Hello, internet!:) Another chapter is foretold. So, now we have Soundwave captured in the prison cells, and if you recall in the last chapter, Optimus was going to contact Megatron and be all like "Bro, we have your anti- social comm. officer!" and try to get something in return. Things went as planed, and hopefully I'll some more, oh, i don't know um... REVIEWS!

We also had Starscream acting like a total douche bag, Arcee who was hormoney, and most importantly, it was revealed to you ALL of who was giving Megatron the information of that life signature (which is in fact Starscream's, they're just... kind of playing around with him, and teasing him. "Hey, we know who's alive and you don't!" Megatron-"SHUT UP!T_T). That person(s) would of cousre be Miko and Wheeljack.-_- Am i right peoples?

In this chapter, we get a look at STARSCREAM'S POV, and what HE thinks, how he's dealing,, feeling, what he wants, and most importantly, what he's planning. See, Arcee has been all over him, ya know? All moody and stuff? Like one minutes she's, "Starscream I love you so much, I never want to lose you!" and the next, she's like "WHERE THE FRAG WERE YOU! I had NO FRAGGING idea where you were! I HATE YOU!" So... yeah, and we ALL know Starscream can only take so much! lol! So, read and let me know what you think of. AND PLEASE REVIEW! PLEASE!

Anywhos, have fun reading the next chapter, and try to leave more REVIEWS! Oh, and I meant to say... thanks for the 10,000 views!:) You guys are the BEST! Always making my day! Now, read on. By the way, there's a part of the story that's a bit mature, and when the time comes, I would advise you not to read if don't know how a baby is born. The signal'll look like this:


This is just my advice to you. Parents, I am not responsible if your children read this, I did warn them. Now, on with the story.

~Biglover, cause I'm just. that. AWESOME! ;)

The following week, Starscream's POV...

Primus slag it! I am so through with it- THROUGH WITH IT! I am done! Did you hear me? DONE! In the past week, every fragging thing that I do for Arcee, was ALWAYS my fragging fault! Arcee had been nothing but an overly, emotional gli-... femme. Yes, it was indeed I who did this to Arcee, I who did this to her, me, me, me, me, ME! Sometimes, I just want a nice, quiet minute alone... then, the next thing you know, Arcee comes out of nowhere, and begins interrogating me, like where I went, or why id 'left' her!

And strangely enough... I find it pretty sexy! There's nothing like a femme who wants to stay on top! Oh, sure she could be a REAL pain in everyone's aft (mine mostly), but there's something about femme's that makes them have to act as if they rule the world, and they're better than mechs. Not that I'm saying that we are, but...

Anyway, tonight's the big night! It's finally ready! After almost four months of building, painting, and secrets, it's finished! I couldn't wait to surprise my little mate! Maybe now, she'll stop accusing me for once, and actually give me a little credit, and leave me the frag alone. It's one thing to take care of her morning sickness, it's another to have watching me, and demanding to know my where abouts every minute. A little space Primus, is that to much of me to ask for you?

Ratchet keeps warning me of how the next stage will be cravings. The only thing that I'm hoping she'll be craving, is a special, long, slick, part of me, that I enjoy calling Mr. Screamy. Although, the medic also informed me that some time, towards the end of her pregnancy, she'll be horny, till a point where we might not ever leave the berth. IT'S AS IF PRIMUS IS MOCKING ME! I'M JUST WAITING UNTIL THESE STAGES COME!

Arcee has also gotten a bit... thicker around the middle as well. Now, of course I'm not going to say that to her, I'd like to live to see my sparkling grow up, but Ratchet has also had to make her prototype, larger so that it can fit around her. How he was able to that will remain a mystery! The only thing that I just can't stand, is the moods. they're always shifting- sometimes I don't even think she's safe to be around the pets (humans).

Now, as i said before, there is a surprise that has taken weeks to put together! I've had to paint the walls, build objects for the sparklings, and ensure that Arcee is distracted. It's been hell I tell you, hell keeping this from her! No matter how distracted she is, Arcee always seem to know where I am, and where to find me, like there's some homing beacon in my processor. I'm still thinking about having Ratchet check it out. And now, the surprise is finally here! the day when I can (hopefully) make my soulmate so happy, she'll cry. I can already picture it.

"Arcee!" I called. I turn my helm towards Bulkhead. "Is it ready?"

"Yup." he replied.

"What?!" she calls back. My servos begin to heat up, and I can feel myself shake with agonizing anticipation.

"Good. And thank you for your help. I couldn't have built half of the furniture without you."

"Don't mention it, Screamy." Bulkhead said, putting an arm on my shoulder.

"Good, now quickly, before she comes out, go!"

"Right, right."

"WHAT STARSCREAM!" Arcee yelled.

"Come here, my Dear! I have something to show you. It's for the sparkling as well." I return. She emerges from our room, blue optics sparkling. "What is it?" she says, annoyed.

"I have a surprise for you... and the sparkling."

"Which is?"

"Come here." I say, extending my hand to her. She sighs, but takes it nevertheless. I led her into a large room, big enough to fit five aerial jets, placing my servos over her optics. "Starscream, what the pit are you doing" she asks.

"Look." I said, taking my servos off her optics. I can feel over the bond how touched she is. She can't believe it! Arcee looks around, and spots the soft, cozy, electrically warmed, crib. There's a small replica the solar system, and Cybertron, that lights up lucently in he night. I pressed a button, and an old seeker lullaby played, and 'round and 'round the solar system went.

I then led her to the other side of the room, that shows the rocking chair (fr her when she breastfeeds), and another side with various toys. The walls were blue, with clouds over them, and on the ceiling was a painting of this galaxy, and Cybertron's galaxy... along with a few other planets. "You know, they glow in the dark at night." I said.

"Oh, Starscream," Arcee said, embracing me, leaning into my chest. "I can't believe it! It's perfect! Oh, Starscream!" I returned the embrace feeling her weight and breath against me, and kissed my love lightly, but tight on the lips.

"You know, I love you more than anything in this world, correct?" I asked.

"I'm sorry I've been so... well-moody?" I interrupted.

"Yeah, that. It's just... this whole... being locked into the base is killing me! I just want to go outside, and not have someone watching me, like something bad's about to happen." Arcee said. I couldn't help but smile at her mentioning being watched. "You know everyone's watching you, because they care, right?"

"Yeah, but I'm sick and tired of hearing that crap!" she said, making me laugh.

"Oh, heh, heh, I suppose... I can understand where you come from. I know what it's like to be watched as if something bad's about to happen." I said.

"Really? How so?"

"Well, do it because I love you."

"So, because you care about me?"

"Love, care, whatever you want to think of it as."

"Exactly! That's why everyone wants to take care of you! Because they love you, and they care."

"Well, I know, but... space." Arcee told me, making me chuckled again.

"I'll speak to Prime about letting you out of this base. Perhaps we can take a walk somewhere, or go for a flight."

"I don;t know. After what what happened last time?"

"That was almost a year ago!"

"So? There's always next time."

"I don't know."

"I love you."

"Sucking up's not going to work."

"Hmm, well... worth a try I suppose." I said, nibbling her neck cables.

"Oh, Starscream."

"You know," I said, looking up. "our room isn't that far a walk."

"So it's not."

"Indeed." I said, leading her out of the room, and into ours. Arcee ran after me, and tackled me onto the berth, kissing me passionately.


Our servos began hungrily searching our bodies, and our breath became more fierce. Arcee broke the kiss, and nibbled at my neck, and licking my chest. I took off my prototype, revealing my body, and spike. She moved lower and lower, licking my abdomen, and moving dangerously close too my spike. I could her hot glossa wet all around my lower body, and finally onto my spike. that tingling sensation on my spike again, as the feel of her glossa sucked and licked all around my spike.

I groaned and moan, as she sucked the top of it, and my testicles. I could her need growing to, and moved away from her grasp, pulling her onto the berth, and took off her prototype. I touched her breasts, and licked her chest. I could feel over the bond of how much she was enjoying this, and finally slid into her, again and again and again. My pulse grew bigger and bigger, and I could how she was feeling it as well. I finally ejected inside of Arcee, as well as her.

Lubricant slid down our hot, warm bodies as we relaxed, and fell asleep into each other's arms. "I love you." Arcee whispered.

"Not as much as I love you." I replied.

So, how was this for a chapter?;) I finally kept that promise to all of you guys, that I would keep updating! This chapter is dedicated to mu Uncle Chris, who is currently serving in the Air Force. He, and his mate will, I know, one day make the perfect father and mother. Aunt Molly, thans for everything you said.
