Sakura was in love. Never before had she experienced such a warm and happy feeling in the pit of her stomach. Just thinking about that adventurous brunette boy got her heart racing. She was bursting to tell him all she felt, however fate had other plans for the two lovers.
Sleep overcame the princess. A deep and fitful rest filled with dark silhouettes and empty rooms.
Once awakened, Sakura's love was lost. Replaced instead with indifference, then gratitude, then fond feelings. She'd fallen hard from her perfect pedestal of protection. Her castle crumbled around her leaving her in the dark, desperately searching for the brightness in an ocean of confusion.
She'd never fought during their journey for her memories, even though the burden should have been hers alone. That was until one fateful word when her mettle was finally tested. She broke out of her shell, steeled her courage, and ventured into the unknown armed with her wits, a gun, and the luck of a goddess.
She'd made it back though not without falling hard, and this time to help her up she had no steadying hand of the boy she'd come to love.