AN : So this idea was stuck in my head, I needed to get it out. If you guys want me to go on, review ! I'm french, so sry for the mistakes.

Lydia Martin didn't know why she was in the woods, alone , in the middle of the night, but it was the only idea that came through her mind. She had trouble spleeping since Jackson left. It had been a whole week, and he didn't even bothered to call her. She layed in her bed, every night, and wondered if he was okay, if he had finally found his parents, if he would ever come back. All these questions were still unanswered and she felt like she was falling back to her crazy time once again.

Allison had left Beacon Hill for the summer, so did Stiles, and her mom was always working. She was alone, depressed and lost. Literally lost. These woods were bigger than she expected. But to be honest, she didn't really care. Why go back to an empty house, filled with memories of her former true love ?
She sighed heavily and sat on the cold ground, using a tree to support her tired body. She closed her eyes and listened to the sounds that surrended her. They weren't many, just the wind and a faint howl.

"Wait...A howl ?!"

She shot her eyes opened and looked at the moon. Of course it was full. Stupid her ! She might be sad and lonely, but she didn't have a death wish...

-What are you doing here ?

The familiar voice made her jump and her heart almost stopped in her chest. She tried to hide her relief at the sight of good old Scott McCall and tried to have a casual look on her face, like if it was completely normal for her to be in the woods all by herself on the night of a full moon.

-Isn't it obvious ? She said in her most bitchy tone.

She hoped he would drop it because she didn't have an answer that wouldn't make her look like a total nut jobs, but since nothing seemed to work her way lately, her classmate kept on going with his annoying interrogation.

-Not really, he said with his eyebrows frowned in confusion. Why are you here Lydia ?

She tried to think fast, to made up some plausible story, but she was too tired. She didn't even know why she came here in the first place.

-I'm lost, she said with a childish pout.

He smiled and extended his hand to her. Great, now he had to play the knight in shining armor and she was the damsell in detress. She hated to feel that way. So she pushed his hand away and got up by herself. At least this way she was able to keep some dignity.
She heard another howl and, even if he tried his best to cover it by a light smile, Scott was scared. And when a werewolf is scared, you should too !

-I'll take you home, jump on my back.

She wanted to do some sarcastic comment about a dog giving a piggy back, but she just nodded and did as she was told.

She felt weirdly safe, with her arms around his neck and his own holding firmly her legs around his waist. He was running fast, and the fresh air was slapping her face. It felt good, and she relaxed completly, resting her head in the crock of his neck.

She didn't realize that she had fallen asleep until she felt cold silk sheets instead of strong warm body. She opened her eyes sleepily and saw Scott taking off her right shoe carefully. When he looked at her she closed her eyes quickly, faking to be asleep. When she felt his hand on her other ankle, she opened one eye and studied him quietly. He was kinda cute, taking care of her when he didn't have to. When her shoe was off she pretended to sleep again. She didn't hear anything and she wondered what he was doing. Was he looking at her ?! Creepy...Then she heard light footsteps and her bedroom door opening. Unfortunately for him, her door creaked a lot. She faked waking up and heard him mumble what looked like "shit". She tried not to laugh at the face he was making, but a little chuckle escaped her lips. He turned around and offered a sorry smile.

-I didn't wanted to wake you up...

-It's ok, she answered truthfully.

Because of him she got to sleep a little, and she coudln't be more grateful.


He scratched his eyebrow, obviously uncomfortable, and she thought he looked adorable. She could definitely see what Allison liked in him. He looked like a lost puppy, but he had this other side, very confident. She didn't which one she prefered.

-I'm...I'm gonna go. Good night Lydia.

As he turned to leave, she felt overwhelmed with a wave of panick.

-Wait ! She shouted.

He stopped and faced her again, a confused look on his juvenile features. She knew that she was supposed to say something, but she couln't find the right words. Why the hell did she wanted him to stay ? She just looked at him and he seemed to understand something that she couldn't even explain herself.

-You know what ? The alpha pack might be around, and I'd rather not run into them. Do you mind if I stay here tonight ?

She hid the smile that threatened to appear and just nodded while rolling her eyes, like she was the one making a favor here. And he was nice enough to play along. An akward silence followed. How were they supposed to do ? He couldn't sleep on the floor, she wasn't that much of a bitch. Or maybe she was. But tonight she needed to feel someone next to her and make he feel safe. So she made room for him on the bed and after the initial shocked look he gave her, he took off his shoes and jacket and walked quietly to her. She turned around, facing the opposite direction and waited for him to lie down. When she felt the heat radiating from his body (thanks werewolf genes) she was able to close her eyes and she relaxed, a happy sigh escaping her pouty lips.

-Thank you, she whispered.

-For what ?

She just smiled and let the sound of Scott's steady breath drifted her to sleep.

So, what did you guys think ? Should I write more ? Let me know !