Mercedes sighed as she rolled over on her bed to comfortably rest on her side. She made an exasperated sound and squeezed her eyes shut as she listened to the voices coming through her phone. "Serena, if you're busy right now we can talk another time, this really isn't that important." She played with a thread that was poking out of her blanket.

"No, no. I'm good. Bella just pulled off her pampers and threw it on the floor, so Amir is taking care of her for me." Her sister laughed, "The child has been psycho for the past week. We've started giving her solid foods and she's morphed into the damn Hulk with the extra carbs or something." Mercedes laughed at the image of her niece and wasn't surprised that she was acting out. She was her sister's child. "So, go over this thing with me again. You've been slightly avoiding Sam because you're not sure if you're dating him out of pity or because you genuinely care about him?"

Mercedes shook her head, "No, I know that I like him a lot. He's amazing, oblivious sometimes but he's great. I don't it just terrifies me that people are thinking these things about us, about me.."

"Fuck them."

Mercedes' eyes flew open at the expressed expletive and she burst out into a laugh. "Serena!"

Her sister joined her in the laughter, "Girl, I'm serious. You think if I let what people thought about me and my weight, I would have the sexy ass man I'm married to, or my beautiful little girl?" Serena scoffed, "I've had so many girls, and I say girls because they sure as hell weren't women, but I've had so many girls side eye me and my little family because in their mind's they don't think I deserve it. Why? Because I'm a big girl. So fuck them. Because I deserve every damn good thing coming my way and so do you." Mercedes sighed and nodded although her sister couldn't see it. "You were so back and forth for months with this little blonde man and now you have him and you're psyching yourself out about some girl who can't even tell if her boyfriend is black or not. Obviously, she's stupid." Mercedes snorted at the comment.

"No no, Sugar didn't mean any harm, she's just not good with words I guess."

"Her name is Sugar, enough said."Serena laughed into the receiver, "But seriously little sis, it doesn't matter if people think what they want to, you and I both know people are not always the brightest and that common sense is not so common. Focus on your man and your feelings about him, don't let others bring you down when you guys are just getting started." She cleared her throat, "I like Sam and so does Amir, hell I think even dad doesn't want to kill him. Don't mess up your happiness over nothing."

Mercedes let out a long breath and rolled on to her back, "You're right."

"Why do you sound surprised?" The sisters laughed, "Now get off this phone and go jump your man. It sounds like the both of you might need it."

"Oh god, please let's not talk about this." Mercedes covered her face with her free hand in embarrassment.

Serena laughed, "Oh whatever, we're sisters, I know exactly what freakiness you must be into. Hell if Bella was napping right now, Amir and I would be doing all kinds of gymnastics in this bed. Sometimes he calls me his own personal Gabby Douglas."

Mercedes made a face, "Ugh Serena!" She laughed just as a knock came at the door, "Well you go and have fun with your Hulk baby, give her twenty kisses from me."

"Alright, I love you bye." Mercedes put the phone down and looked towards the door as the knock sounded again, but instead of waiting for an answer Santana opened the door.

"Hey, I bought some Oreo cookie ice cream." She offered nonchalantly. Mercedes smiled and shook her head.

"Thanks, but I'm okay."

Santana rolled her eyes, "Look...I bought this ice cream for us to share and I really want us to kick back on the couch and eat some. Now, get your voluptuous self out here and pig out with me." She smiled and Mercedes couldn't help but laugh at the very odd offer.

"Jeese, fine. You could just admit that you miss me." She rolled herself out of the bed and followed her out into the living room to find Sam standing there, dressed up, with a single rose in his hand. Her eyes widened as she took in the sight and then looked at Santana.

The taller woman smiled, "Do you like how I said Oreo cookie ice cream as a symbol of your chocolate and his vanilla?" Mercedes laughed and shook her head.

"You're a fool."

"Call me what you want Cedes, but I'm a genius. Now you two have a good time and leave me to my porn." With that she turned on her heels and walked into her bedroom. Mercedes turned her attention over to her boyfriend who looked much better now that his nose had healed, or was at least getting there.

What are you doing here? She signed as they walked towards each other. He wrapped his free arm around her waist and pulled her in for a long kiss. She placed her hand on the side of his neck and pulled him closer to deepen their touch. He gently growled against her mouth before pulling back and handing her the rose.

Well, I feel like we haven't really seen each other for a few days and when we do see each other He paused, It feels a bit, I don't know, different or something.

I'm sorry, She looked at him sheepishly and stood on her tip toes to kiss him, I've just been feeling off, but I'm okay now. He smiled at her and nodded. Thank you for the rose. She looked him over, why are you all dressed up?

Sam grinned, I want to take you out for a nice quiet dinner. He wiggled his eyebrows, See what I did there, it's always a quiet dinner for me. Mercedes rolled her eyes and shook her head, Now go get dressed so that we can enjoy the night together. She nodded in excitement and headed off to her room to find something to wear while Sam crashed on the couch and watched some television. Half an hour or so later, she was finally ready to go. She had thrown on a casual black and white dress with high heels.

Mercedes approached the back of the couch and leaned over her boyfriend so that could press a kiss to his cheek. Her red lipstick stained his fair skin. He turned his head, leaned in, and kissed her lips. They stayed like that for a moment, but then he pulled away and turned off the television. He stood up and looked her over, his eyebrow quirking as he took her in. You look absolutely beautiful.

This old thing? She laughed and pulled on her heavy coat to brave the cool weather. He opened the door and waited for her to grab her purse before they exited the apartment, hand in hand. So, where are we going? She leaned against the elevator wall and looked at him. Sam shrugged and stayed silent, while a mischievous grin played on his lips. Oh come on, you can at least tell me that. He shook his head and gestured for her to step out of the lift once they had reached the ground floor. She pouted, so he leaned in to kiss it away. Mercedes immediately began to smile and then rolled her eyes at herself for being so easily swayed.

They took a taxi to the location, once Sam had shown the driver the address on his phone, and he ran around to her side of the car to let her out. Being the perfect gentleman, he kissed the top of her hand and tucked her arm into the crook of his own. She looked up at the name and realised that he had taken her to a very fancy restaurant. A part of her wondered if Sam could honestly afford to do this. He already had to pay for rent, food, bus fare, his phone and who knew what else. She tried to push the negative thoughts away as he opened the door for her, she was going to do her very best not to spoil the night for herself or for him.

There was a maitre d' waiting at the door to welcome them. She was a tall, skinny, model looking type. "Good evening, do you have reservations?" Sam nodded, typed something into his phone, and handed it over to her. "Ah, Evans for two?" She looked at the couple and smiled before grabbing two menus, "Right this way please." The woman flipped her long brown hair over her shoulder and led them into the dining room which was dimly lit and quite packed. Mercedes had never actually been in a place like this before. It was nice a little bit intimidating but nice. The couple sat down and were handed their menus. "Your waiter will be right with you, please enjoy your night, and if you have any concerns or problems please let me know as I am the manager." Mercedes' eyes widened, she felt a bit bad for assuming that the woman was the attendant.

"Oh, thank you very much." She smiled up at the brunette and Sam did the same. "Wow." She said out loud and Sam smiled at her over his menu.

Fancy right? He grinned proudly.

Mercedes nodded, Yea, you know I would have been really content going to fast food place too you know? I just like food, it doesn't really matter to me where it's coming from. She reached out and touched his hand.

Sam shrugged and pulled his hand back so that he could sign, I know, but you're very special to me and how often do we do things like this? Might as well live a little right? He gave her a reassuring smile and then glanced down at his menu. She guessed that he was right. They did live simply, so if he wanted to spoil them for a night, who was she to stop it? As if on cue, their waiter walked over to them with a bright smile and his clasped behind his back. Sam noticed the shadow of the man looming over the table and looked up.

"Hello, I am Jason and I will be your waiter for the night." He looked at them and then paused, "You two look very nice, is this a first date or special occasion?" Mercedes laughed.

"No, we've been together a few months now. So I guess being together is a special enough occasion." She looked over at Sam who was trying to figure out what was being said between the two. He wants to know if it's our first date.

Oh, did you say no?

Mercedes laughed, Of course I did.

Sam grinned, Ah, I wonder if he would have given us free garlic bread if we said that it was. She made a face at him and looked up at the waiter, who now looked a bit uncomfortable.

"Sorry about that, I was just explaining to him what you had said." The waiter gave her an awkward smile and licked his lips.

He slightly turned his body to face her, his back towards Sam, "Oh, I see. So will you be ordering for the night then? For the both of you I mean." Mercedes glanced over at Sam, "You know considering the circumstances."

She slightly narrowed her eyes, "I'm here to help him in any way that he needs, but he's not an invalid and I'm not his nurse. So you can speak to the both of us." Her lips pursed into a firm line and Sam gave her a look of concern.

The waiter cleared his throat and moved himself so that both people could see him clearly, "Very well then, what may you start with as drinks?" His happy demeanor had completely vanished and was now replaced with a look of indifference.

"I would like a glass of water thank you." She looked at Sam and didn't take her eyes off of him. She needed a way to calm down and looking at him often did it.

Sam lifted his menu up and pointed to an item on the list. The waiter nodded and turned to get their drinks. The blonde could tell that something had occurred between the woman in front of him and the waiter, but he couldn't exactly determine what it was. Babe, what's wrong? Mercedes forced a smile and shook her head.

Nothing at all, I'm just a bit chilly I think. She slightly shivered to show emphasis.

Sam gave her a look, but then nodded. He knew that she wasn't being very honest, but he didn't want to push it. His eyes looked past her and watched as a couple quietly squabbled behind where Mercedes sat. There's a couple behind you that look like they might end up killing each other or something. Turn slowly and look. She did as he suggested and then her eyes widened in excitement when she turned to look back at him.

What are they saying? Sam raised a brow at her, Sam you have a gift of reading lips, we might as well put them to good use today. She laughed and he smirked as he rolled his eyes before he stared at the couple behind her.

She's angry because he's always acting nervous and she thinks that he needs to play it cool before he gives them away. Sam frowned and continued to look as Mercedes' eyes widened even more, the guy is saying that it's not his fault that he's so nervous, he's never done anything illegal before and now that the cops found what they did, they're definitely going to get caught. He doesn't understand why she isn't more nervous since her fingerprints were all over the body. Mercedes gasped and put her hand over her mouth in shock. The woman is telling him to be quiet because his fingerprints were all over the body too so if she's going down, then so is he. He's saying it was self defence and she's saying that it doesn't matter, they're definitely going to serve jail time. His eyebrows shot up, She wants to get a hostage to use as a bargaining chip. She's looking around the restaurant. Sam stared at the couple and then looked at Mercedes, She said what about the woman in the white and black dress...Mercedes whipped her head around quickly to see if the woman was looking at her and found the couple happily sipping on soup, while the man rubbed the top of the woman's hand. She looked back at Sam and saw him smirking at her. She threw her napkin at his face and watched as he laughed.

That's not funny Sam! She signed quickly, but couldn't help but laugh along with him.

Well I don't know what the heck they were saying, they're way too far and it's rude to eavesdrop on other people's conversations. He smiled, He probably forgot that it was her birthday or something. Just then their waiter returned with their drinks and took their orders. When he asked about what kind of salad they wanted, Mercedes ordered a Caesar and Sam asked her to choose the same for him as well. The man returned in eight minutes with their meals and was actually smiling when he handed it to them. "I apologize about my behaviour before, please enjoy your meals." Mercedes forced a small smile and ate the food. Everything was absolutely delicious and for the prices, it better had been. The couple shared their meals and ordered dessert before Sam paid the bill and they left.

Do you want to go to my place or yours for the night? He signed to her in the taxi as the driver waited.

She shrugged, We always go to yours, let's go to mine tonight. Sam smiled.

Okay , tell the driver your address then because I can't remember it. He laughed and she poked him playfully for forgetting where she lived. She told the driver and they headed over to her place to carry out the rest of the night.

They had just made it to her front door when Sam turned the short woman to face him and pressed her up against the wall. He lowered his head and she tilted her face up so that their lips could connect in a deepened kiss as he pressed himself against her. He had been doing his best all night to keep his hands off of her, but now that they were so close to her place he found it difficult. His hands slid up and down her curves before finding their way to her behind. She groaned against the touch and nibbled playfully on his lip before breaking the kiss. She fanned herself with her hand and turned to unlock the door with her key. Excitedly she stepped into the apartment to find a naked Santana lying down on the couch.

"Santana?!" The Latina woman jumped up to a sitting position and stared in slight shock at the woman in front of her. Sam walked into the apartment behind Mercedes. His mind was too far gone to notice his girlfriend's hesitation or the naked woman on the couch. He bent over to untie his shoes as Mercedes stared down at him and Santana did the same, but her look was one of amusement. After getting both shoes off, Sam pushed them to the side, stood up to his full height, saw Santana on the couch, paused for a moment, and then walked out of the apartment with only his socks on. Mercedes ran after the man and threw her coat over his head before leading him back into the apartment where her roommate still sat naked, "What the hell are you doing?"

Santana shrugged and got up. "What I normally do when you go out with trouty face. You normally don't come back home so I walk around naked and do things." Mercedes made a face, "Oh no, I didn't do that on the couch, I mean, I do have some class okay." She shrugged, "But the bathroom on the other hand..."

"Oh hell no, I do not want to know." She pushed her boyfriend quickly through the living room and into her bedroom, closing the door firmly behind them. She pulled the coat off of his head and stared at his bewildered expression. Are you okay?

I'm not sure why I keep seeing my friends naked all of the time. I just want to see you naked, that's all. Is that too much to ask? His eyes were still wide as he signed to her. She laughed and shook her head.

At least it wasn't us this time though. Sam shook his head and laughed before pulling her into a hug. She rubbed his back gently as he walked backwards towards her bed. He sat down and pulled her on to his lap so that she could straddle him.

I kind of lost my, you know what after that, so it might take me a bit to get warmed up again. Mercedes grinned and began kissing his neck, nibbling wherever she could get to.

She pulled back and bit her lip, Feeling a bit better? Sam didn't even bother answering before he pulled his shirt up and over his head in a quick swoop. Mercedes began to laugh as Sam wrapped his arms around her waist and flipped her on to the bed so that they could enjoy the rest of the night, with only their nudity this time around.

A/N: Yay another chapter! Hope you guys enjoyed it. I know that they are shorter, but I'm doing it so I don't have months and months before I update them. So shorter chapters, but more updates. Thank you again for all the support and thank you to those who have stuck around even though I'm horrible with updating it! As always if you have time, I'd love to read some reviews or comments. As always thank you to A.W. for helping me plan out these chapters, and thank you for being patient. Please excuse any spelling errors.