Disclaimer: Nada.

Chris was hanging out in his room, enjoying his hot tub and beer. It was one of the few things that he got to do at the playa when everyone else was sleeping or hanging out. Once 8:00pm hit he was a free man and was allowed to do what he pleased. It was part of the perks of being the host, He could host challenges whenever he wanted and he tried to do most of them during the day so he could enjoy "Chris Time."

While Chris was relaxing in his hot tub he heard his cell phone ring and he dreaded answering it. He didn't have many friends who called him so it was either the producers or his mother and he was willing to bet it would be the producers. Chris groaned and got out of his hot tub with water dripping all over the floor and walked over to his nightstand and answered it.

"Chris?" The producer asked when he answered "It's me Claudio."

"Oh, hey." Chris asked. "How are you?"

Yep, Claudio was Chris's boss and the producer who told Chris what to do and yes, Chris hated him.

"I'm doing great." Chris told him. "What amazing thing have I done this time to get this call?"

"The parents are complaining." Claudio told him. "They claim the kids are traumatized and they need therapy! At least 9 parents are requesting that you hire a therapist."

"You mean pay for those kids to discuss their personal issues?" Chris laughed. "I'd rather just let them scream at each other. At least that won't cost me a damn thing."

"Chris, you'll need to hire a therapist." Claudio informed him. "I promised the parents that I would."

"Alright, fine." Chris sighed. "I'll find someone."

Chris hung up the phone and groaned. Claudio told him that he needed to find a therapist. He never said that they had to be a legal therapist! Chris was going to do it free of charge!

Everyone gathered around in the recreational room wondering why Chris and Chef would call them for a meeting at 10:00pm everyone was tired, confused and annoyed. Finally Chris stood in front of the group.

"Chris, why did you call us here?" Gwen yawned. "I have to get up early tomorrow."

"Yeah, I usually hit the gym at 5:00am!" Eva yelled "So, what do you want?"

"I heard that some of you complained to your parents about how I do things around here." Chris glared at them all. "So, your parents want you guys in therapy! So, Chef and I will be seeing you and will be your therapists and you're all going! No choices! Chef and I will divide you all into groups and you will be talking to one of us!"

"That's illegal." Courtney tried to protest

"I don't believe in Therapy." Scott added in.

"Too bad!" Chef yelled. "We're starting tomorrow at 9:00am! sharp!"

"I'm starting with Cameron." Chris sighed. "Chef?"

"Gwen!" Chef pointed at her. "You, Me, 9:00am!"

"Why do I have to go first?" Cameron asked.

"Terrific." Gwen sighed. "I always wanted to express my feelings to Chef..."

Chris and Chef dismissed the contestants and everyone was dreading doing this.

So, each chapter Chris and Chef will each be taking one contestant and talking with them about their feelings and crap. I think it'll be fun. I'm excited for this.