Here's the start of my new Terrorist drabbles & oneshots series, in the same vein as the Romantica Oneshots I started the other day. This series will also feature individual short stories, generally around 1000 words or less.

Egoist is coming!


"Ow, ow, ow!" Shinobu moaned with each step down the corridor to the apartment that he shared with Miyagi. His right hand clutched at the wall while his left squeezed the fabric of his jeans as he tried to bear the pain that was shooting through his broken foot. Leaning his weight on his left leg, he gingerly edged forward his right foot, which was encased in a tight plaster cast.

"Brat, would you stop being so stubborn and just let me help you?!" Miyagi barked. He was hovering around Shinobu, trying to assist his young lover but the boy kept swatting him away and insisting that he could manage. "Stop being a bloody martyr!" he moaned, his annoyance starting to catch up with his anxiety. Shinobu had been crying out with every step from the car park to the corridor.

"We're nearly there, I'm fine!" Shinobu panted, his face contorted with pain.

Miyagi frowned. He'd had enough of watching Shinobu suffer and not being able to help. Darting forward, he quickly unlocked the door to their flat and propped it open with an old brown shoe that had been lying about the entryway.

Then he swiftly returned to Shinobu's side and before the boy could say anything, he grabbed him and swept him up in his arms, carrying him bridal style down the corridor.

"Hey!" Shinobu burst indignantly, but Miyagi's mouth on his silenced him before he could utter another word. He gasped in surprise, but despite the pain in his foot, still moaned happily at the taste of his lover's lips.

Pulling back, Miyagi caught his eye and said,

"This isn't quite how I'd ever envisaged carrying you over the threshold… But still, my job is to look after you and I'm damn well going to do it whether you like it or not!"

Shinobu started to melt under the intensity of Miyagi's unusually romantic words and actions. As they gazed at each other, Miyagi surged forwards, leading Shinobu to their shared home.

Unfortunately, spellbound as he was by the loving and trusting eyes of the boy in his arms, Miyagi temporarily forgot that there was a small step up into the apartment. Tripping, his arms naturally lurched upwards to right his balance and Shinobu plunged forward, his broken foot smacking into the door frame before the rest of him dropped heavily onto the welcome mat just inside the front door.

"OOWW!" he howled, clutching his foot with both hands.

Miyagi merely stared downwards in stunned panic as his sweet lover glared furiously at him.

"Well, that was a record. Didn't expect you to break your word that fast!" Shinobu grunted between gasps of pain.

Miyagi dropped to his knees and slid his arms around Shinobu's middle to help him up.

"I'm so sorry, Shu-chin!" he apologised earnestly.

Shinobu's lips were still pressed firmly together in a mixture of pain and annoyance, but he seemed to appreciate Miyagi's evident remorse. His glare grew very slightly less deadly as he said,

"Yeah, you're gonna be. After that little stunt, you do realise you're going to be my slave until my foot heals, right? And the first thing you can do is get me over to the sofa – safely! I'm also hungry, so can you go get me something to eat. Oh, and I fancy a smoothie, a homemade one, not bought, and I want it with strawberries and melon! We haven't got either of those, so you'll have to go to the shop. While you're there…"

As Shinobu continued with his demands, Miyagi sighed, resolved to his fate of pandering to the little terrorist as his damaged foot slowly healed. It was just a shame that Shinobu had broken his foot, he reflected as he helped the hobbling boy over to the sofa. If only it had been his jaw instead, they could have bandaged Shinobu's mouth shut.

A.N. Hope you enjoyed this first little tale. Expect the next chapter sometime over the weekend :)

Please review!