Jeremy's POV

It had been almost a week since Kol and I said I love you and we were closer than ever , we were currently sitting on my couch in the living room watching a movie , Kol had his arm around me while I rested my head on his shoulder "this movie is so boring" Kol whined

"Well I like this film so we're watching it unless you can think or something better to do" I said seductively

"I can think of a few things" Kol smirked, I sat up straight with a questioning look on my face

"What exactly are these other things we can do?" I asked he sat up in front of me

"things like this" he said moving his face to my neck leaving a trail of wet kisses on my neck he then moved to my face "and this" he said kissing my cheeks "and let's not forget this" he said before crashing his lips against mine I responded immediately his arms went round my waist as mine made their way round his neck I opened my mouth to let his tongue enter dancing with mine, my hand went down to the collar of his shirt undoing one of the buttons I was about to undo more of then when …

"JEREMY?" we stopped our make out session to see Ric standing in disbelief with a look of shock and disgust on his face

"Oh my god Ric please listen I can explain" I said as I stood up

"Explain what you…and…him….and…THAT!?" he said pointing to us still shocked "What? When? HOW?" he said still freaking out

"Ric calm down and let me explain please" I begged him, he sat in the arm chair as I sat down on the couch next to Kol and entwined our hands together

"Okay please explain to me how you two came to be … this, when did this happen?" he asked politely

"It happened in Denver" I explained I was about to tell the story but Kol beat me to it,

"yeah it started out as two gay guys having some fun (Alaric coughed uncomfortably as Kol explains) but then it turned into something more and as feelings grew the more we fell for each other the more we loved each other and we had a few bumps in the road we were both, well mostly me ,idiots at times but we worked it and now we're closer than ever and I've never been so happy in a thousand years I've finally found my other half he means the world to me" Kol said looking into my eyes with a smile , I was so touched at everything he just said , I looked over at Ric to see he had tears in his eyes

"Sorry please excuse me I just need a minute, what you just said Kol was beautiful but if you ever hurt Jeremy-" he was cut by Kol

"I promise I would never hurt Jeremy in any way possible I give you my word Mr Saltzman. I love Jeremy with all my heart" I felt a tear of happiness roll down my cheek that was the deepest thing I've ever he Kol say

"I love you too" I said before kissing him quickly before we turned our attention back to Alaric, he looked torn between what he should say next until he finally figured out what to say

"Well ... as long as... Jeremy's happy... then I hope you too will be very happy together" he finally managed to say I was about to say something when Kol beat me too it again

"Thank you Alaric, I am most grateful of you to have accepted us, I hope we all can get along" he said putting his hand out for Ric to shake, he was hesitant but he shook Kol's hand

"Thanks Ric it means a lot to me that you can accept us" I smiled at him we all sat there for a moment until Ric tried to ask a question

"So Boys … How long have you both been… out of … the … closet" Ric tried to ask us, we both laughed at his attempt before I spoke up

"Ric its ok to say gay we're not still in the closet, so try to ask your question again" I told him trying to reassure him that he wouldn't offend us

"Ok, so boys how long have you two been openly gay?" he asked confidently, I answered first

"It was before I left for Denver. Things weren't going too well with Bonnie and I thought it was because I could see Anna, that's why I kissed her to see if I was still into her and I realised I wasn't and I realised I didn't feel anything for girls and the more I thought about it the more I realised that I was attracted to guys. I came out just before I left but I never got the chance to tell anyone because of all the drama, so I started telling people when I went to Denver I guess" I explained to Ric

Ric smiled at me "if you had told us that you were gay we wouldn't have looked at you any different you'd still be the same old Jeremy. Although Damon would of cracked a few jokes about you wanting him" he said I laughed at that Damon wasn't terrible looking but he was a dick to me and everyone but my sister.

"What about you Kol? How long have you been out of the closet" Ric asked him nicely

Kol looked down and sighed "It's a long story since I was human. My father wanted me to start courting, all the girls in my village wanted me to be their suitor but I just didn't feel an attraction to any of the girls. I was always looking at guys without realising. The only man in the village that had come out was shunned by the village, I asked him to meet me in private so I could ask why I felt so attracted towards men. He explained about his feelings for men and I realised that how I felt so I came out and started a secret relationship with him" he paused for a moment "until the village elders caught us one day and 'exposed' us to the village and my father found out and then the beatings of shame started" I squeezed his hand reassuringly the memories must still be painful for him

Ric spoke "I'm sorry Kol , no one deserves that especially from their father I can't imagine what it could been like" Ric started to try and comfort Kol but I wasn't paying attention as I'd notice a small scar behind his ear that went all the way down his neck just over an artery,

"Did your Dad give you that scar" I asked then mentally face palmed myself why did ask him that? Was I trying to make him uncomfortable? I'm such an idiot sometimes

"…um ….uh… I'm just going to go lie down…"he told us before rushing upstairs. Ric and I sat there in an uncomfortable silence until Ric spoke up

"Well I'm going to go now; I think Kol needs your shoulder to cry on right now. Jeremy I can see you're obviously very happy right now with what you've got here with Kol, but remember to check up on your sister now and again, though she can't see you she'll still know your there and that you'll always be there for her." I nodded at him and gave him a hug before he left I'd worry about Elena another time, but at the moment I needed to make sure Kol was okay.

I went upstairs to my room to see Kol staring out a window; I slowly walked up to him wrapping my arms around his waist, placing my head in the crook of his neck "I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you" I whispered to him

"it's fine Jer it's just hard , even after a thousand years the memories are still so painful" he choked out I moved myself in front of taking his hands in mine as I looked into his eyes

"If you want you can talk to me about it" I told him reassuringly as I lead him to sit down on the bed he nodded

"It all happened a very long time ago" he said placing his hand on my head showing through the mind


Nobody's POV

Kol was in the woods running deep into the forest to meet his secret boyfriend, he spotted him waiting for him by their tree they always met there, he ran up into his boyfriends arms hugging him tightly, he always loved seeing him as they couldn't be seen together, he loved Aiden he was the only other person that understood him on a deep level of emotion, although he was always scared they would get caught

"Did anyone see you, are you sure you weren't follo-" Aiden placed a finger against his lips to shush him

"Calm down, no one saw me" he placed his hands on either side of Kols face "just relax no will ever know" he said as he leaned in closer to Kol, Kol was nervous he was about to have his first kiss ever and with a man Aiden came closer and slowly his lips descended down onto Kols the kiss was slow but passionate it started to deepen but before it could go any further they heard someone clear their throats the boys turned around to see three of the village elders they bowed before them while the elders just stood there with disgust on their faces, Kol was about to say something when one of them raised their hands to silence them then gestured for them to follow them back to the village in silence .

They walked through the village in silence many people saw them and silently followed behind them, the elders continued to walk until they came to the front of the Mikaelson house. Mikael walked out of his hut instantly bowing at the sight of the elders

"My elders what can I do for you" he asked as he stood up curious as to why they were here and why his youngest son was here looking as if he had done something truly shameful , he thought that the boy was already his biggest shame so there was nothing more the boy could do to bring him shame

"Mikael you know Aiden don't you?" one of the elders asked

He nodded "Yes the boy that has that unfortunately been cursed with the desire for men" he explained the elders nodded

"Yes Mikael and unfortunately it seems the curse has spread …. To your son" Mikael eyes widen in shock as he glanced at his son who was looking down in shame

"WHAT … THAT IS LIE!" Mikael scream in outrage

"What we tell you is true we saw them acting on their desires in the forest only moments ago" the elders explain "keep your boy away from the villagers and you and your entire are to be shunned by the village immediately we don't know how many of you could have been infected by the curse, if you had raised your child to be strong this wouldn't of happened and now he has shamed your entire family including you" Mikael's hands balled into fists but he remained composed and bowed to the elders again before he graciously spoke

"I understand my elders and I'm truly sorry for the trouble my son has caused in the village but don't worry I will take care of it immediately" he said the elders nodded as Mikael walked over to Kol and grabbed him by the arm waiting for the elders to walk away before dragging Kol round to the back of their home. His wife and daughter we in the market and his sons were cleaning the barn out the front so no one would hear them. Mikael let go of Kol and went to light a fire he had been building earlier while Kol stood in fear of what his father would normally Mikael would have smack him by now. Kol gulped down before he hesitantly spoke

"Father I'm deeply sorry please forgive me I never meant for this to happen" Mikael stood up with a large sharp rock in his hand, he angrily walk over to Kol and smacked in the face with the rock, Kol cried out in pain the rock had cut his and there was a large gashing cut going from below his eye to his nose

"YOUR SORRY BOY YOUR SORRY YOU ARE A DISGRACE HOW DARE HAVE THE NERVE TO BE SORRY YOU SHALL NEVERBE FORGIVEN!" Mikael screamed him be punching him in the gut making him hunch over in pain , Mikael walked behind him and kicked him making him fall on his stomach he tried to get up but Mikael his leg and began to crush it with his bare hand before twisting it so it made a horrible snapping sound Kol screamed again as tears sprung from his eyes as it was so painful Mikael looked down at his son on the ground angrier "are those tears coming from your eyes" he jumped on his back and shouted "TEARS ARE FOR THE WEAK" Mikael jumped off his when he started to feel it trying to snap he ripped open the front of Kol's shirt and proceed to slash his sword across his chest it wouldn't kill him but it would draw blood and be very painful , Mikael then turned Kol onto his side and proceeded to deliver sharps bone breaking kicks to his body bruising and possible breaking his ribs and his legs.

He laid Kol who was screaming and crying uncontrollably on his back and went over to the fire where he had left a very long thin piece of metal with a very sharp end that was coated in oil he lit the end on fire and went back over to Kol. Kol saw his father approaching him with the burning metal

"Father what are you doing?" he cried "WHAT ARE DOING?!" he kept screaming as his father got closer his father knelt down beside him and lifted his head up slightly

"Don't call me father you are not my son you shameful waste of space" he viciously spat before jabbing the burning metal into the skin behind Kols ear and slowly dragged it down the side of his neck , Kol was screaming so loud begging for mercy and praying that he would pass out from the pain and he couldn't control the overflowing river that sprang from his eyes, Mikael had just dragged the metal over a vein and was about to drag it across his neck when he heard a scream he looked up to see his wife and daughter standing there looking completely horrified at what they were seeing Mikael quickly pulled the metal out and jumped away from Kol as the two of the ran to him Rebekah knelt down beside him taking his hand in her own whispering it would be okay while Esther walked over to her husband and proceed to shout at him

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE MIKAEL?" she yelled in horror


"I know what he did but that doesn't make him any less our son" she told him

"He is no child of mine, now move so I can teach him a lesson" Mikael tried to move past Esther but she used her magic to give him an aneurysm so he passed out she quickly turned back to know she knelt in front of him placing his head in her lap and examining him

"Rebekah quickly go get your brothers they're in the barn" Rebekah did as she was told and quickly ran off to the barn, Kol was still crying and was probably about to start hyperventilating

"Mother it hurts, please make it stop" he cried out she nodded and placed her hands on either sides of his face

"I will, I'm going to do a spell and it's going to make you sleep and everything will stop hurting" she closed her eyes and recited the spell and he drifted off to sleep, the spell also began to heal him as well.

Soon enough Rebekah came back with Elijah, Finn and Niklaus they went wide eyed in shock but Esther stated giving them all orders before they could say anything "Elijah, Finn take your brother to the his bedroom, Niklaus get clean cloths, towels, blankets and a large bowl of water, Rebekah go and fetch my herbs and bandages then go get Ayanna over here" they all nodded Niklaus and Rebekah ran off to do their jobs while Finn and Elijah were carefully trying to lift Kol up and bring his room to be medically treated .

Flashback over

Jeremy's POV

"Oh My God he actually tried to kill you" Kol just nodded

"Yes, I've got the scar to remind me and I've had a fear of fire since" I could see he was trying to hold back tears

"Come here" I said grabbing him and hugging him tightly, he hugged me back and started sobbing burying his head in my shoulder , I slowly moved to lie under the covers of the bed and rested his head on my chest stoking his hair as he slightly sobbed until we both fell asleep

Middle of the night

Kol's POV

I woke and saw Jeremy cuddled up next to me fast asleep, I smiled at how still peaceful he was to me he would always be that sweet and innocent boy I met in Denver he was so comforting earlier he brought out the human that I thought had died a long time ago, Ayanna was right


I was on my bed with my mother and Ayanna above cleaning my wounds with their herbal mixtures, it stung badly but it was nothing compared to what father did earlier but I still kept squirming and flinching whenever the wet clothes make contacts with my wounds. It was silent as they treat me the silence broke when mother left the room to get clean clothes and a fresh bowl of water.

Ayanna gently turned my head to the side to clean the nasty bloody wound that went from my ear to my neck she silently wiped it clean before gently rubbing in a herbal mixture on it , " That's a very nasty wound boy , it will definitely leave a scar even magic won't help get rid of it" she said , she then grabbed a needle and thread and started to stich up the wound , I lied there quietly letting silent tears trickle down my face , all of a sudden Ayanna stopped and made me sit up and listen to her "Boy don't cry over your fathers harsh words for his pride will never let him accept you, no one in this village will ever understand nor will they accept you either but don't be sad child there will be a man out there that you will love and he shall love you back and accept the way you are you'll won't ever be afraid to be who you really are when you're around him, you just have to wait and be patient cause it will take a long time for you to find him ,just give it time and you will find him ok?" I nodded " good now lie down again so I can stich you up" I did as I was told lying back down I start thinking about this man I hope Ayanna's right I hope I find him someday.

Flashback Over

Ayanna was right it took a thousand years but I finally found that man Jeremy, he was the man Ayanna told me of Jeremy's the one and now I'm finally happy and I know nothing will stop me from being with Jeremy , My Jeremy .