Complicated Hearts ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Written by Myste

Authors Notes... You know me. I'm Cloud x Tifa forever, and I'm sick of lovey-dovey Aeris x Cloud fics where they are meant to be together and everything is perfect. So, for all CloTi fans everywhere, this fic shows how Aeris is not perfect at all... By the way, I'm not going OOC; everyone can turn nasty!

"I cry when angels deserve to die..." (System Of A Down - Chop Suey)


"No! You don't understand! Why don't you understand me?"

Cloud Strife sat at the table with his hands over his ears. This couldn't be happening to him again. There had been so many fights over the last year, that now he felt as though he was about to give up on this relationship. He loved her more than the world, but she wasn't happy here, and she was dragging him down with her. For the last month they had had frequent arguments that would lead to one of them leaving the house they shared to cool down because they could kill each other.

He had thought this was the perfect relationship; he was so madly in love with her. She had been his first love, apart from his childhood crush of course, and who would have thought that the sweet innocent flower girl could turn into such a bitch? It hadn't been like that when he first met her. She had captivated him with her sweet smile; her wide eyes and beautiful hair had made her look as if she had belonged in heaven. When Sephiroth had killed her he was devastated. Only the love of another had got him through; Tifa had given him her heart, yet Cloud knew he truly loved Aeris. After a while, Tifa understood that, and they became best friends, nothing more. She still loved him, but was learning to love another. Cloud knew he had to find Aeris and bring her back to him. He had found the way to bring her back to life, and he had cried in her arms after he realised he had actually found her again. He had given her everything he had, and they became a couple, living happily in a pretty villa covered in flowers, next to all the other Avalanche members in Landersun, the new town created for the inhabitants of Midgar. He had proposed to her one moonlit night, and she had tearfully accepted. Everything was going fine.

But then, she had started to become so distant to him, her fiancé... She would sneak out of the house and not tell him where she had been. She wouldn't let him near her, and snapped at him when he tried to talk to her. Cloud feared the worst... she wasn't in love with him anymore? He had always had a niggling worry in the back of his mind. He had lived Zack's life for quite a while, Zack whom Aeris had loved deeply until he was snatched from her. Cloud knew inside that he reminded Aeris of Zack and that's why she loved him. She didn't truly love him for being Cloud Strife; she loved him because of the similarities to Zack Arizona. And Zack had been sighted around the area. Cloud couldn't bear to even look for him; he knew his fiancée was in love with his best friend, and that sucked.

"Aren't you even listening? Cloud! Cloud Strife, dammit, listen to me! We need to talk about us..."

Cloud sighed and raised his head to look into her beautiful green eyes, eyes that hadn't shown the glimmer of love he used to see for some time now. "What is there to talk about? I don't make you happy..."

Aeris slammed her fist on the nearest thing, which happened to be Cloud's Ultima Weapon in its glass case on the wall. The sword fell down and the glass smashed everywhere. Cloud gasped and leapt for the sword, but missed. He crouched down next to it, not believing his eyes. Aeris smiled a sly smirk, as if it had caused her pleasure to destroy his possessions. "That's right, honey, you don't make me happy. But you know the worst thing? We could work this out if you tried..."

Cloud tore his eyes away from the destroyed display case on the floor along with his most precious sword. He was shocked. This wasn't the same Aeris he loved. She wouldn't have done that. And as for working things out, he had had this argument in his ear for about a month now. He couldn't see what he had done to wreck things between them, and therefore he didn't know what he could do to fix their broken relationship. He had loved her more than anything, and he was willing to give up everything for her, but what could he do? He asked her this, only to be met with a hard stony face.

Aeris let out a frustrated scream. "Cloud, just listen for a minute. We aren't gonna HAVE a relationship if you don't try and make things better between us. If you just..."

That did it. The inward anger he had suppressed for the last couple of months burned in his eyes. Cloud jumped up at her words, angry and frustrated at how she was blaming him for everything. "How can you say that it's me?" he whispered threateningly, although she and he both knew that he would never lay a finger on her. Aeris used that to her advantage. "Are you implying that it's me? After all that you've done? Listen, you don't come near me, you hardly talk to me..."

Cloud groaned inwardly. "You... don't... let... me!!" He emphasised, bringing his face closer to hers, the anger visibly bubbling to the surface within him. He couldn't believe she was taunting him like this. "We both know its not me you want anyway, its Zack!" he cried, instantly regretting those words as he saw the shock on her face. They were both silent for a moment, then Aeris' face twisted in anger. She slapped him hard. Cloud gasped and left his face to the side where she had moved it, bringing a hand to his cheek where it burned. He clenched the other hand in a tight fist to control himself. He would never hit a woman, but this was severely testing him.

Aeris backed off a bit as she saw the fury in his eyes. She now spoke in a quiet yet dangerous voice. "Don't YOU ever say his name near me..." Cloud looked up, his face twisted in rage, such as Aeris had never seen before. As angry as she was, he scared her looking like that. She started to back away.

He grabbed hold of her arm and pulled her back towards him, glancing at her left hand with the gold and diamond ring on her finger. "So it's true... you do want him not me then? Why did you say you'd marry me? More importantly, why did I bother reviving you? I should have let him find you, if he's the one you want!"

Aeris struggled against Cloud's grip and he eventually let her go. She stepped back, flustered. Cloud looked into her face. This wasn't the same Aeris he had fallen in love with. She was furious, not at all calm and innocent like she used to be. Did she really hate him that much?

His thoughts were interrupted by Aeris' fist as she punched him square in the jaw. Cloud reeled back - she had a pretty strong punch for her small frame. She screamed at him. "Keep your hands off me! You fucking bastard!!!" He had to use every last shred of self-control to keep his hands by his sides.

She paused before yelling the parting blow, "Don't you ever touch me! I don't KNOW why I said Id marry you! You...You're not even half the man Zack was!!!" She knew that was a mistake when she saw the hurt in his eyes, still she didn't seem to regret it.

Cloud couldn't believe it. She had punched him and she had screamed at him...? She... she had just told him she didn't want to marry him...

He pushed past Aeris in a daze; he wanted to get out of the house before he hurt her severely. He couldn't believe she had hit him twice, and screamed all those things at him. As he slammed the door he heard her calling him back, but he didn't turn around. He set off at a run down the street.

He had to go see Tifa; she would calm him down and help him think properly. He felt a drip on his arm as he reached to feel his bruised cheek; unbeknown to him, the tears were falling from his ocean blue eyes. They had had arguments, but not like this. Only one thing occupied his mind; he was right.

Aeris definitely didn't love him.


A/N - Review please; I need to know whether I'm doing anything wrong. Flame if you want!