Upstairs Alexis and Card were talking well Text talking. Card got the idea once she got Alexis number. It was a fun way of communicating.

Card wrote "Are you going to be my sister?"

"Yes I supposed I should tell you a bit about myself. I am 19 and though I call Kate my Mom. She is only my stepmother. My birth mother lives in LA and she is an actress. I rarely see her. For the longest time it was just me and my Dad. Lately I am finding out I have so many new relatives. Jackson is one I did not know until a few weeks ago. But that is not really true. I was kidnapped and he saved me." Alexis said.

"Kidnapped why?" Card Wrote.

"Well it was a long story but a friend and I were captured coming out a hotel where we had been for the evening at a talk. We were taken to Paris where I briefly escaped. My Dad flew to Paris after I was able to Skype him. I still do not know why I was taken. Anyway My Dad and Jackson met up and freed me though I only heard his voice once before seeing him here at the loft." Alexis said.

"Jackson sounds like an interesting man. He saved me too." Card wrote.

"How did that happen? I mean we knew you were the Daughter and Grand daughter who were not nice people." Alexis said.

"Those are painful memories. It was true my Parent and Grandparent were evil. I had to do something. So I was told to wait for Jackson to arrive and save me. I have been with him ever since." Card wrote.

"So I guess this is much to get used to huh?" Alexis asked.

"Yeah it has been difficult. I never knew how much I did not know. I have been sheltered all my life. I mean when I entered the elevator I did not know what to do. I mean normally I was surrounded by guards who would not let me know where we were going or why. They just did every thing, I am so confused and want to know how to adapt." Caroline wrote starting to cry. She was beginning to feel the effects of all that had happened.

Alexis seeing the distress on the younger girl's face hugged her and talked to her.

"Yeah I know that confused feeling. I felt it strongly once I returned home. It was as if some times I was still back in that cage. Let the emotions out. You are safe and no harm will come to you. Since you do not know what to do I will teach you or Gramps or Dad or Mom or Grams even Jackson will help you. We are all concerned about you." Alexis said.

Hearing those words made Card cry even harder she had never had anyone other than Nanny comfort her certainly not her mother or any of the guards. She felt for the first time something for another person which was not contempt. It felt good crying and have somebody hold her. She had cried so many times so all alone.

"There there Caroline let it all out. Let the loneliness and frustrations and all those dark emotions out. This is a safe place. We all want to help you and love you. We want you to get to know us better and likewise to get to know you better too. Like it or not you have been adopted into the Castle Clan. We protect our own." Alexis stated.

Soon the girl finished crying and moved to wash her face. Alexis stood and watched. Caroline tired from the long flight and overwhelming emotions got ready for bed.

"Would you like a bed time story?" Alexis asked.

"Yes please" Caroline wrote.

"Ok well I am not a good a storyteller as Dad but I will try." Alexis said. "But first I want introduce you to a very special person."

Caroline was wondering who she would be meeting next and in a bed of all places.

Alexis went to her room and found her old pal Monkey Bunky. She Picked him up then brought him to Caroline.

"Caroline this is my best pal Monkey Bunky. He is a great person to snuggle if you get frightened and he is a great person who will listen to you. I want you to have him." Alexis said as she handed the teenager the stuffed monkey.

Caroline accepted and hugged the little creature as Alexis sat down.

"Now where were we? I remember a story." Alexis said.

Alexis then told the story she remembered from her childhood one filled with princesses, Dragons, sharp swords and Dark and White knights. Alexis had barely got started with her tale until Caroline was fast asleep clutching Monkey Bunky to her chest.

Alexis felt so much compassion for her younger foster sister. She stood up and bent over and kissed her forehead.

"There was much to learn but I will help you Caroline" She whispered and she left the room.

Getting down stairs she was getting ready to go to bed herself. She had been up since Grams appeared at 3AM that morning. She got the supplies out for her bandage change then sought out Kate.

She found her with her Dad and Grandfather having some sort of discussion. Kate saw her standing then motioned her to come.

Alexis dutifully came of and everyone stopped speaking. Grabbing the iPad Kate wrote.

"Time for bed? You look tired."

"Yes I am. Would you please do me the honor of changing my dressings?" Alexis asked.

"Yes Alexis come here" Kate wrote.

Alexis sat on the floor while Kate changed her dressing. When she was finished she kissed Alexis on the head.

"Thanks Mom" Alexis said grateful Kate came into their lives.

Jackson aware he was in Alexis' sleeping chair stood and moved away. Rick had gotten out her favorite blankets and draped it over the chair. It was as if she was younger when they built blanket forts. Alexis now in her chair and surrounded by the people she loved fell asleep.

Rick then Jackson and finally Kate each kissed her head and said good night.

Rick and Kate were not happy with the arrangement and Jackson knew it but the discussion was at an end. So he bid them good night and climbed the stairs himself.

Rick swept Kate's feet out from under her and took her to the bath which he had prepared.

Kate eyed him carefully then got undressed and placed herself in the hot steamy waters. She relaxed then Rick joined her.

After a few moments of silence he spoke.

"I know you are upset please tell me what has gotten you so worked up?" Rick asked.

"It is about Sophie can we trust her?" Kate asked.

"I am asking myself the same question Kate. Jackson trusts her. I guess we have to take his word. He has never lied to us." Rick said.

"No he hasn't and that stuff about you never loving me was devastating when she said that." Kate said.

"When did this occur?" Rick said.

"Just before we found the linchpin she was in our bedroom and I was in the office. She said to me that you would leave me as you did to her." Kate said.

"She should have not said that to you. Kate it was her who left me. Another assignment came and she was gone." Rick said. "I think she was jealous of you. You did land the White Whale after all."

"Yes I did and what a fight it was to land you!" Kate said then they kissed.

The bath was over and Kate had to retch again. Finishing they crawled into bed wondering about this new future. It was a dragon free future and they both were happy to be alive. They were finally Out From the Wilderness.