Disclaimer: This is a nonprofit, fan-based fictional work. Moi-moi819 does not own Inuyasha, Yu-Gi-Oh!, or any of the titles therein. Please and thank you for not suing.

Moi-Moi: Since I was asked many times, I decided to do one, FINAL one-shot. I'm serious this time guys. Don't ask for me to do your ideas after this or I won't even bother to read your review. I have to admit: this one-shot was a pretty nice idea. I can't help but feel that it would have made a nice full-length story, but… On to the one-shot!

From: yasshi

Eygpt 1257bc .atemu was looking for a beautiful queen to rule by his side, but he kept having the same dream about a beautiful girl. So one day he was taking care of his garden,but he didn't see where he was going and fell down the well to into sengoku era. He saw the girl from his dreaming crying and said "hello miss are you ok. My name is atemu pharaoh of egypt." Kagome saw him and said "my name is kagome higurashi and wow a real king." Atemu carried her back to the villeage and said "where am I and whay year is it?" Kagome said "this is edo, japan and it's 1599 a.d atemu. "Atemu nodded and saw her smiling, so he decided to stay with her. So she took him through the well and said "it's now 2013 a.d of june atemu! "Atemu decided to step down from the throne and got to kagome very well,so one day atemu wanted to see what happend to his home. So kagome showed him what happend to his home on her lap top and atemu just cried, but kagome kissed him passionately and whisper "home is where your heart is,cause you're mine home atemu! Please stay with me! "Atemu keep kissing her and whisper "please be mine now! "Thankful no one was home, cause nodika and her family was in china. So atemu and kagome had a very passion time together, so they went to find a priest and got married. So nodika came home ans kagome hold hands with atemu. So she explained everything to her mom and nodika said "welcome to my family atemu taisho and inuyasha give me this." Atemu smiled and stay with the woman of his dream while sonjiro was happy to know inuyasha wasn't his grandson. The end


Atem rose from his bed in a cold sweat. He blinked his wide eyes several times before rubbing his face with his tanned hands. He quickly threw his cotton sheets away from his body before moving out of his bed. The young king tugged his robes over his half-naked form as he stepped out of his far too hot room and into the cool, night air.

His dream had been so vivid. He was sitting on a grassy hillside with many foreign flowers littering the mound. The land was so strange to him- he had never seen anything like it. Even the trees bared fruit and flowers that he had never experienced in his seventeen summers. But, this was not the first time he had seen this land in his dreams.

In his dream, he was not alone. There was a young woman with him. She was just as strange as the land. She spoke in a foreign tongue and wore strange clothing. She had hair as dark as night and eyes as clear as the day. Her skin was pale, but not sickly so. She couldn't have been older than he, but her eyes held a mix of experience and openness.

He found that in his dreams, he could not understand what she was saying but he spoke to her in the same foreign tongue. It was unnerving to hear himself speak a language he did not know to a girl he did not know. But, she did not share the same sentiments. She seemed to be rather familiar with him, going so far as to snuggle close to him and embrace him whenever she felt the need to initiate contact. No matter how much he wished to preserve his modesty, he couldn't help the feeling that with her at his side was where he belonged.

It was not the first time he had had these dreams. After having the recurring dream for several nights, Atem had spoken to Shimon and Mahad to discuss it.

"My King, if I may be so bold, may I offer my own interpretation?" Shimon spoke in an only slightly muffled tone. Atem stared down at his vizier before giving him a slow nod. "Perhaps your dreams are the god's way of saying that you must take a bride."

"A bride? Are you sure, Shimon?" Atem asked. The young king allowed his eyes to fall to one of his closest friends in question. Mahad stared back at him as well, a dubiously questioning look lighting his features.

"Of course, my Pharaoh! As king, you are expected to settle down and choose a wife that will bear you a son capable of one day assuming the throne of Egypt," Shimon says with a glint in his aged eyes. The wrinkles around his eyes began to show once his face showed the immense glee that he felt.

"Master Shimon, are you sure that this is not just your attempt at marrying off our king to some young maiden?" Mahad questioned with a knowing look., he folded his arms smugly, his Millennium Rod clutched in one hand. Atem smirked at this before shaking his head.

"Of course not, Mahad! I only have Egypt's best interest at heart…and of course the Pharaoh's interests as well…" Shimon trailed off.

Having grown tired of the conversation, Atem spoke once again to Mahad directly, "Mahad, in my dream I was conversing in a strange tongue. It seemed to come naturally to me in my dreams, but it is a language I have never heard before."

"Do you remember what it sounds like, my king? On my many travels away from the kingdom, I have come in contact with numerous tongues. Perhaps I may be able to identify it," Shimon spoke up.

Atem furrowed his brows. He tried to recall his dreams, analyzing every conversation he has had with the fictional woman. With slight uncertainty, Atem opened his mouth to speak, "Ore wa Atem."

Mahad blinked at his king for several moments while Shimon nodded thoughtfully. "I have heard people speaking in a tongue similar to that on my trip to the Asian continent. With country it hails from, however, I am not sure," Shimon informed.

"Mahad, is there any way you could allow me to understand and perhaps speak this language?" Atem asked.

"Of course, my king. It is beginner's magic," Mahad assured. Atem had nodded in thanks. Now, he would be able to fully understand what he spoke with the woman of his dreams.


"Come on! Obey me magic!" Mana exclaimed and gave her wand a frantic shake. Atem waited patiently for her to gain control of her magic as he allowed his eyes to stray over his surroundings. As he perused the palace gardens, he allowed his mind to drift. A small smile overtook his features once his thoughts fell upon an unknown, young maiden with raven locks and cerulean eyes. "Obey me! No wait! Not there!"

Atem turned back after hearing Mana's distressed call. He barely had time to react as a ball of pink energy sped towards him. It collided with his torso with immense force- enough force to knock him off his feet and send him stumbling backwards. A strangled cry ripped from his lips as the upper half of his body began leaning over the mouth of a stone well. "Look out!" Mana cried loudly, just as the well side he gripped to steady himself caved in and fell into the well's dark depths. Mana rushed over to the well before peering inside, "Pharaoh? Are you there?"



What was happening to him? The well seemed to have no end as he took on a weightless form and his decent began to slow. A loud cry broke out once he spotted a bright light ahead of him. Atem covered his eyes just as he sent up a prayer to the gods to help him.

Atem removed his arm from his eyes with disorientation clouding his focus. He blinked to clear his vision when he found that he was no longer floating in a vast space of darkness and was now sitting in a hole. Atem looked above him, spotting the day sky as well as the mouth of the well. "Mana? Are you there!?" Atem called out.

The young king stood at once, ready to heft himself out. How long had the well had these unruly vines? The last time he checked, the well was made of stone, not wood. Atem didn't allow himself time to ponder these facts as he poked his head out over the mouth of the well.

He choked on his words. Where was he? Climbing out fully from the well, Atem turned to observe the clearing. This was not his home. This land was different-strange, but familiar.

His thoughts were cut short by the sound of a twig snapping and bushes ruffling. The Pharaoh turned to his right, preparing himself for the possible threat. He dropped his guard once he saw who it was that came barreling through the underbrush.

She was the exact picture of the woman from his dreams. Everything matched. He could sense a purity within her that seemed to radiated from within as well as around her. She was muttering to herself in the same foreign tongue, but this time he could understand every word.

"That jerk! He's got some nerve…"

She didn't take notice of him until she was a few feet away. She immediately stopped in her ranting to stare up at him in surprise and confusion. Her gaze shifted to one he had seen many times. It was attraction. Many women in the palace had often given him their lustful gazes as he passed, taking note of his attractiveness. Mixed in with the attraction there was- recognition?

He decided to test out his new tongue, "Hello. Perhaps you could assist me…"

"Hello," she said, but didn't say anymore. He could feel something poking and probing at his very being before focusing on his Millennium Puzzle.. her eyes drew down to it as her eyebrows furrowed. After several seconds, she turned her gaze back up to him with distrust within her eyes.

"Could you tell me where I am?" he went on.

"You're in Musashi. But, you don't look like you're from here," she went on.

"I'm not. I come from a land far away. I'm not sure how I got here. Tell me, what is your name?" he spoke in a most charming tone. He offered her a small smile as he waited for her response. As he hoped she would react, her cheeks took on a light blush. He wasn't one to make a habit of purposefully using his looks, but he required information that she had.


"Why don't you tell me your name first?" Kagome asked the young man. She swallowed slowly while biting her bottom lip. She was sure that Inuyasha would be arriving soon to try to drag her back to Kaede's hut kicking and screaming and he would not be pleased to find her talking to a boy.

Speaking of the boy, he smirking at her response as if expecting her reluctance to give out personal information. Of course! She had no idea who he was! She could sense no demonic aura from him, but that pendant he wore… That was trouble with a capital T.

"My name is Atem. I am the son of Akunumkahnon and the current Pharaoh of Egypt," he said in a straight tone. Kagome blinked at him twice. Was he crazy? He was a Pharaoh? Egypt hadn't had a Pharaoh in thousands of years. He must have been crazy.

"No really. Who are you?" Kagome questioned.

He seemed offended by her words. Kagome folded her arms and raised a brow. He stood straighter then and fixed a serious stare upon her. Kagome suddenly felt like shrinking away under his heavy gaze. She truly felt as if she were in the presence of royalty.

"I speak the truth. I have not lied about my heritage," he spoke. Maybe he was the real deal. He sure spoke like it… in addition, Kagome could sense no deceit from his aura.

"Well…Atem, my name is Kagome. If you're from Egypt, how did you get here?" Kagome asked.

"I have no idea. I simply fell through the well in my palace and I was brought to this land," he spoke. He stopped when her eyes went wide. Kagome's eyes darted back and forth between him and the well.

What was going on? The well had never transported any other beside her and Inuyasha. What was wrong with it now?

"Is everything alright Kagome?" Atem questioned. Kagome felt a shiver go down her spine at him calling her name. she found that she was quickly growing attached to that smooth baritone of his.

Kagome opened her mouth to speak, "Everything is fine. I am just surprised to be in the presence of royalty. I've never met a king before."

He smirked at her again. She watched him approach her one step at a time with a sort of predatory smirk to his features. "You're not the only one. The feeling is quite mutual. I have never met anyone quite like you."

Kagome swallowed now that the space between them had immensely shrunk. She could now stare deeply into those violet eyes. "You don't even know me," she croaked.

"I would like to," he replied. Kagome felt herself begin to swoon slightly. Why couldn't some unnamed, hanyous be this charming?


Initially, the two had been slightly hesitant with each other. However, as they spent more time conversing, they grew to learn more about each other. It made it easier that the foundations for their relationship were pre-established. The dreams had been shared. It seemed while Atem was dreaming of being in Japan with Kagome, she was dreaming of being in the palace with him.

"Egypt sounds wonderful. I wish I could have seen it while you were ruling in real life," Kagome said wistfully from her spot next to the Pharaoh.

"You would have loved it. This land you speak of sounds like nothing I have ever seen. You say people ride "cars" instead of horses? How do you maintain them?" Atem questioned.

Kagome laughed lightly before explaining the futuristic technology to him. "Most cars run on gasoline, but some are more eco-friendly and better for the environment," Kagome explained. She could tell from his expression that he was still confused even though he nodded thoughtfully. "Can you tell me something in Egyptian?"

Kagome listened attentively to him speak, staring into his eyes for any hints of what he might be saying. His eyes took on a fond look and his voice dropped down a level to soothing caress. At that point, he could have been saying something rather foul to her, but it wouldn't have mattered. "What did you say?"

"I think your friend is losing his patience," he said and pointed behind her. Kagome raised an eyebrow before turning quickly. Her eyes landed on red hakama. She finally felt the hanyou's irritation before looking up at his countenance.

"I thought you were going home," he spoke slowly.

"I changed my mind. I'm allowed to change my mind. Aren't I?" Kagome spoke and rose from her seat on the grass. Atem rose with her, keeping his eyes trained on the strange man. Kagome had informed him on the creatures of this land. He was not afraid of the hanyou, Inuyasha. "I was actually helping my new friend, Atem, find his way home."

"How old is he? Can't he find his own way home?" Inuyasha asked dangerously while glaring directly at Atem. Atem stared back with an unwavering stare. Kagome could feel the tension increase as well as the aura of the two males.

"I assure you that I did not intend to take Kagome away from you. She willing offered her help to me and I would be a fool not to accept help when it is offered," Atem replied for Kagome.

"Just go wait at Keade's Inuyasha. This won't take too long," Kagome said, taking Atem's hand in her own. She led him over to the well, keeping his grip in hers to prevent him from straying. "See you later, Inuyasha," Kagome said before following after Atem through the well.


Kagome examined herself in the full-body mirror with an unsure look. "Are you sure it looks good?" she asked. She was wearing a white, cotton dress that ended just below her knees, several articles of gold jewelry, and a pair of matching slippers. It had all been a gift from Atem.

Kagome was not ashamed to say that she spent as much time as she could afford to with the Egyptian king. Even after Naraku had been defeated, she still went back to the Sengoku Jidai. She now found that her life was split between three different worlds.

"You look beautiful. Happy birthday," Atem responded before placing a soft kiss to her lips. Did she mention that he was her boyfriend?

"Thank you," she replied while placing her arms around his shoulders. He was her boyfriend of eleven months and by the end of the night, he would be her fiancée…


Moi-Moi: DONE! Sigh. I need juice…

Edited: 6/19/13
