home he checked his calendar and saw the little sad face that was on yesterday's date and blamed himself for not noticing it before he went over to see you."

Penny just looked at him in confusion. "What?"

"The little sad face means that you are menstruating." He said simply and Penny looked at him in horror.

"What? He keeps track!?"

Leonard tilted his head at her as if to say 'really?', "Sheldon keeps track of his own bodily functions, are you really surprised he keeps track of this too?" Penny huffed and rolled her eyes. "So anyway, I remember you once told me that the first day is the worst," He said as he walked towards the kitchen and sat the grocery bag on the counter. "And that there were only two men who would be able to make you feel better," He smiled as Penny frowned at him, waiting to see where he was going. He put his hand into the bag, "Ben and Jerry." He said with a grin as he pulled out a huge tub of ice cream and Penny's eyes lit up and a grin spread over her face.

Leonard chuckled, "Yeah that's what I thought would happen." He said as he put one tub on the counter followed by a couple more. "I wasn't sure what kind you liked so I just bought a whole bunch. I also got a few bags of chips, chocolate, fizzy juice aaaaannnd," He said as he dug out the last few items in the bag, "I rented some sappy love story DVD's." He grinned with satisfaction as Penny's smile somehow grew wider and she got up from the sofa and stood opposite him at the counter, studying the items he had just pulled out. "And all of this comes with a handsome, nerdy boyfriend who is willing to do whatever you want him to do to make you feel better." He leaned across the counter and smiled as he looked into her eyes.

All frustration she had felt earlier was temporarily gone and she copied his movements, meeting him halfway in the middle of the counter. "This is awesome Leonard, thank you." She said quietly before giving him a kiss on the lips.

"There is only one rule though," Leonard said when he pulled away from her and began to put away the ice cream.

"What's that?" She asked as she opened the bag of chips.

"No shoe throwing. I can't have you messing up this cute little face." He said with a grin as he motioned to his face with his finger.

Penny giggled and nodded, "Okay." She said before stuffing her face with chips.

"Good girl." He said with a smile and began to put the rest of the chips into a big bowl before handing them back to her. Penny headed back to the sofa and sat the big bowl on the coffee table. "Leonaaard?" Penny whined, "Can you refill this for me, please?" She said as she held up the hot water bottle. He nodded and turned on the kettle before going over and taking the hot water bottle from her hands.

A few minutes later he headed over to the sofa with the boiling hot water bottle in one hand and a tub of ice cream and spoon in the other. "So, what do you want to do first then?"

"Um, who are these people again?" Leonard asked a few hours later. He was sitting on the sofa, with Penny's head on his lap. She was lying on her back with her head tilted towards the television. The half empty bowl of chips was sitting beside her and her hands were resting on top of Leonard's left hand that was sitting under her t-shirt just below her naval.

"The Kardashians."

"Hmmm." Leonard said with a furrowed brow as he began to stroke her hair with his right hand. "And they all have names beginning with K?"



"I dunno." Penny said with a shrug.

"And who is he?" Leonard asked when someone he hadn't yet seen on the show popped up.

"That's Kim's husband Kris."

"With a K?"

"Yeah." Penny giggled, "But she isn't married to him anymore."

"Oh, but I'm sure you told me she was pregnant."

"She is, but not by him."

"By who then?"

"Kanye West." Penny said then looked up at his confused face. "He's a rapper."

"Oh," He said with a nod. "How old are these episodes?"

"Hmm, about two years, maybe less." She said as she turned back to the television.

"So she got married and separated, then got pregnant by someone else, all in the space of less than two years?"

Penny giggled, "Yeah, its Hollywood sweetie, it happens."

Leonard moved his left hand from her stomach to turn her face back towards him. "It happens?" He said and Penny nodded. "So, when you become a famous actress, you are going to get a reality show, dump me and get pregnant by some rapper?"

Penny smiled and nodded, "Pretty much." She said before taking a hold of his hand and giving it a kiss. "Just kidding, you brought me Ben and Jerrys sweetie, you aren't going anywhere."

Penny's smiled faded into a frown as she let out a small growl of discomfort and shivered. She then took Leonard's hand away from her face and placed it back on her stomach.

"Here." He said as he pulled the blanket off of the back of the sofa and put it around her to stop her from shivering.

The blanket didn't stay around her for long though, before she knew it she was boiling hot again and she shuffled the blanket down her body and left it at her feet. Leonard rubbed her stomach gently, "Do you want more ice cream."

"Mmhmm," She said with a sad nod. "And can you get me some pain relief tablets from the cupboard too? Please?"

Leonard let out a slight giggle as he stood up, forcing Penny to sit upwards, "Jesus Penny it's only some cramps, it can't be that bad."

Penny simply glared at him, "Do you want to be hit with a shoe?"

"You hit me with your shoe and I'll leave, then there will be no-one here to take care of you." He said looking back at her.

"Alright then," She said glumly when he returned to her. She took the tablets he gave her with some water and then began to dig into her ice cream. "Do you want some?" She asked as she put some ice cream on the spoon and held it in front of him.

"Do you want me to blow up like a balloon?"

"Oh yeah, lactose, I forgot." She said, still holding the spoon out in front of him. She then grinned as a mischievous thought came into her head and she moved the spoon towards his face, putting the ice cream on his nose and she broke out in fits of giggles, finding it incredibly funny.

Leonard grinned and moved towards her but she moved back away from him, still giggling. He reached out, grabbed a hold of her waist and squeezed her sides causing her to squirm and laugh as she tried to get him off of her, all the while holding tightly on to her ice cream and spoon.

"Leonard!" She said between giggles, "Stop, it's… ow, ow!" She squirmed some more and giggled until he finally stopped and touched his nose against hers, covering it with ice cream like his was. Penny kissed the ice cream off his nose before wiping it off of her own.

"Can we watch a movie now?" She said once she had calmed down and resumed her position across the sofa with her head on his lap, although this time she was lying on her stomach with her hot water bottle under her. Her arms were crossed in front of her and her head was resting on top of them, tilted towards the television, while Leonard's hand gently rubbed the bottom of her back.

Penny picked out a movie to watch and found herself in tears almost the whole way through the movie. Leonard tried to comfort her by gently stroking his hand over her back but she continued to cry. He stared at the television with a frown, trying to figure out what it was she was actually crying about since this wasn't really a sad film, but he just couldn't figure it out.

"Nobody puts baby in the corner." Penny mumbled along with the movie through her sad sobs. Leonard's frown was frozen on his face as he watched the rest of the film while he rubbed her back and she sobbed.

Eventually the movie finished and Penny turned her head towards him. "How can you not cry at this?" She sobbed.

"It's not sad Penny."

"Yes it is." She said as she turned her body around so she was facing up at him. Leonard wiped away the last remnants of her tears and found himself smiling at her sad and tired expression.

"Do you want to go to bed sweetheart?"

Penny frowned and shifted her weight in discomfort before giving him a sad nod.

"Come on then." He said as he put his arm under her knee and the other under her neck.

"Are you going to carry me?" She asked with a grin.

"Yeah, well, I am the muscle in this group." He said and Penny tilted her head in confusion at him. "Did I not tell you that story?" He asked and she shook her head. "Never mind, I'll tell you later." He bent down to give her a kiss on the lips. "Okay, hold onto my neck." Penny wrapped her arms around him and squealed as he lifted her up and walked her to her bed. He dropped her at her side of the bed then left the room to get her hot water bottle and gave it to her, before stripping down to his boxers and t-shirt and got in bed beside her.

Penny lay on her back with her hot water bottle under her, and Leonard scooted close to her and lay on his side facing her. "Is it still sore honey?" He asked as he noticed her pained expression. She simply nodded and he once again moved his hand to her stomach, gently rubbing away the pain as he closed his eyes and unconsciously hummed a familiar tune.

"Leonard? Are you humming 'Soft Kitty'?" She asked with a smile and a hint of a giggle.

"No." Leonard said defiantly as he stopped humming.

"Yes you were!" She said excitedly as she turned to face him and Leonard shook his head, becoming a little embarrassed.

"It's a force of habit." He said sadly and Penny just smiled. "I'm so used to singing it to Sheldon when he is sick."

Penny reached her hand out to his face and stroked his cheek. "Keep on humming it, it's relaxing." She said before giving him a quick kiss and turning to lie on her back again, holding his hand against her stomach as he hummed softly in her ear and she drifted off to sleep.