Carter fell silent and looked around the room for a moment, then smiled slyly at Schultz. "That's what I was told in my vision. Plus the thing about the railroad. I guess maybe the railroad bit was more interesting after all, huh?"
Schultz stared at him in wonder. "It is a marvelous story. But why would they tell you such things? What does it mean?"
Carter shrugged. "Can't imagine. Doesn't make any sense to me. Uh, Schultz – ten minutes to lights out."
"Ten minutes to...? Ten minutes to... Lights out in ten minutes, everybody get ready, macht schnell!" The POWs scattered to the four winds as Schultz leapt – well, for him it was a leap – to his feet, shouting commands that he and everyone else knew would be ignored. Hogan stood up to head for his own private quarters, but first he snagged Carter's sleeve as the young man went by.
"Uh, Carter... "
"Yes, sir?"
"Do you know any more stories about this Coyote fellow?"
"I... I think so. A few."
"Good. I'd like to hear them sometime. Maybe I can get a few pointers."
Carter grinned at him. "Yes, sir."
"Right." Hogan smiled, clapped him on the shoulder and started off across the busy room. "All right, Schultz, we hear you! Schnell!"
Mostly based on actual Sioux legends, primarily "Wakinyan Tanka, the Great Thunderbird," which is available online, and on "The 'Wasna' (Pemmican) Man and the Unktomi (Spider)" from Marie McLaughlin's Myths and Legends of the Sioux, which is also available online. I'm going to quote the forward of that book below simply because I like the possible sidelight it throws on Carter's family history:
"In the "timbre" of these stories of the Sioux, told in the lodges and at the camp fires of the past, and by the firesides of the Dakotas of today, we recognize the very texture of the thought of a simple, grave, and sincere people, living in intimate contact and friendship with the big out-of-doors that we call Nature; a race not yet understanding all things, not proud and boastful, but honest and childlike and fair; a simple, sincere, and gravely thoughtful people, willing to believe that there may be in even the everyday things of life something not yet fully understood; a race that can, without any loss of native dignity, gravely consider the simplest things, seeking to fathom their meaning and to learn their lesson - equally without vain-glorious boasting and trifling cynicism; an earnest, thoughtful, dignified, but simple and primitive people."