At the dead of night, under the moonlight, fast sounds of footsteps echoing through the forest. The sound of heavy breathing trying to get more air in their lungs and there were more footstep stared to get closer and closer. Afraid of getting caught the hooded figure ran as fast as light trying to get away from the followers. The figure hid behind a tree praying that the followers wouldn't get a scent from her.

"We did she go?" one of the hooded figures spoke.

"The Master is going to be furious with us if she gets away you know we can't let her baby live" a man with a deep voice said, he was frightened at the thought of their master angry at them for not doing this mission.

"What so important about this child that we must kill?" asked another of the hooded figure.

"If he's anything like Ethan and his wife Isabel that child would be the most powerful wolf that is every born, the master wants him dead so the child can't grow and be as strong as Ethan" explained of the hooded figure to the others.

"We can't find her anywhere captain we have to call of the search" the hooded figure suggested to their captain but the captain punched him in the face sending him backwards and shouted

"NO! We have to find her and kill that child" said the captain; he took off his hood revealing his face and everyone took off their hoods. The captain had dark brown hair and he had green eyes and a dark brown beard. The figure hidden in the trees tried to stop the child whimpering because of the cold, she looked around to hide her child from the follower, she saw a tall house over the horizon, and she quickly ran towards the house carefully trying not to make any sound.

When she reached the house she saw the lights were still on meaning people are awake in the household. The figure took of the hood, her red hair falling out when the hood came off and her hazel eyes glisten in under the moon, she looked at the child in her hands, the baby's blue eyes with his tuff of red hair.

"you have your father's eyes Theodore, I don't think I will see you grow up and become a great wolf and wizard like your father, I want you to be happy and never forget love is the strongest of thing in the world goodbye" She kissed her baby's head "I will give you this necklace to remember me by" she placed a blue crystal with a metal ball at each side (Naruto's necklace), she kissed her baby's head one last time. She carefully placed her child on the door step and knocked on the door and took cover so the person who answered the door could see her.

Few seconds later a plum, short woman came out and saw the baby on the floor "oh Merlin, Arthur come quick" the woman picked up the child carefully. A man with also red hair but slightly balding

"What is it, Molly I was right in a middle at looking at a wonderful muggle invention" Arthur looked down to see the plum woman holding a baby

"Arthur he's been left on the door no one is sight I didn't see who placed him here, we will take him in he needs a mother to take care of him and a family" Molly said to her husband who smiled at her.

Arthur looked at his wife "you're right, he needs a family and what should we name him?" he asked his wife.

"To me he looks like a Weasley because of his hair colour and eyes, how about Ronald after your granddad?" Molly asked him.

Arthur picked up the child "Ronald Billius Weasley well do you liked that?" he asked the baby, the child laughed "I guess he like the name, come on Ronald you have lots of brothers to meet" as they went inside.

Unknown to Molly and Arthur that they were being watched by the woman who placed the infant on the doorstep, she sadly smiled "Goodbye Ronald be good, I love you" she morphed into a light brown wolf and sprinted away from the house knowing if she stayed that the followers could smell her so she ran as fast as she could. When she was exhausted for running miles and miles, she took a rest suddenly she was attacked by the same people that tried to catch her earlier.

"Found you where is the child?" he grabbed her by the collar and hauled her up in the air.

The woman said nothing, the man slapped her, but she still said nothing. "Isabel you better tell me or I will kill your husband do you want that" he said angrily to the woman who smirked at him

"I...I... I will rather die than let you kill my child and my husband is the strongest wolf there is you have no chance of winning in a fight with him" she spat at the man and he got angrier, he threw her on the ground.

"Fine you will die" he raised his wand and shouted the one of the unforgivable curse "AVADA KADABRA" a light green spark came out of his wand and killed the woman instantly.