Disclaimer: I only own Charlie and whatever changes to the plot I make. I don't own The Vampire Diaries.
When Charlie wakes the next morning, she finds herself in Stefan's bedroom for the second night in a row. She finds no trace of her previously devastated twin brother in his room, so she drags herself out of bed and slowly walks to her own room. Charlie quickly showers and gets dressed before exiting her bedroom. She immediately hears the sound of her brother's talking, surprisingly not arguing for once.
"So any idea of where you'll go?" she hears Stefan ask as she walks down the stairs.
"I don't know. London, maybe. See some friends," Damon answers, and a smirk appears on Charlie's face.
"You have friends?" she asks upon entering the living room, catching her brothers' attention. Stefan lets a similar smirk appear on his face as he looks at Damon.
"No, he's delusional," Stefan answers, and Damon rolls his eyes.
"The twins ganging up on me. How surprising," Damon says sarcastically. "You're both right. I only have you two. So... Where are we going?"
"We are not going anywhere. I'm gonna live my life as far away from you as possible. And if Charlie wants to come, that's her choice," Stefan says, looking at Charlie, giving her the same choice as he always does before they leave to go to a new place.
"C'mon Charlie," Damon goads, nudging her with his elbow. "We could travel the world together. We could try out for "The Amazing Race"," he says with a teasing smirk, making Charlie roll her eyes and flop down on the couch. She grins when Marbles hops onto her lap, purring and rubbing her head against Charlie's offered hand.
"I don't even wanna leave," Charlie says, looking at her brothers, and Stefan sighs.
"We have to, Charlie," Stefan says, looking at her pleadingly.
"But I like it here. I finally have friends that he," she starts, gesturing to Damon, "hasn't killed."
"Yet," Stefan says, narrowing his eyes at Damon.
"You know," Damon starts, earning a heavy sigh from Stefan and a curious look from Charlie. "You technically don't have to leave. Don't you think its time to branch out? Spread your own wings, go it solo, and all that," Damon says, and Charlie frowns, not exactly liking the idea of living on her own without Stefan since they've been with each other for more than a century. They're broken out of their small silence when the doorbell rings, and all three siblings look at the front door, then back at each other. After a few moments, Stefan walks forward and opens the door, and Charlie is surprised when she hears Sheriff Forbes at the door, wishing to speak with Damon. Damon lets her inside before taking her back out to the back yard.
"I hope you understand the secrecy. Stefan and Charlie don't know about this yet and I'd like to keep it that way," the twins hear Damon say.
"Don't know about it," Charlie scoffs. "We're living it... Or... Un-living it," Charlie says, sending a grin to Stefan, who rolls his eyes.
"That was lame," Stefan says, and Charlie sends him a look of blatant offense.
"You're lame," Charlie mumbles, crossing her arms before the twins go back to listening to the conversation between Damon and Sheriff Forbes. After listening for a few minutes, the twins are shocked to hear of another vampire attack on a woman in town. Charlie glances at Stefan who has a furious look on his face. After Damon and Sheriff Forbes are done speaking, they come back into the house so Sheriff Forbes can leave. Stefan and Charlie remain seated on the house, Stefan sitting hunched over with his hands on his knees, and Charlie lying back against the arm of the couch, acting as if they're having a conversation to seem normal.
"Thank you for stopping by," Damon says as the two walk to the front door.
"Let me know what you come up with," Sheriff Forbes says as Damon opens the door for her.
"Absolutely," he says as she walks out the door. As soon as the door shuts, Stefan blurs over to him, grabs him by the shirt, and slams him against the door.
"What is wrong with you?" Stefan hisses, and Charlie slowly rises to her feet in case she has to break up another one of her brothers' fights. "You killed somebody?"
"Get off of me," Damon grumbles, and pushes Stefan away. "A – Don't touch me. B- If I had, I wouldn't have been so obvious about it," Damon says before walking away. He narrows his eyes at Charlie when she lets out a loud snort of disbelief. "What?"
"Wouldn't have been so obvious about it?" Charlie asks, rolling her eyes. "Please, you leave bodies all over the place for people to find. You always have."
"Have not," Damon argues, glaring at her.
"Have so," she argues back.
"Have not."
"Have so."
"Have not."
"Have so."
"Have not, infinity," Damon counters, and Charlie glares.
"Have so, infinity squared," she responds, and she sees Stefan shake his head in disbelief at his two siblings out of the corner of her eye.
"It wasn't me this time. There's another vampire in town," Damon says.
"That's impossible," Stefan says, walking into the parlor.
"Obviously not," Damon responds, looking between his two siblings.
"Then who could it be?" Stefan asks.
"Maybe its just someone random, passing through. It happens all the time," Charlie attempts to rationalize the situation.
"Ah, what do we care? We're leaving anyway, right?" Damon asks, smiling slyly at Stefan.
"No, I can't leave now, you know that," Stefan says, and Charlie smiles happily. "How are we supposed to find this person?"
"Let the adults handle this, Stefan," Damon says, and Charlie's happy expression drops slightly. Damon walks off, farther into the house, and Stefan lets out a sigh.
"I have to go talk to Elena," Stefan says, and Charlie nods slightly.
"Have fun," she says with a teasing smirk on her face. Stefan merely rolls his eyes and exits the house. Charlie bounces on the balls of her feet slightly before leaving to find Damon. She finds him as he's walking down the hallway.
"I'll give you a call when I find the other vampire," Damon says, breezing past her, and Charlie watches him with a frown. "What? Your fun. Of course I'm gonna let you help me," he says, and Charlie smiles again.
"You're the best... Well, only in times like this," Charlie says, and Damon rolls his eyes before blurring out of the house.
Its only thirty minutes later when Charlie receives a text from Damon with an address of his whereabouts. Charlie is there in less than a minute. She sees her eldest brother standing in front of the door to a warehouse and she frowns slightly when she sees the compass in his hand.
"How did that work for you?" she asks, utterly confused.
"It didn't. I enlisted the help of your little blonde friend," he says truthfully. "I didn't hurt her," he groans with an eye roll when he sees the angry look on Charlie's face. Damon turns around and opens the door, gesturing for Charlie to follow him, which she does without hesitation. The two siblings walk around the old warehouse for a few moments, and Damon frowns when they find nothing. He's startled when a gunshot sounds loudly close to him. He turns sharply to his sister when he hears her body drop to the ground next to him, and he sees her lying flat on her back with a bullet wound on the side of her forehead, blood slowly leaking out of it. He can see her body already working to push the bullet out of her skull, but Damon can't assist with this because moments later, he's shot several times in the torso.
"I have tons of these wooden bullets, so nothing funky," a familiar voice says to him, and he looks up to see none other than Logan Fell standing there with a gun pointed at him.
"You don't wanna do this, trust me," Damon groans, attempting to sit up from where he lies on the floor. He yells in pain when he's shot in the shoulder.
"That's what you get," Logan says, still pointing the gun at him.
"For what?" Damon groans, and Logan crouches down in front of him.
"You made me like this," Logan says, angrily.
"I killed you, I didn't turn you," Damon says, while pulling bullets out of himself.
"See I know what you, your sister and your brother are. I've been watching the three of you. I knew you'd show up here and I'm glad you did, because I have some questions," Logan says, glancing at Charlie's lifeless body.
"Me first," Damon grits out while reaching over and grabbing Charlie's arm and pulling her closer to him before grabbing the bullet that is already beginning to push its way out of her head, and prying it the rest of the way out. He tosses the bullet to the side before he keeps working on his own wounds.
When Charlie regains consciousness, she groans and presses the tips of her fingers to where she was shot. She feels nothing but the dried blood that dripped into her hair.
"What the hell?" she asks, slowly sitting up and looking around.
"Welcome back," her brother groans next to her. "Now help me get these bullets out of me. There's one a little too close for comfort in my chest."
"Who the hell did this?" Charlie asks, dragging herself closer to Damon and not hesitating to dig her fingers into the wound on his chest and carefully tug the bullet out of him.
"That son of a bitch Logan Fell," Damon says when she tosses the bullet aside. "Don't ask," when she opens her mouth to ask a question. "I have no idea who turned him. He didn't tell me."
"That's typical. Can we kill him? I never liked that guy. Even more so now," Charlie says, a dangerous glint in her green eyes. This makes Damon smirk.
"Sure. We'll enlist Stefan's help. It'll be a family bonding moment I'd be willing to partake in," Damon says when he pulls the last bullet out of himself.
"God, how much did I bleed?" Charlie asks, feeling all the blood crusted in her hair. "Ugh, that's disgusting. And, oh my god, so is that," she says, completely repulsed at the pile of dead bodies not far from where they are.
"Yeah, trust me, I know. Lets get the hell out of here," Damon says, rising to his feet, and Charlie does the same. The two siblings blur out of the warehouse, and back to their home. Upon entering the house, Charlie makes a beeline to her bedroom, and goes into her bathroom. She takes a quick shower, and uses her enhanced speed to redress. She glances at her bedroom door when there's two short knocks on it. "We're going to get him, come on," Damon says shortly, and Charlie grins with excitement.
"I'm way too excited for this. I feel completely insane," she says, sounding slightly worried about herself. After a call from Stefan, telling the two of them that Logan took Caroline, Charlie becomes more determined than before to find him and save her friend's life. After searching for around ten minutes, they find him in an SUV, stopped in an intersection. Before Damon can say anything, Charlie blurs forward and pulls him out of the vehicle, slamming his head into the metal with impressive force before letting him drop to the ground. "Asshole," she mutters, before going around to the other side of the vehicle and gently lifting Caroline's unconscious body out of it.
"Get her out of here," Damon says, before shooting Logan a few times. Charlie doesn't need to be told twice and she blurs away, Caroline safely tucked in her arms. When she's close to the school, she sees Caroline slowly waking up, and she praises whatever higher power is out there when she remembers that Stefan took her car to the school that day. She quickly blurs to her car, and places Caroline in the passenger seat. She gets into the driver's side and grabs the keys from where they're hidden underneath the seat.
"Mm, Charlie?" Caroline asks drowsily after Charlie starts the car.
"Hey, Care," Charlie says quietly with a small smile on her face. "How are you feeling?"
"Ugh, my head is killing me. What happened?" she asks, and Charlie gives her a reassuring smile.
"I'm gonna take you home, and we can get you something for your headache there. Just rest, okay?" Charlie says, avoiding her question completely. Caroline doesn't hesitate to agree in her state of mind. When they reach Caroline's house, Charlie reluctantly wakes her up. When Caroline hardly responds, Charlie knows its safe to physically carry her inside, herself. "Caroline, sweetie, I need you to invite me inside."
"Hmm?" Caroline hums sleepily.
"Invite me inside your house," Charlie says, gently.
"Mm, come inside," Caroline mumbles, and Charlie walks inside the Forbes residence with ease. She walks up the stairs and quickly locates Caroline's bedroom, following where her scent is strongest. Once inside she lays Caroline down on the bed, and takes the shoes off of the sleeping girl before covering her with the blankets on her bed. Charlie finds the bathroom and grabs a bottle of asprin, taking two of the tablets out of the bottle and leaves them on Caroline's bedside table with a bottle of water that she grabbed from the refrigerator.
Charlie sighs as she leaves the Forbes residence and slides back into her car. On the way back to the house, she has to drive past the school, and upon passing, she sees a familiar figure walking down the sidewalk.
Tyler Lockwood.
And he looks upset.
Charlie pulls up next to him and rolls the window down.
"Need a ride?" she asks, smiling at him.
"No," he says, shortly, merely glancing at her before looking straight ahead.
"Its a long walk to your house," Charlie sings to him, and he gives her a slightly creeped out look. "I was at your house for the Founder's Party. Don't give me that look."
Tyler simply drops the look and looks straight ahead.
"I'll let you drive," she says after a moment of silence. "How many people in this town can say they drove an authentic 1970 Chevelle?"
This catches his attention.
"You just gonna ditch me again?" he asks, snidely, and Charlie gives him an apologetic look, before bringing the car to a stop.
"Here," she says, tossing him the keys, which he easily catches, and slides across the car to the passenger seat. Tyler tosses the keys into the air slightly and catches them again before he sighs and gets into the driver's side of the car. "I'm sorry about that by the way," Charlie speaks up after they begin driving. "My family problems have impeccable timing."
"Its fine," Tyler says, before letting out another sigh. "I understand family issues completely."
Charlie has no idea what to say to this, so she simply remains silent. When they pull up to Tyler's large, lavish house, he puts the car in park, but leaves it running.
"Thanks for the ride," Tyler says, looking over at her, and she grins at him.
"Its no problem. I was happy to do it," she assures him. "Think of it as an extension of my apology," she says and Tyler chuckles slightly. He looks at her for a few more moments, before shaking his head.
"Don't freak out, but I've been wanting to do this since I met you," Tyler says, and quickly leans over and presses his lips to hers. He's pleasantly surprised when she readily responds, and places one of her small hands on the side of his face. Soon, the kiss gets a little more heated, and when they pull away from each other, their breathing is slightly labored. "You wanna come inside for a while?" he asks, lowly. Charlie merely responds by reaching over and turning the car off, pocketing her keys, and getting out of the car. Tyler watches her for a slight moment and grins before exiting the car. He walks up behind her as she walks up to his front door, and wraps an arm around her, placing a hand on her hip, leading her into the house.
Once inside, the destination is his bedroom, and when they reach their destination, Tyler shuts the door and pushes her against it. Before he has the chance to initiate anything himself, Charlie reaches up and grabs his face between both of her hands, and pulls him down to her. As the kiss quickly heats up, Tyler reaches down and lifts her shirt over her head, and Charlie pulls his jacket off, before removing his shirt as well.
Tyler runs his hands down her bare sides, only stopping when he gets to her thighs and he lifts her up, her legs immediately wrapping around his waist. Tyler easily carries her to his bed, laying her down once he reaches it, and climbing on top of her.
"You are way too hot for your own good," Tyler growls as his dark eyes roam over her body lustily.
"Shut up and kiss me," Charlie orders with a smirk on her face.
Tyler concedes immediately, this being one order he has no problem following.
Baby, Stay With Me
A Teen Wolf/Vampire Diaries Crossover
Stiles Stilinski/Charlie Salvatore (Yes! Our Charlie!)
Summary: What if Charlotte 'Charlie' Salvatore takes her eldest brother's advice when he tells her to leave Mystic Falls without Stefan? What happens to our favorite she-Salvatore when she heads clear across the country to the small town of Beacon Hills? She gets mixed up in all the Beacon Hills drama, of course. 'Same OC as The Sacred Bond Of Family
New outfits on Polyvore! Link on profile. Go check them out.
NOTE: I will begin answering reviews again in the next chapter. I really wanna get this one out there after such a long wait. I just got a new laptop so count on many more updates!
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