*climbs out of hell dragging Dark and Link* Hellllooooo~! It's been a long time my friends~ *tosses the two out into the story* I'm baaaack~! I hope you guys didn't worry or get angry with me. There was a lot of things that came up, I forgot, but now I'm here again! I'mma just jump right in for you guys! Enjoy~ *unsettling chuckles*

This is Yaoi! Boy x Boy! Don't like, don't read! You have been warned!

-Chapter 7-

Dark sniffed lightly as he set down Link's letter. If Link hadn't told him to get out and make some friends he'd be sulking in the corner for the rest of the day. Still, with a long sigh, he walked slowly to his clothes. He was going unreasonably slow even for a snail as he grumbled to himself. Darky-poo was so disappointed he wouldn't be able to play with Link today! The black tunic and leggings with his belt were put on with disappointed grunts and sighs.

With his clothes finally on and 100 rupees in his pouch, Dark set out without his sword and shield. Link had told him not to look too intimidating when trying to make friends, so taking weapons wouldn't be the best idea. The shadow man decided he might as well try to look presentable. He did want some friends. They sounded pretty nice from Link's description. Though there was something Dark was unsure about. How does one make friends? Maybe he should do something similar to what he did when he first met Link…except the tongue thing. He didn't really like that.

Dark set out into town and walked around the town. Somehow he found himself in Kakariko's graveyard. He wanted to go up the stairs to the windmill, but he was so curious as to what was at the end of the path. He spotted a little boy walking strangely with a stick. He approached with the soft smile he'd been working on, a sharp toothed smile that didn't look too friendly. The boy looked up nervously at the stranger before his eyes widened.

"You're scary! Can you teach me how to be scarier!? Please!", the boy asked excitedly as he tugged on Dark's tunic. Dark blinked down at him before looking just as excited.

"Sure!", Dark exclaimed happily. He summoned a shadow that wrapped around the boy, making him look like a black little monster with horns. Dark moved to stand to the side of the boy looking at himself in awe and kneeled down next to him. "Now open your mouth and roar!", Dark instructed with a smile. The child opened his mouth as instructed and the most menacing roar erupted from the boy's mouth, shaking the nearby tombstones. The boys looked at each other, Dark with an anticipating smile as he waited for the other's response. The other boy blinked at Dark before laughing joyously and hugging Dark who picked him up with a giant, proud smile.

"That was awesome! How did I do that? What did you do?", he questioned rapidly, but obviously in curious jubilation.

"You've got a shadow wrapped around you, making you look like a scary monster. I'm giving him to you, but don't miss use him or treat him badly or you'll get in trouble, okay?", Dark requested with a serious look. The boy gave him the most serious face he could manage.

"I promise!", the boy agreed as if taking on a special mission. Dark left him to practice his roars and walked through town again. There were distressed cries from a woman in front of a house with a small fence in front of it. He ran to the woman in a bit of a panic, seeing if she was alright or in need of help.

"Are you alright!? What's wrong?", he asked, worry in his eyes, as he looked her over a bit to see if there were any injuries. The woman blushed lightly from the striking man's concern.

"M-my C-cuccos…Th-they got out of their p-pen. Could you…could you please get them back for me, sir!", she nearly shouted as she stuttered hopelessly. She'd never seen a man like him and for this man to be so worried for a stranger like her…she was in complete awe. Dark smiled lightly and nodded. He'd seen the Cuccos or 'bird things' before so at least he knew what they looked like. It was far easier for him to gather the women's Cuccos than Link. Link had to run around everywhere, whereas Dark just used his shadows to take him where he pleased. It wasn't long before Dark was flying down from behind the windmill carried by the last Cucco gracefully into the pen.

"That's all of them! You need anything else?", he asked curiously. While Dark had worked to gain the women's Cuccos, she had conjured up the courage to invite him over for dinner. She smiled nervously, cheeks flushed, as her hands rubbed together in anxiety. Dark's head cocked to the side curiously, wondering what she was doing.

"Would y-you like to join me for d-dinner tonight? A-as a thank you for helping me out!", she stuttered. Half trying to be cute and half anxious, she looked up at him, but kept her chin down, giving Dark a pair of puppy eyes. He didn't really know how to react to that. He'd never seen puppy eyes before so there was a crooked smile while he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Sure, why not? What time should I swing by?", Dark questioned a bit softly. He was really at a loss here, but he wouldn't show it. Her eyes lit up and she clasped her hands together in front of her chest.

"I'll see you at 5:30 then! I'll make something special for us!", she nearly cheered before giggling away as she walk. The second she was in her house she was dancing lightly while cleaning her house for her guest.

With that done, Dark strolled out into the clearing between the Cucco lady's house, the graveyard path, and the windmill. He put a proud hand on his hip as he stared with a dumb smile up at the building. Oh, it was time! He'd see what was inside! The man with skin the shade of onyx nearly ran up the stairs to get inside.

Music played gently on the breeze from the turning pillar. The creaks of wood and gears rained from above and climbed from below. This place was amazing in the eyes of a man that'd been alone most of his existence. Truly breathe taking...No time for that! He had to talk to the guy playing the big music box and ask him about the windmill! Dark stepped hesitantly onto the spinning pillar's platform and simply road it over to the man, lightly jumping off in front of the elder.

"Hey, what is this place?", Dark asked the other. The old looking, smiley man never opened his eyes and just continued bouncing lightly on the beat.

"This is the Kakariko's windmill! I take care of it and I'm trying to find a song that fits this place!", he exclaimed joyously without a care in the world. The man's buoyancy got to Dark and he was smiling cheerfully as well.

"Can I help?", Dark asked eagerly. He wanted to try playing a bit of music. Maybe if he practiced he could be as good as Link and even duet with him! Oh, Dark would love that. He could listen to Link's music all day, but it'd be so amazing to be able to play and harmonize with the blonde. The old man nodded and stopped playing when Dark took out his black Ocarina. There was a moment of silence as Dark looked about the room then faced the spinning pillar. With a short breath to fill his lungs he played a tune at the tempo the man's bouncing used to be. Dark played it perfectly, the Song of Storms even though he's never heard it. It was beautiful, but after a certain point the longer he played the faster the pillar started to spin. The man finally yelled at him, making him stop abruptly. He heard the angered cries of the man before the man nearly grabbed him. Dark stepped back and was carried away on the spinning platform. Dark wobbled helplessly from the sudden movement until he jumped off in front of the door and ran out. He ran to the other side of town only to stop to rest against the outside wall of the inn.

He was a bit out of breath from the scare and now felt terrible for playing. He didn't mean to upset the stranger. Link was going to be pissed with him.

"Ah, what am I going to do…That man is never going to forgive me!", he told himself quietly. He leaned against the wall and sank down it till he was sitting. His arms rested on his knees and for a while he just watched a few people work and run around. He got a few odd looks from sitting there. His peace was disturbed when he saw someone walking up to him. Brown boots took his few of the grass for a second until he looked up to the stranger with a glum look in his eyes. Long red hair, alluring eyes, cute freckles, and a pleasant smile met Dark's eyes. Malon was bent over to peer down at Dark and getting a closer look.

"I finish a delivery and I find a stranger that looks like he needs a little support. Are you feeling alright? Would you like to talk to me?", the red head asked politely. Dark's crimson eyes blinked, baffled to hear such an offer. This "support" sounded lovely and new. When locked in the Water Temple Dark had never received support or help from Ganondorf or the boss, Morpha. It was just check ups and training. He had to become strong if he wanted to beat Link and leave that place yet something else happened entirely. He was grateful for that. A blink of Dark's eyes told Malon that he was a bit confused so she stood up and offered him a hand.

"Would you like some milk? I got some left over. Maybe we can go someplace to talk~!", the redhead suggested cheerfully. Dark's hand took her's as he stood then let go. He was taller, but only by an inch or two. Either he was short or she was tall. It was hard to tell. Something that caught the dark being's eyes was the soft tint of pink of the other's cheeks. He'd seen something similar on Link's cheeks, but red and far more obvious. The hero was so cute when he looked that way.

Malon motioned for Dark to follow her to a mostly empty cart pulled by a single horse. He was led to the back where a few bottles of Lon Lon Milk were standing or laying on their sides. Two were grabbed by Malon before she sat herself on the edge of the cart. A pat was given next to her, Dark taking hint and sitting next to her. A bottle was uncorked then given to him.

"Drink up! It's the best milk you'll ever taste in all of Hyrule~!", she boasted before uncorking a bottle for herself. She took a good mouthful, happily swallowing it down. Dark watched just so he'd know what to do. He didn't really need to eat. Ganondorf had used his magic so he'd never have to feed Dark. He was cheap like that.

The rim of the milk bottle was held to his lips then tipped back. Milk poured into Dark's open mouth, some spilling over to trail down his chin. A white drop landed on his tunic and before he knew it, he was chugging down the whole bottle. It was delicious! It was soft, creamy, and a bit sweet. Dark loved sweet things. When there was none left the bottle was tilted back down with a half-smile, half glad for the treat, half sad it was over. A giggle caught the onyx colored man's attention attention. The source was Malon who hadn't even downed a fourth of her milk.

"You got some milk on your chin", Malon informed. Crimson eyes blinked as a hand came to wipe it away. He was stopped though. Malon had brought out a handkerchief and started drying the milk off his skin. Her hand was gentle with the cloth yet something stopped her. She was given a puzzled look as she stared at the other small river of milk. It felt like an awkward minute went by then Dark suddenly saw her coming closer. A tongue came from behind her lips and the milk was licked off Dark's chin.

'What…in Din's name…is going on?' She was starting to kiss up his chin to his lips! What was going on!?

Dark leaned back slightly, but it was too late. Malon had attached her soft lips to his while her hand and handkerchief was on his shoulder. The girl was coming closer too. With his eyes wide, and breath caught in his throat, he was at a loss of what to do while Malon was now wrapping her other arm around his shoulders. The poor guy was starting to panic. He'd never kissed anyone except Link…and the cold ground after an accident while training, but still! This…this was insane!


'Oh goddesses is Dark alright!?' Link was currently just 10-years-old and losing his mind! 'What if Dark didn't eat? Was Sheik watching him like he'd asked? Sheik really didn't seem to like him. Why didn't he? He didn't hurt anyone…except that old guy. I gotta get back to him fast! I'm losing it!' Link was so close! He was only a room or two away from getting that dumb Eye of Truth! Did he really even need it if Dark had seen that monster? Probably not, unless he didn't want to help and/or wanted to hinder Dark while fighting. A sigh came from the Hero of Time as he killed the last Keese in one of the rooms. This was ridiculous. Where was that Eye of Truth!? He wanted to get out of here! He wanted to get out and go back to Dark and give him a kiss when he saw him. He'd kiss him all over his face then cuddle in the hotel room and if Dark wanted to go a little further maybe he could convince him to wrap those pretty little lips around his co-

"Link…I may not be able to read your thoughts, but you really aren't good at keeping your feelings hidden, are you…?", Navi asked as she landed on his shoulder. Her arms were crossed as a small look of annoyment from watching Link's cheeks burn, his legs fidget, and lip get nibbled slightly. Navi wasn't a big fan of Dark's, but if Link really liked him that much then fine. Who was she to judge? She was only to guide him and as long as Dark didn't stop Link from saving the land she wouldn't bother them. The fairy was pretty cool in that aspect, but she was still found annoying by Link and ignored by Dark.

"I-I'm so sorry Navi! I'll get the Eye of Truth soon, I promise!", the young hero yelped. Link was making his way around after lowering the water level to see if he had made any new pathways when a hole near the path to the entrance was seen. The trench must've been filled with water before. The hero jumped down and followed the path to a tunnel which he crawled through. There was a single door paired with an ominous feeling that made Link shiver. Navi scurried up the hero's hair and into his hat. 'Oh, goddesses, why?' A deep breath calmed Link before he opened the door, walking into the empty room. The door slammed shut behind Link and suddenly all his fear returned. Oh no, it's a mini boss. A gruesome thing dug itself out of the ground to look at the Hylian before disappearing. Hands, pale and bloody, came from the ground. One grabbed Link as the monster resurfaced to claim its prey. The boy yelled as he struggled free.

'Oh goddesses' Link thought as he lay on the floor silently, terrified to look up, 'please don't let it be right in front of me!' Link whimpered in his mind. It was right in front of him anyways, bringing its head down to look at the boy before it. Its teeth were rotted and yellow and the smell was absolutely awful! Fear lit up his eyes as he groped for his Kokiri sword and shield. Link hit the beast wildly while cowering his face behind the shield. At least the lad had hit the thing a few times. He could hear his accomplishment and only looked out after hearing it disappear in the ground. Those hands would be back, he knew it.

Backed into the corner, Link waited for the hands that surely came. Once they were up Dead Hand showed his ugly face and looked for the hero. The blonde charged at it with all his might, nearly cutting its head off. A horrible shriek came from the monster as it retreated into the ground. Fear drove Link back into a wall as he waited. This time his placement wasn't good enough for when the arms came out two grabbed him. His shield was dropped. Struggle as he may Link didn't seem to be making an escape. Dead Hand was coming closer too. The retched thing had come up and was wriggling its way to the boy in green that was now stained with the blood from the arms. No…no, no, no!

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!", Link screamed in pain as his side was bit. It was going to take a piece of him. He was going to die! He'd bleed out and be eaten by this monster all alone! He'd never see Dark again! …Dark…he'd be all alone…forever without him… Click.

Link's grip on his sword tightened as his eyes went wide with rage. No! No one would take Dark away from him! Dead Hand's head was cut clean off even with his upper arm caught in one of his hands. Those hands let go with his teeth, making Link drop to the floor. The hero looked calm as he dropped to the ground. His pain was forgotten as a numbness came over him. Everything was quiet as Link stood in silence while Navi finally came out of hiding. The boy wasn't blinking even when the chest appeared.

"Link?", Navi asked in concern. She'd never seen him like this. His eyes looked unfazed as no expression adorned his features. The mere thought of losing Dark had made the little one snap. It sounded like he was going to lose a part of himself in his mind and that was something he couldn't stand. This world had already given him a crappy childhood, so many struggles, and the duty to protect this whole kingdom.

It…It wasn't fair…without Dark…He wouldn't mind if just had Dark…

Dead Hand's body lay limp on the ground, its head on top of Link's shield. With his foot, Link rolled the head away so he could grab his Deku shield then made his way over to the chest. The familiar music played as he reached in and grabbed the Eye of Truth, but the kid couldn't even bring himself to hold it up for Navi to inspect or for him to show off. Link just took it and left, left the room, left the well, and left that time to the time he was nearly an adult and had Dark. Navi was silent the whole ride on Epona to Kakariko Village.

Once inside the village he was going to go straight to the hotel room and see if Dark was there, but something caught his eye, a change in the usual appearance. Red hair…and black hair…

"No…no, no, no! Daaark!", Link yelled as he stormed over to Malon and Dark. 'Oh, Dark you are gonna get it! How dare you! I've been worrying all day about you and you're making out with Malon!', Link growled in his mind. Dark was lightly pushing at Malon to get her to stop until he froze from the angered yell the hero made. He knew he was in for it now. Malon was shoved away then he scrambled. Even though Link was mad Dark ran to him, jumping on him. This definitely caught Link off guard. The hero fell backwards with Dark's arms wrapped around his shoulder while the other protected the back of the other's head while they fell. Once firmly on the ground, Link groaning in slight pain and Dark nuzzling into his neck, Dark lifted his head up and planted a kiss on the blonde's lips. A wave of relief went through the both of them.

It felt so good to be kissed by Dark who felt the same. Dark liked kissing Link far more than that girl he didn't even know the name of. Having that redhead kiss him when he didn't even know her name really bothered him. The hero was still confused, but all of his anger was melting away and was switched to passion in their kiss. A hand ran through Dark's hair, pushing his hat off and onto the ground, while another held his cheek. The hero's thumb rubbed his dark being's cheek lightly in affection. Soft moans came from Link as his bottom lip was nibbled and licked, but before they could go any further they were interrupted by Malon.

"Ahem…Link, what are you doing? I was kissing him!", she whined loudly. Dark had pulled away, forcing his arms out from under Link.

"Well what do you expect when you kiss a complete stranger when they like someone else?", Dark asked sarcastically with light venom in his tone. Malon heard it and went into retreat. If Dark jumped Link what chance would she have other than a rebound?

Malon huffed then took her leave by getting on her chart and riding out of town. A few villagers were staring at the two while Dark sat on top of his hero. The dark being stood before helping the blonde to his feet with a pleasant smile. Without any time to speak, Link was led back to the hotel. Right as that door was shut Dark pounced on him.

"Link! I missed you! I'm so sorry! I didn't want a kiss from her cause I only want kisses from you…is that alright?", Dark apologized then trailed off. A smile suddenly broke out on Link's face before their lips smashed together. This was what Link wanted, this time with Dark and Dark seemed to feel the same. Link couldn't hold back either, tongue diving into the other's mouth while drawing a surprised gasp. This was still very new for Dark yet he wasn't trying to stop it. There was a pause with Dark as he thought about what to do. He decided to kiss back, but give Link dominance this time. He was curious as to how Link would do this. Curious and very anticipating~

Dark stopped suddenly and ripped away from the kiss. His eyes were wide as he searched for a clock of some sorts. Link gaze the other a look of concern.

"What time is it!? I promised that lady I'd come a 5:30 for dinner!", he announced while looking frantically. Dark made a move to escape Link's arm, but was not allowed such. A look a aggravation and disproval was given to Dark.

"You're going to have dinner with some girl!? Why!? Do you like her?", Link questioned rapidly. The shadow man didn't understand. Why was Link mad?

"N-no…I got her Cuccos so she said she'd feed me…not like I really eat, but she gave me this sad look so I said 'yes'. Did I do something bad?", Dark explained. Link couldn't be mad, not with the cute and questioning expression Dark had. It was so unfair! He still didn't like it though. He'd have to come with to make sure nothing happened.

"You did nothing wrong Dark. Can I come with you to make sure nothing goes wrong?" Link's intension sounded good, protecting Dark and all, but there was actually jealousy behind it. Why did this girl get to just simply ask Dark out of his comfort zone for food and Link couldn't even spend his time with him while he was in his comfort zone? How rude! He couldn't really blame her though, now could he. She probably didn't know about him, so that's why he wanted to come along. Link would show her! This man was taken and belonged to him!

…Even though they weren't really dating…