Hey! This is my first FanFiction so go easy on me. Leave comments and suggestions! I'm eager to see what you think! You can call me Isab if you wish. Yaoi will come a bit later, but I'll keep you interested~ ...I think that's it from me! Enjoy and thank you for reading! Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters, Link, Dark Link, Zelda, or any other of the Legend of Zelda characters! This has been edited and reloaded due to self-consciousness and boredom.

This FanFic has yaoi, boy x boy! Don't like, don't read. You have been warned!


Link was tired, extremely tired.He'd been in the accursed Water Temple for three days now! Navi was trying her best to encourage him to keep moving as he leaned back against the door to the waterfall room. The puzzles and rooms had no end and he had gotten lost many times.

"Come on, Link! The boss can't be that much further! We'll get the boss key, defeat him, and leave, no sweat! You can do it! Do you need to re- Watch out!" Navi cried before two Keese on the side of the wall came flying down to Link. Link's head lifted at the cry in a second before he killed the two Keese in one, single swipe. He was huffing and puffing as he held himself up by the knees. He was at his limit. Navi was pacing back and forth, looking at her horribly tired friend and the door up ahead. She could see this clearly and didn't want Link to push himself.

"L-link...I know we need to hurry…but you need to-"

"Navi…I can still go further! Please, we need to get out of here! The boss isn't much further, right? So I'll keep going until I get the boss key!", he said with that determined look of his as he clenched his fist on his knees. Navi couldn't say no to him when he got like this, so she nodded. Link smiled brightly at her, but she could barely smile back. She was really worried for her friend. If he were to die or get hurt, who would save Hyrule then?

"Navi…I'll be fine", Link said with that kind smile of his. Navi nodded, but didn't go back into his hat. If he needed her, she'd be right there for him.

When she calmed down they both gazed down at the obstacle of the waterfall platforms in front of them, looked nervously at each other before Link skid down the moving platform below them. Link focused, planning his moves as the platform went down before whipping out his Hook Shot and getting on to the highest one he could reach. He Hooked Shot to the next then the next then the next until he made it to the top. He smiled to Navi confidently who rolled her eyes. Link might still be tired, but he wouldn't let Navi worry. They came into the next room, Link smiling and Navi flying around him nervously.

The next room had another puzzle, predictable, but first Link shot down the Blue Tekties on the water below him. Hitting the switch stone with his Hook Shot, the multiple dragon heads rose up, showing Hook Shot pads. Link was propelled to the first one, hit the switch to lower the dragon heads, came to the second Hook Shot pad, and climbed over the next dragon head. Link was already feeling tired again. He hit the switch again to make the dragons come back up, Hooked Shot to the next, lowered them, got on top of the dragon's head, and finally rode it up to the next level of the room. Link killed the last to Blue Tekties before freezing in his spot. There, on the other side of a wall of spikes, was a big, gross, slimy, disgusting, Like Like. He shivered and grimaced before looking at Navi with a face of 'do I have to?'. Navi nodded and lightly pushed his shoulder. Link shot it down with two arrows before sighing in relief. He hated those things. Just looking at one made him want to hurl, but when one swallowed him up….Link shivered at the memory.

"See? That wasn't that bad. Now let's keep moving…Link?", Navi said with a proud smiling as she flew in between the spikes before looking at Link. Link sighed and Hooked Shot to over the spikes to the ceiling before dropping down. He broke the two pots by the door, getting a magic bottle for his magic gauge and a red fairy. He smiled weakly as he pulled out a bottle and quickly caught it. He had to go to the next room but…he was tired and worn out.

"N-Navi…I need to rest for a while. Please…I won't sleep long…We…we can go after the boss again when I'm rested", he pleaded as he looked up to her. Navi bit her lip and paced back to look at the door before back at Link. She knew that if Link and her didn't get through these temples quickly they'd be in trouble. The fate of Hyrule depended on them!

After a few quiet moments; "Alright…if you must", she said, defeated by the horribly tired look on her dear friend's face. Link smiled weakly before propping himself up against the door. Navi snuck into his hat that he laid on the floor for her. He didn't sleep long. The poor boy could only get four hours of sleep with the sound of Water Temple and the fear of more monsters. When he awoke, Navi practically screamed.

"Liiiiink! Waaake uuuuuup!" startling him and making him hold up his sword pitifully with his hair a mess and looking around aimlessly for danger. He frowned at the giggling fairy and huffed.

"You really got a mean streak Navi! I was sleeping!", he whined as he got up and picked up his hat, putting it on. Link fixed his hair and belt as he pouted angrily at Navi.

"I'm sorry! I was bored!", she said between laughs. Navi continued giggling as she went in Link's hat. He sighed before rolling his eyes.

"I have no idea what Saria was talking about when she said having a fairy would be fun when you torment me to no end! OW! Don't pull my hair!", he mumbled before Navi gave a hard tug to Link's small pony tail. Link sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck then opened one eye to look at the door to the next room.

"This next room better have the boss key…", he thought aloud. He opened the door and stepped into the next room.

Link looked around cautiously, guard up, as he walked through the strange room. It was incredibly big, looking like it went on forever in its fog. There came a tree into view, but it didn't look right…It looked dead, on a pile of silvery sand. He walked closer until he was standing on the small island. His hand grazed what seemed like slash marks on the tree which he was expecting to be rough, but was surprisingly smooth and clean. He moved on after he noticed the building on the other side of the room, but couldn't help but look back at the tree before reaching it.

It gave him this sad and confused feeling. So lonely and cold. BUMP!

"Link! What's wrong with you!? You just ran into the door!...It's barred up. Guess we need to look around some more", Navi noted. Link had a small blush of embarrassment as he scratched the back of his head.

"Alright…sorry I wasn't paying attention. I just can't shake off this feeling that-" He stopped. He was staring. Staring into deep, glowing red eyes. He was so captivated by them, but at the same time terrified. The man in front of the tree looked quite strong and dangerous, but this only seemed to catch Link's attention not make him scared. He was well built and had such stunning features. Link started to day dream as he studied the man's features, noting his dangerous grin, his fangs, his body that was very similar to his own, his facial features. Link took in as much as he could before his thought went….south.

'I wonder what his body looks like under that tunic...NOPE! NOT THINKING IT! I'M A HERO AND I HAVE ZELDA! I don't need to know! The goddesses must be testing me…', he thought to himself as he stared at the man in front of him. He wasn't able to tame the blush that was threatening to take over his cheeks, but he at least made it look like it was mostly from anger and not…you know…those thoughts.