A/N: Sorry for being three days late! Here are our excuses: On Tuesday we forgot. On Wednesday and Thursday the internet refused to work on this virusy computer and we had all sorts of other technical difficulties. We'll still keep the 8 day schedule and pretend that we posted on time so you will hopefully see chapter 15 next Wednesday.

PA/N (post authors' note): Have fun reading!

A curse almost slipped out of Arthur's mouth before he realized where he was. I can't even get swearing right! Bah! He glanced at Matthew. The boy smiled weakly and patted his arm. They were only inches apart still and could easily attempt to get Alfred and Allistor's attention again.

"Thanks, Matthew, but I think-" He stopped himself when he saw Kiku hurriedly rushing over.

"You did a great job! Don't worry, we'll try again," Kiku reassured the fake couple while slipping his camera into the back pocket of his pants. "All is not lost. They'll have to notice you at some point."

"Right!" Matthew said, energized. "We could get in position near that building! Who knows where they'll go so-"

"I'd rather go home," Arthur interrupted. "I don't want to try again today. I feel like I'm about to get a major headache."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Arthur. But this is our only chance! If we can't do it now, when will we? Arthur," Matthew pled, "I think we should try one more time today, at least."

Kiku nodded. "Yes, but if Arthur isn't all right while it happens, won't he not feel as accomplished as when he was in his right mind?"

"Right," said Arthur, jumping at the opportunity. "I don't think we'd even be able to do anything because my headaches are terrible. I can't think or eat or sleep or do anything besides wait for them to go away."

Matthew seemed to see the implications of a second attempt. "Sometimes it's best to quit while you're ahead, I guess."

Arthur smiled and winced, clasping his head. "So we'll go home and maybe later, if I'm feeling better, I'll call you guys so we can make a new rough plan for next time. Sound good?"

Kiku and Matthew agreed and the three parted. It would be best to start making a stronger and better plan to be enacted at any time. After all, they didn't have any way of knowing when the next opportunity would arise.

Fuck, that kid walks fast, Connor thought as he hurried to follow the black haired boy who had just left the park.

Connor had been 'observing' the events at the park all day. Well, not exactly all day because he had woken up late and barely managed to get to the right place.

What is he doing? It's not like he has anywhere to go! Well actually- oh shit, he stopped. Connor slowed himself, almost stopping altogether and pulled on an innocent expression. He glanced around the street to sneakily take a look at Kiku. His feet froze the instant their eyes met.

Then he grinned, an Allistor grin, and his feet melted and started moving again. He moseyed down the street toward Kiku, maintaining their eye contact the whole way. Kiku didn't move an inch.

When Connor was just a few feet away Kiku spoke. Connor could hear the tension in his voice. "Why have you been following me?"

"Woah, cut straight to the chase, don't you?"

"I have pepper spray. We're on a public street. Tell me now."

"What? What makes you think I'd- oh." Kiku threateningly placed a hand in one of his pockets where Connor could clearly see a cylindrical bulge. "Alright, alright. I've been following you for a little bit. Since you turned the last corner. I saw you, your hair stands out you know, and I thought, wow isn't that Arthur's friend? Maybe I should go say hi." He smiled crookedly.

Kiku moved to remove the spray.

"Ah, actually I've been tailing you for quite a while now. Since the park," Connor amended. "No need to use that. It's nasty stuff when it gets right in your eye."

Kiku stopped the action but kept his hand in the pocket. Not amused in the least, he said, "I know you've been stalking me since the park. Stop giving me information I already have and tell me why."

Man, he didn't have to say it so coldly. Connor decided it was best to stop goofing off. He assumed the business-like and openly negotiative posture that convinced too many people to give him one last chance. "I would like to help you get your revenge."

Allistor felt relieved. Literally. It always felt really nice to pee after holding it in for so long. As he returned to the bench where he had left his little Alfred he noticed the boy sitting calmly, almost sullenly on the hard wood, staring down at the ground between his feet. Allistor would have loved to change that sad expression to something a little more erotic, but he was interrupted by a short vibration in his pocket. His phone. He should have remembered to turn it off before leaving for his date. He continued on to Alfred and sat beside him, his left arm snaking around the still unfocused boy's waist.

BUZZ. His phone went off again. It was really beginning to frustrate him. If only to know the identity of his disruptor, he used his unoccupied right hand to remove the device from his pocket and flipped it open. Two new messages. They were both from Gil.

The first one said this: where r u ur late! u were suposed 2 b here 10 mins ago!

The second: also liz said if ur late again ull get the earliest shift so hury up

Allistor groaned. Damn it, I forgot about work! "Alfred, date's over. I gotta go in to work. I forgot I have the afternoon shift today. But don't be disappointed," he soothed, leaning in close to Alfred's face, reaching for his lips. Alfred turned away at the last moment, but Allistor pulled his face back and gave him a goodbye kiss. The usually energetic boy just sat there, unmoving. "As I said, don't be disappointed. We can continue this later." He used a seductive tone that allowed for no misunderstandings as to exactly what he was referring to.

Still Alfred didn't say a word. Shrugging off the sudden unusual behavior, he set off at a leisurely pace toward the café. He was already late and there was nothing he could do about it, so why rush? He'd get there eventually, and it's not like he'd be fired. It was rare that he showed up late for work since he really wanted to keep at least this job. Previous ones hadn't worked out so well.

When he arrived twenty minutes later he started business as usual, punching in, changing, then eventually getting around to taking people's orders. He always took a little longer to get around to waiting on the tables where rude, annoying, or ugly people sat.

Speaking of annoying people, one was standing just inside the door. Roderich didn't seat himself at his usual table. He just stood there with his annoyingly stiff posture and wearing his annoyingly dressy clothes.

"Why don't you sit down? That table over there is open. You should know by now to seat yourself," Allistor pointed out, irked by a combination of the unusual behavior and that one curl on the top of the overly proper man's head that always stood up no matter how slick the rest of his hair was.

The man hesitated before speaking, looking as if he was embarrassed and excited at the same time. "I- I'm waiting for Elizaveta. We're going out." Allistor was slightly surprised, but only because he hadn't imagined the shy man to ever take action on his blatantly obvious crush. Actually, it was probably Elizaveta who had made the first move. That made a lot more sense.

"Wait, Elizaveta, you didn't tell me what you needed to dress so sexy for!" Gilbert called after her as they both emerged from a back room, Elizaveta walking hurriedly in her heels and sleek red dress and Gilbert chasing closely behind. She smiled as she reached Roderich, a sweet smile without malice or mischief that her employees never saw. Then she turned around and tossed a giant ring of keys at Gilbert, who barely kept them from falling to the waxed wooden floor after rocking backward from the initial impact and fumbling with the catch.

"I trust you two to lock up the place tonight. I'm going out and I don't want to be disturbed. Unless something catches on fire, which better not happen. Oh, and forget about the show tonight. Close up just before then. I won't leave you two unsupervised for that. Bye!" She grabbed her date's arm and pulled him through the door, leaving two stunned employees holding a set of keys and the responsibility of a café. She trusted them with that?

"Woah, Gil, those keys weigh almost as much as you do," Allistor announced upon seeing the large bulk of metal sitting in those pale white hands.

Allistor only smirked when Gilbert shot a nasty look at him. In unison they walked back to the middle of the café. The redhead sat down on a bar stool facing the, for the most part, empty tables. He caught Gilbert doing the same out of the corner of his eye.

It was quiet in the café for a moment while Allistor started to space out, gazing out the window as if in a daze. He watched the strangers pass by without a care in the world. Little kids and old people, teenagers and adults. A young woman across the street stopped and pulled out a camera, snapping a few shots of something Allistor couldn't see before returning it to her bag. Foreigner, huh. There isn't anything particularly interesting in this town that a tourist would want to photograph. Heh, photographs. Allistor's mind began to drift elsewhere and the people outside continued to march on with their busy lives.

Allistor felt a painful jab in his side and whipped his head around to discover that it was Gilbert's elbow that had created said pain. "What's with the face you're making, thinking about porn again?" the crimson-eyed male teased. "Or maybe your little boyfriend? Or," although Allistor had turned away and wasn't looking, he could tell that Gilbert had a wicked grin of sorts plastered on his face by the way the tone of his voice changed near the end of his sentence, "or maybe you're thinking of fucking your little boyfriend?"

"Maybe," Allistor brought his face close to Gilbert's, "maybe I'm thinking about fucking you." The ridiculous grin returned to Gilbert's face and he cackled loudly.

"Why would you be thinking about that?" Gilbert breathed. Their faces were so close together, inches apart. He closed his eyes for just a second and continued, "why would you be thinking about me?"

"Shuddup." The redhead kissed him, forcefully, crushing their lips together.

Surprised, Gilbert fell backwards on his stool.

"Don't you run away from me, too," Allistor said, catching him. Allistor laughed and pulled him forwards on the stool. "You're as light as a feather."

Gilbert laughed too and was struck with a wicked idea. He glanced around the café. Good, he thought, only one straggler. He jumped off his stool and walked briskly to the door. There he changed the sign to CLOSED.

"Oi, we still have two hours until closing. What're you doing?"

The albino turned around and approached the lone customer. "Sir, we're closing soon, so…"

The customer glanced up from his nearly empty mug and at Gilbert, then Allistor, then back to Gilbert. He humphed. "Sure, sure."

"What're you doing, Gil?" Allistor repeated, still on the stool.

There was an obvious skip in his step as Gilbert walked up to him. "You're coming over to my place for the night." He rested his hands on Allistor's thighs. "No objections."

"Why would I object to that? It sounds like a sexy idea." Allistor removed Gilbert's hands and got up. "You. You should leave now." He pointed to the customer and then the door. "Get."

"Al, you don't have to be rude! He won't come back if you do that." Not like I wouldn't have done the same thing myself. Oh god, I'd probably slam him down on the bar right now if we were alone…

Allistor gave him the look that said he knew everything Gil was thinking.

"Ya horny kids," the customer coughed, startling them. "I see the way you're lookin' at each other. Don't forget to use a condom. Don't want that AIDS shit."


With that last remark the customer left.

Within moments of the door closing Gilbert was caught in a rough embrace. Allistor had his hands all over Gilbert's back and ass and anything in his reach. He kissed him in that classic Allistor way, with unrestrained lust and ferocity. They were soon pressed up against a sturdy surface, a table, and Gilbert let himself lean against it. Allistor put his hand on the edge of the table to steady himself too and suddenly it gave. The two fell over the overturning furniture with a terrible clang. The noise of the crash echoed throughout the entire café.

The young cook came running through the kitchen doors the moment the noise subsided. The other one too, but he wasn't as hurried.

"Holy fuck. What happened? Are you guys okay?" The young cook almost tripped over himself to help the pair up.

"Oh, you know, the usual. We were trying out a new wrestling move and the table didn't like it so much. Right, Allistor?" Allistor muttered a yep. "And it's no problem, we can get up ourselves."

"Okay," Alejandro said, "but I can at least right the table, no?"

It didn't take Allistor and Gilbert five minutes to clean up and leave the Only. They had given the keys to the other cook, the tall and quiet one, and entrusted him with the duty of locking up. Alejandro had pouted at that but was consoled with the job of punching their cards at the right hour. Sure, it was a little unfair to treat the kid like well, a kid, but that was what he was.

By the time they got in the car their lust had not faded. Gilbert tried not to speed but it was almost impossible not to. The excitement of having Allistor- Allistor who now had a boyfriend- for the night was frightening. I guess it just runs in the family then.

A/N: We almost used the word "sexilicious" but decided not to, although it was a difficult decision. It's not just that it technically not a word (you'll find at least one such made up word in this chapter), it just didn't seem like Allistor would use it. Maybe Gilbo, but not Allistor.

Thanks for reading!