Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon

I know that Gardevoir are protective of their trainers, but this would be going to a whole new level.

My Pokémon journey started out in Littleroot town. I'm just a normal guy; I got my Pokémon and set out on a journey just like any other Pokémon trainer. My first Pokémon was a Treecko. I was excited; I loved my Pokémon like nothing else. But, my Treecko had a bit of a personality. We fought plenty of wild Pokémon and trainers as we made our way to Petalburg city, which was where my father worked as a gym leader. However, on the final road to Petalburg, we lost against a strong trainer and my Treecko got fed up. I was too young to understand, but Treecko didn't want a weak trainer like me. It wanted to be partners with a strong trainer capable of taking it to the top.

I didn't want to go to the top. I wanted to go and have fun with my Pokémon and maybe win some battles. After the trainer left, laughing at me and mocking me for being weak, my Treecko did the unthinkable. When I tried to return it to its Pokéball, it slapped it away and ran off after the stronger trainer. I was left speechless. My new best friend had just ditched me for another trainer. I slumped to the ground less than a mile away from Petalburg.

To my dad, Pokémon and the relationship a trainer has with them is the most important thing in the world. I couldn't face him right after my Pokémon had left me for someone stronger. I started crying, not knowing what to do. That's when I felt something tugging on my shirt. I turned around, expecting someone else to be there to make fun of me, and found a small, white Pokémon with a big green helmet-looking head, that had a large red protrusion sticking out of it. It smiled at me, and put its hand to its mouth. I instantly felt better staring at its cute face. It let out an echoing coo and started hugging me. I picked it up and stood back up, realizing that this Pokémon wanted to help, and that it was perfect for me. I decided not to nickname it, partially because I didn't know whether it was male or female.

I took the Pokémon to my dad and he seemed pleased. He managed to inform me that my Ralts was a female. He believed that this was my first Pokémon, and Treecko was just a distant memory.

But that was all in the past. It's been years since then.

I wake up early. I sit up in the bed I'm sleeping in at the Lavaridge Pokémon center. Lavaridge is a town in the northwestern part of the Hoenn region that's very well known for its hot springs. It's a small town that doesn't see much activity and that's partially why I've been staying here for so long. It's been about two years since I started living here, and I've taken my sweet time on my journey. I started out when I was twelve, and I'm about sixteen now. Like I said, being the best isn't my goal, it's just to have fun and explore with my Pokémon. I've taken a while to get where I'm at now, but I feel like kicking it up a notch. I've decided that today is the day I start heading back to Petalburg, to battle my dad as a gym leader. He told me that in order to fight him, I had to get stronger and obtain a total of four badges before our battle. I don't care how long it takes, but my ultimate goal is to battle and defeat that trainer who my Treecko went off with.

I don't really like Pokéballs too much, and usually just let my Pokémon stay out of them unless we're traveling. I decided not to nickname any of my other Pokémon that I obtained after Ralts, who's recently become a Gardevoir.

Gardevoir looks at me with her serene red eyes from across the room. Suddenly I feel something in my head. It feels like another presence is there. And my mind starts projecting joyful, welcoming thoughts. She's saying good morning.

Ever since Gardevoir became a Gardevoir, her psychic powers have magnified enough to actually invade my head and project her feelings as a way of communication. I don't know what to think about it yet. It's nice, seeing as she can't talk and we have a way of communicating, but it's also strips me of any privacy that my mind would provide me. She can read my thoughts anytime she wants and it's only a matter of time before she finds something really private.

I smile weakly, and try to push her presence out of my head. I don't want her to know, but it is morning, and I've got a little bit of a thing going on down there. Her presence recedes and she levitates over to me and sits on the bed. Being so close, I can really admire her beauty. She never looked this beautiful as a Ralts or Kirlia. But becoming a Gardevoir has given her a very humanoid figure, and look about her. She's very elegant and refined now.

"How long have you been up?" I ask, rubbing my eyes, and yawning. I feel kind of awkward talking to her out loud. It's too bad I don't have psychic powers I could use to ask her mentally.

Pictures of early dawn flash through my head. I'm surprised.

"Why were you up so early?" I ask. Talking to her has made my issue down there soften. She looks down, a little sullen, and then pictures of ghost Pokémon fill my head. At first I don't understand.

"What does a Gengar have to do with anything?" I ask, curious. Another picture of that same Gengar shows up, this time with its eyes red and its arms up, using an attack. I finally get it.

"Oh, you were having nightmares?" I ask. She nods. I frown. "How come?"

Pictures of a Kirlia fill my mind, and then a feeling of remorse and longing overwhelm me. I shake it off, amazed by how much she can influence things in my head. I get it. She misses being a Kirlia. I guess that's normal. She only evolved a few days ago. I move out from under the covers and put my arm around her shoulders. She seems surprised and nervous even.

"It's okay. Being a Gardevoir means you're a lot more powerful, and now we can actually communicate with each other. I think it's great. I really like being able to know what's going through your head." I soothe her, my voice soft and understanding. Her face turns towards mine and feelings of gratitude and relief fill my head. I smile at her and find her smiling back. Something happens then and a feeling of… love starts boiling up inside me. It doesn't feel right though. I can't tell whether it's my own feeling or hers. Who ever's feeling it is, it makes me look at Gardevoir a whole new way. She doesn't look like a Pokémon. She doesn't act like a Pokémon. She acts like a person. The love feeling keeps building and then she puts her arm on my shoulder and my arm falls to her waist so it looks like we're dancing. Her body is so slender. It doesn't seem healthy how skinny she is. Her three pointy fingers grip my shoulder sharply, and it snaps me out of my trance.

"Ow, Gardevoir." I whine a bit, her pointy fingers digging into my skin. She looks at me sternly. Her red eyes seem like they're piercing my soul. She puts images of my hand on her waist and then her hand placed lightly on my shoulder, and then us dancing elegantly into my head. Once she releases me from her psychic grasp she lets off of my shoulder, and her eyes become less serious.

At first, I'm confused again. I don't really understand what she's trying to tell me with that montage. But then, I get it. She wants that for us. She wants us to be closer than before.

"You love me don't you?" I ask, softly, understandingly. Her face lights up with colors I've never seen on her. I smile. She's so cute.

"Okay, well if you want to dance, then let's dance." I suggest, standing up and pulling her up with me. She puts her hand to her mouth and silently giggles. She then shows me mentally a picture of me in my underwear and I look down.

"Oh. Well, maybe I should get dressed first." I say, laughing.

When I'm taking a shower, I think about what I had just found out. My Gardevoir loves me? I could just be reading too much into this, maybe she just means that she loves me in a friend for life kind of way. Or that she loves me like family. There are a lot of different ways to express love. I can't help but wonder if she actually loves me though. If she did, it wouldn't be too much of a surprise. It would be weird though. I mean, I've heard that Gardevoir are protective of their trainers, but this would be going to a whole new level. I start thinking about how it would work between us. I've never heard of a person and Pokémon relationship. I'm sure a lot of people would take offense to that. And speaking of being together, does she even have…parts…that are… compatible with mine?

I turn off the shower and slide open the curtain with a lot on my mind. When I start to step out, I notice Gardevoir sitting on the toilet. She's not using it, just sitting.

"Ahh! Jeez, Gardevoir!" I jump back and cover my junk. I hide behind the curtain. "What are you doing in here?"

She plays back the series of images she did when she was trying to tell me she loved me, and then shows a feeling of longing. She missed me.

"Okay, I get it, you missed me. But couldn't you have waited until I was out of the bathroom?" I ask, still hiding behind the curtain. She looks at me more sternly and plays back the thoughts I was thinking in the shower about us being together as a couple, and then shows the same feeling of longing. That proves it. She wants an actual relationship. I sigh.

"Can we talk about this when I'm not naked?" I ask, nervously. She cocks her head to the side and then shows me a mental picture of myself, naked, with a questioning feeling.

"Yes, I get it, I'm naked." I say, exasperated. She frowns and stands. She plays the questioning feeling again, only more intensely. I get it. She wants to see me naked more. I blush.

"What? Nuh-uh." I shake my head, laughing and glowing red. She frowns harder, and more sadly. She shows me her, moving into the shower with me, lacing in a feeling of desire. I blush more profoundly, and laugh nervously.

"Whoa, slow down, Gardevoir. You just told me today about this feeling you have for me." I explain, nicely, trying not to hurt her feelings. It doesn't work. She frowns angrily and floats out the door. I sigh.

I get out of the shower and start toweling myself off and then check myself out in the mirror. I rub my face, and decide that I should shave. I get the shaving cream and apply liberally. As I'm on the second stroke, the door opens timidly and Gardevoir is nervously opening it. She floats in, closing the door after her.

"Hey, I'm sorry about that." I say immediately. Her face lightens and she floats to my side. She shows me mentally that she's sorry to.

"I just think we should take this kind of slow." I explain. I turn to face her. Her big red eyes look down at the floor and then shoot back up to mine. I can tell she's nervous. Her eyes lock with mine and then that feeling of desire creeps back into my head, only this time, hers is mixed with mine. Her hands move up to my face. My breathing picks up. For a Pokémon, she is so beautiful. Her mouth opens slightly and her eyes close halfway lustfully. Her face moves closer and closer to mine until finally my lips meet with hers.

Not what I was expecting at all. She doesn't taste anything like a person. I can't describe it, but it must have something to do with different chemicals in her saliva. I let my arms wrap around her incredibly tiny waist. I find the taste actually pretty good. When we're kissing like this, it seems like she can't control what she puts into my head. I'm getting a rush of feelings all the way from lust to joy. Her body moves into mine and the large red blade-like protrusion in her chest moves against me. It's pointy and in the way, and keeps our bodies from truly melding together. I don't like it.

We break apart, and I open my eyes slowly. She's got shaving cream all over her face around her lips. I laugh at how cute she looks, and grab a towel. She looks confused as I wipe her face.

"You've got shaving cream on your face from kissing me." I explain. A look of realization strikes her and she blushes. I wipe it all off and then smile. She smiles back. I suddenly realize her chest blade is still stabbing me and back off a little.

"What is this?" I ask softly, looking at her chest. She looks into my eyes and then shows me a mental picture of a human heart. I raise an eyebrow.

"This is your heart?" I ask, surprised. She nods. Slowly, I raise my hand and touch it lightly. It's throbbing very lightly. It's not soft or squishy or bendable. It's solid and hard. Maybe it's a casing for her heart. She blushes as I touch it and inspect it. As I'm there, I realize that she does actually have breasts, which might be why she's blushing. They're small, but there. I look back into her eyes and smile lightly.

"Okay. I better finish shaving." I say lightly. She smiles and lets me go. She blows a kiss as she floats out of the room. I'm left to think as I finish up in the bathroom. However, she can read my mind whenever she wants, so I try really hard not to think of anything weird.

Once I'm finished, I head out to get my clothes from my bag. It's weird, Gardevoir stares at me the entire time, and for the first time since I've had her, I feel awkward walking around in my underwear. She's lying on the bed, her head propped on her elbow. Her long slender legs are visible through her parted dress. It's a little odd seeing as she has no feet, her legs just end in a point. I start getting dressed and then throw my backpack on.

"Well, Gardevoir, we're in for a long walk." I state, clipping the rest of my Pokémon onto my belt. I kept them in their Pokéballs overnight because the room is kind of small, and they've probably got more room in there. Gardevoir gives me a questioning look.

"We're going all the way back to Petalburg to battle my dad." I state. She frowns. She shows me mentally us walking with the seasons changing in the background. I laugh.

"It won't take that long." I say, and hold out my hand. She smiles and her three-fingered hand clasps mine.