Author's Note:

Hey everyone, just to let you know, YES this is my first fanfic ever and it is going to be a continuation of Inuyasha and I'll basically just be explaining what happens with everyone (especially a certain human girl and a demon lord X3 ). I hope you like it!

"Rin!" Kagome called, wandering through the fields just outside of the village. "Rin! Um excuse me, but have any of you seen Rin?" Kagome asked some nearby villagers who were out farming.

"Nope, haven't seen her, Lady Kagome," one of them replied.

Kagome sighed and went on to continue her search. It was a bright sunny day and the sky was clear and everything was peaceful. Rin, being as impulsive as she was, couldn't just stay inside with Kaede and miss out on it.

Four years had passed since we've last seen our heroes. Kagome, Inuyasha, Miroku and Sango have all remained the same, but Rin who has been in their care has changed a lot.

For one thing, Rin is now fifteen. Her hair has grown longer and she's grown taller. Her features have changed a bit but not so much that you wouldn't recognize her. As for her personality, she's just as childish and as reckless as Kagome had been at that age.

"Rin!" Kagome called again but when she saw that Rin was no where nearby, she knew that Rin could only have gone to one place.

"She must be in the forest somewhere," Kagome called down to Sango, who was also helping her search.

"Well, it figures," Sango sighed, sitting down on a nearby rock. "Rin is always spending ample time there."

"I know that," Kagome said, looking towards the forest. "And I know she can take care of herself, but I can't help but worry that she'll be attacked by bandits, or worse, a demon!"

Sango laughed merrily. "Come on Kagome, you know there are no demons around these parts anymore. All demons know that this territory is always being protected by me, you, Miroku and especially Inuyasha. Even the stronger demons don't really come here."

"I know," Kagome sighed, sitting down next to Sango. "But I still worry. Rin's only a priestess-in-training and although she's getting better, I'm still not sure..."

"Don't worry, she'll be back before sundown," Sango chimed. "Until then, we may as well gather herbs for when the guys come back."

Kagome nodded. "You're right. And I bet that they're going to have a big appetite when they return."

The women laughed and chatted more as they made their way over to where Kagome knew the herbs grew.

Rin at that moment was in fact in the forest and if Inuyasha was around, he would have definitely smelled her scent nearby for it was everywhere! Rin was happily gathering berries and edible forest roots to bring back to the village for dinner. Her intention wasn't really to come to the forest for this reason, but she used it as an excuse.

The real reason Rin came into the forest often was because it felt more like home to her. The village was her home of course, only she always loved wandering the forest because it reminded her of the days when she had been travelling with Sesshomaru. As the years passed, his visits had become more and more rare because he was busy building his empire. The last time Rin had seen him (which was around two months ago), he had told her that it was nearing completion and that he had little territory left to seize since not a lot of demons were stronger than him.

Rin thought about Sesshomaru often when she traveled through the forest alone. Sesshomaru was actually the only one who knew nothing about her wanting to be a priestess and Rin didn't really want him to know. As the years passed, Sesshomaru still hadn't approved of Inuyasha, and especially not of Kagome, so Rin knew that maybe he didn't like the thought of priestesses. Priestesses existed so that they could purify the souls of demons and even without the sacred jewel, there were still evil demons everywhere. Rin didn't like the thought of purifying demons, especially those with a huge demonic aura, but she had made it her mission to protect humans.

There are not a lot of good demons in this world, Rin thought to herself as she lay down on the grass to take a break from berry picking. Lord Sesshomaru probably knows that too. I won't ever kill a good demon of course, but what about the bad ones that attack humans? Lord Sesshomaru still hasn't compassion for all humans and Inuyasha has always told me how humans have always meant less than nothing to Lord Sesshomaru.

Of course Inuyasha was talking about the way Sesshomaru used to have been, but Rin didn't know that and when he told her these things, no one was around to contradict him on Sesshomaru's behalf.

"Ah, Lady Kikyo, what should I do?" Rin asked. Rin asked this because although she hadn't met Kikyo often in her childhood, the priestess had always had a kind of mystical affect on Rin like she was the revived soul of Midoriko. Rin was nearing completion of her training and was rapidly developing her purification powers, even faster than Kagome herself had developed them! So Rin always felt the need to ask Kikyo for guidance, although of course Kikyo never answered back.

"Once I become a priestess, then perhaps I should go out of the village and help people too," Rin said. She longed to travel again because she was getting rather tired of being only in the village all of the time. Of course she loved it there with all her friends, but she wasn't the kind of person who could just settle down and stay in one place like Kagome and Sango. This was probably because she was younger and at an impulsive age.

Suddenly the wind started to pick up and the sky grew cloudy.

"Huh?" Rin sat up and stared as a small figure sailed down towards her.

"You are the priestess Rin?" A voice asked.

That was the first chapter! I know it may be a little short, but I plan to start off small and then go bigger and bigger with the chapters! Please tell me what you think if you're reading! :3