Imagine person A being a product of a science experiment and person B is the first real person that A sees. Person A becomes curious about B and their ways so he/she follows Person B around, asking them questions about everything, even silly things

"Are you daft, Nikola? Have you forgotten the entire plot of Frankenstein?"

"Of course not, but this will not end up like that. Myka is much more sophisticated than Frankenstein's creation. The only similarity in their creation was electricity."

"Myka? You named it?"

"Her, HG. Of course I named her, every person needs a name."

Helena rolled her eyes, and looked back at the woman … creature … in question. She was slightly taller than Helena, with most of her height seeming to come from her legs. A thin finger lightly ran over the spines of the books on Helena's shelf. Brown curls bounced as Myka's head turned towards Helena. Myka smiled as she did anytime she looked at the other woman. The happiness easily reached her green eyes.

Helena turned back to Nikola before she returned the smile. She groaned when she saw a smile on the man's face as well.

"You can't hide the truth from me, Helena. You were as excited as I when I first discovered I was successful in my endeavor. What has changed?"

"She aggravates me. She does not know even the simplest things. She has to ask me about everything she encounters."

"You condemn her for having a mind as curious as your own?" Nikola laughed. "She is intelligent. She clings onto everything you say. In fact, you have already managed to teach her to read. I found her reading a book of Donne's poetry last night. We even engaged in intelligent conversation about the possibly religious implications in 'The Flea.'"

Helena glanced behind her quickly. Myka had pulled a book from the shelf. She was leaning against the wall with her eyes slowly scanning the page.

"Theirs is just something about her that does not sit well with me," she muttered.

Nikola laughed again. "That, my dear, is not a bad feeling."

"What does that mean?"

Nikola chuckled, and left the room.

"Nikola!" she called after him. "Damn that man," she muttered to herself.

"Helena?" The light voice came from behind her.

She turned to see Myka watching her closely. She was the only one to call her by her given name in privet. Most others used HG, her preferred name. For some reason, however, she liked the way Myka enunciated every syllable, every letter.

She felt her ire sooth slightly as she took in the innocent face.


"Is there really a hunchback in the cathedral?" She lifted the book in her hand slightly. Helena could make out the small 'Victor Hugo' on the cover.

A small smile crossed her face. Maybe Nikola was right. It was not a bad feeling.

I don't own anything mentioned.