Chapter 1

Alexa tried to dodge an attack from Artemis but fell in defeat. Epione checked her arm. "It'll be fine." Epione said as she examined the arm closely. Artemis grinned happily. "Once a warrior, Always a warrior." Artemis laughed and turned around to see Hippolyta clearing her throat. "A warrior would not take her own sister down." Phillipus chuckled at Hippolyta's comment. "Tell Diana that!" Diana wrapped her hands around Arty's waist from behind. "I heard my name, who needs me...?" Artemis smiled and turned around. "I do!" Artemis hugged Diana and picked her off the ground. Diana laughed and kissed Artemis. Hippolyta smiled and Phillipus grinned. Epione was jealous. Of course no one noticed even Alexa who looked at her arm that Epione was squeezing way to hard. Epione squeezed to hard and Alexa yelled out a yelp. Every body stared at Alexa who was now holding her arm. Artemis put Diana down and put a arm around her. Diana smiled, "I have a surprise for you." Diana grabbed Artemis' hand and walked to the palace while Epione walked Alexa to the infirmary.

Diana took Artemis into the throne room and pushed her down into her throne. "Sit." Diana walked over to a box near a window. She grabbed a little box and walked back over to her. "Well Well... What's this?" Artemis asked as Diana sat on her lap. "Like I said, a present." Diana gave Artemis the box and Artemis kissed Diana's forehead. "Oh! I just can't wait to open it!" Artemis stared at the box and slowly opened it. It was a diamond ring. Artemis smiled and looked at Diana she hugged her and started to cry. Diana looked at Artemis and kissed her hard. "I hope those are happy tears..." Artemis smiled through the tears she nodded. "I love you Diana. I'll always love you." Diana started crying and they sat there in each others arms. Diana thanked Aphrodite, Hera, and Athena. Aphrodite for the love, Hera for the marriage, and well Athena for the wisdom to ask the woman that she loves hand.