Rayman Revolution- Rewritten


I was playing Rayman Revolution, starting the game again after finishing it for the millionth time. I saw poor Globox being dragged by Robo-pirates towards Rayman's cell. Teensies and baby globoxs were crying for help stuck in their cages. I then felt something hit my head and everything went black.

Chapter 1: The capturing and the escape:

I woke up and my vision was blurry. I thought I saw something red? I closed my eyes for five seconds then opened them again. My vision was back to normal. I see the red again and then a hook? Oh no…. you have got to be kidding me! I saw three Robo-pirates their backs facing me cornering something. They were slowly walking towards this something. I couldn't see what that something was because it was smaller/shorter than them. Could it be a baby globox?

I went around to the side to get a side view of what they were cornering. They didn't notice me. I saw a glimpse of strawberry blonde hair. Now I could see what they were cornering. It was Rayman. The Robo-pirates were smiling evil wicked smiles and were pointing their arm guns at Rayman. Slowly coming closer and closer towards him. Rayman was staring at them super scared. This reminded me of Rayman 3 when the Knaarens were cornering Rayman. But he had a hoodie on and he was not this scared. The Rayman here was wearing a bandanna/scarf and was looking way more sacred then he did in Rayman 3. I guess the younger you are the more scared you get.

I couldn't work out what bit in the game this was. Was this bit even in the game? "Rayman use your magic orbs!" I screamed/shouted at him. But he was in such a state of sacredness/shock that he just stayed staring at the Robo-pirates. The Robo-pirates did jump a little but continued approaching Rayman. It's like they pretended that they didn't hear anything. I couldn't bear it. "Hey pick on someone your own size!" I shouted. Well it was true. I was the same height as the Robo-pirates, And Rayman was slightly shorter than them. So the saying worked. I wasn't afraid of them! I had killed them billions of times controlling Rayman.

Then I realized something. I wasn't controlling Rayman. The guy staring at thin air (Because the Robo-pirates toke a step towards me) too scared/shocked to have realized that I had shouted twice, that was Rayman. I don't have magic powers to kill these guys. Oh shoot! I think. But I couldn't shy away. I had to do this! The Robo-pirates were smiling evilly again, had their guns pointing at me and were walking slowly towards me. I decided to use the act of surprise. "GIRL POWER!" I screamed/shouted (sort of like a war cry) and started charging towards them.

The Robo-pirates lowered their arm guns and stared at me shocked their mouths hanging open. SMASH! I smashed right into them and we all fell to the ground. Five seconds later… I got up from my sitting down position and noticed the Robo-pirates still dizzy and out of it. I looked around the room for a means of escape. I saw that the only way out of here was a big metal door with a switch right next to it. BANG BANG BANG! I heard coming from the door. "Let us in!" Shouted a crowd of Robo-pirates from the other side of the door. Oh shoot! I thought.

Any second they were going to be coming through that door! I didn't have a plan to escape. Then I remembered. Rayman! Rayman may be able to come up with a plan for a means of escaping! I ran back to Rayman, but it was useless. He was still in shock/too scared to move. (still staring at nothing) I started shaking him shouting "Snap out of it Rayman!" "We need a plan out of here!" I heard a match being lit. "Rayman!" I shout. BOOM! The metal door exploded. I saw 100 Robo-pirates running into the room with their guns pointing at us.

I suddenly realised what part of the game this is. It wasn't even in the game! It was the bit when Rayman got captured and put on the prison ship. I'm guessing he got captured by those three red Robo-pirates over there. But I guess I made it different and instead this time he gets captured by one hundred of them. I get captured too with him. Rayman was still in shock so did nothing. I frowned angry and scared at the same time slowly raising my hands standing next to Rayman. I noticed Rayman getting hand cuffed and being pulled along by Robo-pirates. There was one behind me. I looked up and saw a metal gun above my head. BANG!

I woke up to find myself in Rayman's cell. I was now in Rayman's history! "Knocked out again!" I whispered to myself. I heard sobbing, It was coming from behind a barrel. "Rayman….?" I said. The sobbing stopped. "Hu!? Who said that!?" He replied. He then stood and walked around the barrel. His eyes were teary. I'm so use to his bouncy old self, I'm not used to him being sad. "It's okay I'm not going to harm you." I said. "Why so sad?" "Well...(Sniffles a little).. It's just that the Robo-pirates have been killing beings and they killed all of the Raymanian's today, except me." He said. "Wow, that's awful." I say. "Being the last of your species is so sad!" "I also lost my powers and I'm going to get killed soon!"

he said. Rayman burst into a fresh patch of tears. "Hey it's going to be okay." I said. "I'm sure I will figure a way out of here, and even if I don't I'm sure someone else will." I also said putting my arm around his back trying to comfort him. "Really?" He asked looking hopeful. "You bet!" I replied back. I bet Globox is going to be coming any second now. I thought. But he didn't come. Rayman was getting fidgety and started twiddling his thumbs. I saw the grate that would be the means of escape once Rayman had a little of his powers back.

But if Globox wasn't coming how were we going to escape? I thought I saw a cage glowing brightly. "Hu?" I whispered to myself. "Rayman can I borrow your shoe?" I asked him "Wh..why?" he asked confused. "It's important." I said "Um..okay." he said detaching his shoe from his body and handing it to me. I threw it at the cage outside of our cell. It broke open! A sliver lum came out of the cage and flew towards me. I quickly grabbed it and threw it at Rayman. It flew around him and went into him. His body glowed. "Wow I can feel the energy building up inside me, my powers are coming back! We're saved!" He said.

"YIPPIE!" He yelled punching his hand in the air. "You should brake that grate." I said pointing towards the escape route/exit. "Okay." He said happily and shooted his fist right at it. It flung open and Rayman started sliding down, gathering up his energy by sliding through the red lums. He stopped at the bottom. Unlike when Globox came sliding down and knocked Rayman off the little platform, I just landed next to Rayman. "Whoa!" He shouted looking down to see that it was a very long way down. "What are we supposed to do now?" "JUMP!" I shouted pushing him off the platform and jumping after him. "Hey why did you do tha- whoaAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" he said finally realizing that he was falling. I think I annoyed him a little, but at least we are away from the prison ship.