So the awesome Tincho P prompted some jealous!Jake after Ryder made friends with an OC (who would be played by The Glee Project's Michael Weisman). Hopefully this isn't gonna be too long, but this is only the start.

It was a Thursday, and Jake was hanging out with Marley and Ryder, waiting for glee club to start. They were just discussing their plans for the weekend when Finn walked in with a student by his side. They continued the conversation for several more minutes, but it was clear that Ryder had checked out from it. It was weird, Jake thought, because Finn obviously wasn't going to be starting for a couple of minutes yet. But even still, Ryder was watching the two guys carefully.

'Okay, everyone,' Finn called, stopping their conversation short. 'First off, I'd like to introduce Josh. He's new to McKinley and has decided to join glee club. And,' he paused for a moment, clearly confused, 'a whole bunch of other clubs too. So, welcome Josh, have a seat.'

'Thanks, man,' Josh responded. Jake watched as he took a seat down the front, leaving a chair between him and Sam.

Finn nodded once before continuing. 'So, this week, the assignment is duets. Songs you would never normally sing.'

As Finn finished speaking, Marley was grabbing at Jake's arm. 'I have the perfect idea. We should totally do heavy metal.' Jake nodded his agreement, but at the same time, he was watching Ryder. After casting a last look at the two of them, he was making his way down the risers, approaching Josh.

Marley continued speaking, but Jake wasn't really paying attention. He just nodded along in agreement, hoping he wasn't getting himself into too much trouble.

Ryder was introducing himself to Josh now, a wide smile on his face as they shook hands. As he sat down, they began talking animatedly, Josh using excited hand gestures. When he saw Ryder begin to laugh, actually throwing his head back and laughing, Jake decided he'd seen enough. He turned back to Marley.

'So, what song did you want to sing?' she was asking.

Jake shrugged. He really didn't mind, but he was sure that Marley would have an opinion. 'You choose.'

She looked at him, bemused. 'Were you not listening Jake? I just said that I don't know much about the genre. I could only list, like, four bands. So I don't really know of any songs.'

'Should we both go home and research it then? I don't really know either.'

'Sure,' Marley agreed, before leaning over for a kiss. Jake gave her a quick peck, before turning towards Ryder at the sound of his laugh. Why was he having so much fun?

When practise finished, Jake hurried down to Ryder's side. They were going to hang out at Jake's house to work on a project.

He arrived while Ryder was still talking to Josh. 'So, I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?' Jake watched as they did some complicated handshake. They'd known each other for less than an hour, and they already had a secret handshake. It was ridiculous.

'Hey, man,' Jake greeted as Ryder turned around. He clapped Ryder on the back, pulling him into an awkward half hug, carefully watching Josh over Ryder's shoulder. Ryder seemed a bit surprised by the action, but he went with it anyway, hand patting clumsily at Jake's back.

'Ready to go?' he asked. Jake followed him out of the room, out to his car.

On the way to his house, Jake found his curiosity rising. 'So, you and Josh seemed to get on well.'

'Yea,' Ryder agreed, glancing over. 'He's pretty cool. He reckons he's gonna try out for basketball with us.'

'Really?' Originally, when they'd joined the basketball team, it had just been to make up for the loss of glee. But they'd decided to stay anyway, and Jake was glad they had. He enjoyed the chance to have some bro time with Ryder.

Ryder didn't seem to share his same concerns. 'Yea. And he swims, and he's gonna join the jazz band, and the mathletes.'

'He's gonna be busy,' Jake agreed half-heartedly.

'Mm.' They fell silent for a moment, before Ryder continued speaking. 'Hey, I was thinking, would it be cool if I invited Josh to hang out with us over the weekend? It would be a great chance for him to make new friends.'

Jake felt hesitant. 'I dunno. Surely he'll make tonnes of friends in all his clubs? He seems sociable enough.'

'We need to make him feel welcome in New Directions though,' Ryder countered. 'Need to help him make friends with all the club.'

'Is that why you're doing a duet with him?'

Ryder thought for a moment. 'Well, yea, partially. I mean, someone has to offer him the olive branch. But at the same time, there weren't really any other options. It was pretty obvious you were gonna pair up with Marley.'

Jake watched him carefully as he said that, took in the hurt that was written across his face. Sure, it would seem most likely that Ryder was upset about Marley skipping out on him, but Jake's gut told him that it was actually him that Ryder was feeling remiss about.

'You do realise you'll always be my best bud, right?'

Ryder looked across at this, a small smile playing at his face. 'And you'll always be mine.'

Jake couldn't help himself, he had to ask. 'Not matter how awesome Josh turns out to be?'


So I definitely need everyone's input with this. Firstly, can someone suggest a song for Jake and Marley to sing, as I know even less about heavy metal than Marley does? Also any suggestions for what Josh and Ryder sing?

I have a general idea of where this is going, but I'd like suggestions to help me. How drawn out do you want this to be? How long does Jake take to work out his feelings (because he totally has feelings for Ryder)? Does Ryder already reciprocate? Should it be unrequited love? Should Josh get in the way? What should happen about Marley? Would Jake dump her for Ryder? How angsty do you want this fic to be?