Freedom Chapter Three

Kio was at his house thinking of what he was going to do for the "small" favor for Soubi, by going to Ritsuka's house to check on his insane mother. Kio had known about the beatings for a while now and was happy Ritsuka finally got out of there. Kio sighed and thought for a moment, 'I know! I will just install cameras in the house and if anything goes wrong I'll go there immediately!' he thought cheerfully.

He set up the cameras as soon as he thought of it, once they were set up he hooked them up to his laptop. After he finished up at Ritsuka's house he went home and turned on his computer and watched. 'It's been four hours since I set them up and she still isn't home' he thought 'where is she?'

Soubi woke up with a warm presence next to him. He saw Ritsuka lying next to him still sound asleep. He thought that Ritsuka needed him next to him so he just turned on the TV and watched. Soon after that Ritsuka started to stir and slowly opened his eyes "morning" Soubi said "morning Soubi" he said softly, sleep still in his voice. Ritsuka cuddled up against him and thanked him, "for what?" Soubi asked confused. "For staying with me even though you were awake" he said and yawned a little 'so cute' Soubi thought but only said "oh, I just thought you would need me" and got up and kissed his forehead "I'm going to go make breakfast" he said and heard a soft 'ok' from Ritsuka.

When Soubi left to make breakfast Ritsuka decided to watch TV, when he couldn't find anything to watch he decided to take a shower and get dressed and ready for the day instead. He went to the bathroom and turned on the water, took off my clothes and got in. He washed his hair and washed the rest of him, then got out and got a towel on and walked back to the room him and Soubi share (since he hasn't gotten him a bed and he isn't emotionally stable yet) and picked out some clothes.

Once Ritsuka was dressed he went out to the kitchen where Soubi was cooking again. "Hey Soubi" he said "hey, it's almost done just give me a few minutes" Soubi said and Ritsuka headed to the table and picked up a volume of 'Shouen Jump' he had laying around and started to read it. A few minutes later when they were eating Soubi got a call… Ring, Ring, Ri- "hello" he answered "hey we have a problem Soubi" Kio said at that Soubi knew that there really was a problem because Kio only called him 'Soubi' when he was either upset, mad, or probably in this case panicked. "Why are you calling me so early in the morning? Ritsuka and I are eating breakfast. And what's the problem?" he asked "for one there's a problem! And I've been freaking out and for two I don't really care if you're eating or how early it is and for three, it's been 7 hours since I set up cameras at the house and Ritsuka's mom isn't home! What should I do Soubi? I'm about to freak out again!" Kio asked a little nervous and panicky "ummmm wait 1 day if she's not back by then call me and we will figure it out" Soubi said and hung up. Once they were done eating Soubi asked Ritsuka if he wanted to go shopping and get him some new clothes since he's growing and his other clothes has rips and blood stains in them. Ritsuka thought about it for a moment and said yes, and so they left.

Soubi and Ritsuka arrived at the mall and went into the first shop, Ritsuka didn't find anything he wanted or liked for that matter so they went to another shop, that time he found some much needed pajamas, and underwear, once they left that shop they went to another and got a few shirts and a few pairs of shorts and pants for him. Once that was done they went to get lunch but before they could get to the food court Ritsuka pulled on Soubi's shirt, he looked down at him and asked "what? Did you see something you wanted?" and Ritsuka pointed to a pet shop and asked "can we pleeeeease go in? Please?" Soubi looked for a minute and then gave in. "Fine only for a minute though because I'm hungry" "yay!" Ritsuka cheered and ran into the store and went straight for the kittens and started playing with them. Soubi noticed how most of them went up to him and started rubbing up against him wanting his attention. Ritsuka just sat there and giggled at a one cat in particular that was a little black one barely eight weeks old he guessed from how small it was and thought it was kind of cute. So Soubi went up to the lady at the counter, and asked how much it was "excuse me, how much are your kittens?" "Oh are you interested in purchasing one? Well they are $25" she said with a smile. "Yes and can you hold one for me? It's a gift for my friend… just until the end of today I might be back around 6 pm" Soubi said "well sure which one is it?" she asked and Soubi led her to the kitten cages and showed her the little black one Ritsuka was still playing with, "that little black one there, and that's my friend playing with it, that's why I can't buy it now." Soubi said "sure no problem" the lady said "thanks a bunch!" Soubi said and walked over to Ritsuka "hey time to eat lets go" he said in a cheerful voice "awwwwwww but!" Ritsuka whined "no buts, now come on if you want pizza" Soubi said and Ritsuka got up excited that he could get pizza.

"Thank you so much Soubi!" Ritsuka said as they ate their pizza, "for what I only thought you needed some new clothes instead of having to wear the blood stained ripped clothes that are too small for you" Soubi replied "but still! You thought of it didn't you?" Ritsuka asked and couldn't help but smile he was just so happy to be with Soubi. "I'd do anything for you Ritsuka, even give up my life." "Awe thanks but I don't really want you to die hahaha" Ritsuka said and they laughed together Ritsuka couldn't believe what Soubi had said.

Back at the house Ritsuka was lazing on the couch watching TV while Soubi worked on a painting for school (last minute as usual: 3). as he was watching he started to doze off. "Ritsuka I have to go pick something up it will only take me about an hour are you ok with that?" Soubi asked and Ritsuka answered "yeah, I think I might fall asleep anyway" "call if you need anything" "ok I will" and he left and as predicted Ritsuka fell asleep on the couch.

When Soubi got to the pet shop it was exactly 6pm and the same lady was still there, "hi I bought a little black cat earlier and asked you to hold it, I'm here to pick it up" he said and the lady's face lit up "Oh! I remember you! Yes right this way, I even picked out a litter box, food a bed and couple toys and water and food dishes for you that I put in for free, since the boy looked so attached to the cat from just playing with it" she said and smiled "wow thanks that's very kind of you miss" Soubi said

When he was all finished with the paperwork he was free to go with the cat and the other stuff he got as well, he had the cat in a little cat carrier. When he got home he found Ritsuka asleep on the couch so he decided to move him to the bed, he picked him up and set him on the bed under the covers then took the cat out and lay it on the bed to, it immediately went over and lay next to Ritsuka and curled up and went to sleep. Soubi set up the food, water and litter box and decided to make dinner, trying not to wake the sleeping boy in the other room. Once done with dinner he went to work on his unfinished painting that was due next class.

Soubi finished around 3 am and decided to go to sleep, when he entered the room he found the cat moved onto Ritsuka's belly and was sound asleep as well, he got in bed and went to sleep too.

In the morning Ritsuka was the first one to wake up and when he woke up he saw the little cat he was playing with yesterday at the mall. "Soubi! Soubi wake up!" Ritsuka shook Soubi awake smiling like a fool, "hnnnn, what is it Ritsuka?" he asked groggily as he opened his eyes "the cat that I was playing with yesterday that I secretly really wanted is on my belly asleep." He said happy but confused "hnnnn, yeah that's because I bought it for you oh and it's a girl by the way, I got all the supplies and set it up all it needs now is a name." Soubi answered his question. "Oh ok then since it's a girl how about Luna?" he asked and Soubi nodded his head he also liked the name, "now Ritsuka I will help you take care of her but its mostly up to you to, she seems really attached to you I set her down on the bed when I got home and she stayed with you ever since." Soubi said "ok! Leave her up to me" Ritsuka said cheerfully really happy that he got the kitten he wanted so badly.

That afternoon Ritsuka was playing with Luna and Soubi was watching them when he decided to call Kio since Ritsuka was playing with his new kitten and he thought that Kio could use some time off his laptop for once, Ring, Ring, Ring "hi you have reached Kio sorry I can't get to the phone right now leave a message" Kio's voice said cheerfully. Since Kio didn't answer Soubi decided to listen to music and watch Ritsuka play with Luna, he turned on his Ipod and started listening to "Dirty Little Secret" by the All American Rejects until Ritsuka was hungry and ready for dinner.

Kio was watching the cameras for any sign of Ritsuka's mom when he saw a door open and a man walk in 'could that be Ritsuka's dad?' he questioned himself "Misaki? Are you home?" the man asked 'so her names Misaki' "Misaki?" the man repeated as he walked into the house knowing that one false move could get him hurt by her. Kio watched as the man walked into what looked like the master bedroom and fell to the floor, Kio was surprised. He watched the man get to his feet and try to run but before he could he was attacked by Misaki. Kio sat there watching dumbfounded 'this chick is insane! Well I knew she wasn't sane but I didn't expect this! We have to do something!' Kio thought and started to panic again.

Ok peeps so that was chapter three of Freedom. I'm sorry for not updating in a while, school was a B with an itch and I just got out for summer and lost my book with all my writing including chapters three and four. This chapter did not turn out the way I planed to be honest a thought just came to my mind like 'hey why not add a cat? Ritsuka likes cats' and I love the name Luna for a black cat and so Luna was born in this Fanfic hope you liked it I will update sooner please R & R :3