AN: Alright this is my first time writing FF. So I do not mind constructive criticism or any input for the story but let's keep the hate to a minimum.
Disclaimer: Do not own any characters depicted in this story.
Chapter 1
Arizona POV
Dr. Arizona Robbins a second year attending, full of life and ready to conquer the world by saving one child at a time from unimaginable diseases, has just landed herself the Chief of Pediatric Surgery at one Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital. Before receiving the promotion the blue eyed blonde haired surgeon was working under Tim Kennard, the Hopkins Pediatrics Chief of Surgery and by the looks of it was in no time soon ready to retire. It had taken years for the Peds surgeon to achieve this ranking in her career but she knew it was worth every loss in her life even love. Yeah she had lost the love of her life working long hours fighting for the best surgeries or meeting the needs of her patients and she did not regret that decision to put work first at all. Well sometimes she did when the other side of the bed was still cold and her one night stands would hardly return the favor. That is how she found herself moving across the country to the rainy city of Seattle in the hopes that maybe just maybe she could begin to settle down.
Stepping outside in the misty Seattle night weather; the Peds surgeon could already feel her just straightened hair begin to curl. Maybe she should have left that long blonde hair of hers in a ponytail but when did that ever scream I am single and ready to have a good time at the bar. Although the blue eyed beauty was not quite sure she was looking for a good time or felt pressured to come meet the other doctors from Seattle Grace Mercy West, where she will be attending in two days come Monday. It was upon receiving her ID badge and signing a few more papers that stated she read and understood the rules and regulations of the hospital, when she bumped into fellow Cardiothoracic Surgeon Teddy Altman. Upon meeting the dirty blonde surgeon, Teddy had suggested that the new Pediatrics surgeon come out for drinks and meet her new colleagues. After threatening if she did not come out today they'd only force her to go out when her first day of work was complete, Arizona finally agreed in meeting them at the Emerald City Bar.
Now standing in front of said bar Arizona was second guessing why exactly she allowed herself to be convinced she needed to meet her work mates. Then again she was trying to settle down so maybe making friends was a good way to start.
The bar was crowded full of rowdy adults dancing, drinking and what looked like a deadly game of darts when a tall dark haired man barely missed a dart to the eye. Arizona figured if she was going to loosen up and have a good time like the rest of the bar goers she needed a drink. Making a beeline for the bar, she was able to steal the last available stool. After ordering a white wine the blonde swiveled around in her stool trying to search through the mass of bodies for the cardio surgeon.
"Whoa hey good lookin' what are you doing here by yourself?" came the booming voice from her right. The PEDs surgeon thought if she acted like she didn't hear the man then maybe this stranger would leave. But nope he was not picking up on her non verbals, which she thought were pretty obvious, "I don't think you heard me but someone as pretty as you should not be by yourself. You know what let me buy you a drink and then I could take you sight-seeing in my bedroom."
Choking on her wine, Arizona was appalled that this man was blatantly hitting on her and wasn't even ashamed of how distasteful it sound. Shaking her head and holding her hand up to stop the man from speaking she began to tell him to take a hike when a loud scream of "Aarrrizoona you made it," came from in front of her. Looking up in the direction of her name could see a drunken Teddy Altman making her way over to the PEDs surgeon.
"Hey Arizona didn't think you'd make it. Oh hi Mark didn't see you there. You're not trying to hit on our new PEDs surgeon are you?"
"Oh well um hey doctors are just as good as nurses and pharmaceutical reps," the grey haired man smirked. "Isn't that right Teddy?"
"That was once...this week and you know what, it won't happen again," the darker blonde replied. Teddy had to admit falling for the hospitals man whore was not something she was proud of, but that party in her panties was worth it every time. "Anyways this is our new head of PEDs Dr. Arizona Robbins," pointing to the man the cardio surgeon then stated, "and the devil himself Dr. Mark Sloan our Head of Plastics, which you have already had the privilege of meeting."
"Devil? I believe you mean God. No one makes skin like I do."
"It's nice to meet you Dr. Sloan, but I don't mix work and pleasure. Plus you're not really my type so let's keep this relationship professional," stated the smaller blonde with a shrug.
"How am I not your type I'm everyone's type," the plastics surgeon was flabbergasted that this woman was not down for a roll in the sheets.
Cutting in Teddy said, "You know what who cares what her type is we are here to drink, dance and impress Robbins with are friendliness."
"Ha wrong group of people Teddy. Have you seen Yang? What's friendly about her?"
"Well let's just let Arizona meet everyone and then she could make an opinion about us." Dragging the PEDs surgeon by the arm Teddy made her way through the mass of bodies to a few tables at the edge of the bar. Stopping in front of a group of what Arizona assumed were the doctors she was here to meet, got everyone to stop their conversation with the arrival of the new comer. "Everyone this is Arizona Robbins our new Head of PEDs I was telling you all about." Looking back at the PEDs surgeon herself Teddy began the introductions. "Here on our right is our Head of Neuro, Derek Shepard, Husband to third year resident Meredith Grey, and our other third year resident Cristina Yang, her husband Head of Trauma Owen Hunt and second year resident Lexie Grey."
Everyone voiced their greetings but only Yang spoke up. "Yeah Teddy we don't hang with PEDs surgeons. Their too perky and with a name like Arizona how can she not be all rainbows and butterflies. Its sick and I will not have my reputation marred by her perkiness."
"Who said PEDs surgeons aren't hardcore? I'll let you know that I can be hardcore and the surgeries that I perform are nothing short of easy," came Arizona's retort. "I'd like to see you last a day on my service hmm say Monday."
"What? No, I can't do that. I'd rather do boob jobs with Sloan then play babysitter."
Meredith spoke up with, "It wouldn't hurt to give it try. It's better than chasing after Hahn only to allowed to do her dirty work."
"Yeah I guess so. Hey speaking of the wicked witch, where are she and Cal?" questioned the resident.
Mark replied, "I tried getting a hold of them but neither answered their phones or the door when I went over there."
"Well I guess it's a good thing. They'd both just ruin our night with their fighting anyway. Well enough of them let's drink. Joe we need a round of shots over here! I plan on getting wasted and having dirty sex with my husband tonight," stated Yang causing the trauma surgeon to turn a bright red.
Arizona was not up to spending the rest of her night throwing back shots of tequila up until a red head made her way over to the surgeon.
"Wanna dance?" came from the stranger. The red head held out her hand out to the blonde in hopes that she would accept. Thinking to herself the blonde saw no harm in a dance or two so stood up and grasped the other woman's hand taking her to the dance floor. "So I've never seen you around are you new here?" asked the red head.
It was in that moment the blonde realized what a better way to consummate her arrival with this attractive woman. "Yeah, and I'm not really up for talking much tonight either. Want to head out of here?"
"I like a woman who gets straight to the point."
Walking back to the table full of doctors, Arizona grabbed her purse and said her goodbyes and headed out with the red headed woman in tow.
"Pay up Sloan. I knew she was a lady lover." Yang thought it was pretty obvious when Mark said the blonde had turned the man whore himself down, that it was more than clear she played for the other team.
"I cannot believe I just lost 50 bucks to you," replied Mark.
"Maybe next time you'll know better than to bet with me. I'm always right," chided Cristina.
Waking up to a kick to the back Arizona quickly awoke. It was when she felt the cool air on her bare chest that she realized she was naked and had fallen asleep in the mystery woman's bed. Quietly gathering her discarded clothing the surgeon made quick work of getting dressed and escaping the red heads apartment. Once on the safety of the street Arizona could see the sun peaking over the buildings around her making it known that she had overstayed too long then she would have liked. Deciding that she got a decent nights rest the blonde figured she could head back to her apartment to change into a new pair of clothes so she could do some chores that would need to be done before her soon to busy work load began. That was exactly how she spent the rest of the day completing any last minute errands before ending her night with a glass of wine and some trashy TV.
Monday morning rounds were easy as she got to meet all of the many patients shed be helping to get back on their feet so they could get back home. She was surprised to see Cristina Yang already there and in full business mode. Arizona allowed her to scrub in on a few routine surgeries and was even more surprised to see how efficient she worked. The only time the resident ever spoke up was to ask a few questions pertaining to operations they were performing.
Scrubbing out of her last surgery the PEDs surgeon could feel her phone vibrating in the pocket of her scrub pants. Drying off her hands she unlocked the screen of her phone as she saw Teddy's name on the message she just received.
Starving want to grab some dinner in the cafeteria
Replying quickly Arizona typed, sure I'll c u in5
Upon making her way to the cafeteria the blonde was surprised by how empty it was. To the left there were two of the residents she had meet and a few others she was not familiar with. Making her way to the buffet of food supplied for staff and family members of patients, Arizona decided the salad was a safe place to start on her first day. Soon after picking up her food Teddy arrived joining her in line.
"Hey that was quick" came Teddy's greeting.
"Yeah well it's been a busy day this is the first break I've had today," replied Arizona.
As they made their way to a table in the corner of the cafeteria Teddy responded, "I'm surprised you're still civil I would have thought Yang would be been a pain in the ass for you." Teddy was completely surprised that Arizona was still here. Surely the resident would have scared her back to Baltimore, but maybe she was hardcore like the smaller blonde claimed she could be.
"Actually she's been great. This Hahn person must really be awful because she didn't complain once when I had her entertain the children or get them pudding. But I also rewarded her with a few surgeries so I'm sure that helped too." Arizona didn't get what the fuss was about Yang the resident was all bark and no bite. She was not afraid of the other woman because working on kids gives a surgeon tough skin when they have to deal with frightened parents.
"Haha yeah that'll undeniably help feed Yang's surgery hungry beast. Maybe I should switch over to PEDs too if I get do surgeries. Hahn has been nothing less than unbearable today and I'm sure it has something to do with Cal, but gesh you'd think if it's that bad get out of the relationship."
"Well lack of sex can make you a bit crazed don't you think?"
"No way, I do not I think that's the problem Cal's a sex monster everyone knows they're at it at least once a day in some on-call room. It must be playing mommy that's starting to unnerve her." The Cardio surgeon would know she had walked in on them a few times and it was always a hot story amongst the interns and nurses.
"Oh well then there it is who wants to step in and raise a child. That's no way to spend the rest of your life." Arizona still held firm to that and didn't think she would ever find someone to get her to budge on changing her mind.
"Really? You're PEDs surgeon I would've thought kids would be your thing." Now Teddy was really curious about the new surgeon. She was certainly a complete mystery.
"No way, I have no problem spending time with them but once my time is up I send them back to their parents. I'm all for settling down maybe getting a dog or two but that's about it. Ha I actually even tried it, being married and all but once the kids talk came along it complicated things and we went our separate ways."
"Hold up. You were married? When was this?" Yep complete mystery to the Cardio surgeon.
"Um five years ago I guess. It was hardly considered a marriage we were both so busy with our internship and residency years we hardly ever saw each other." Thinking of this time in her life Arizona couldn't but feel the guilt of not fighting hard enough to work that relationship out. She truly believed that they were both happy and in love, but life was cruel and being in a competitive job drove them a part, amongst other things of course.
The shocked look on Teddy's face was exactly how she looked when she was handed divorce papers.
"Wow. So do you guys still talk? Do you know where she is?" Teddy was truly interested in the PEDs surgeon. She figured the other blonde was hardly the type to settle down after only being in the city for a few days and already bedding a complete stranger. But who was she to really know, she hardly knew the other woman.
"Actually I have no idea. I didn't even see her when I was informed she wanted a divorce. We got in a fight over the kids thing and work like usual and that was it she left." Talking about her past was making her miss her ex-lover more than she would have liked and needed to put an end to this conversation soon or she'd find herself drinking a whole six pack of beer and smoking a pack of cigarettes on her own. "You know what it's been a long day. I am going to go finish my post-ops and then head home. Thanks for inviting me to dinner. I'll see you tomorrow." The blonde quickly stood so the other woman could not argue with her to stay.
"Hey, I'm sorry we don't have to talk relationships again. I like your company and there is a whole lot of other stuff we can always talk about," Teddy said before she was out of ear shot.
"Thanks again. I'll see you tomorrow Teddy." And with that Arizona was on her way to get this day over with.
As she signed the last charts for the day the blonde surgeon could feel someone watching her. Looking up she met her resident of the day Cristina Yang. "Is there something I could do for you Dr. Yang.?"
"Yes, I was hoping if you don't mind if I could continue to be on your service. You know until Dr. Hahn realizes she misses me and is begging me back for my genius," the resident spoke.
She did not know whether to be flattered that the resident would rather be on her service working with children or annoyed at the fact that she was indeed being used. Arizona spoke up, "I don't see the problem with you sticking around in PEDs but I do suggest that you try and enjoy it because really how long do you think this Dr. Hahn will take before, like you said begging for you back?"
"I make no promises to enjoy being here but I do promise to be the best resident you have." It seemed that was the best Cristina could do for her attending because the only thing she could ever really enjoy is scrubbing in on a cool heart surgery.
Arizona seemed to understand that too was probably the best she could get out of the resident. "Alright well then Dr. Yang I expect you to be here by 7 AM ready for morning rounds when I get here at 8. Have a good night." And with that both doctors went their separate ways.
The rest of the week was very much the same routine Arizona would get there by 8 and Cristina would supply her with all the charts for the day and any information she asked on the patients. They would both work quietly throughout the operation unless the resident had any questions. Following she would meet Teddy, who were usually accompanied with both Owen and Mark, for either lunch or dinner. And after her long day of work would go back to her empty apartment and crawl into bed only to continue in the same manner the next day.
By Friday Cristina had informed the PEDs surgeon that her time in her ward was up as the Head of Cardiothoracic, Dr. Hahn, had asked for her to assist her on a heart transplant that afternoon. Now she was just waiting for someone named Dr. Karev who she had just learned would be on her service for the day. Catching up on some charts she waited for his arrival before starting rounds. Upon his entry they both quickly introduced themselves and got straight into business.
No sooner than they were finished she was paged to the ER for a child with severe abdominal pain. This was the first time she would be going to the ER so the surgeon allowed Dr. Karev to follow her, mostly because she hated getting lost.
Entering the ER she was reminded of a time when she was a resident and spent hours just waiting for an awesome surgery that would come her way.
"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Parker. I'm Dr. Robbins and this is my resident Dr. Karev. I was told that Kasey here is experiencing abdominal pain." Pointing to the patient she asked, "Do you mind if I take a look." As soon as she touched the upper mid-abdomen Kasey let out a hiss of pain. "Dr. Karev what does Kasey's chart tell us?" Arizona knew exactly what the pain was caused by she saw this in a lot of patients who received an appendectomy and by the scar that was left behind, the surgeon was pretty sure she was indeed correct.
"Well she had surgery a year ago at Seattle Pres. for an appendectomy. So as a result I believe the pain she is currently experiencing is a build-up of scar tissue from the adhesions. Which means we go back in and remove some of the scar tissue?" His last statement came off more as a question than a statement, but other than that he was on the right path for his assessment of the child's discomfort.
"That's correct Dr. Karev." Addressing the family now Arizona continued with her plans, "So Mr. and Mrs. Parker in order for us to help reduce her pain we are going to have to go back into surgery and remove the scar tissue that has built up around the adhesions. It's a common surgery that should take a few hours to complete. I recommend you get comfortable in the waiting room and we will take Kasey up to the OR. Are there any other questions I can answer?"
"No, I think you were clear in what you said," Mr. Parker stated. "But thank you so much Dr. Robbins." Looking at his daughter he bent over and placed a kiss on Kasey's forehead whispering how brave she is and that both him and his wife would see her soon.
"Alright Kasey let's take the pain away," came from Arizona with a comforting smile.
The surgery was a success as she predicted and the PEDs surgeon allowed Alex to go and inform the parents of their daughter's condition before he went to do her post-ops. Taking her scrub cap off and shoving it into her pocket Arizona made her way to the Attending's lounge for a quick caffeine fix. Entering the lounge the surgeon was so exhausted she didn't even notice the pair of dark brown eyes staring at her.
"Are you here to save me?" came the small voice.
To say she was startled was an understatement the question from the small boy sitting on the couch caused her to drop her coffee to the floor splashing the counters cabinets, but lucky for her barely any made its way on her scrub pants.
Turning around to address the young boys question she saw a familiar pair of brown eyes and curly raven hair on a little boy starring up at her from the couch. "Oh…uhm what was that?" Those eyes she could hardly form a sentence with those eyes bringing up thoughts of another pair of similar expressive eyes.
"You're a superhero right? So are you here to save me?" The small boy knew she looked familiar his mom would always tell him of a blonde blue eyed superhero who saved children. These stories led for him to dream every night of this woman saving him and his mom from the evil villains of the world. Even though he never met her he couldn't help but believe it was really the super hero he had been waiting for. It wasn't that he needed saving from anything dangerous, but who doesn't want to be friends with a super hero.
This said super hero couldn't help but feel her heart swell from this small boy's statement. "No I'm not a super hero just a kid doctor." Her statement caused the boy's face to fall of excitement. "But I guess I do save children. What do you need to be saved from? You're not a patient are you because it's not safe to be wandering the hospital?"
"Nope, not a patient. I got in trouble so I got sent here to wait for my Mami," was the boy's response.
"Well that's not good. May I ask your name, little man?" Arizona made her way to sit near the boy on the couch so she wasn't talking to him from across the room.
"Michael, but everyone calls me Mikey. What's yours?" Mikey's face lit up with the attention he was receiving from the doctor.
"I'm Arizona . Arizona Robbins. It's nice to meet you Mikey." Sticking out her hand the small raven haired boy happily put his tiny hand into hers to shake it. "Well Mikey how old are you?"
Holding up four fingers for her to see he said, "I'm four. My Mami said when I turn five I get to go school. And I'm excited because I get to go on the playground. Did you like going to school Airzona?"
His mispronunciation of her name made her smile and the way he easily spoke with her like she wasn't a stranger at all was nice to the surgeon. "Well Mikey I liked school so much I went for twenty one years, which is a really long time to go to school. But I did love playing on the playground with my friends and swinging high on the swings."
"Me too-" His reply was cut off by the door being thrown open and a tall blonde woman with matching scrubs to Arizona's and a white lab coat on. The blonde new comer did not look at all happy to be here her blue eyes were void of any joy.
"Dammit Mikey not again. Your Mami is going to be so mad that you have acted up again. What is it, like the fourth time this month? I don't know what it is with you and your Mami's fiery temper but it needs to stop like yesterday."
The boy wouldn't even look at the stranger just huffed and crossed his arms. When he did speak up it came in a whisper. "It's not Mikey it's Michael and my Mami isn't mad at me she's mad at you."
"What's that no one can hear when you're muttering Mikey." Came her retort. She could not believe her girlfriend convinced her again to take Mikey home when she could hardly stand the kid. She didn't have anything against him other than the fact that he was always around and wanting attention. Why couldn't he just sit and color in his room so she could have some private time was what she asked herself every time they got interrupted.
"I said it's MICHAEL!" was the small boy's response. To say Arizona was surprised that this sweet child can be so loud and angry was a complete shock. He had been sweet and polite to her not once did he disrespect her. But the PEDs surgeon couldn't help but be angered by the way this woman came in here belittling Mikey and obviously causing him to become angry. "You're not my friend Erica so you don't get to call me Mikey."
"Well I'm your mom's girlfriend so you're going to have to learn to like me or at least respect me. Trust me one day soon when I marry your mom I will not allow for this behavior and you will learn real quickly to talk to me kindly."
Arizona couldn't sit here and let this woman continue to talk to Mikey like he was nothing. "You know what I think you should stop. It's obvious you're making Mikey upset so just stop." The look the other blonde gave to her was one that would make grown men cower. But Arizona stood her ground and stared back.
"And who do you think you are? No I don't care. Mikey let's go your mom is still in surgery and she won't be home for a while so I am going to be watching you. Got it kid?"
"Actually no you're not. He's coming with me." Arizona could not believe she was willingly choosing to spend time with a child. Especially one she hardly knows. "Isn't that right Mikey, what do you say we go get some lunch? I'm sure there is a piece of chocolate cake calling our name."
"Yeah! Bye Erica you could go home now cuz Airzona and I are going to have cake." It seemed like Mikey on the other hand had no problem passing up going back home to stay extra hours in hospital he grew tired of being at. There is only so many times you could build the same house or castle with the same bricks and it just wasn't the same the hundredth time around for Mikey.
"Whatever kid, have fun with your new friend." And with that Erica was out of the room the same way she came in. Arizona was at least surprised that the woman didn't make sure she wouldn't steal the small boy. It's not like she would because the last thing she wanted to do was raise a child of her own, but most adults should at least verify the child's safety.
Arizona stood up and began walking to the door, but when she realized no one was following she turned around, "You coming Mikey? I don't want to miss out on that chocolate cake."
With a swift jump from the couch Mikey ran over to open the door for his new friend and followed the doctor outside of the room. Grabbing her hand he looked up at her with a smile. "You are even prettier than in my dreams Airzona."
And that was it this kid was quickly making his way into her heart and she didn't care. They made it down to the cafeteria with easy banter and lots of giggling on Arizona's part. This boy was a charmer and was definitely charming the PEDs surgeon.
"Knock Knock."
"Who's there?" Mikey had been telling Arizona jokes for the past five minutes and she was laughing so hard at them even when they were silly and probably if told by anyone else would get an eye role from the blonde.
"Interupting cow," was Mikey's reply.
"Interupting co-"
"Gesh little Torres why are you so being loud," said Cristina as she joined the pair at their table. "So what did you do this time to escape prison?"
Mikey looked down at his lap a little ashamed about what he was about to tell the resident. "Um I threw a block at Ms. Warren and told her to shut her trap because she said there is no such thing as super heroes."
A Muffled snort came from both doctors, who even though they knew Mikey's behavior were inappropriate, couldn't help but laugh at his actions. "Well that would definitely cause you to get kicked out of the slammer. How do you know Dr. Robbins?"
"She came into the lounge when I was waiting for Mami and spilled her coffee. She saved me from going home with Erica. So that makes Airzona my friend." Mikey looked up at her and smiled the biggest chocolate smile at her causing the adults at the table to laugh at the mess he had made all over his face.
"Haha anyone who saves you from the wicked witch definitely makes a good friend." Arizona was amazed that the resident who claimed to mock her for working with kids was able to talk to Mikey with ease like he was just another of her friends.
The blaring of a pager startled the little boy but the familiar sound to both doctors caused them to look at their hips to see whose was sounding. Arizona was relieved to see it wasn't her pager meaning that it was Cristina's that was going off. She didn't want to leave Mikey just yet they were enjoying the time talking with each other even if it was all silly. "Yes, looks like surgery is calling for the goddess herself. I'll see you later little Torres. Hey and remember be nice to your mom she loves you like crazy and acting crazy yourself makes her job just a little bit hard. But I have no problem with you bossing Erica around someone needs to put her in her place and plus you are the man of the house," Cristina said with a wink. Patting him on top of the head the resident walked off hoping that whatever she was being paged to was juicy enough for just her and Teddy to handle without Dr. Hahn having to steal another surgery from them.
"Huh, how do you get her to act so… normal? I had a difficult time getting Cristina to play with the kids in my PEDs ward." Arizona looked down at the raven haired boy quickly grabbing a napkin to rid him of his chocolate covered cheeks.
"It's because she's my godmother. She has to be nice to me or Mami gets angry with her. That's why she moved out because Mami said she had a potty mouth and Dr. Hunt and Cristina were always making loud noises in their bedroom that gave me nightmares."
Chuckling Arizona thought it incredulous that someone would be roommates with the resident especially with a child. Sure she wasn't a bad person but definitely not someone you would want to raise your four year old around.
Arizona replied with, "Well that's a good reason to kick someone out. Sleep is important and a little kid like yourself shouldn't be having nightmares about your godmother and her husband."
"I guess not but I wish she lived there instead of Erica. Erica's always hogging my Mami and she doesn't even like to dance. Who doesn't like to dance? Auntie Cristina would dance with me and Mami when we were having a bad day and it would make us all feel better. I don't tell my Mami that Erica yells at me all the time because then they fight and Mami cries and I don't like to see her cry." It was obvious this boy disliked his mother's girlfriend and Arizona felt bad that he had to put up with her bad behavior just to make his mom happy. "Maybe since you're a super hero and my friend you can make my Mami feel better. Then we can all be happy." Mikey looked hopeful that Arizona would help him and his mom out.
Arizona felt a little bit frightened by the boy's request to comfort a woman she has never met. She had no problem talking with him but that was a big thing to ask a stranger and she was finding it difficult to find an answer that would appease him and not crush him. And luck was on her side when the Michael stood up on his chair to yell, "Mami!"
Turning around in her chair to see who Mikey was yelling at, Arizona saw those familiar brown eyes that she had been staring at for the past hour and had become familiar with them, five years ago. Maybe luck wasn't on her side.
"Arizona," spoke Mikey's mother.
AN2: Okay everyone this is the first chapter for the story. I hope you all enjoyed and I hope to update regularly. So maybe once a week but if I post more chapters throughout the week it's because actual school work became boring.