Hello everyone... So a new chapter for all of you... I still can't believe how popular this has gotten.. Thank-you too all of my reveiwers, followers and favourites...

Chapter 10

The Ice Queen

At Naraku's Castle...

I was given my own room at Naraku's place now. He has decided that I will not try to escape from him I suppose. But I have alredy been planning my escape as I had seen the look in Seshomarus's eyes. He had recognized me but I kept that little secret hidden from Naraku. Right now I am siting on my bed counting down the hours until Seshomaru will show up.

Someone knock at the door and I look up to see one of the guards standing there. "Kagaome, Seshomaru has arrived and is waiting in the training room for you."

"Thank-you," I reply. while going through the door and heading over to the training room. I head over to the training room and knock on the door and head in.

"Good-day Seshomaru-sama, how was your trip here?" I ask while nodding my head to him.

"It was good. Now grab your sword and bow and arrows we are going to head outside for a bit to da more training."

I look up and tilt my head to the side before asking him "Has Naraku-sama aloud you?" I ask

"Yes. It is going to be benificial to your training as we can train with the sorounding nature and you can learn to use it to your ability."

"Of course Seshomaru, how far has he aloud me to go?" I ask

"He has aloud me to take you just outside of his barrier for now," I nod my head at him and go to grab the few things he asked me to bring with me."

Once I have all of the needed items I walk over to seshomarus side and follow him out. I study him over and wonder what it would feel like to run my fingers through it. I clench my fingers together and tell myself to stop thinking about it. I have a feeling Naraku can read my thoughts if je wanted to. Once we get to the gates Sehomaru hands over a peice of white paper to the gaurd who reads through it and nods before opening the gates.

We go throug a few of the same training techniques we went through the last time and some new ones before he suggests sitting down for a break.

"So Kags, I seem to have this feeling that we have met somewhere before," He asks me

I look at him and take a deep breath befrore asking "And why is that?"

"Because you have the same scent my brothers wench, but you also have a mix of something else mixed in,"

I look at him studying him for a bit while thining to myself and than I whisper to him "Can I trust you not to tell any of what I say to Naraku or anyone else, Seshomaru." I ask looking at him with pleading eyes.

"Of course," He replies

So sorry this is so late. I will try to work on getting them out sooner as now Have internet at my place and they should probably come faster