Ethan's POV

"Where are the guys?" Savannah asked as she ran up to me before school.

"Well Benny, Ty and Rory are trying to get the yearbook committee to let students use avatars as their yearbook photos. Erica is currently coordinating what we will wear in the year book. Brandon, Sarah and Izzy I have no idea." I told my sister. Just then Erica and Benny walked up to us. Benny walked next to Savannah while Erica walked next to me.

"Ethan great news I know exactly what we're wearing!" Erica said happily.

"Well I have bad news, Hannah rejected our idea." Benny said sadly.

"Oh boo ho! You can't be Thor in the yearbook." I mocked.

"We'll at least I'll show up on camera!" Benny said trying to brag.

"You and Savannah won't be the only ones who show up on camera. I have perfected the appear on camera spell." I bragged back.

"But you have a girlfriend which means you have to dress all fancy for the pictures!" Benny tried to brag back. My face went a little more pale. Erica looked at me and frowned at my reaction.

"You don't want to wear this?!" Erica growled out.

"Ah, I never said that. I love it babe!" I stuttered out while rubbing my neck. "I love you." Erica giggled and I knew I was off the hook.

"I have to go met up with Sarah. She's gonna be so excited when I tell her she's gonna be in the yearbook!" Erica told me before she left she gave me a peck on the check.

"You are so whipped!" Benny said when Erica was out of earshot. I hissed at him.

"Am not!" I said getting in Benny's face.

"Are so!" Benny said not backing down.

"Am not!"

"Are so!"

"Guys!" Savannah yelled. "Can you two go without fighting for one day please!" I hissed at Benny again and walked off to class.

The Next Day Ethan's POV
I was walking down the hall when I ran into Benny of all people.

"Get out of my way Benny!" I growled then I stopped and took in his appearance. He almost was dressed exactly like I would! "Is that my leather jacket?" Benny just grinned. "And my shirt!" Benny just kept on grinning."Benny I'm gonna kill you!"

"No you won't chuckles. I'm bad now. I'm the new you." Benny said as he started to walk past me.

"Oh no you don't!" I grabbed his arm and was sucked into a vision while my fangs were barred. I jolted back and gasped.

"You're not the real Benny. So that camera he sold Hannah is the ancient double negative camera. Sweet!" I let go of Evil Benny's arm then crossed my arms.

"Give me my stuff back now!" I growled.

"No way I make this look good." Benny said.

"Did you get all of Benny's memories. Right?" I asked before I barred my fangs again. Evil Benny started to stutter, then remove my jacket and shirt and handed them to me the ran off, muttering 'I'll just go steal a leather jacket.'