Okay I know it's been a SUUUUPPPPERR long time since I last updated and I'm SO SO SO SO sorry about it! As I said in my last chapter, my depression's been getting worse and I didn't really know how to handle it so I just took a break from writing and started focusing on other things...In other news! I've been in relationships in that time and now I'm in a solid one so I will hopefully start writing and updating more~

Anyways! I had a lot of fun writing this chapter today and I wanna say and give a huge THANK YOU to everyone who kept supporting this story during my hiatus!

Chapter 19: The Scream Kingz

"Fi," I said shaking the girl's shoulder. She was face down in the cushions of her couch, her feet dangling over the edge.

"Huh?" she grumbled sleepily. She stirred before turning back to sleep.

"Fionna," I said again. "We're going to be late."

"Huh?!" she said sitting up quickly. She held her head in pain and said, "Oh, hey Marshbutt, how'd you get in here?"

I scowled at her and she yawned, emitting a foul smell from her mouth. I shook her keys like a cat toy and rolled my eyes.

"Hurry, go get dressed," I said rushing her into a standing position. "I'll take care of Gumbutt, just go."

"Uh, yeah..." she said rubbing her eyes as I pushed her up the stairs.

While she was in the shower, I knocked on her bedroom door gently. It swung open with a slight creak and a surprised Gumball was staring at me.

"Hey, Bubba," I said with a grin.

"That's the first time you've used my name in a while," he said leaning against the door frame. "What are you doing here?"

"Taking Fi out with me and some of my band," I shrugged. "They wanted to meet her."

"Oh," he said. "So where is she?"

"Shower," I said pointing down the hall. "C'mon, you can hear it."

"Yeah, whatever. That could have been Cake," he protested. "What do you want anyway?"

"I just came to tell you that we were leaving, but it seems you've figured that out by yourself," I said.

"Okay, one thing before I go. I need my bag out of the bathroom," he said waving his arms.

I nodded and walked down the hall. I could feel him watching me as I walked in, unannounced.

"What?" Fi asked, stopping her singing.

"Needed to get the gumwad's bag," I said looking over her body.

"Stop it!" she said pulling the curtain to cover herself.

"It's not anything I haven't seen before and definitely not something I plan on not seeing again," I said biting my lip.

Her face flushed and she said, "Well, you've got the bag, now go! You're interrupting my song."

"Okay," I shrugged walking out.

"Did you just walk in there?" Bubba asked when I handed him his bag.

"Yeah, why?" I asked with wide eyes.

"You didn't even knock! Didn't she freak out?" he asked with confusion in his voice.

"No," I chuckled. "I've seen her naked at least three times already."

"What?!" he said his purple eyes growing brighter.

"Yeah, dude, we do stuff," I said emphasizing the stuff.

"Oh my!" he said with a blush.

"Soo . . . dude who have you latched yourself onto this time?" I asked with a grin.

"No one . . . at least not yet," he said grinning back.

"I'm nervous," Fionna said, wringing her hands and looking up at me.

"What's to be nervous about?" I asked, taking her shaking hands.

"What if they don't like me? After all, I'm not exactly like you," she said as I took her helmet.

"Don't worry, they're more accepting than you think," I said with a comforting smile. "Besides, even if they don't like you, I like you. And there's nothing they can do to change my mind about that."

She hugged me tightly before letting go. "Thanks," she whispered. "That makes me feel better."

She stuck her hands in her pockets, the air was cold despite the time of year. I did the same, leading the way to the docks.

"Ayyy, it's Marsh!" Oli called out to the rest of the group.

"Why are you behind me?" I asked Fi when I turned to talk to her.

Her head was bowed as she followed. "I told you, I'm shy," she whispered sharply.

"Oh, c'mon," I said teasingly. "You're an adventuress, be brave."

She glared up at my grin.

"Oh, okay," I gave in. "Stay here, I'll get them prepared."

"Thanks," she said with a smile.

*Fionna's PoV*

As I waited, I stared at my scuffed Mary Jane's.

"Who are you?" a voice sounded from behind me. I spun quickly to be faced with a girl a little older than me. She had full, dark hair, a strip of green flowing down the side in a single strand. Her piercing gray eyes looked at me harshly as she tilted her head. "I swear if you're one of those damned fangirls, I'm gonna-"

"Jade!" Marshall called as I got into a defensive position. "There you are, c'mere!"

She walked over, still looking me over suspiciously. I sighed heavily and began inching back towards Marshall's bike.

"Oh no you don't!" Marshall said rushing over to me. "C'mon, I told them to be nice because you're shy. I didn't drive all the way over here just for you to back out."

"But-" I started to argue.

"No buts," he said with a comforting smile as he held my wrists. "No pouting either."

"Okay," I said as he led me over. "But you owe me."

"I'll take you on a date next week, how's that sound?" he asked looking at me. "Real fancy, a proper date. Good?"

"Yeah," I said with a laugh as we reached the group. "Good."

"H-hi, Fionna," Sam said looking at his hands. "Nice to see you again."

"Hi," I said awkwardly standing next to him.

"Fionna!" Oli yelled, almost tackling me with the force of his hug.

"Hey dude!" I said with a grunt. "How are you?"

"Awesome, and I'm assuming you're the same," he said letting go.

"I am," I panted, getting my breath back.

"Oh, you're Marshall's new girl?" Jade said looking at me with an eyebrow raised. "This is new...nice to meet you, I'm Jade."

I nodded at her in acknowledgement as someone touched my shoulder. I spun around quickly and looked up to be greeted with wide hazel eyes. The guy before me had messy blond hair that carelessly say atop his head and a heavy set jaw.

"H-hi..." I said with a stutter. For as long as I'd been turned around, he'd just been staring at me.

"Brandon's not much of a talker," they all said in unison behind me, as if they had said this a million times before.

"Hi," he said back in a lower voice. "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too," I said as the rest of the band looked on in awe.

"He never speaks to anyone he doesn't know for more than six months," someone said to me. I looked up at him and saw him looking down at me with a grin and sunglasses. "I'm Dave."

"Fionna," I said, getting paranoid. It was as if people were just popping up around me, more and more band members,

"Hey, Marshbutt," I said walking over to him.

"Yeah?" he said looking at me with raised eyebrows.

"How many members are there in your band?" I asked warily.

He thought for a moment before replying, "Eight, including myself."

"Why do you have that many?" I asked looking at him skeptically.

"They needed jobs and with such a different blend of instruments, it allows us to stand out and be recognized."

"Well, I've met seven, where's the eighth?" I asked looking up at him.

He furrowed his dark eyebrows as his red eyes scanned the park. "Alex?"

"What?" a voice said from behind us. Huddled up in a bush with a hoodie pulled over his head and a phone lighting up his face was a boy with a round face and strips of red in his lax brown hair. His green eyes lit up when he looked at me. Quickly, he hopped out of the bush, stumbling on a branch as he came over to me. "Holy shit, you have a face and I have a face, let's have a face battle."

I laughed and Marshall punched his arm. "Lay off, dude," he said rolling his eyes. "Sam already tried his bit."

He shrugged and said, "Couldn't hurt to try. And what, might I ask, is your name, my fair traveler?" he asked with an outstretched hand.

Taking his hand and bowing, I said, "It shan't be anything besides Fionna, my dear walker."

"You're a fan of Fable of Oathor?" he asked, his eyes lighting up.

I showed him my limited edition quadrupower pendant that hung around my neck and his eyes widened in awe. He reached into his shirt and pulled out his. "Hell yeah!" he said fist bumping me. "None of the losers in this band play!"

"But it's the best!" I said with excitement.

"Do you play online?" he asked, taking my hand as he led me to a bench and sat down.

I nodded quickly, not even noticing the stares being thrown at us. "I've played every game out so far and I'm in the top five on the worldwide charts," I bragged, grinning as his eyes darkened.

"So am I," he said, tilting his head with a light flush of his cheeks. "Dude, do you have your phone? I'll battle you right now!"

"Hell yeah, let's go!" I said, throwing my hands up before Marshall groaned.

"No no no, you guys need to socialize," he said, tugging me up. I gave a light whine and Alex crossed his arms as he stood too.

"But you guys are losers and I finally found someone worthy of playing with!"

"Lay off it numbnuts," Jade said, crossing her arms as the buckles of her pants jingled. "We need to get to know Fionna before you claim her into your weird video game cult."

"You're pretty Fionna…" Brandon murmured quietly, drawing his knees up to his chest as he looked at me from his seat on the grass.

"Oh, well thank you!" I said, plopping down next to him. "I appreciate the compliment. You're pretty nice yourself."

"You think so?" he asked, perking up slightly. "I don't scare you?"

My blue eyes widened. "Scare me? No, I'm an adventuress! Bravest in Ooo I can bet you that much," I said, giving a crooked grin as I looked at him. "I'm not scared of anything! Except for water…"

"I don't like water either," he said quietly, shaking his hair out of his golden eyes. "It's scary."

"See? You aren't scary if you're scared of something. We aren't that much different after all," I said, ripping the course grass out of the ground beneath me.

"You're scared of water too?" Dave said, looking down at us through his dark glasses. "Huh, I would've never thought so."

"My parents drowned," I explained. "When I was a baby. I've been scared ever since."

"Oh that's terrible," he said quietly, lifting up his glasses so I knew he was sincere. His eyes were sleepy looking and a dull reddish brown color, similar to Marshall's. "Sorry to hear that kid…"

I shrugged. "I was raised in a proper home," I muttered, running a hand through my bangs. "Nice parents, awesome sister."
"Bitchy sister…" Marshall muttered from somewhere too far for me to hit him but close enough to hear. I shot him a glare and he shifted uncomfortably, looking away with a slight fear.

"My sister doesn't exactly approve of our relationship," I explained.

"Why would she?" Oli called from where he was fending off Sam's relentless attempts to get his phone from. "Marsh is a lamewad!"

"You're lamer!" Marshall said back defensively. "Mr. Guitar!"

"Ugh," Jade groaned from her place resting against the tree. I looked around, doing the same that she was and noticed the utter chaos of this band. Jade was sitting against a tree and across from her was Dave standing in front of where I sat next to Brandon who still had his knees against his chest in an almost childlike position. To the left of me was Marshall sitting on a table with his chin in his hand as he gave a lazy glance towards where Oli was running from Sam, his long legs taking long strides to gain distance.

"Well this is a mess," Marshall muttered to himself with a small sigh as I pushed myself off of the ground with a grunt. I dusted the grass and dirt off of my hands and onto my skirt as I walked the short distance over to him.

"I don't think so," I said, resting my elbow on his shoulder and my head on my arms. "It's nice. Pretty fun and it gives me an accurate depiction of everyone's personalities."

"Well aren't you feeling philosophical?" He teased, grinning at me as he shifted so he had his hands on my waist. "Does my band do that to you?"

"Of course," I said, rolling my eyes and breaking out of his grasp. "No, in all seriousness, I really like your band. They don't seem to mind me much…"

"Did you think we wouldn't like you?" Jade called over to me, fiddling with the edges of her obviously homemade croptop.

"Well considering you started yelling at me as soon as you spotted me despite what I'm assuming Marshall told you, yeah," I nodded, giving a sarcastic shrug.

Jade blushed lightly, hopping off of the ground and towards me. "Yeah um…sorry about that, Fionna," she said awkwardly, her gaze falling to the ground as she stopped in front of me. "I didn't mean to make such a bad first impression."

"It's cool," I shrugged, my smile dropping as I felt my hat being tugged off. "No! Don't do it again!" I said, my hair falling down gracefully as I chased the running teenager.

"Whatcha gonna do Fi?!" Marshall asked, running quickly with a devious flick of his tongue.

"I'm gonna kill you! Give it back!" I shouted, our chase being intertwined with that of Sam and Oli as I flailed after him.

"I'd like to see you try!" he laughed, the sun setting in the distance as Dave sat idly next to Brandon and Jade watched us running and Sam still futilely tried to get his phone back.


"That wasn't so bad was it?" I asked, looking over to where Fionna was plopped face down on my bed.

"No," she mumbled, shifting onto her side with a ditzy smile. "It was awesome! And really fun and you're band is really cool!" she raved, her skin glowing in the dim lighting.

"You think so?" I asked, grinning as I leaned forward, placing a small kiss on her nose. "Thanks, I suppose I'm good at making friends."

"You are!" she nodded, blushing as I kissed her nose. "And I'm really pumped that I beat Alex! We're gonna go to a video gaming tournament and compete for the ultimate Fable of Oathor championship medal!"

"You guys and that game is like the weirdest thing," I mumbled, shaking my head as Fionna gave a disbelieving gasp.

"Rude!" she said, smacking my arm. "I have dedicated countless hours to that game and I can tell you this much, it isn't at all weird! It's an epic journey of excitement and it has an amazing plo—"

"Fi, stop," I said, clapping a hand over her mouth with an amused grin. "I'm not into it. I have no idea what you're talking about."

She pushed my hand away, turning over with a pout. "Hmph," she murmured, tucking her legs in. "You can at least pretend to care and act like you're interested." "I'm sorry," I said, kissing her back as I hugged her from behind. "You can tell me all about it in the morning, okay? I'm tired love."

"Okay," she nodded, scooting back into my embrace as her breathing slowed. "Night Marshbutt…"

"Night Fi," I said, closing my eyes as I began drifting off.

Okay so I know it was a shitty chapter but I really liked using some OCs for Marshall's band I would LOVE LOVE LOVE some feedback! Well, I don't even know if I still have fans on this but I hope so!

Anyway, I should stop rambling and get to writing!

Your killer, Samhain