The final chapter... Oh, and it's the longest chapter... So, enjoy!

Despair and Depression. Two forces that clogged my mine for so long. And to think, in just a couple of days, they were gone. I traveled the world, and stayed away from everyone. The only way to avoid problems, was to avoid others. Avoiding Pokémon would spare me from trouble. However, I always found myself helping everyone who asked for assistance. I couldn't stand to see anyone face their problems alone, regardless of who they were. But, almost all the time, I was always tricked. Pick-pocketed, beaten, even simply giving me wrong directions were just a few of the many betrayals against me. So when I saved Eevee, and she offered me a place to stay, I didn't believe her. I couldn't. She was being nice, and I saw most other Pokémon as mischievous and untrustworthy... But... if I didn't save her... then there would be so many things that I would've never discovered about myself. The sword, Zekrom's powers, and my father's past... Those few things changed me from being anti-social... to wanting to be a hero to everyone. And with joining Eevee's team, I now know that I'm not the only one trying to do good.

I'm here right now because Eevee gave me a chance to live again... She wished for my life back. And I'm not letting her wish go to waste!

"Uh... Sn-... Snivy?" I heard a voice. I quickly opened my eyes and saw Mienfoo and Oshawott standing over my body. I was lying on the grass, somewhere in Paradise, I think. The sky was a sunset, with a few faint clouds. I looked at my hands. My whole body was here; I am alive again. But, my cloak, satchel, and sword were missing. I quickly stood up, and grabbed Mienfoo by his shoulders.

"Quick! How long have I been gone!?" He hesitated at my abrupt question.

"It... uh... um... it's been... three days?" he looked at Oshawott, "It's been three days, right?" Oshawott nodded yes. I've been gone for three days? I wonder what's happened... Ugh, no! I don't have time to think. I need to get my sword and find Eevee.

"Do you know where my sword is!?" I realized that I was shouting at Mienfoo, right in his face.

"Snivy, relax." Mienfoo put his hands on my arms and took my hands off him. "It's right there." He pointed behind me. I turned around, and saw my sword floating on some kind of altar. "Your body formed from some light that came out of your sword. How did you even get back here, anyway?" I ignored his question, and stared at the sword. There was a faint, black aura around it. I expected Eevee to display it in some generic glass case... but this looked way cooler! I assume the aura is probably some kind of lock...

"How do I get my sword out of this?" I asked, while reaching for the sword.

"Wait, Snivy! Don't-" Oshawott tried to warn me, but he was too late. The moment my finger hovered over the sword's handle, a black, psychic beam branched off the sword and zapped me in the face. A wave of pain shocked me. I fell backwards, with my hands covering my nose. I should have expected something like that. But, I will admit, I'm glad to know Eevee got a really interesting lock on my sword. But, how do I get it out?

"Sorry about that. But you're not the first. Chimchar's curiosity got the better of him, and he tried too... He wasn't able to handle the pain as well as you did, though..." I stood back up.

"How do I get my sword out of that?" I asked Oshawott.

"You'll have to go and get Cofagrigus from Post Town to unlock your sword." I didn't know who Cofagrigus was, and I wasn't sure how far away Post Town was (obviously, it must not be that far if someone could get here and back to build this thing), all I knew was that I needed my sword now.

"Damn... I don't have time to do that." The two of them gave me worried looks.

"Sorry, but there really isn't anything we can do, unless we get Cofagrigus..." Oshawott replied. I stared at my sword for a few seconds, and then closed my eyes. This sword... it wasn't just a weapon... a tool meant to bring death. I remember thinking my sword was the key to my problems... no, it wasn't that. It was the key to my life. I know Pokémon are suppose to fight with their moves and abilities, but to me, my sword is a part of me that I can't let go. It's essential to me.

I could feel a close connection between me and the sword. I heard Oshawott gasp. Opening my eyes revealed my body covered in a blue aura. I looked up at the sword, and it was in the aura, too, along with the black aura. I slowly reached my hand towards the sword again. This time, my hand easily slipped through, and I pulled it off the altar. The aura dissipated from me and the sword. I unsheathed the sword, and looked at the blade. The insignia was still on it, reminding me of my bond with Zekrom and the other Legends. I swung the blade a few times to get a feeling for it again. It sliced through the air, like a bird gliding in the wind. Oh yeah... I missed this blade. I sheathed it, and wrapped it around my back, with a satisfactory smile. I looked over at Oshawott and Mienfoo. They were stunned that I had just pulled the sword out of the altar with no problem.

"Snivy... Only the strength of a Legend could pull that out..." Oshawott was speechless... Or actually, Mienfoo was more so. He hasn't said anything at all this whole time, but he was just as surprised.

"Heh... Alright then. See ya'!" I had to go find Eevee. I waved bye to them, and headed towards the Normal-type dojo at the top of Paradise... where Eevee and I spent my last few moments. I figured she might be there...

"Wait, Snivy!" Oshawott called out to me, but I ignored him again. I ran by all the other buildings, fields, and facilities in Paradise. I've only been gone for three days.. but it feels like I'm back home after a long trip. It felt good to be alive again. Although it was sunset, the sun's remaining light brought me a comfortable warmth feeling. I absorbed it into my body, and I felt much stronger than I did before I died (excluding the fact that I went through two fights)...

I reached the set of steps that lead up the mountain to the dojo. I began hopping up the steps, using leaps with my minor psychic powers. I got closer, and closer to the top... I finally placed my foot on the last step. Breathing heavily, I slowly stepped up.

"Eevee!" I called out her name... but, she wasn't there... I felt really stupid. Coming all the way here was a waste of time. I slapped myself in the face, in frustration.

"Ugh, you idiot! What made you think she was here?" I ranted at myself and sighed in annoyance. I took my hand off my face, and noticed the sunset on the horizon. I turned towards it, and stared into the distance. The clash of orange, red, and yellow brought a comforting feeling. But the more I stared at it, the more I realized it's almost dark, and I don't know where Eevee is... I heard Oshawott and Mienfoo run up behind me. Oshawott was panting, but Mienfoo seemed fine. Mienfoo walked up to me.

"You're looking for Eevee, right? You know, you could have just asked us where she is..."

… I slapped myself in the face again.

"So then, where is she?"

"Well... Honestly, we're not exactly sure where she is..."

"Then... what are you-"

"Hold on, you didn't let me finish... We don't know where she is because she told us a weird location. She said she was going to the place, 'where the fox and snake first met'. We wanted to go with her, but she specifically told us not to follow her..."

The place where the fox and snake first met? Hm... Wait. Fox... Snake... They couldn't figure that out?

"I know exactly where she is!"

"Really? Where!?" Oshawott jumped in the conversation. But, I hesitated at his question. I didn't really want to tell them because I wanted to meet with Eevee, alone. I know it's selfish, but I just really want to see her again, without any disruptions.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think I should tell you... at least, not now. Because of that location, I know why she said not to follow her. So it's important that only I go find Eevee." They both gave me looks of distraught. But then Mienfoo spoke.

"I guess if Snivy is the only one who could figure out where she is, then maybe he should be the only one to go after her..." Oshawott was about to protest... but instead, he said, "Hmph. No point in arguing. Plus, it's getting dark out. You better find her fast; we'd probably just slow you down."

"Right." I turned away from them, and faced the steps leading downwards.

"Oh, wait! Snivy!" Oshawott called again to me, for the third time. I faced him. "Catch!" He tossed me my satchel. Good, I actually might need this. "We've been keeping your bag in our base. I thought you might want it back. There's a small gift in there from us, too." I opened the satchel. There were three Oran berries, two Pecha berries, a petrify orb, and a Reviver seed. "Think of it as an apology gift from us. You know... when we practically killed you..." Oshawott gave me a weak smile and rubbed the back of his head.

"Heh..." I turned around so my back faced him, "Why are you sorry? I'm the one who acted like a douche to you guys. I'm the fool who needs to be apologizing."

Mienfoo spoke. "Yes, but, you're the one who is going to help us fight the Bittercold. We'd prefer it if you were alive, happy, and one of our friends, instead of an enemy holding a grudge against us..." I turned towards them. They both gave me a smile of friendship. I turned away again, smirking.

"Hm... Thank you..." I ran off towards where I knew Eevee was. "The place where the fox and snake first met." It was so obvious... it was where I saved Eevee in the tree...

My feet rapidly tapped the ground as I sprinted towards the tree. I just past the entrance to Paradise. Why would Eevee be at the tree? What was there that made her have to go alone? The more I thought about it, the more worried I became. Something could have happened to Eevee. I'm not creative enough to think of what could happen, but regardless, something bad could definitely happen to her...

I was exhausted from all the running I did, but I finally made it to the tree. The thick entanglement of branches and leaves created a giant utopia inside the enormous tree, that hung over the edge of this cliff. The thought of going in there a second time was daunting... but I had to find Eevee. I leaped up to the first branch. It wobbled when I landed on it. That reminds me, these branches can snap off... Eevee could have been on one... An image of Eevee falling down the cliff flashed in my mind. But I quickly shook my head and got rid of it. Eevee's the leader of this team. She's smart and strong enough to not let that happen to her... right? Despite trying to reassure myself, I began to panic a little. I hopped further into the tree, and began to search for Eevee...

I first checked around the branch that Eevee stood on as it was snapping off. I found the half of that branch jutting out of the base of this tree. But, no sign of Eevee. I looked around and I didn't see any other broken branches. So, I know she didn't fall off another one... Alright now to check... uh... wait. Where should I check now? I can't really think of any other specific place in this tree where she would be... I glanced around the other branches, and then I looked up. The top of the tree looked like it was miles away. Of course, it wasn't really miles away, but it did look like it... Could Eevee be up there? … I let out an annoyed sigh.

"It's the only other place I can think to look..." I said to myself. I began jumping, and climbing my way to the top of the tree. As I got closer to the top, the branches seemed to close in around me. My satchel kept getting caught on them, and I scraped my arms and legs on the branches a few times, too. Kind of a stupid decision to climb all the way up here... I think an hour passed by before I had actually made it near the top. I had scratches on me, but nothing serious. I was enshrouded by leaves and branches, so I couldn't see outside. I tried moving them away, but there was a lot of force on them, and they snapped back. I got irritated, and tried moving them again.

"Ugh! Come on... you bi-" but the branches snapped back again. This time, they whipped me right in the face. The force caused me to fall down into the base of the tree, slamming against each of the branches I had climbed all the way up on. After each wave of pain slammed at my body, I finally landed on one branch where I didn't fall. I lied on it, grunting at the pain. I didn't plan for that to happen... I put my hand on my forehead, where the branch, at the top of the tree, stroke me. It stung badly. I pulled my hand away, and saw blood on my fingers. And just when I thought it couldn't get worse, I began to feel dizzy. Guess all that falling, after a whack in the face, wasn't a very good combination... Welp, I wanted to save my Oran berries, but before I make another mistake, maybe I should heal. I slowly sat up, reached in my satchel, and pulled out one of the berries. I sunk my teeth into it and took my first bite. It had a bittersweet taste, but I didn't enjoy it. I almost didn't want to eat anymore. But Oran berries heal all wounds quickly, so I forced myself to eat the rest of the berry. After swallowing the last bit of it, I put my hand on my forehead again. The gash didn't sting as much, and I wasn't bleeding anymore. I stood up, and noticed I wasn't dizzy, either. Phew... I need to be more careful. I just came back to life. Let's try not to be eager about dying so quickly...

I didn't know where else Eevee could be, so I decided to head back to Paradise. As I was about to start hopping down, I noticed a small shiny object flash in my eye for a second. I hopped over to edge of the branch I was on, and picked up the object. My eyes widened...

"Wow..." It was beautiful. The object was a pendant, with a piece of gold and a sapphire encrusted into it. The string that held it together was a sky blue color. The magnificence of this gem prolonged my interest into it... Where did it come from? Who did it belong to? Why is it in this tree? Those questions fogged my mind... As I was examining it, a small ray of light that pierced through the tree shone off the pendant, and flashed in my eye. I then realized that I have no idea how dark it is outside... I quickly placed the pendant into my satchel, and continued to hop out of the tree. Eevee... Where are you? …

When I got outside, the sky was almost at nighttime. It shone a light-blue/dark-blue gradient. Now I really don't have much time to look for Eevee. I sprinted back to Paradise. Where the hell else could she be? This is "where the Fox and Snake first met". Why isn't she here? Hm... As I continued along the path to Paradise, I heard a pair of voices nearby. One of them sounded like they were in trouble so I immediately stopped to listen. They were coming from behind a group of bushes to my right. I walked over, and peaked through. I saw a big, white-furred Pokémon with his back turned towards me. He was standing on two legs, had claws, and his left ear was red-furred. His voice was deep, and menacing. It made me shiver, but I wasn't scared. I couldn't see the other Pokémon he was talking to, but it sounded like a girl. She definitely sounded scared, too... In fact, that voice... it sounded like-

"Where is it!?" My thoughts interrupted by the bigger Pokémon's voice. I better listen...

"I told you: I don't know!" The other Pokémon was acting tough, but I sensed fear in her voice.

"Hmph, I know you're lying!" The big Pokémon swung his right hand claws at the other Pokémon. I couldn't see what was going on, but I believe the big Pokémon missed the other one, and tried counter-attacking. However, the big Pokémon put up his left hand, grabbed the other Pokémon, and swung her at the base to a tree to the left. Finally, I saw who the two Pokémon were. The girl was... Eevee! But just what the hell is going on? And this big Pokémon was a Zangoose... Definitely a fearsome opponent... Zangoose walked over to Eevee, as she struggled to stand back up.

"Now, if you want to keep your life, you'll tell me right now where it's hidden..."

"Ah... my leg..." Eevee was having trouble trying to stand on one of her back legs. It probably broke or sprained when she slammed into the tree. "I- I don't know where it is..." She was still trying to fight against Zangoose.

"Hmph..." Zangoose held up his right hand, "So you still continue to lie, even though you know you can easily avoid death right now... Fine then. I hope your life was worth it!" He raised his right hand above his head, preparing to strike at Eevee with his claws. I realized this was where I needed to come in, or else Eevee was going to die. I leaped through the bushes and landed in front of Eevee. I pulled out my sword, and blocked Zangoose's claws. There was a loud clang noise that echoed through the forest. When Zangoose finally noticed that I blocked his attacked, he hesitated.

"What!?" I shoved his claws back off my sword, and swung at him. But Zangoose was quick. He jumped back, avoiding my attack.

"What the-?... Who are you!?" He demanded an answer from me. I continued to stare daggers at him.

"Heh... All you need to know, is that because of this Pokémon," I motioned to Eevee behind me, "I was able to cheat death. And with this second life, I plan to end the fear caused by all of you corrupted pieces of crap..." I held my sword up, and got into a battle-stance. I thought now would seem like a good time to gather strength from the Legend's. I wasn't sure how strong Zangoose was, but he was definitely quick, so I should prepare for the worse. I chanted for their power. "O' power of the greater forces above... grant me a vanquishing light." My sword and my body became enveloped in the blue aura again. I could feel power surging through me. I guess it was easier to call for their strength, than I thought. Zangoose's eyes widened, but he kept a stern posture.

"Hm... well then..." he smirked, but then turned around so his back faced me, "It appears I've met quite a strong foe... I guess I'll retreat for now. But just so you know..." he turned his head over and looked at me, "You don't scare me. I'm simply running because you look like an opponent that I can't win against. But I do assure you, next time we meet, I will kill you for getting in my way..." And with that, Zangoose jumped into the forest, fading from our sight. I got out of my battle-stance.

"Hmph, coward..." I said to myself. The aura left me, and I sheathed my sword. I turned around towards Eevee. Honestly, I almost forgot she was there. She was lying on her back, staring at me, with the most stunned expression on her face. Oh yeah, she didn't know I was alive. I rubbed the back of my head.

"It's good to see you again, Eevee," I held my hand out to her, to help her get back up, "Are you alright?" She stared at me for a little longer, and then I saw tears form under her eyes.

"Snivy!" Despite the fact she couldn't move her leg, she jumped on me, and wrapped her arms around. I hugged her back. Ever since I came back to life, this is all I wanted to do: just hold Eevee in my arms again. Her fur brushed against my body, and I felt a comforting warmth from her. She placed her lips on mine and gave me a kiss. It didn't last as long as our first one, but it was nice to feel it again. Eevee looked into my eyes.

"Snivy... How did you-? Where did you-?..." She was so excited to see me again, she couldn't finish asking her questions. But, I think I knew what she was asking.

"It was your wish..." Eevee gasped when I said this. "Your wish with the Wish Stone... It brought me back to life..." She stared at me in awe. Did she not think it was going to work? "Despite the 'hiccup' there was, I still made it back!" I gave her a smile.

"Wait... what do you mean by 'hiccup'?" Eevee asked.

"Don't worry, I'll explain later. Look," I pointed at the sky. It was almost completely dark-blue, "We need to get back to Paradise before night comes. I don't want to be attacked out here at night..."

"Right." Eevee agreed. However, I began to notice that Eevee was leaning heavily against me. She couldn't stand on one of her hind legs.

"Wait, can you walk?"

"I'm... not sure. I think I sprained it when I slammed into the tree that Zangoose threw me at..." She looked down with a sad look. She was probably disappointed at the fact that she was too weak to fight him alone. "How am I going to get back?"

"Don't worry, I'll carry you!" I was completely open to doing so. I turned around and knelt down. Eevee hopped on my back and I wrapped my arms around her hind legs. Once again, she wasn't too heavy. I could carry her just fine. Of course, I can't move fast while carrying her.

"Are you okay with this, Snivy?"

"It's fine. Getting you back to Paradise is what's important right now. So just relax."

I walked back onto the dirt path, and headed towards Paradise again. This time with Eevee...

It really did feel good to be alive again. All the experience I gained in just two days... has greatly changed who I am. Now, I can start working towards what I had originally set out to do: purging this world of it's despair, by stopping the Bittercold...

The sky turned to night before we made it back to Paradise. Along the way back to Paradise, Eevee explained to me what happened while I was gone; the lock on my sword, and the Wish Stone she got. I can't believe she risked all that money to bring my life back... But, it worked, and that's all that mattered. Eventually, we made it back to Paradise. Luckily, we weren't attacked, and made it there without any other problems. All the Pokémon in Paradise were there to greet us. They must have been worrying. Eevee's leg felt better, and she got off me. She explained to everyone what happened; how she went back into the tree, got attacked by Zangoose as she was leaving, and how I saved her, again. Everyone cheered at the last part. Then, Oshawott ran up to us.

"Hey, why don't we go to Post Town and have a party to celebrate Snivy's return?" A party for me? Because I came back to life? Seemed like a weird thing to do. But Eevee turned to me.

"What do you think, Snivy? I'd definitely love to hear about what happened while you were gone..."

Hm... Eevee doesn't mind it. But I still thought it was a weird time to do such a thing. Still, I guess I wouldn't mind taking a break.

"Sure, that's fine. I could use this chance to get used to being alive again..." Everyone was happy with my answer, and we all headed to Post Town. Honestly, I thought we would be attacked along the way, but I guess a large group of Pokémon like us seemed pretty risky to attack. We entered Post Town, and while everyone was setting up, Eevee, Oshawott, and Mienfoo showed me around Post Town. Eventually, Chimchar joined us, too. They showed me all the buildings and shops in Post Town. But the only one that really stuck out was Swanna's Cafe. Obviously, a Swanna ran the place. She seemed friendly, and was willing to offer free food to everyone in honor of my return. It was extremely nice of her, considering this is the first time we met... When we walked back out, everyone finished setting things up. There was a large bonfire in the center of this plaza. Everyone began to socialize, and make merry. I didn't know where it was coming from, but there was music, too. I guess they really wanted to throw a huge party for me...

While this party was going underway, I mainly sat off to the side and just simply snacked on berries. I wasn't really into partying that much... Eevee stayed by my side most of the time. We didn't really say much to each other, but after a while, I saw her close her eyes and smile.

"What are you so happy about?" She remained silent for a moment.

"I'm just... When I look at everyone enjoying themselves like this... I realize how much I accomplished as leader of my rescue team. I'm glad to know there are times where I can see other Pokémon smile. Normally, they're all sitting in fear of what Pokémon will attack them next. I'm glad to see everyone happy, for once..." Then Eevee moved closer to me, "I'm also glad that you're back, too, Snivy..." I felt my face blush. But then one of the other Pokémon from Paradise, an Emolga, came up to me and asked me a question.

"Hey, um... Excuse me Snivy..." He was really shaking a lot, as if I was going to randomly attack him or something.

"Heh, I can see you're nervous. Just relax, I'm not going to hurt you." I gave Emolga a friendly smile. He took a deep breath, and then tried again. He cleared his throat.

"Snivy... could you tell us about what happened to you? I mean... What was death like? And how did you come back to life?"

"Oh yeah, I probably should explain that to everyone... Hold on a second, I'll tell everyone what happened..." I saw a few crates stacked next to Kecleon's store. I sat on top of them, and called out for everyone's attention. Then, I explained everything that happened after my death. It was hard explaining what death felt like, but I basically said, you become trapped in silence. But of course, I didn't feel it that long, because then Jirachi brought me to life. Everyone was stunned that I got to meet another Legendary Pokémon. I explained how Jirachi didn't bring me to life, but gave me another wish... And I could have used that wish to end the Bittercold, right then and there, but I didn't. Everyone gave me a blank expression. If I had to guess, I'd say they were probably confused as to whether or not to hate me for wishing for my life, instead of stopping the Bittercold. Of course, I reassured them, saying that I still have the sword with the Legends' powers, and I can stop the Bittercold myself. I remember ending my story saying, "If you hate me for the decision I've made, then I don't blame you. I'd probably be pretty pissed myself. For those who are okay with me being alive again: thank you. And for those who despise me for my selfish wish for life: I'm sorry. However, I promise to dedicate my second life to stopping the Bittercold." They all stared at me again. But this time, some of them gave me a smile. In fact, another Pokémon in audience, a Timburr, shouted, "Hey, I don't blame you! Who wouldn't wish for their life back?" A few Pokémon around him began to agree. The voices of everyone grew louder as they discussed whether or not I had made the right decision. Honestly, I began to panic. What if they were angry that I didn't stop the Bittercold right then and there? What if they see me as selfish, and thoughtless, like all the other corrupted Pokémon in the world? I broke into a sweat. Suddenly, it sounded like they were going into a heated debate about my choice. I had to stop the chatter, because I felt like they would start throwing fists at each other. I stupidly asked out to all of them, "Are you angry at me for the decision I made?" Everyone quieted down, stared at me, and I began to sweat even more. They hated me... I knew they hated me for my action... However, the majority of them smiled at me. They said, "Welcome back, Snivy!" And then they cheered me on, saying encouraging things, like, "Hey, we'll help you stop the Bittercold!", "We'll support you one-hundred percent of the way!" and, "With a power like yours, we need you alive again!" I was shocked... I never knew what it felt like to have so many people depend on me for something. I know it's a big responsibility that they need me for, but still... it was like I had found a second family. "Everyone... Thank you! I promise, I won't let you all down. We will stop the Bittercold!" They all cheered, again, at my last words. Then they all went back to just enjoying this party.

All the Pokémon stayed pretty lively. Some of them came over and asked me a few more questions. Most of them were asking me to demonstrate my power. I told them all to gather around, because I was only going to do this once. I didn't want to abuse my power. Kecleon pulled out an empty iron safe, that I could use to demonstrate. Apparently, he said only the toughest Pokémon, about as strong as the Legend's, could cut through this safe. I pulled out my sword, and chanted, again, "O' power of the greater forces above... grant me a vanquishing light." The blue aura radiated off my body and sword. I could feel strength and power surge through my body, again. I gripped my sword with both hands, and slashed at the crate. A clean cut formed right down the center, breaking the safe into two halves. The Pokémon were amazed, and most of them didn't doubt me anymore. I was glad I could prove that I can stop the Bittercold...

As I was getting to know the other Pokémon, I suddenly noticed that Eevee was missing. Where did she go? I slowly broke away from the party, and searched Post Town for her. It wasn't a big town, so I wasn't afraid of getting lost. After searching for a few minutes, I remembered about the hill above the town. Before the party began, Eevee and the other three showed me the top hill on Post Town. It had a magnificent view. I wondered... did Eevee go there? I went up the steps that were at the edge of town.

It was quiet up here. I enjoyed getting away from the noise for a moment. I noticed Eevee was laying on the grass, staring up at the stars. I walked over to her.

"Hey..." She looked over at me, "Mind if I join you?" She nodded yes. I lied down next to her on the soft grass. We both stared up at the stars. Seeing all the tiny specks of light... they reminded me of all the wishes that were in the sky, at the Fountain of Wishes. I wondered if any of them were mixed in up there, too...

I know I said it before... but I truly am grateful to have met Eevee. Without her, I wouldn't be here right now. And there would be so much about my life that I would have never known about. I wish I could thank her somehow... Hey, wait... that pendant I found earlier! Maybe she might like it...

I reached in my satchel, and pulled out the pendant. It was hard to see it since it was dark out. I held it up in front of Eevee, anyway.

"Here, Eevee, I want to thank you... for everything you've done for me..." She took the pendant from my hand.

"Hm... I'm sorry Snivy, I can't see it because it's so dark out. What is it?"

"It's a pendant I found-"

"Wait... did you say a pendant?" She excitedly sat up at my answer.

"Yes..." I asked confused. I sat up, too.

"Tell me... is there a blue sapphire in this pendant?"

"Yeah, I saw that when I picked it up."

"And where did you find this!?" She was really freaking out now. What's with her and this pendant?

"I... found it in the tree at the split in the path to Post Town and Paradise..." Eevee's eyes widened with shock when I said this. Suddenly, she jumped on top of me, and wrapped her arms around. She buried her face into my shoulder, and I could feel watery tears form in her eyes.

"Snivy... this is my mother's pendant!" Now I was shocked.


"Yes... A few days before you showed up, I was in that tree, watching the sunset. I took off the pendant to stare at it, but I accidentally dropped it. I spent the next few days searching for it in that tree, because I couldn't lose it... I couldn't..." She paused for a moment. So... that's why she was in that tree to begin with... Huh... "I had to get this pendant back because my mother gave it to me. It's the only keepsake I have left to remind me of her." Oh wow. Now I was really glad I found that pendant. I made Eevee ten times more happy. And seeing her smile, made me smile, too. "However..." Eevee lowered her voice to a whisper, "My mother also told me that the pendant had... special powers. And I can't let it fall into the wrong hands..." she brought her voice back up, "She didn't tell me what the pendant's special power was. All I knew, was that I couldn't lose it. Remember that Zangoose? He was asking me where the pendant was... I knew it was in the tree, I just didn't know where..."

Wow... So from day one, the entire time Eevee acted nice, kind, and kept up with leading her team, deep in the back of her mind, she was worrying crazily about the pendant...
She had a strong heart. To go through all of this, was truly a test of willpower. And that was what made her a strong Pokémon...

"Eevee... You really are a much stronger Pokémon than I thought. You're a great leader, and I'm glad to be a part of your team..." I wanted to say more about her, but that was all I could manage at the moment. However, I felt her hug me tighter.

"Snivy... Thank you... Thank you so very much..." Eevee had tears of joy in her eyes. We held each other close, in our arms. Seeing a smile on her face this time gave me the most satisfying feeling of accomplishment I ever felt. I was truly glad to be with Eevee...

I guess, this is where my fate has brought me. The wheel of fate has begun to turn again. I didn't think it would turn out like this. I've learned more about myself in these last two days, than I did in the last few years of my life. I met a Pokémon that I've come to love, I joined a team dedicated to reshaping the Pokémon world, and I learned about my destiny with the Legendary Pokémon. Things are probably going to become more hectic in the coming days... but I'm willing to go through it. I am willing to risk my life for the future of the Pokémon world. As long as I'm with Eevee, and I have the support of everyone else, here, at Paradise, I know I can save this planet...

I- no... we will save this planet from it's destructive fate...

The End.

Now, you're first question probably is, "Will there be a sequel?" And, honestly, I wouldn't count on it... I know there are lots of details in there to make room for the sequel, but I just can't start a sequel... I'm afraid that I'm going to reach a point where, if I do start it, I'm going to lose interest, and never finish it. I'd hate to have you guys read something, and then never see the ending... One of my favorite stories on here suffered from that, and I don't want to repeat it... This DOES NOT mean that there isn't a chance for a sequel to happen. Rather, the way things are looking now, I just wouldn't count on it... I'm sorry...

And you're next question is probably, "Are you going to write anything else?" Unfortunately, I'm going to have to say "no" to that, too. With the end of my Summer vacation coming up soon, I don't think I'll have enough time to work on anything else. Heck, it took me this long to put out the final chapter to this story; I would really hate to start something else...

Welp, I hope those are the only major questions you have. And with that, I want to end on a happy note! I don't know if you've gone to my profile, but as of July 23, 2013, this story reached over 1000 views (and counting)! I really want to thank you all for reading this story! That really does mean a lot to me! It was fun writing this story, and I hope that whoever reads this in the future will enjoy this story, too. Once again, thank you all so much! I didn't think anyone would be that interested in this story! You guys are awesome!

Farewell... until our fates cross paths in the future...

Hehe, looks like I did go through with it. I have begun a sequel on this story! It's called "Flames of Despair."
I also wrote a small one-shot that takes place in between, called "The Six Verses." (If you plan to read "Flames of Despair," you should read this first.)
So feel free to check those out!
(I'm leaving the above messages here mainly for archival reasons...)